List of Livestream Lore/Gameplay Bits


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
And Jay has been confirmed to be using Flash CS3. By other people in the chat. Who probably knew what they are looking at. And why is this so important that I specifically wrote it down before Stunthead takes the spotlight?
You say that like I do it for selfish reasons... You're not completely wrong.
But I like to wait until they're on Youtube before I go through them. The Twitch videos aren't archived forever, so if they get edited slightly before the Youtube upload, it would throw off the timestamps. If people want to help out, though, they could always read the archived Twitch chat and transcribe any questions that were answered there. Those, obviously, aren't included in the Youtube version.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
You say that like I do it for selfish reasons... You're not completely wrong.
But I like to wait until they're on Youtube before I go through them. The Twitch videos aren't archived forever, so if they get edited slightly before the Youtube upload, it would throw off the timestamps. If people want to help out, though, they could always read the archived Twitch chat and transcribe any questions that were answered there. Those, obviously, aren't included in the Youtube version.
How considerate of you Boss. Well, tomorrow, time to go to work finding the gold nuggets in the 2-hour long stream! Good luck!


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
You say that like I do it for selfish reasons... You're not completely wrong.
But I like to wait until they're on Youtube before I go through them. The Twitch videos aren't archived forever, so if they get edited slightly before the Youtube upload, it would throw off the timestamps. If people want to help out, though, they could always read the archived Twitch chat and transcribe any questions that were answered there. Those, obviously, aren't included in the Youtube version.
Huh, yeah we can check the chat (I'll download the whole thing and put it up on dropbox if nobody have anything against it)

Well, it seems I need to copy paste the whole thing by hand, whinch needs the recording running, and me selecting and copying the chat every few minutes as twitch only shows ~5.
Also there is no twitch chat downloader because of "privacy concerns". Huh. That makes me uneasy about putting it up. What kind of privacy concerns can a friggen' public chat can have though?
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Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
So different now from what it seemed.
Time to recap the steam they streamed.
Sorry this took a while. I've been busy, plus my internet didn't want to cooperate so I had to wait an extra day to finish it all.

0:00 - Silly Paprika, rugs go on floor, not on Paka Back-a.
6:35 - Paprika without her back legs looks like some kind of large bird, like an ostrich or something.
10:37 - I'm not an animation enthusiast, but that's actually pretty cool.
13:20 - If anyone ever has reservations about buying this game, just tell them it has an all-loving genki girl with a bouncy chest. That'll get their attention.
15:58 - Personal note, that face reminds me of this face. And this face.
16:22 - The fourth wall cannot save us from Paprika.

1:07 - Smooooth. So smooth. Those tassels will be well worth it, they look great.
3:35 - Imagine if Paprika's fluff left a silhouette of her behind as she ran away, like a cartoony dust-cloud. Then if she runs back on from the same side she just kinda zooms back into her fluff again as if it was never seperate from her in the first place. Maybe that would be too much, but I think it'd be funny.
6:03 - Devs, stop giving yourselves crazy complex stuff to do. I'm not even an animator and I can tell how much of a nightmare that would be. Pretty sure it counts as self-harm at this point.
8:31 - Paprika shows some leg.
8:48 - Paprika shows some... everything else. She's got a skinny neck, huh? Maybe it'll be made bigger later.

2:10 - Evil puppy.
4:42 - Enter cat-dog.
6:59 - Evil gremlin-dog roll.
7:53 - The puppy-abuse in this game is hilarious. Look at that splat dog. It's like a picture of Rekt.
9:13 - Pom's favorite dog.
12:20 - Pom's bell will have sounds, they'll be careful to make sure it's not annoying.
18:31 - Here's where the brutal Pom get-hits are first shown off.
23:56 - Thinking about it, Lauren probably designed these characters without considering how difficult some of them would be to adapt to a fighting game. It may give the devs headaches, but that aspect actually makes it look really cool and unique. Even if these were 2-legged characters, it'd probably still have that quality to it, and it would still look super interesting.
26:16 - See, this is why I like Jay. He tells it like it is.

0:00 - A lovely new 3D background from Lindsay.
4:16 - Ari's stomp is now jump-cancellable. I don't usually mention little mechanic changes like this unless they add a whole new dimension to the gameplay (like the alteration to Velvet's wind that I've listed below), but I can start mentioning them more if people want me to.
8:56 - Velvet can now use the wind to drag enemies back in for more. A zoner with the ability to drag others towards her. I'm scared to see where this goes.
17:58 - Oleander's double jump isn't there for height, it's there for maneuverability and throwing off opponent timing.
25:11 - Arizona eats an apple, and judging by her face, it's the best damn apple in Foenum.
26:35 - Arizona eats an apple 2: The Crouchening.
29:48 - Velvet, not to be outdone by Arizona, also chew-ses to eat an apple.
30:30 - Velvet nom 2: The Crouchening.
32:47 - Dog's favorite Pom. Also, we get see Pom's bell in full colour! Hooray!
38:12 - Flying puppy's grand entrance!
38:43 - I mentioned this in the Backer area, but if you don't want to use the tail, you could always use a propeller hat. Or, as Rich Jammer suggested, a bungie cord that goes up to the top of the screen. Mission Im-pups-ible style.
41:48 - They start going through Pom pallets, including Kindred from League of Legends, Johnny Bravo, and later they show... whoever that is from Zootopia. I haven't seen the movie so I don't know who that is. Can someone explain? I know there's a sheep character in that movie but I've never seen her dressed in orange before.
43:47 - Pom abuse, now in colour!
48:59 - D'aaaw, poor Pom, falling on her face. Most endearing character.
52:01 - Doggy dancing!
52:40 - That poor black Pom. She looks so scared. In fact, I think I found the perfect theme song for this exact moment... (WARNING: NAUGHTY LANGUAGE). Y'know, thinking about it, that song is pretty appropriate for Pom as a character.
1:01:14 - Tianhuo's super is discussed. Sounds like a dash-forward attack that will then drag the opponent down. It'll deal more damage if you start the attack from higher up.
1:02:39 - Tianhuo's theme is brought up. Apparently it's awesome.
1:04:18 - Particle system is shown off. FIRE EVERYWHERE!
1:09:51 - FIRE AND ICE!
1:14:58 - Literally the best thing they've ever done in one of these streams. I don't know why more people aren't talking about this.

