[FactionRP] The United Foenum Council [Neutral]


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Guys! I have an IDEA. What if we just pick up the giraffes... AND PUT THEM SOMEWHERE ELSE?

Edit: I don't know how that system would work, but if it actually gets stuff done, then I'm in!

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Switzerland/The United Nations. Both a neutral party, and a neutral ground for the other factions to meet and discuss.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
OOC: I like your idea Stunthead, but I would take it one step further and say we shouldn't just hand wave how much you succeed to Pass-Fail. Maybe we could say something simple like, taking you 85% chance of success example, rolling 86-95 is a minor failure, 96-100 is a major failure, 76-85 is minor success, 1-75 is a major success. There, a 10% buffer zone on each side to degrees of success. We COULD go more complex than that, but that would be up to the parties in question to decide. The 10% zone is just a ballpark suggestion, there are other ways we could do this (for example, splitting the success and failure chances in half down the middle, in the previous case the 85% success would be, 85/2=42.5, so 1-42 is major success, 43-85 is minor.) Like Stunthead said, no pressure to use this, just a suggestion. Brainstorming.
OOC: I did think briefly of having different tiers of success, but I was trying to make the system as simple as possible. But I like the 10% either side idea. Though I'd suggest rather than having the 10% be for minor success, I'd have the 10% be major success so that it's as rare as a major failure. For example, if it was a 50% chance of success, 1-5 would be "great" success (5%), 6-50 would be "regular" success (45%), 51-95 would be "regular" failure (45%) and 96-100 would be "catastrophic" failure (5%).
Great success > Success > Failure > Catastrophic Failure.

We would also need to define what these terms actually mean. Maybe something like;
  • Great success: You accomplish your goal completely, and maybe even get a result above and beyond what you wanted.
  • Success: You accomplish your goal satisfactorily.
  • Failure: You fail in your goal.
  • Catastrophic Failure: Everything that could go wrong, does go wrong, and maybe the downside turns out bigger than anticipated.
If someone just wanted to keep it as a simple Success/Failure roll, they can do that too. The 10% roll would just be for the ones feeling gutsy. And hell, maybe we can reward really creative ideas by increasing the chance of Great Success with the added downside of also increasing the chance of Catastrophic Failure. Anyway, seems like a fair number of people are agreeing to the system so far. You guys wanna try it out and see how it goes?

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: I only did the 10% because I wanted to fit it in to the narrow 15% failure chance that was left over and still have room for a critical failure. Of course, since we are using such a slapshod system intentionally to give people freedom to maneuver and change rules on a situation to situation basis without having to do pen-and-paper RPG status number crunch, we don't need fixed rules.

Hows about this? For most standard situations, we use a d100 system. This makes for easy percentile to roll back and forth. Since this is standard situations that we are talking about, there should always be a chance of a critical failure, where the stars align and Murphy's law is the only law of physics that matters. So hows about, under standard situations, Pass and Fail both have a 4:1 split of minor to major. This makes things easy as long as % is measured by 5s. 50% success becomes 40% success, 10% great success. A 15% failure rate becomes 12% failure, 3% catastrophe. Just divide by 5, then multiply by 4 for the minor success/failure. This would be the baseline split, but as you said, really original and cool ideas could be rewarded by making it a 3:2 split, or even a 2:3 split.

Does that make sense? This seems easy to me, but then again I am a math major, so maybe I got complicated without even realizing it. I would like to emphasize, this is just a suggestion. If we do take the rolling system into our RP just set whatever percentages you feel are right at the time, I'm just throwing out ideas.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
OOC: I only did the 10% because I wanted to fit it in to the narrow 15% failure chance that was left over and still have room for a critical failure. Of course, since we are using such a slapshod system intentionally to give people freedom to maneuver and change rules on a situation to situation basis without having to do pen-and-paper RPG status number crunch, we don't need fixed rules.

