[FactionRP] The United Foenum Council [Neutral]


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
*Turns left, turns right*
*Unnoticed sneaks right next to the Miner's desk and leaves there a note.*
Use smug deers with cream!
*Sneaks back to the hiding spot.*
Now where did I leave that popcorn?

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
*Turns left, turns right*
*Unnoticed sneaks right next to the Miner's desk and leaves there a note.*
Use smug deers with cream!
*Sneaks back to the hiding spot.*
Now where did I leave that popcorn?
*walks past Miner's desk and sees note*
*The council five minutes later*
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Hey DM, I'm here for th- hmmm?
*Sees note*
*Reads note*
Smug deers with cream...?
*Thinks of something WAY out of context*
I think I just read something I shouldn't have...
Then again, on the other paw...


A guy who likes to write
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Middle of Nowhere, Georgia
Gentlemen, I'm afraid we have wasted too much time. This business with the giraffes must end, and I'm afraid I have an efficient, if desperate solution.

The fact is that this matter is far bigger than it appears.
While we have all been sitting here, thinking of what to do next, ungulates have been dying. We cannot allow this to continue. Nor can we allow the giraffes to keep fighting, for that is an even worse. The truth is that the giraffe at threatening our very existence. By attacking cattlekind, they are distracting the Champion. Now perhaps some of you believe that your champion will take the reins. That everything will be fine without this Arizona. And perhaps that is the case. But if the Giraffes are attacking then who else? I need not tell you the Hunters are becoming more and more active, and its only a matter of time before they start taking bites out of our flesh. Not to mention the other races that walk in our shadows.

And so, I propose this most desperate plan of action. I suggest we give the giraffe over to Hunters. It is a dangerous thing, I know. But if we do this, it will satiate the Hunter's appetite, as well as discourage the other tiny factions from attacking the rest of us. Two birds with one stone, I believe the saying goes.

I do not plan on letting the Hunters keep this control, however, only until they surrender.

I can think of no other plan.

Still, it is dangerous. You are allowed one day to vote. Choose Wisely, and remember, the live of all Ungulates rely on your decisions.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Gentlemen, I'm afraid we have wasted too much time. This business with the giraffes must end, and I'm afraid I have an efficient, if desperate solution.

The fact is that this matter is far bigger than it appears.
While we have all been sitting here, thinking of what to do next, ungulates have been dying. We cannot allow this to continue. Nor can we allow the giraffes to keep fighting, for that is an even worse. The truth is that the giraffe at threatening our very existence. By attacking cattlekind, they are distracting the Champion. Now perhaps some of you believe that your champion will take the reins. That everything will be fine without this Arizona. And perhaps that is the case. But if the Giraffes are attacking then who else? I need not tell you the Hunters are becoming more and more active, and its only a matter of time before they start taking bites out of our flesh. Not to mention the other races that walk in our shadows.

And so, I propose this most desperate plan of action. I suggest we give the giraffe over to Hunters. It is a dangerous thing, I know. But if we do this, it will satiate the Hunter's appetite, as well as discourage the other tiny factions from attacking the rest of us. Two birds with one stone, I believe the saying goes.

I do not plan on letting the Hunters keep this control, however, only until they surrender.

I can think of no other plan.

Still, it is dangerous. You are allowed one day to vote. Choose Wisely, and remember, the live of all Ungulates rely on your decisions.
This sounds.... incredibly risky... but if these giraffe have seriously been ignoring all of our peace negotiations, then I suppose it can't be avoided. This is probably gonna hamper predatory negotiations though... I will vote upon the issue after I appeal to my faction, for I do not know how they would feel about this situation...
EDIT: Your leader has decided, we will vote yes to this battle. Really? I have no reason to lie, she said it would thin the hunters. Well, fine.
Okay, The darkside will vote for the hunters in this matter, allowing them the previlege of fighting in the Giraffe-Cattle War, on the side of Cattlekind!
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Gentlemen, I'm afraid we have wasted too much time. This business with the giraffes must end, and I'm afraid I have an efficient, if desperate solution.

The fact is that this matter is far bigger than it appears.
While we have all been sitting here, thinking of what to do next, ungulates have been dying. We cannot allow this to continue. Nor can we allow the giraffes to keep fighting, for that is an even worse. The truth is that the giraffe at threatening our very existence. By attacking cattlekind, they are distracting the Champion. Now perhaps some of you believe that your champion will take the reins. That everything will be fine without this Arizona. And perhaps that is the case. But if the Giraffes are attacking then who else? I need not tell you the Hunters are becoming more and more active, and its only a matter of time before they start taking bites out of our flesh. Not to mention the other races that walk in our shadows.