I'd be interested to hear what you guys think about these recap posts, actually. What is it that I talk about that you wouldn't mind if I left out? Is there anything I don't bring up that you think I should? Let me know and I can start doing these a little differently in the future.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2016


1:12:30 - Velvet's throw received some visual changes. She freezes the opponents with a touch of her hoof and telekinetically hurls them away. Badass. This is my favorite throw so far.


Keepin' It Stylish
Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
41:48 - They start going through Pom pallets, including Kindred from League of Legends, Johnny Bravo, and later they show... whoever that is from Zootopia. I haven't seen the movie so I don't know who that is. Can someone explain? I know there's a sheep character in that movie but I've never seen her dressed in orange before.
Oh hey, I get to finally use the spoiler tag for actual spoilers! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ZOOTOPIA, DO NOT CLICK THIS SPOILER BOX

Bellwether ends up being the villain. There are two scenes at the end of the movie where she is being led into jail and then sitting in jail, respectively. She is wearing an orange jumpsuit, as tends to be standard clothing in modern prisons in North America. Pom's dogs on this palette are Nick.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand

1:12:30 - Velvet's throw received some visual changes. She freezes the opponents with a touch of her hoof and telekinetically hurls them away. Badass. This is my favorite throw so far.
That was shown off in the backers area already. There's a little bit more to that move that hasn't been added yet.

Oh hey, I get to finally use the spoiler tag for actual spoilers! IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ZOOTOPIA, DO NOT CLICK THIS SPOILER BOX

Bellwether ends up being the villain. There are two scenes at the end of the movie where she is being led into jail and then sitting in jail, respectively. She is wearing an orange jumpsuit, as tends to be standard clothing in modern prisons in North America. Pom's dogs on this palette are Nick.
Ah, I see. I did suspect that, but when I googled for a picture of Bellwether in jail, the only picture of her dressed in orange that I found was... well, let's just say it was distinctly NOT from the movie. Unless I'm completely wrong on what kind of movie it is.


Keepin' It Stylish
Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
Ah, I see. I did suspect that, but when I googled for a picture of Bellwether in jail, the only picture of her dressed in orange that I found was... well, let's just say it was distinctly NOT from the movie. Unless I'm completely wrong on what kind of movie it is.
The outfit is completely PG. I would post an image of it, but since the movie isn't on home release yet, the only images of it are taken from pirated copies of the movie. Just Google search "Bellwether Zootopia jail" and scroll down enough, you'll find it.


sorry for my english! :c
Feb 3, 2016
I don't know if is a little bit, but hey!!! it's a interview to lauren faust and she talk about TFH <3

just here!! :D
Horse News: Interview with Lauren Faust - The Butt Zone, Girls Toys, Video Games, Animals, and Cartoons

and this part with TFH <3

  • HN: With “Thems Fighting Herds”, you can do all the development again, or at least some part of it, but what's different because it's a video game? What came as a surprise to you?

    LF: Yeah, well it came as a learning experience for me, because I'm not super familiar with the world of video games. The only fighting game I'm really familiar with is Street Fighter from 1991 [giggles].
    HN: Well, everyone is!
    LF: From like 100 Million years ago? So I kinda wanted to bring this storytelling and worldbuilding aspect to it, but again there's limitations. My original concept for “why are they fighting?” that was a big question, “why are they fighting with each other?” and the obvious answer for me was “it's a tournament”, but it's not a tournament for trophies, it's a tournament to have the honor of saving the world, and they're all “yeahhh...everything's a tournament, can we think of something else?” And, I didn't know that, I didn't know that everything was a tournament. But really, for me, it's so much more them than me, ya know? I'm doing the character designs, I'm thinking up the world and the characters, but they're making it, and they're the ones that are making it fun, and I don't give any input about how they're fighting, or the animation, or how the moves work, or any of that stuff because I know nothing about it. They know better than me, I would prefer for them to have it than for me to sit around and guess. I'm just trying to bring what I'm good at to the table, to hopefully make it something, a little special.
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Fight me in Skullgirls
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Kinda cute how unfamiliar Lauren is with the world of video games - and all the more appreciated that she does her best to contribute to it with her TFH input.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
There was also some in Babscon, but the only thing I currently remember is Lauren stating she felt so sad for the guys, she offered her help. And probably the C&D happened because Fighting is Magic garnered so much attention.

This video actually made me remember I've never seen the Iron Giant. Heck, I haven't even heard of it until like a year ago.
And the guys have a common dropbox for all the stuff.
Hey, Cam or Oreo, do you have access to it for testing 'n stuff?
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Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Okay, stream's over for, like a minute, so until Stunthead works his magic I shall put two things in.
-Cam camps the stream and starts waaaaaaay too early.
-Pom got killed in horrible ways.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
Guess for some reason mane 6 found a new punching bag...ari I guess can have a break being todays punching bag...I mean pom looked like she had no bones or something and they made her explode multiple times....
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Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
I was actually there for this stream... at first. Then my internet crapped out and I had to stop watching. I also didn't have a chance to watch this stream in advance like I normally do, so I'm going into this recap blind. INTO THE UNKNOWN!