Hows about this? For most standard situations, we use a d100 system. This makes for easy percentile to roll back and forth. Since this is standard situations that we are talking about, there should always be a chance of a critical failure, where the stars align and Murphy's law is the only law of physics that matters. So hows about, under standard situations, Pass and Fail both have a 4:1 split of minor to major. This makes things easy as long as % is measured by 5s. 50% success becomes 40% success, 10% great success. A 15% failure rate becomes 12% failure, 3% catastrophe. Just divide by 5, then multiply by 4 for the minor success/failure. This would be the baseline split, but as you said, really original and cool ideas could be rewarded by making it a 3:2 split, or even a 2:3 split.

Does that make sense? This seems easy to me, but then again I am a math major, so maybe I got complicated without even realizing it. I would like to emphasize, this is just a suggestion. If we do take the rolling system into our RP just set whatever percentages you feel are right at the time, I'm just throwing out ideas.
OOC: (This is the last post I'll make on this, I promise) I went with the 10% system because that seemed like a fair split between major and minor, but I do like the ease of your system. n/5x4. We can always tweak it later.

Alright, so allow me to recap. Person 'A' picks a broad task. They describe it in as much detail as they feel they need to, then we all collectively work out a percentage chance of success. If Person 'A' wishes, we then take the chance of success out of 100 and the chance of failure out of 100 and we divide them by 5, then multiply them by 4 to get the percentage chance of "Great Success" and "Catastrophic Failure." They are placed in this order; "Great Success, Success, Failure, Catastrophic Failure," with "Great Success" on the side closest to 1 and "Catastrophic Failure" on the side closest to 100. Creative or interesting ideas are given a higher chance of both "Great Success" and "Catastrophic Failure." Person 'B' then randomly generates a number between 1 and 100, and whatever that number is dictates the outcome of the task. Then Person 'A' takes that outcome and writes it. Simple.

I'll let this thread get back in-character again in just a sec, but before I do, here's my suggestion on what should happen now. Those who wish to help out the giraffes in the fight against the predators, make yourself known. Make a plan, decide what each person is going to do. Then once someone sets the scene, play the game and see how it turns out. Maybe you'll save the giraffes and peace will be reached. Maybe you'll fail and the giraffes will be almost completely wiped out. Maybe you'll fight off the hunters, but the giraffes will know what you did and be more pissed about it than ever. Be sensible, remember that it's just a game, and above all else...

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: My last post on the subject.

