*Muffled sheep bah-ing in distance*
There's a lot in this one. It's cool, it's not like I had anything else to do... like sleep...
0:00 - ooooOOOOH SHEEP, BOYS! This one's got Lauren in it!
1:12 - Oleander's accent hasn't been given much thought. She just kinda sounds like the everygirl in order to contrast the Order of the Horn. At this point, they'll work with what the VA gives them
, like they did with Eduardo from
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Also, Velvet's accent is vague. For all intents and purposes, it's just a "Rein" accent.
5:18 - Technology in Foenum is pre-electricity, probably pre-gas. Think renaissance with magic.
6:24 - The predators probably have a different name for Foenum, because Foenum means grass and they probably wouldn't call it that. Lauren doesn't know what they would call it, though. She hasn't thought that far ahead. This will be a running theme in this stream, methinks.
7:13 - Oleander's pink highlights are probably from the book, but again, just a working palette, may not be the final one.
8:47 - Golden Oats probably don't work on other races. Also I just noticed that "Golden Oats" sounds like "Golden Oak" and now I'm thinking of the library and now I'm sad.
9:39 - They ain't figured out that goat yet. Good climber, that's it. The process goes Gameplay > Species > Character > Backstory.
14:06 - "How are Velvet and Rarara different?" Rarara believes everyone has a right to look and feel beautiful. Velvet doesn't think this: She thinks she's better, and nobody has proven her wrong yet.
17:04 - The mythical species are no different to the more normal species other than their Rarara. Lauren would like Foenum to stay 99% populated by non-rare ungulates, because that makes the rare ones more special.
19:00 - The Blitz hasn't been considered any more for the game's story yet, but he could totally come back. Lauren seems to like him.
21:02 - The cows aren't all named after states, just Arizona's relatives to indicate their bloodline. Also, Lauren wants there to be 2 Dakotas. Twins.
22:49 - Lauren likes the feeling of sticking to the original 8 Reindeer from
T'was the Night Before Christmas, but whether Rudolph shows up as a character depends on if he's in the public domain.
27:05 - Part of building a world is giving characters jobs or ambissions, so expect those in this game.
33:31 - The a lot of the starting 6 characters in this game probably wouldn't be friends with the Lawyer Friendly Equines characters simply because being an independant game means they can be a lot more flawed. The characters in this game probably won't even get along with each other.
35:43 - Magical predators probably exist, but are as rare as magical ungulates. The big bad will be something totally made up by the team.
42:06 - Horsey-type magical creatures are just as likely to be put in the game as any other type. That is to say, they don't really want to add any more without a good reason. Too much magic makes the magic less magical.
45:25 - The predators haven't been totally figured out yet, but Lauren has been mulling over the idea of them getting old and dying like they would outside the hold, and maybe they have to eat each other to survive. Including eating babies. Lauren is in the process of writing a story about eating babies, guys. Lauren also says she doesn't want to define stuff until she has to. Defining stuff too early stops ideas from growing.
50:04 - Aquatic animals are probably not sentiant other than, maybe, a few predatory ones. Lauren doesn't mention yet whether or not aquatic predators are locked in the hold.
50:54 - Personal Note: I've heard that the NZ accent is one of the sexiest accents out there. So if there are any foreign ladies who agree, just lettin' you all know that I'm kiwi AND single! ...I'll wear a bag if you want me to...
51:08 - Foenum, Lauren imagines, is a planet, not just a country.
53:12 - Aaaand pop goes the Lauren. That aside, Lauren prefers "World" to "Planet" just because they have different semantic value.
54:27 - Paprika loves whoever she is looking at.
55:00 - The Foenicians think of the one who locked the predators away not as a god, but more like a highly regarded, boarderline mythical, figure.
1:02:14 - Evil ungulates could totally be a thing if it serves the plot.
1:04:06 - The name of the game stems from a need to not infringe on copyrighted words. Funny how everything about this project seems to come down to infrigment of copyright, huh? One name Jay's friend came up with was E-I-E-I-OW. They decided on
Them's Fightin' Herds because it's humorous, tongue-in-cheek and it conveys that it's a fighting game, all in one.
1:08:04 - For the sake of the story, there's no downside to a world without predators. Lauren gets all Scrooge on us and suggests predators to cull the human population. She's probably joking.
1:09:40 - Ungulate racism exists, and is probably a thing. The world is already divided, so the world is already confirmed to be less-than-ideal.
2:15 - The only thing in the game that's almost certainly final is the names
3:06 - Poor Lauren is confused by a question about Odocoileus, Jay is tempted to look it up to make sure it's not porn. (Lauren checks, it wasn't porn).
5:15 - In the ways of comeback mechanics, the only thing they have so far is that characters with low health get their remaining health depleted slower.
18:01 - In the main story, you will not play as one character the entire way through, you will get a little bit of everyone.
19:10 - "We can probably stay away from milk-based questions."
22:18 - The stage chosen will not have an affect on the gameplay.
24:52 - The characters are animated sprites, so if they wanted to bloody the characters, they'd need to redo the frames.
25:50 - The cutest character, according to Lauren, is Pom. Chalk one up for the Pom Patrol. Arizona takes a respectable second place.
26:46 - And then we get the classic "Dance Party Ending." How quaint.
When I bring the Foenum, I bring it to Own 'Em.