0:00 - The most beautiful artwork the team has given us so far. This had better make it into the Concept Art Backer Reward book.
0:14 - Something tells me that something before it has happened.
1:28 - From this point on they show off some rad art that will likely be used for the Backer Wallpapers.
3:19 - EDGY OLEANDER! EDGYLANDER! (She actually pulls it off well. Unicorns can make anything look cool.
5:49 - PUPPY UPDATE! PUPDATE! Pom's main puppy has been redesigned, and looks like this now. Adorable and scary. Scaredorable.
7:18 - Tian has received finalizations to her character design, and her pose here is AWESOME. So awesome that I'm also going to timestamp the coloured version when it appears.
17: 30 - There she is, in all her firey glory!

3:51 - Wall-stick enters the battle!
9:26 - Juggle decay value depends on what individual attacks are used.
18:50 - New Pom animations!
25:14 - The puppies are going to have their shadows played with a little to help communicate when they're in the background. This'll be especially helpful for the big dog who can sometimes block your path.
43:50 - They want to add taunts in addition to the dancing becuase taunts are silly and give them the chance to animate stuff that wouldn't otherwise be in the game.

2:22 - Time for some Pom pummeling!
5:15 - Springbok! Jay is on my level.
17:40 - Pom has neck troubles. And she continues to have neck troubles until the end of the video.

Not a super huge amount to pinpoint this stream. The unfortunate thing about these stream recaps is that they work best when I have lore to talk about, and lore isn't really a priority in a lot of these streams. They're about showing off the new progress being made on the systems, and those don't really need pinpointing because they'll just be seen again in future streams anyway, so who cares when they first appeared? Anyway, I leave you with this image that really should see more use than it does.

No, I did NOT almost fall asleep several times while making this stream recap. Whoever told you that was LYING!


Keepin' It Stylish
Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
They're about showing off the new progress being made on the systems, and those don't really need pinpointing because they'll just be seen again in future streams anyway, so who cares when they first appeared?
Because things change frequently, and things that are shown may not appear in the retail game. So if they're not archived, then there's no record of how many iterations the game went through.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
EQD put up a little interview with Lauren from BabsCon, ('bout a month ago). Had a little snippet from TFH. They say you guys were fairly quiet. *Looks at devs unapprovingly*

Speaking of adorable little animals, Mane6 has been fairly quiet on Them's Fightin' Herds since the very successful Kickstarter campaign. Has your involvement with the game come to an end for the time being or is there something you've been working on behind the scenes that we can look forward to?

LF: I just did sketches for the splash cards like two days ago. They're still working on it. If they're quiet, it's because they're busy. They're working like crazy and we're always talking a little bit about trying to get out there a little bit more. I know the forums went up and they either just had or are very soon due to do another live stream. I think we're just waiting until we have something super cool to show and everything is still not quite finished enough to share. I bet a million dollars that there's going to be a point where the floodgates open and we'll have plenty to share.

Well, we're definitely going to be looking forward to it, Lauren.

LF: Oh, I'm glad to hear it.

Continuing on with Them's Fightin' Herds, what are your thoughts on creating for other story mediums, like comics or small prose pieces, for you to further explore the world of Fœnum.

LF: That's very much something that we'd like to do, and that we've talked about quite a bit. The funding from the Kickstarter is going to funnel entirely into the game, and if the game does well enough—and generates enough interest that we can bring in more funding to do those sorts of things—we absolutely will. A dream of the group, collectively, is to let it build out even further.

Well here's hoping that Them's Fightin' Herds is a runaway, smash hit.

LF: Well we all hope so.


Twitch Streamer, Amateur Shoutcaster...
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 11, 2016
Slovenia, Ljubljana
EQD put up a little interview with Lauren from BabsCon, ('bout a month ago). Had a little snippet from TFH. They say you guys were fairly quiet. *Looks at devs unapprovingly*
Well besides the forums that's actualy quite true. It's not like this is a big buget AAA title that has lots of advertisement and hype surrounding it.
And when it comes to Lauren's part she has set the foundation by creating the characters and for now her part is done, but when we will be closer to release she will show us her true power with a lore book update and a great story ingame those are my speculations of course.
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Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
I always feel the need to take a nap when watching these streams. It doesn't matter if it's morning, noon or night, I always end up pausing it and sleeping for 15 minutes or so. I watch other videos of similar length that are about way less interesting stuff and I'm able to stay completely awake and alert, but for some reason these streams always make me feel nap-y. They also make me want to feel Nappy ;) but that's neither here nor there. Anyway, time for the recap.