If anyone still doesn't get how we are dividing the Great Success, Success, etc. I can do the math for you. Just tell me where you are drawing the Pass-Fail line. Good luck, and have fun.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I'll give it a go. But Yaski, please do the math for me because, while I followed along with your mathematic know-how, I still don't quite get how to do it.
My task: Operation: Save the giraffes and double-cros-I I mean uhh... "accidentally" catch the predators in the crossfire. (Long operation name, I know.)
As for how I propose that we do this
- Firstly, we meet up with the Predator group and get Hawthorn to mobilize the cattlekind troops. We also "Suggest" that they remain in front of the cattle troops, lest they get any funny ideas about turning on us.
- Secondly, we get the Dark Side and Velvetia to send their most experienced fighters and have them follow the predator group from the side of the cattle troops.
- Thirdly, we send the Pom Patrol troops (I'll do this myself if no one else volunteers to go with me) HOURS ahead of all of this to give the giraffes the "warning" that a group of predators is headed in their direction to wipe out any and ALL prey in the area. The giraffes, being the giraffes, will most likely question this and tell us/force us to scram.
- Fourthly, hours after the eagle has landed (Heh heh, military speak), and the cattle/deer/unicorns have slowed their pace to allow the predators a good enough lead, we all hide in the shadows and wait and watch.
- And finally, after the predators have started the slaughter, we interfere and unify by having the deer and unicorns use long-range magic (missles! <---NERD!) from the sides, the cattle taking the front and the sheeple taking mid-range with our pups. If all goes well (Which, by the math, might not go TOO well, or even GO at all.) then we should be looking at the end of the first dispute the Council has faced in it's infancy.
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Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
I'll let this thread get back in-character again in just a sec, but before I do, here's my suggestion on what should happen now. Those who wish to help out the giraffes in the fight against the predators, make yourself known. Make a plan, decide what each person is going to do. Then once someone sets the scene, play the game and see how it turns out. Maybe you'll save the giraffes and peace will be reached. Maybe you'll fail and the giraffes will be almost completely wiped out. Maybe you'll fight off the hunters, but the giraffes will know what you did and be more pissed about it than ever. Be sensible, remember that it's just a game, and above all else...
I will be among those that defy this order... despite having been the one to push it as advised by my faction. I may even call for those of the darkside to join me in this action, seeing which will see morality rather than cold and calculating tactics.
I'll give it a go. But Yaski, please do the math for me because, while I followed along with your mathematic know-how, I still don't quite get how to do it.
My task: Operation: Save the giraffes and double-cros-I I mean uhh... "accidentally" catch the predators in the crossfire. (Long operation name, I know.)
As for how I propose that we do this
- Firstly, we meet up with the Predator group and get Hawthorn to mobilize the cattlekind troops. We also "Suggest" that they remain in front of the cattle troops, lest they get any funny ideas about turning on us.
- Secondly, we get the Dark Side and Velvetia to send their most experienced fighters and have them follow the predator group from the side of the cattle troops.
- Thirdly, we send the Pom Patrol troops (I'll do this myself if no one else volunteers to go with me) HOURS ahead of all of this to give the giraffes the "warning" that a group of predators is headed in their direction to wipe out any and ALL prey in the area. The giraffes, being the giraffes, will most likely question this and tell us/force us to scram.
- Fourthly, hours after the eagle has landed (Heh heh, military speak), and the cattle/deer/unicorns have slowed their pace to allow the predators a good enough lead, we all hide in the shadows and wait and watch.
- And finally, after the predators have started the slaughter, we interfere and unify by having the deer and unicorns use long-range magic (missles! <---NERD!), the cattle taking the front and the sheeple taking the sides. If all goes well (Which, by the math, might not go TOO well, or even GO at all.) then we should be looking at the end of the first dispute the Council has faced in it's infancy.
I like your plan, I think I'll go with it, now all we need is to convince Velveetia and the darkside to help... maybe even tip off Cattlekind. (I can never remember the name of that faction)

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: Hunters, no peeking at our super secret spy play. Eavesdropping is rude. Also, I'll be happy to do the math. Let's see, should we assume that each step of the plan has its own chance of success and failure, and roll for each step individually? Or do the entire thing all in one go? I'm kinda for the former but I could see why people might prefer the latter.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
OOC: Hunters, no peeking at our super secret spy play. Eavesdropping is rude. Also, I'll be happy to do the math. Let's see, should we assume that each step of the plan has its own chance of success and failure, and roll for each step individually? Or do the entire thing all in one go? I'm kinda for the former but I could see why people might prefer the latter.
Shock it! Let's be ballsy and do it for every step!


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
OOC: Individually. Doing it all at once would stop the thing from growing and changing as we go. Also, it's worth remembering that not everything needs to come down to a dice roll. No point going to a dice roll to decide, for example, the outcome of a conversation. We can just... have the conversation and see what the outcome is that way. The RPG is strictly for "events" that can't be done with just in-character messages, if everyone understands what I mean.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: Cool, cool. Alright, let's wait a little while to let everyone pitch in on who wants to participate. Maybe a day? And then once we have our cast of players (feel free to invite members of your boards you think would be interested) we'll get together (formally, or informally. Formally being setting a time to gather everyone) and do this whole combat thing. DungeonMiner, you willing to help figure out the probabilities with me or someone? I feel the percentages should at least have two people decide so ideas can bounce back and forth.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
OOC: Cool, cool. Alright, let's wait a little while to let everyone pitch in on who wants to participate. Maybe a day? And then once we have our cast of players (feel free to invite members of your boards you think would be interested) we'll get together (formally, or informally. Formally being setting a time to gather everyone) and do this whole combat thing. DungeonMiner, you willing to help figure out the probabilities with me or someone? I feel the percentages should at least have two people decide so ideas can bounce back and forth.
You should go with Stunthead, seeing as how you guys were the ones talking about it.