And so, I propose this most desperate plan of action. I suggest we give the giraffe over to Hunters. It is a dangerous thing, I know. But if we do this, it will satiate the Hunter's appetite, as well as discourage the other tiny factions from attacking the rest of us. Two birds with one stone, I believe the saying goes.

I do not plan on letting the Hunters keep this control, however, only until they surrender.

I can think of no other plan.

Still, it is dangerous. You are allowed one day to vote. Choose Wisely, and remember, the live of all Ungulates rely on your decisions.
I can't think of anything else either, but I'd sooner fight all of the predators alone before I allow them to have ANY opportunity to hunt one of our fellow nations, even if it is only to thin the herd. (As arrogant and unruly as they may be, the giraffes can't possibly be as bad as if we gave the hunters free reign.)
Who's to say the predators won't just turn on cattlekind after the giraffes are wiped out? How can we know for SURE that they can be controlled? We're playing with fire here guys, and I just don't want to risk more of our fellow ungulate's lives. I'm afraid that even though the predators could finish this dispute faster than we ever could, I am going to have to vote against this.
I'm sorry...


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
This has gone far enough! What is the matter with you creatures? It is one thing to indulge this... thing's presence on the council, but to countenance the very thing that now threatens our homes, our family, all of Foenum by giving these monsters free reign to MURDER? I demand a vote!

Need I remind you that these slavering maniacs would as soon feast on your loved ones as any convenient prey we have to offer? And if we offer up Ungulates to their mercy, what makes us any better than these beasts ourselves? No predator, (nor any slave there-of) will be allowed to murder freely while I have say -- so speaks Velvetia!

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
This has gone far enough! What is the matter with you creatures? It is one thing to indulge this... thing's presence on the council, but to countenance the very thing that now threatens our homes, our family, all of Foenum by giving these monsters free reign to MURDER? I demand a vote!

Need I remind you that these slavering maniacs would as soon feast on your loved ones as any convenient prey we have to offer? And if we offer up Ungulates to their mercy, what makes us any better than these beasts ourselves? No predator, (nor any slave there-of) will be allowed to murder freely while I have say -- so speaks Velvetia!
I know, it's deplorable and insane... but I trust in the decision of the darkside, and they said yes to this action, so that is how I voted in this matter.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
This has gone far enough! What is the matter with you creatures? It is one thing to indulge this... thing's presence on the council, but to countenance the very thing that now threatens our homes, our family, all of Foenum by giving these monsters free reign to MURDER? I demand a vote!

Need I remind you that these slavering maniacs would as soon feast on your loved ones as any convenient prey we have to offer? And if we offer up Ungulates to their mercy, what makes us any better than these beasts ourselves? No predator, (nor any slave there-of) will be allowed to murder freely while I have say -- so speaks Velvetia!
Will you stand before us? Will you block us? You are free to try. But our work ... will not be stopped!

So, what will it be, oh proud one? Will you watch? Or will you fight?


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I know, it's deplorable and insane... but I trust in the decision of the leader of the darkside, and they said yes to this action, so that is how I voted in this matter.
This is where the road they follow leads. It might sound grand to preach the open ideals of the Dark Side, but an open mind can be much like an open wound - vulnerable to corruption, and prone to fester. One compromise leads to another, one good justifies two evils, until the path you set out upon has twisted to a maze you could never foresee, nor hope to find your way back from. So you take another step, and another, digging your pit deeper, ever more desperate to find an end goal that you will never reach, unable to stop for fear of what you might find in the mirror should you pause to look. Thus are monsters made, and not born. And thus is the prime principle of Velvetia No Compromise.
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Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
This is where the road they follow leads. It might sound grand to preach the open ideals of the Dark Side, but an open mind can be much like an open wound - vulnerable to corruption, and prone to fester. One compromise leads to another, one good justifies two evils, until the path you set out upon has twisted to a maze you could never foresee, nor hope to find your way back from. So you take another step, and another, digging your pit deeper, ever more desperate to find an end goal that you will never reach, unable to stop for fear of what you might find in the mirror should you pause to look. Thus are monsters made, and not born. And thus is the prime principle of Velvetia No Compromise.
I do not believe that this is simply the cause of an open mind... but I will be a little more direct in representing myself and what I believe to be the right way for the council over what the darkside and their leader believes in further votes. I mustn't let those who will try an eliminate an entire nation and their people get away with it. To that end, if you are willing to accept the hunter's challenge, I will join you in your most honorable cause. The giraffe must not be hunted down to their last... hopefully they'll see the folly of their war soon.