MANE 6 WORK STREAM #7 - June 24
0:00 - Let me just say right off the bat that if you guys are only going to watch one stream, make it this one, because for some reason they decide to explain the basics of a lot of the combat systems here. I won't go over it in this recap because I don't usually cover stuff that hasn't been changed or added, but damn, this stream was very newbie-friendly.
0:01 - CIRCUS AFRO! If you're wondering, those blobs of colour are little groups Jay put on. Well, most of them, the purple one is fart gas. That's why sometimes flames are kinda blue at the bottom. Fart gas.
2:20 - Based on Oreo's request, I will now be noting down changes made, not just new stuff. This is probably slightly old news by now, and this isn't the first time we've seen it, but Tian has had a slight makeover. She's a tad bit cuter than when she started.
3:05 - Tian may be made slightly smaller in the final version of the game. It's tricky, because when she gets all snake-like it's fine, but when she isn't snakey she can be a bit big. They will see how it looks after her idle is added.
18:51 - New Tian pattern options!
25:40 - Awesome sketchy versions of some of Tian's moves, with sketchy fire around them.
26:46 - Jay still has his other job, which he hopes to get more time off of soon. This other job is the reason he doesn't do weekly updates in the Backer area.
28:30 - SNEK

0:06 - The Reindeer stage now has a day version, and it looks gorgeous, don'it? The plan is that each stage will have a day and night version.
3:00 - Yes. Bring Lindsay on. These streams need more Lindsay. Everything needs more Lindsay.
5:24 - All of those training mode options that the team pulls up every once in a while should be available in the final game's training mode.
5:52 - I'm fairly sure he never got around to explaining "Candy." Devs, can you please explain "Candy."
6:38 - Velvet's wind strength has been adjusted (no, this was not another fart joke).
8:53 - "What happens when both characters wind at the same time?" They dance for a bit, then they touch noses and it's so cute that the game crashes.
11:23 - The combo text says "Legal." for 18 hits. Clever. I hope to go through all the flavor text files when the game comes out and see what other jokes they snuck in.
12:24 - Arizona's level 2 removes some of the juggle decay so that she can extend her combo for massive damage. Nifty.
13:49 - Their noses are touching again. If memory serves, this did not go unnoticed by the stream chat.
14:29 - Teching or rolling out of an attack will automatically and instantly empty your juggle decay bar. Returning to neutral will cause it to drain very quickly.
15:19 - The slowdown for Velvet's freeze attack is time-based.
16:17 - No auto-combos in this game.
17:58 - The timing on Oleander's specials has been adjusted, and she has been given the air medium that Bookworm Hoers had in the previous game. Punch moved to air-heavy and old air-heavy moved to command-normal in the air.
19:17 - Oleander's air-fireballs and ground-teleports are now free. Air-teleports still cost magic.
20:14 - Fred: Say it. Out loud. Oleander: Meter-vampire... (This means the magic versions of her attacks will steal meter from opponents).
21:26 - Damn it Jay. The Pom Patrol will not stand for this Pom abuse! ...Mainly because we've all collapsed from laughing at it ourselves, but that's besides the point!
22:36 - Oleander's level 2 will summon our good friend Fred to come wreck shop. Fred adds a few new moves (Direction + Magic) to Oli's roster and will disappear after a short while. He looks like he's tied to Oleander's movement, like Pom's main fighter dog, but his hits are big and slow, like Pom's Mama dog.
25:41 - Pom is done a frighten and does a little dash animation.
32:01 - People are saying that the booty-wigglin' Oleander idle might look good on Paprika. This would be an acceptable turn of events.
34:10 - The different items that Paprika drops will lock out different buttons depending on what they are. (Light attack, Medium, etc).
34:45 - Eventually, Paprika will be able to chose which items she throws out.
38:34 - "Can the puppies eat the apples?" Nobody knows, everybody freaks.
45:51 - Current plan for Pom's level 2 is for the dad dog to join the mom dog in a tag-team. A dog-tag team, if you will.
47:25 - Tian's flying height is now relative to the opponent, to stop her flying out of range of their attacks.
48:57 - Tian's Level 2 is like her combo-tastic Level 1, but ends with her getting an enhanced flight mode. This mode gives her some enhancments to her air-normals. She can also move in the air while doing her attacks, which alllows her to re-position while attacking and makes air combos way easier to perform.
50:37 - You cannot block during flight as Tian, but you can just stop flying.
56:58 - Tian's flight, at the moment, is not tied to her magic meter. It's just tied to her magic button.
1:01:14 - Arizona's stage has had a few updates too. More foliage, more painterly mountains, empty spaces filled, better sky, etc.
1:03:42 - Tian's character theme is played. Like all character themes, this won't be in the game itself, but elements from this theme will be mixed into the stage theme when Tian starts kickin' ungulate arse.

And yes, I did fall asleep during this recap. I wrote that first bit preemptively too, because I knew it was going to happen. Streams; Not Even Once.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2016
I'm surprised that this thread didn't pop up at the top of the page after the stream. Lore-wise, unless I'm remembering wrong, their Santa Claus is a polar bear? This is me waking up after seeing the stream last night.

I laughed because I'm guilty of this too, when there was talk about saving work (every 3 lines of code) whenever you can only to realize the bear statue was being saved for the first time. "I saw you make that from scratch too!" Got to see (WIP) Pom's background with funny rotating windmill. (It's local axes wasn't rotated yet to accoma-I'll stop.)

They're working on a feature when you can make your own combo trial and send them to friends? And it gives statistics on what buttons I messed up on?!

And NPC designs!


Paprika might be losing her somersault attack because of the ridiculous hitbox, and she wasn't as complete as she could be at the time. Slightly sad there was no rutabaga in sight like the image tease had shown.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Back again with another stream, and how nice it is to hear a new(ish) voice. Lindsay was in this one, and she's lovely. There's some quality to her voice and manner-of-speech that makes her really pleasant to listen too. I don't know what it is, but Commander Holly also has it. I hope to hear Lindsay voice-acting in the finished game. So if you're reading this, thank you Lindsay, you almost make up for the fact that this stream borders on 3 hours long. Almost.
(The other devs are cool too.)