A guy who likes to write
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Middle of Nowhere, Georgia
So those who remained silent speak up. Late.

I thought your Overdeer taught you better, Feanor.

However, I will say it warms my heart to see the factions united, even if it is for a short time. The Council, however, does not normally its word, and so, as Headcouncilman, I say that any efforts made by the representatives here, united or otherwise, does not officially represent the Council's actions or motives.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
So those who remained silent speak up. Late.

I thought your Overdeer taught you better, Feanor.

However, I will say it warms my heart to see the factions united, even if it is for a short time. The Council, however, does not normally its word, and so, as Headcouncilman, I say that any efforts made by the representatives here, united or otherwise, does not officially represent the Council's actions or motives.
So, what we do is not in the name of the Council... but that doesn't mean we can't still go through with it, right?


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
OOC: Cool, cool. Alright, let's wait a little while to let everyone pitch in on who wants to participate. Maybe a day? And then once we have our cast of players (feel free to invite members of your boards you think would be interested) we'll get together (formally, or informally. Formally being setting a time to gather everyone) and do this whole combat thing. DungeonMiner, you willing to help figure out the probabilities with me or someone? I feel the percentages should at least have two people decide so ideas can bounce back and forth.
OOC: Umm... sure, but I'm bit confused. One speak about predators, other about hunters, another one about Predators group and last one about Hunters faction. So which one is it?
Secondly I will wait for OC what he have to say, but have you took in account what I had said earlier? You can meet with one or two NPC Hunters group, but that like 8-20 ppl. Futhermore predators aren't here and maybe never be. The only active pawns from predators are scouts, or some low lvl mobs in same numbers.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: Umm... sure, but I'm bit confused. One speak about predators, other about hunters, another one about Predators group and last one about Hunters faction. So which one is it?
Secondly I will wait for OC what he have to say, but have you took in account what I had said earlier? You can meet with one or two NPC Hunters group, but that like 8-20 ppl. Futhermore predators aren't here and maybe never be. The only active pawns from predators are scouts, or some low lvl mobs in same numbers.
OOC: I agree, the Hunters would most likely be a more terrorist organization, but please feel free to talk to your captain OC and decide the true number of your forces. As for the different terminology, that's probably just a case of misunderstanding between different members of our little forum. The military strength you described was about what I expected, but we'll see how this goes. Who knows, you might just shoot down the plan at step one because you just don't like cooperating.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
OOC: Don't get me wrong I would love to cooperate, just I can't work with something I don't have and it's not really pleasurable to play with something that a) Denies things I did earlier. b) Someone just shove it in your hands. c) Is quite dumb in first place (if I say it bluntly). (In this case it would be b., but yeah I need to wait what OC says.)
And don't worry I have lifetime of experiences being this "bitch for everyone" that can meld things together. xD Yeah playing forum RP with bunch of Brony kids, takes it's toll. xD
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Great Scott...

So much has happened since I was last on. Well then. Time to Wall o' Text this lovely thing!

Or generally sass each other quite a bit.
OOC:Look, look.... I'm not sayin' that it's gettin' all kinds of sassy up in here, and I'm not sayin' that I'm sayin' it's all kinds of enjoyable,

Y'all a bunch of math nerds :p But seriously, This system might sound interesting to try once or twice. Though, imo, it would be better to err on the side of simplicity for everyone's sake and ease of play. By that I propose that we do a simple pass/fail and then diccuss the degree of such afterwards.