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
To that end, if you are willing to accept the hunter's challenge, I will join you in your most honorable cause. The giraffe must not be hunted down to their last... hopefully they'll see the folly of their war soon.
They will see it. Or we will SHOW them!

Edit: OOC: It occurs to me you were probably referring to the Giraffe and not the hunters here. So my reply may not be appropriate :p
So, what will it be, oh proud one? Will you watch? Or will you fight?
Fight... Such an uncivilized word, even without the butchery of your impaired speaking. Fighting is for slavering maniacs and common lowlifes. We of Velvetia do not 'fight' - that would imply the possibility of defeat. We determine. You will be dealt with, and the future of your kind determined, however, it would be rude not to allow the Council one more chance to speak before we paint the floor with your blood, so I shall await word. If it is death you seek, though, then death we shall grant.

Oh, and do be a deer and shamble off that rug - fine fabric like that and you are sweating all over it!
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
They will see it. Or we will SHOW them!

Edit: OOC: It occurs to me you were probably referring to the Giraffe and not the hunters here. So my reply may not be appropriate :p
OOC: Funny enough, I think it still works either way.

Fight... Such an uncivilized word, even without the butchery of your impaired speaking. Fighting is for slavering maniacs and common lowlifes. We of Velvetia do not 'fight' - that would imply the possibility of defeat. We determine. You will be dealt with, and the future of your kind determined, however, it would be rude not to allow the Council one more chance to speak before we paint the floor with your blood, so I shall await word. If it is death you seek, though, then death we shall grant.

Oh, and do be a deer and shamble off that rug - fine fabric like that and you are sweating all over it!
I would call you arrogant. But that would be insinuate actual ability. Your kind is pathetic and cowardly. The cows have courage, the longma speed, and lambs their little dogs. You have oats. Pretty, magical, oats. And tiny, little but oh so edible sprites. And yet you act so grand. So powerful. But at least the foalish unicorns, who won't even lift a hoof to save their kin, have their own magic. And I can hear it now: 'Oh, but you rely on power given to you from your dreadful masters!'

Their power augments us! It makes us more powerful then we could have ever dreamed. We were mighty before the masters gave us power. But you? What are you without your little oats and your sprites? You are the same as everything else. You. Are. Food.

And you may have your rug back. It made for a fine napkin.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Need I remind you that these slavering maniacs would as soon feast on your loved ones as any convenient prey we have to offer? And if we offer up Ungulates to their mercy, what makes us any better than these beasts ourselves? No predator, (nor any slave there-of) will be allowed to murder freely while I have say -- so speaks Velvetia!
We were on the same page there brother, but your voice did not reach our ears in time. However, to make up for my inability to sway the council, I shall stand by your side on the battlefield and stare down the monstrous atrocities that are the predators. I await your call to arms.(Hooves?)

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
We were on the same page there brother, but your voice did not reach our ears in time. However, to make up for my inability to sway the council, I shall stand by your side on the battlefield and stare down the monstrous atrocities that are the predators. I await your call to arms.(Hooves?)
OOC: I'm sure your bear arms will count enough for you to use that phrase :p
Good, with the support of most council members, I'm sure we can stop at least some of these "hunters" from doing their worst... speaking of which, where is the rabbit? Cattlekind's seat has been a bit... empty as of late, and with them being the center of the problem, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Should we go to cattlekind and tell them about the situation directly? With their help, I'm sure we can turn the hunters back and end the Giraffe war peacefully, even making the Cattle out to be saving the giraffe from those pesky meateating ungulates... Which, now that I think about it, wouldn't be wrong per say.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
OOC: I'm sure your bear arms will count enough for you to use that phrase :p
Good, with the support of most council members, I'm sure we can stop at least some of these "hunters" from doing their worst... speaking of which, where is the rabbit? Cattlekind's seat has been a bit... empty as of late, and with them being the center of the problem, I'm not sure how I feel about that. Should we go to cattlekind and tell them about the situation directly? With their help, I'm sure we can turn the hunters back and end the Giraffe war peacefully, even making the Cattle out to be saving the giraffe from those pesky meateating ungulates... Which, now that I think about it, wouldn't be wrong per say.
I like the way you think. We let the Hunters march ahead of us and wait a few minutes, then when we hear fighting, we ATTACK! After we defeat the hunter troops we tell the giraffes that we were tipped off, *Wink* *Wink* , about a surprise attack coming from a pack of hunters and to mobilize our troops post-haste. The giraffes will be so happy to not have died that they'll end this silly scuffle and we can all be friends again!