MANE 6 WORK STREAM #8 - July 22
0:00 - For a large portion of this part, Lindsay is playing around with this Polar-Bear-Mountain thing.
0:31 - I can't tell what Lindsay says here, but it sounds like she's saying "What are butt?" Just thought I'd share.
2:18 - The early concepts of Velvet's stage were a little more Christmas-y, and the Polar-Mountain stems from their idea of what this world's Santa might be. This is probably not considered canon, but it's the best we've got for now.
5:42 - Lindsay uses Maya 2009 for modeling
5:52 - For those of you who aren't in the Backers area, here's a first look at Pom's stage.
6:24 - Avering says "That's a dope bg Lidsay", Lindsay gives him a name-drop because she's cool like that. I think this is the first time a fan has been name-dropped on stream other than Rich Jammer. This is also why we need somebody to recap the chat. Once that Twitch archive goes down, all the questions answered there will be lost.
6:26 - The Backgrounds are assembled like puppet stages, with little somewhat-3D pop-ups that look kinda silly from the wrong angle.
7:00 - I can't remember if we've seen this background character in colour yet, but there they are.
7:01 - The suggestion to move the lighthouse was made by NeoTensai.
8:59 - If there are any characters in the final game called "Lambert" or "Pipe", this is where the idea originated from. "Rated R for a pipe."
11:57 - Clearly Lindsay has never heard of private browsing. (Yes, that was an easy joke. Shut up.)
15:08 - Backers probably don't need to hold onto their backer email, but it might be handy to keep just in case.
22:39 - Are those Skullgirls sound effects, or are those the meaty custom sound effects that the dev team still haven't shown us? Or have they shown us and I just wasn't paying attention?
27:41 - A more detailed look at the Pom stage. Still being worked on, but at least it has jetpack trees and a happy li'l windmill.
29:37 - Rated R for underage drinking.
32:27 - I'm also a New Zealander, so I approve this message.
36:41 - Lindsay also mourns the loss of the booty-wiggle Oleander idle. Also, she shows off how some of the faux lighting works.
37:32 - DLC and extra stages that aren't tied to characters gets a "Maybe." It depends on time and money.
37:58 - Background characters! Of note, that hunky male reindeer has a note under him that says "Velvet/Non-Velvet fight only?" Here's my theory: That guy is The Blitz, and they plan on having him either only show up when Velvet is fighting (so he can stand in the background all lovey-dovey), or only when Velvet is NOT fighting (because he's shy, or because they want to save his interactions with Velvet for the story mode or something). But that's just a theory. A REIN THEORY!
40:01 - Oleander's stage hasn't been sketched yet, but Lindsay does show off her reference folder.
42:02 - Tough-guy sheep.

0:00 - Showin' off the updated Visual Lobby sprites (which are already being used as emotes on these very forums! :Pom:) There are also some in-progress Arizona stage visual lobby ground textures visable.
7:08 - The tiniest ice-sprite in the world. Also, check out Ari's sunglasses.
7:50 - Ari is called Cow, Lindsay expresses awareness of the bingo list. We're being watched guys.
13:03 - They don't have to stick to the tile system 100%, but it saves them a lot of work. If they want something more detailed, they'll do it.
14:38 - "Hey Bro"
17:17 - They use a thing called "Normal Maps" which they may use on certain parts of the visual lobby stages. It lights up different parts of the texture depending on where the light is coming from, making everything feel a little more 3D.
18:39 - If you somehow managed to miss that video about the Visual Lobby that they have on their channel, Nappy gives a quick rundown of what it is here.
20:02 - More pixel art is shown off, including a happy little ice sprite, a dog, and a batman mask item.
21:07 - HURRICANE OF SILLY HATS! Also, some shadowy hunter creature sprites! Spooky! Some of them look like they're asleep. Perhaps sneaking past sleeping enemies will be a part of this game. Or maybe a defeated enemy is knocked out and goes to that "sleep" mode.
26:13 - Jay presents a rough idea for how to increase the medium depth on the Arizona stage. It looks good, but I worry that Tian is going to concuss herself on it if she flies too high.
31:11 - Tian model is shown off, they show her in a couple of new poses and there's a few brief glimpses of flame animation.
32:51 - Creepy head turn.
34:27 - Sneky neck.
35:08 - A lot of Tian will probably be hand animated because she's so snek.
35:54 - Majestic launcher animation test frames.
37:37 - Tian's wings aren't always on. They'll be on during certain attacks and when flying, but when crouching they're just little buds and sometimes they'll be turned off completely.