OOC: Hmm... I always imagined Hunters as a groups of Individuals, not an army who can deal with a whole nation. As I said earlier something like a group of terrorists who do sabotations, causes a masive panics, disorganize or cripple local defences and grovement, etc... so Predators would have it easier, when they come.
Basicly, we can't fight in larger scale now and our primal objective is to get rid of champions, or delay their arrival to the Hold so the seal which is holding Predators can break completly.
OOC: I agree, the Hunters would most likely be a more terrorist organization, but please feel free to talk to your captain OC and decide the true number of your forces. As for the different terminology, that's probably just a case of misunderstanding between different members of our little forum. The military strength you described was about what I expected, but we'll see how this goes. Who knows, you might just shoot down the plan at step one because you just don't like cooperating.
OCC:Terodeness is more or less correct. One of the main focuses of The Hunters is get the door open and to weaken the champions so that the predators will have nothing to worry about. That said, we also encourage peeps who simply want to cause carnage and eat meat to do so (and provide them a safe-haven to do so in). Thus: the way I figured it was that there was something of a central body. It's vague more or less on purpose. That said, barring perhaps the power of certain Hunters, I too imagined our tactics would be more like guerrilla warfare rather then rank-and-file. That said, for my OC's part, he'd be more interested in 'converting' as many Giraffe as possible to either sow internal discord, to to bolster the Hunter's number. As for those who resisted, well, he is a bit of a hungry sort.

OOC: Officially OC declined to have a seat on the council... however the council seems to still want to use the hunters as a tool to make sure people are listening, so it's iffy if the hunters are actually part of the council or not :p
Still more OOC: As for a seat on the council, technically, I never agreed nor disagreed ;)

OOC: Hunters, no peeking at our super secret spy play. Eavesdropping is rude.
That would be playing fair. And where's the fun in that?

To avoid having a massive wall of text and to divide responses by topic. And, well, 'cause I kinda like those little spoiler things :p


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
Great Scott...

So much has happened since I was last on. Well then. Time to Wall o' Text this lovely thing!

OOC:Look, look.... I'm not sayin' that it's gettin' all kinds of sassy up in here, and I'm not sayin' that I'm sayin' it's all kinds of enjoyable,

Y'all a bunch of math nerds :p But seriously, This system might sound interesting to try once or twice. Though, imo, it would be better to err on the side of simplicity for everyone's sake and ease of play. By that I propose that we do a simple pass/fail and then diccuss the degree of such afterwards.

OCC:Terodeness is more or less correct. One of the main focuses of The Hunters is get the door open and to weaken the champions so that the predators will have nothing to worry about. That said, we also encourage peeps who simply want to cause carnage and eat meat to do so (and provide them a safe-haven to do so in). Thus: the way I figured it was that there was something of a central body. It's vague more or less on purpose. That said, barring perhaps the power of certain Hunters, I too imagined our tactics would be more like guerrilla warfare rather then rank-and-file. That said, for my OC's part, he'd be more interested in 'converting' as many Giraffe as possible to either sow internal discord, to to bolster the Hunter's number. As for those who resisted, well, he is a bit of a hungry sort.

Still more OOC: As for a seat on the council, technically, I never agreed nor disagreed ;)

That would be playing fair. And where's the fun in that?

To avoid having a massive wall of text and to divide responses by topic. And, well, 'cause I kinda like those little spoiler things :p

