Been meaning to give my feebdack on the voices for quite a while. It sucks that I only remember what I want to type while I'm working:
Paprika only making noises comes as a surprise, but at the same time........not. Her Book of Lore made it clear that something was up with her, as she had to have some way to communicate basic things to her tribemates, even if she was just trying to m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ love them. I'd been fairly convinced otherwise though, by, and don't ask how I remember this far back, her Indiegogo profile which states that "her declarations of adoration will burst your eardrums". "Declarations of adoration" certainly implies spoken language, but in the magical world of Foenum you can never really be sure. Either way, I'm glad they went in this direction as it only adds fuel to my theory that she used to be a "normal" Alpake, but she was driven insane by the conditions of the Alpake Highlands or possibly some other event. She makes trilling and smooching noises and we see her tongue in one of her normal animations, so we can take refuge in the fact that at least she wasn't...."silenced" her disgruntled tribemates at some point in the past. I'll speak (haha) for the other characters in another post.