0:00 - Now we get to see Pom's stage in-game.
2:20 - Fred can attack from the opposite side of the screen by punching through a portal. Show-off.
4:51 - Some of Oleander's attacks involve Fred sticking an appendage out of the book. If Fred is summoned out of the book by Oleander's Level 2, these attacks will be given different animations (though they will be functionally identical).
6:01 - Coming out of every...
6:27 - Triox is name dropped (I think that's the same guy). That fad caught on quick. Have they always done this and I just didn't notice?
7:10 - Again with the Pombuse. I guess if Lindsay is okay with it, so am I. Pom's new walk animations are also shown off, and they're adorable.
10:27 - Triox is name dropped again, the lucky sod. He asks if they're going to patch out unblockables and fake cross-ups. They answer that only truely game-breaking things will be looked at right away. For smaller things, sometimes with enough time the meta will change enough to counter on its own.
11:45 - The QA team recently took a build of TFH to their hotel room at EVO and got some secret feebdack and playtesting. They got some cool feebdack that they're sifting through now. Lots of footage to look through.
14:20 - Paprika's cartwheel ability is being looked at. It's too big an animation and it doesn't quite fit her as a character, so it'll be replaced. One cartwheel has already been replaced with an adorable doggy-roll.
15:20 - Only the heavy "cartwheel" move is overhead. The other two versions are safer.
15:53 - Paprika's grab is a lovely hug. It doesn't do damage, but it can be followed up with the air-unblockable to really pester the opponent.
18:03 - Paprika just wants to give ya a li'l kissy kiss. Her kiss move is a command grab that stumbles the opponent.
19:17 - Paprika's heavy cartwheel might be changed to a trust fall.
22:16 - A feature is being put in that allows players to record and share their own combo trials. It's demonstrated in length here.
24:03 - As you do the things listed in the trial, the steps will be "circled out." If you mess up, it will reset. A percentage will be displayed next to the moves you mess up on to tell you how often you mess up on that move. It also shows the amount of frames waited before the next move was linked in the recording to help guide the player, and if the opponent teched, that's displayed too.
28:36 - "Yeah, we don't have kicks or anything like that" said the fighting designer of the game with 4 legs per character.
38:19 - "Fred is pretty Anime."
44:26 - There probably won't be mics in lobbies.
47:25 - Aaaand Triox with the name drop trifecta.
48:12 - Make that a superfecta.
48:53 - The flight/unflight, right now, doesn't have a state with any frames in it. It's between 0 frames and 4 frames until they get the animation in.
52:49 - Not the sort of stuff I usually cover in these, but Jay tells an anecdote about how friends of his who knew nothing of the game or Lawyer Friendly Equines still recognised it as a Lawyer Friendly Equines game.
53:21 - New drinking game. Next stream Lindsay is on, drink every time she describes something as being "so cute."
43:44 - Beta version will likely be about a month before actual release.
56:40 - Jay spitballs the idea of having battles bigger than 1v1 as a modifier mode, but the game isn't built for it so things will stay 1v1 for now. They plan to have modifiers in some capacity in the final game.
57:37 - Top priority for additional content will be more characters. That's what will make the game last.
59:07 - New name drop! Eric! I don't know who that is, but good on you, Eric!
59:29 - Jay name drops Cam, but he's a staff member so I feel like that doesn't count.
1:02:16 - And then the stream was memes. Bacisally, no memes in this game because memes date games. They have their own memes they can use, they don't need to reference others.
1:16:05 - Again, this is why we need someone to recap the chat. If someone wants to go check what questions Cam is answering at this point before the videos are taken off Twitch, that would be great, because I don't have time to do these stream recaps and check the stream chat.
1:16:09 - Yes Lindsay, it was Neo that suggested you move the lighthouse. Another name drop, huzzah!
1:17:05 - Nappy pulls off a crazy combo perfectly as soon as he starts recording. In one try. Impressive. We also get to see some secret move names.
1:17:45 - LockeRobster gets a name drop. Onya, buddy. The question is whether the backgrounds will be used as wallpapers. Yes, but not until the backgrounds are done.
1:20:42 - Damn it Triox, gettin' name dropped all over the place.
1:21:31 - Iamhawz gets a name drop. To answer their question, the smoke will be polished up in the final version. Perhaps not personalized for each character, but at the very least more polished than it is now.
1:22:53 - Giant waterfall stage from concept art is... probably going to be used. Training stage will probably be a very basic looking stage. Maybe set in The Hold?
1:26:13 - Paprika's stage might be some ancient ruins that the Alpake are taking refuge in.
1:28:35 - Apparently Anu wanted a floating island in someone's stage.
1:31:29 - That kind of stream sounds like torture to recap. Eh, who am I kidding, I'd still do it.
1:34:21 - Any inside backgrounds? Maybe. Lindsay suggested Tianhuo's stage might be an indoor theatre.

I didn't fall asleep during this stream recap for once! Must be the magic of Lindsay. Unfortunately, it's now edging on 3:00am for me and not falling asleep is exactly what I didn't want. Oh well. See you next time.
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Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
.... I think this is the first time a fan has been name-dropped on stream other than Rich Jammer...
I don't think I've been ever name dropped on stream before. Also, don't drop it or you'll break it.
Also, Songhacker, the Foenatic's dear leader, has been name dropped before if my memory serves me right.

7:50 - Ari is called Cow, Lindsay expresses awareness of the bingo list. We're being watched guys.
Dang, I must've been really sick, cause I don't remember this. I would have been screaming "BINGO!" for no reason.
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Twitch Streamer, Amateur Shoutcaster...
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 11, 2016
Slovenia, Ljubljana
I don't think I've been ever name dropped on stream before.
Actualy you did name drop but you missed that workstream, when people were asking about where you are and Jay explaning that you were a staple watcher that provided the chat with equine related puns. Then others tried stepping up to the legend himself :p.

Back again with another stream, and how nice it is to hear a new(ish) voice. Lindsay was in this one, and she's lovely. There's some quality to her voice and manner-of-speech that makes her really pleasant to listen too. I don't know what it is, but Commander Holly also has it. I hope to hear Lindsay voice-acting in the finished game. So if you're reading this, thank you Lindsay, you almost make up for the fact that this stream borders on 3 hours long. Almost.
(The other devs are cool too.)