I'll give it a go. But Yaski, please do the math for me because, while I followed along with your mathematic know-how, I still don't quite get how to do it.
My task: Operation: Save the giraffes and double-cros-I I mean uhh... "accidentally" catch the predators in the crossfire. (Long operation name, I know.)
As for how I propose that we do this
- Firstly, we meet up with the Predator group and get Hawthorn to mobilize the cattlekind troops. We also "Suggest" that they remain in front of the cattle troops, lest they get any funny ideas about turning on us.
- Secondly, we get the Dark Side and Velvetia to send their most experienced fighters and have them follow the predator group from the side of the cattle troops.
- Thirdly, we send the Pom Patrol troops (I'll do this myself if no one else volunteers to go with me) HOURS ahead of all of this to give the giraffes the "warning" that a group of predators is headed in their direction to wipe out any and ALL prey in the area. The giraffes, being the giraffes, will most likely question this and tell us/force us to scram.
- Fourthly, hours after the eagle has landed (Heh heh, military speak), and the cattle/deer/unicorns have slowed their pace to allow the predators a good enough lead, we all hide in the shadows and wait and watch.
- And finally, after the predators have started the slaughter, we interfere and unify by having the deer and unicorns use long-range magic (missles! <---NERD!) from the sides, the cattle taking the front and the sheeple taking mid-range with our pups. If all goes well (Which, by the math, might not go TOO well, or even GO at all.) then we should be looking at the end of the first dispute the Council has faced in it's infancy.

OOC: You reeeeally want a blood don't you? Why you aren't on our side already? :D
So the green part is the only major flaw in your plan. Why did you think they would listen to you? Predators aka scouts and their pack leaders. (We are still talking about cca 20 of them.) would never listen to you, they would flee from you, or attack you instead. If you want predators to attack giraffes you need to do it in far clever and riskier way. They must have reason and feel safe to raid some village. These 3 things should help you:
1) As I and OC have said, causing a discord in our enemy lines is our job, so we can have at least partial share on causing this war.
2) If you march with your united army against giraffes it would cause major panics.
3) Predators are hungry.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OCC:Terodeness is more or less correct. One of the main focuses of The Hunters is get the door open and to weaken the champions so that the predators will have nothing to worry about. That said, we also encourage peeps who simply want to cause carnage and eat meat to do so (and provide them a safe-haven to do so in). Thus: the way I figured it was that there was something of a central body. It's vague more or less on purpose. That said, barring perhaps the power of certain Hunters, I too imagined our tactics would be more like guerrilla warfare rather then rank-and-file. That said, for my OC's part, he'd be more interested in 'converting' as many Giraffe as possible to either sow internal discord, to to bolster the Hunter's number. As for those who resisted, well, he is a bit of a hungry sort.
OOC: That's what I thought. A group such as yourselves, being against the popular opinion and having radical ways of performing such views, is better working from the shadows than the light. I didn't think you were about to let us shove you into battle. Keep in mind though, accepting this plan would put you in the council's MARGINALLY better graces, even though we already dislike you. And, if you are clever enough, you could somehow turn our plan against us. But yeah, backing out and saying "Are you kidding? No way are we doing that, we aren't built for that." is probably your SAFEST option.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
OOC: Wait, what? You thing we are against this because we don't want to get ourself hurt? Oh, how wrong you are. :) We are against this, because it doesn't fit. Tell me, where would you find an army of predators, while all of them are still locked in the Hold, and told them: "Hey guys there are giraffes you can feast on. We don't really care if you go there and butcher them all, really. Oh and that army behind your tails? Yea, you don't need to worry about it." I'm not against this idea I'm helping this idea. Don't worry you will have your blood served in a silver chalice.
Furthermore: Is really hard to get a person's emotions from written words, and I'm myself one of the ppl who have little aggressive style of writing even I'm completely calm and I don't mean anything bad. So I will rather ask you. Were aggression in your post intended?
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas

OOC: You reeeeally want a blood don't you? Why you aren't on our side already? :D
If you want predators to attack giraffes you need to do it in far clever and riskier way. They must have reason and feel safe to raid some village. These 3 things should help you:
1) As I and OC have said, causing a discord in our enemy lines is our job, so we can have at least partial share on causing this war.
2) If you march with your united army against giraffes it would cause major panics.
3) Predators are hungry.
Ok, so SLIGHT change of plans. We *Inhale*
-1. Go to the predators (Btw, I kept getting confused on what your faction was called so I kept getting "predators" and "hunters" mixed up, sorry. Every time I said predators, I meant your faction, sorry about that.) and tell them that we have a problem, and that they can Feast on it, if they don't kill cattlekind in the cross-fire.
-2. Retreat and hide.
And -3. Do the rest of the original plan. With Velvetia and the Dark Side on the sides, cattlekind on the front line and sheeple taking middle ground, except now it starts off as we ambush the hunters.
Also, you'll NEVER get me on your side. Not because if I did I'd lose control of my computer systems and go on a murderous rampage filled with gun shells, grenade shrapnel and ungulate screams, and while it may be fun to let loose, I will not turn, not because you can offer oatmeal cookies, not even because I could become the leader within a beat of my mechanical heart. I won't leave my Patrol because they accepted me and gave me kindness when I had none, (Go to my post in the TFH Original Character thread to see what I mean.) so keep your offer, I'm happy where I stand!
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
Ah I see. So I will try to write it as clear as possible.
The Hunters with capital H is our faction. In this group are all ungulates and even few predators (mostly scouts). Predators can, but don't need to be part of it. Also Hunters serves all predators.
If I say predators then I mean anything with sharp parts of body and craving for meat, but if I'm interacting with predators I mean their scouts. (I think I will call them scouts from this point.) The most of predators are still trapped in the Hold and I'm not planning releasing any of them. If we had to it, then we would do it with approval of everyone else.
And Masters are something like mid bosses (these are the ones from who we have our power) + Devourer.

EDIT: So yeah, we don't have any real strength. Our strength would come only if the seal broke, and predators would be free. But that would be end of game.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
Sorry for double post, but I needed to take a shower and accidentally hit a send button.

OK, so let's do it again.
Am I asking too much? Or am I doing something wrong? All I want is you to be little more creative that's all.
1) Try to imagine it from the other side. Your arch enemy and food for your masters comes to you and tells you that he have a problem, problem which benefits you and tells you to deal with it. What would you do? (Yes, Council is our enemy.)
2) What do you want to achieve as a player, not as character? Get rid of Hunters and stop this war in one swing? I'm sorry but it doesn't work this way.
3) If you want Hunters to be part of this you will have to scale it down. I have no idea how much soldiers you wanted to use, but if you want a glorious battle with thousands dead you will have to do it without Hunters. If you really, really want Hunters be part of this. Then I was imagining them + scouts attacking small town and you stopping this raid. I thought that all of you know that Hunters were a small faction from beginning. First scouts started to appear just now, so no one knew about predators before. Secondly, something like Hunters were known from their founding, do you really thing they would succeed? And most importantly, who would be so insane and join them? :D
And that joining comment was just for fun :) You know, you being soooo peaceful with no conflicts across the millennials and now? You wanted to sell giraffes to predators, and now you reeeeally want to have this battle. :D


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Sorry for double post, but I needed to take a shower and accidentally hit a send button.

OK, so let's do it again.
Am I asking too much? Or am I doing something wrong? All I want is you to be little more creative that's all.
1) Try to imagine it from the other side. Your arch enemy and food for your masters comes to you and tells you that he have a problem, problem which benefits you and tells you to deal with it. What would you do? (Yes, Council is our enemy.)
2) What do you want to achieve as a player, not as character? Get rid of Hunters and stop this war in one swing? I'm sorry but it doesn't work this way.
3) If you want Hunters to be part of this you will have to scale it down. I have no idea how much soldiers you wanted to use, but if you want a glorious battle with thousands dead you will have to do it without Hunters. If you really, really want Hunters be part of this. Then I was imagining them + scouts attacking small town and you stopping this raid. I thought that all of you know that Hunters were a small faction from beginning. First scouts started to appear just now, so no one knew about predators before. Secondly, something like Hunters were known from their founding, do you really thing they would succeed? And most importantly, who would be so insane and join them? :D
And that joining comment was just for fun :) You know, you being soooo peaceful with no conflicts across the millennials and now? You wanted to sell giraffes to predators, and now you reeeeally want to have this battle. :D
You're right, I should be thinking about this from all angles, that being said, how about the sheeple (Myself included) tell the predators that WE'VE ALL TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE! (Not the faction, just turned evil in general, sorry Mighty.) And that we're backstabbing the Council and we want to help them capthre more scouts and that we know of a squadron of giraffes that are close by. You guys would, undoubtedly, be suspicious and not believe us. BUT, what if we then showed you the squadron using my holo-visors, (Yes, I have holo-visors) would that convince you? No, but understandable. What if we then offered up one of our own, someone who could hold his own against multiple threats? Hmm? Interested yet? What if we also gave you someone as tribute, would you take us seriously then!?