MANE 6 WORK STREAM #8 - July 22
0:00 - For a large portion of this part, Lindsay is playing around with this Polar-Bear-Mountain thing.
0:31 - I can't tell what Lindsay says here, but it sounds like she's saying "What are butt?" Just thought I'd share.
2:18 - The early concepts of Velvet's stage where a little more Christmas-y, and the Polar-Mountain stems from their idea of what this world's Santa might be. This is probably not considered canon, but it's the best we've got for now.
5:42 - Lindsay uses Maya 2009 for modeling
5:52 - For those of you who aren't in the Backers area, here's a first look at Pom's stage.
6:24 - Avering says "That's a dope bg Lidsay", Lindsay gives him a name-drop because she's cool like that. I think this is the first time a fan has been name-dropped on stream other than Rich Jammer. This is also why we need somebody to recap the chat. Once that Twitch archive goes down, all the questions answered there will be lost.
6:26 - The Backgrounds are assembled like puppet stages, with little somewhat-3D pop-ups that look kinda silly from the wrong angle.
7:00 - I can't remember if we've seen this background character in colour yet, but there they are.
7:01 - The suggestion to move the lighthouse was made by NeoTensai.
8:59 - If there are any characters in the final game called "Lambert" or "Pipe", this is where the idea originated from. "Rated R for a pipe."
11:57 - Clearly Lindsay has never heard of private browsing. (Yes, that was an easy joke. Shut up.)
15:08 - Backers probably don't need to hold onto their backer email, but it might be handy to keep just in case.
22:39 - Are those Skullgirls sound effects, or are those the meaty custom sound effects that the dev team still haven't shown us? Or have they shown us and I just wasn't paying attention?
27:41 - A more detailed look at the Pom stage. Still being worked on, but at least it has jetpack trees and a happy li'l windmill.
29:37 - Rated R for underage drinking.
32:27 - I'm also a New Zealander, so I approve this message.
36:41 - Lindsay also mourns the loss of the booty-wiggle Oleander idle. Also, she shows off how some of the faux lighting works.
37:32 - DLC and extra stages that aren't tied to characters gets a "Maybe." It depends on time and money.
37:58 - Background characters! Of note, that hunky male reindeer has a note under him that says "Velvet/Non-Velvet fight only?" Here's my theory: That guy is The Blitz, and they plan on having him either only show up when Velvet is fighting (so he can stand in the background all lovey-dovey), or only when Velvet is NOT fighting (because he's shy, or because they want to save his interactions with Velvet for the story mode or something). But that's just a theory. A REIN THEORY!
40:01 - Oleander's stage hasn't been sketched yet, but Lindsay does show off her reference folder.
42:02 - Tough-guy sheep.

0:00 - Showin' off the updated Visual Lobby sprites (which are already being used as emotes on these very forums! :Pom:) There are also some in-progress Arizona stage visual lobby ground textures visable.
7:08 - The tiniest ice-sprite in the world. Also, check out Ari's sunglasses.
7:50 - Ari is called Cow, Lindsay expresses awareness of the bingo list. We're being watched guys.
13:03 - They don't have to stick to the tile system 100%, but it saves them a lot of work. If they want something more detailed, they'll do it.
14:38 - "Hey Bro"
17:17 - They use a thing called "Normal Maps" which they may use on certain parts of the visual lobby stages. It lights up different parts of the texture depending on where the light is coming from, making everything feel a little more 3D.
18:39 - If you somehow managed to miss that video about the Visual Lobby that they have on their channel, Nappy gives a quick rundown of what it is here.
20:02 - More pixel art is shown off, including a happy little ice sprite, a dog, and a batman mask item.
21:07 - HURRICANE OF SILLY HATS! Also, some shadowy hunter creature sprites! Spooky! Some of them look like they're asleep. Perhaps sneaking past sleeping enemies will be a part of this game. Or maybe a defeated enemy is knocked out and goes to that "sleep" mode.
26:13 - Jay presents a rough idea for how to increase the medium depth on the Arizona stage. It looks good, but I worry that Tian is going to concuss herself on it if she flies too high.
31:11 - Tian model is shown off, they show her in a couple of new poses and there's a few brief glimpses of flame animation.
32:51 - Creepy head turn.
34:27 - Sneky neck.
35:08 - A lot of Tian will probably be hand animated because she's so snek.
35:54 - Majestic launcher animation test frames.
37:37 - Tian's wings aren't always on. They'll be on during certain attacks and when flying, but when crouching they're just little buds and sometimes they'll be turned off completely.

0:00 - Now we get to see Pom's stage in-game.
2:20 - Fred can attack from the opposite side of the screen by punching through a portal. Show-off.
4:51 - Some of Oleander's attacks involve Fred sticking an appendage out of the book. If Fred is summoned out of the book by Oleander's Level 2, these attacks will be given different animations (though they will be functionally identical).
6:01 - Coming out of every...
6:27 - Triox is name dropped (I think that's the same guy). That fad caught on quick. Have they always done this and I just didn't notice?
7:10 - Again with the Pombuse. I guess if Lindsay is okay with it, so am I. Pom's new walk animations are also shown off, and they're adorable.
10:27 - Triox is name dropped again, the lucky sod. He asks if they're going to patch out unblockables and fake cross-ups. They answer that only truely game-breaking things will be looked at right away. For smaller things, sometimes with enough time the meta will change enough to counter on its own.
11:45 - The QA team recently took a build of TFH to their hotel room at EVO and got some secret feebdack and playtesting. They got some cool feebdack that they're sifting through now. Lots of footage to look through.
14:20 - Paprika's cartwheel ability is being looked at. It's too big an animation and it doesn't quite fit her as a character, so it'll be replaced. One cartwheel has already been replaced with an adorable doggy-roll.
15:20 - Only the heavy "cartwheel" move is overhead. The other two versions are safer.
15:53 - Paprika's grab is a lovely hug. It doesn't do damage, but it can be followed up with the air-unblockable to really pester the opponent.
18:03 - Paprika just wants to give ya a li'l kissy kiss. Her kiss move is a command grab that stumbles the opponent.
19:17 - Paprika's heavy cartwheel might be changed to a trust fall.
22:16 - A feature is being put in that allows players to record and share their own combo trials. It's demonstrated in length here.
24:03 - As you do the things listed in the trial, the steps will be "circled out." If you mess up, it will reset. A percentage will be displayed next to the moves you mess up on to tell you how often you mess up on that move. It also shows the amount of frames waited before the next move was linked in the recording to help guide the player, and if the opponent teched, that's displayed too.
28:36 - "Yeah, we don't have kicks or anything like that" said the fighting designer of the game with 4 legs per character.
38:19 - "Fred is pretty Anime."
44:26 - There probably won't be mics in lobbies.
47:25 - Aaaand Triox with the name drop trifecta.
48:12 - Make that a superfecta.
48:53 - The flight/unflight, right now, doesn't have a state with any frames in it. It's between 0 frames and 4 frames until they get the animation in.
52:49 - Not the sort of stuff I usually cover in these, but Jay tells an anecdote about how friends of his who knew nothing of the game or Lawyer Friendly Equines still recognised it as an Lawyer Friendly Equines game.
53:21 - New drinking game. Next stream Lindsay is on, drink every time she describes something as being "so cute."
43:44 - Beta version will likely be about a month before actual release.
56:40 - Jay spitballs the idea of having battles bigger than 1v1 as a modifier mode, but the game isn't built for it so things will stay 1v1 for now. They plan to have modifiers in some capacity in the final game.
57:37 - Top priority for additional content will be more characters. That's what will make the game last.
59:07 - New name drop! Eric! I don't know who that is, but good on you, Eric!
59:29 - Jay name drops Cam, but he's a staff member so I feel like that doesn't count.
1:02:16 - And then the stream was memes. Bacisally, no memes in this game because memes date games. They have their own memes they can use, they don't need to reference others.
1:16:05 - Again, this is why we need someone to recap the chat. If someone wants to go check what questions Cam is answering at this point before the videos are taken off Twitch, that would be great, because I don't have time to do these stream recaps and check the stream chat.
1:16:09 - Yes Lindsay, it was Neo that suggested you move the lighthouse. Another name drop, huzzah!
1:17:05 - Nappy pulls off a crazy combo perfectly as soon as he starts recording. In one try. Impressive. We also get to see some
1:17:45 - LockeRobster gets a name drop. Onya, buddy. The question is whether the backgrounds will be used as wallpapers. Yes, but not until the backgrounds are done.
1:20:42 - Damn it Triox, gettin' name dropped all over the place.
1:21:31 - Iamhawz gets a name drop. To answer their question, the smoke will be polished up in the final version. Perhaps not personalized for each character, but at the very least more polished than it is now.
1:22:53 - Giant waterfall stage from concept art is... probably going to be used. Training stage will probably be a very basic looking stage. Maybe set in The Hold?
1:26:13 - Paprika's stage might be some ancient ruins that the Alpake are taking refuge in.
1:28:35 - Apparently Anu wanted a floating island in someone's stage.
1:31:29 - That kind of stream sounds like torture to recap. Eh, who am I kidding, I'd still do it.
1:34:21 - Any inside backgrounds? Maybe. Lindsay suggested Tianhuo's stage might be an indoor theatre.

I didn't fall asleep during this stream recap for once! Must be the magic of Lindsay. Unfortunately, it's now edging on 3:00am for me and not falling asleep is exactly what I didn't want. Oh well. See you next time.
I can't belive I missed Lindsay's part of the stream, I am so salty about that. Friday was a busy day. I had to help with the local fighting tournament setup and I missed the first hour of the stream. That is also why I get name dropped twice because I asked Lindsay about the lighthouse :p. When I rewatched the first part of the stream I was amazed to hear my name drop with a visual aid on how. Btw I can't say for sure about Triox, but I am almost 100% sure that there is a professional fighting game player backing TFH and that is SonicFox.
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Keepin' It Stylish
Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
11:45 - The QA team recently took a build of TFH to their hotel room at EVO and got some secret feebdack and playtesting. They got some cool feebdack that they're sifting through now. Lots of footage to look through.
I am almost 100% sure that there is a professional fighting game player backing TFH and that is SonicFox.
Photo Jul 15, 10 56 05 PM.jpg


Three Worn Words
Mane6 Developer
Feb 2, 2016
Once that Twitch archive goes down, all the questions answered there will be lost.
Highlights come with chat replay and are saved indefinitely, if I remember right.

, Lindsay expresses awareness of the bingo list. We're being watched guys.
I was filling it up, but had to bail out early due to medical emergencies, so I dunno what was said after, or which squares got filled.


1:28:35 - Apparently Anu wanted a floating island in someone's stage.
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester

If I do this again, I need to make it harder.

Actualy you did name drop but you missed that workstream, when people were asking about where you are and Jay explaning that you were a staple watcher that provided the chat with equine related puns.
I watched it on youtube and I don't remember. So I'll have to say citation needed.

Also, Oh great, now I'm the pun guy. Now you all expect it from me. Hey, I ain't no one trick pony. And this ain't no one horse town of punsters. There's more people punnier than me.
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Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester

I could have sworn we've shown this palette before. @Anukan, have we not shown this palette before?
Sorry, this was just a joke that fell flat (like all my jokes). I wanted to convey that I was gonna analyse SonicFox but then at the last minute I change it to something else.
I am well aware I was wrong.
Also, you guys probably did show this palette before.
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