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: Wait, what? You thing we are against this because we don't want to get ourself hurt? Oh, how wrong you are. :) We are against this, because it doesn't fit. Tell me, where would you find an army of predators, while all of them are still locked in the Hold, and told them: "Hey guys there are giraffes you can feast on. We don't really care if you go there and butcher them all, really. Oh and that army behind your tails? Yea, you don't need to worry about it." I'm not against this idea I'm helping this idea. Don't worry you will have your blood served in a silver chalice.
Furthermore: Is really hard to get a person's emotions from written words, and I'm myself one of the ppl who have little aggressive style of writing even I'm completely calm and I don't mean anything bad. So I will rather ask you. Were aggression in your post intended?
I assume you mean aggression on my part because you had no quote? Uh, no real aggression intended (I keep the aggression in character only). If you meant "we don't like you" I was speaking about our characters and yours. If you meant the caps lock words, well that was just meant as emphasize that I was trying to not push you one way or another, just lay out the facts.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
OOC: Whoops, my bad, I too confused the Hunters and the Predators. I meant the Hunters.
Also, if you guys are having trouble figuring out how this battle would work, just scale it down. A small, select group of Hunters vs a small, select group of Giraffes would still have the desired effect. We rush in, save the day, peace achieved. The Hunters don't even need to be controlled by any users, they can just be a generic, slightly more gullible group made up for the purpose of this battle. Then the users who RP as Hunters like OC or Terodeness could, for example, investigate what happened afterwards rather than actually be directly involved in the fighting. Problem solved, right?
Maybe it would have been a better idea to start with the baking contest, that would have been easier. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
OOC: Maybe it would have been a better idea to start with the baking contest, that would have been easier. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound.
It PROBABLY would have, but where's the fun in doing the easy task first. Anyway, everyone, like Terodeness, OC and Yaski are making holes in my plan, and they are justifiable, my plan IS flawed. But that comes from it being made up in a matter of, like, 4 minutes. (Really, I just wanted to see what would happen, since Hawthorn did NOTHING to try and solve the problem that HE started, no offense Hawthorn.)
Plus I really like how it's made everyone think like a strategist, trying to find the folly in my plan, and making our own lore out of what we have and what we can ASSUME.


A guy who likes to write
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Middle of Nowhere, Georgia
((Since we're all taking about resolving stuff, I suppose I could roll for everyone. As per the whole neutral thing, I can do that. Not to mention, I have a couple of d10s to roll. Now, something I'd like to put forward. Perhaps, once the game comes out we can organize mini-tournaments to decide things. Does that sound cool?

(Really, I just wanted to see what would happen, since Hawthorn did NOTHING to try and solve the problem that HE started, no offense Hawthorn.)
I've actually haven't heard from him in a while. Anyone know where he is?

And now for an actual character post: ))

Miner, walking out of his bedroom in a hooded bathrobe holding a mug, grumbles. "Are you all here? When are you gonna get off my lawn?"


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
"Once you put some clothes on grandpa!"

Note: Grandpa is said with LOVE, it's something me and my cousins address each other by when we're trying to be funny.

P.S. Let's roll the dice!


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
It's quite simple.

We head behind enemy lines, and simply remove the necessary leadership.

And, you know, pick up a few ... recruits ... if we're lucky.

EDIT: Oh, and you know, sow a bit of ... discord and betrayal while we're at it.