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
I like the way you think. We let the Hunters march ahead of us and wait a few minutes, then when we hear fighting, we ATTACK! After we defeat the hunter troops we tell the giraffes that we were tipped off, *Wink* *Wink* , about a surprise attack coming from a pack of hunters and to mobilize our troops post-haste. The giraffes will be so happy to not have died that they'll end this silly scuffle and we can all be friends again!
Well, it sounds underhanded when you put it like that.... and the council would NEVER do something underhanded for a good cause, now would it? *Wink* *Wink* :}


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Well, it sounds underhanded when you put it like that.... and the council would NEVER do something underhanded for a good cause, now would it? *Wink* *Wink* :}
) Not intentionally it wouldn't. But whose to say what did, or didn't, happen. Politics can be such a messy game at times.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
OOC: Hmm... I always imagined Hunters as a groups of Individuals, not an army who can deal with a whole nation. As I said earlier something like a group of terrorists who do sabotations, causes a masive panics, disorganize or cripple local defences and grovement, etc... so Predators would have it easier, when they come.
Basicly, we can't fight in larger scale now and our primal objective is to get rid of champions, or delay their arrival to the Hold so the seal which is holding Predators can break completly.
And OC you have a seat in this Council? Or are you just hanging around?
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Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
OOC: Hmm... I always imagined Hunters as a group of Individuals, not an army who can deal with a whole nation. As I said earlier something like a group of terrorists who do sabotations, causes a masive panics, disorganize or cripple local defences and grovement, etc... so Predators would have it easier, when they come.
Basicly, we can't fight in larger scale now and our primal objective is to get rid of champions, or delay their arrival to the Hold so the seal which is holding Predators can break completly.
And OC you have a seat in this Council? Or are you just hanging around?
OOC: Officially OC declined to have a seat on the council... however the council seems to still want to use the hunters as a tool to make sure people are listening, so it's iffy if the hunters are actually part of the council or not :p


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
OOC: Y'know, we probably need some sort of roll-the-dice system for dealing with situations like this. I mean we can sit here planning out baking contests and giraffe wars all we like but sooner or later we're going to need some way of making things happen. No point writing setups for great situations if there's no way to resolve them.

So here's what I propose: A very, very, very, (VERY) basic RPG system. I'm not talking about massive, multiple-page, in-depth stories with character sheets, stats, NPCs, anything like that. That'll just lead to arguing. What I mean is a simple, online dice-roll dictated way of playing out the things we're working so hard to set up.

Now I'm no expert on Tabletop RPGs, but here's what I have in mind. Someone states a very broad task they'd like to do. Not individual attacks or movements, that would take forever, something like "Fight this group of hunters." Then they would write the set-up themselves and describe how they want to go about tackling the task. We look at that post, come up with a rough, casual, surface-level chance of success and then go to an online dice roller to see if they succeed or fail. If they succeed, they can play out the scene as a success. If they fail, they play it out as a failure. We can leave it up to them to decide the extent of their success or failure. Then once everyone's taken part, we wrap up the whole thing.

For example: I could say that I'm going to fight a group of hunters who just stole an old lady's handbag. I could describe how tough they look, say that there's five of them, say that I'm going to use my group of puppies in a certain way, etc etc, and then after discussing with other people, that might end up looking like an 85% chance of success. Then we get some third party to do the dice-roll, and if I succeed, I might say that I beat them easily and they ran off, or I could say that I captured them, or whatever. If I fail, I could say they managed to get away with the bag, or I could say I got the bag but I got the crap beaten out of me or whatever. Very casual, very simple, very quick, I can go into as much detail as I want, done and done. And the best part? The story would still be entirely mine.

The only rules would be:
1) Be an adult about it. There's no shame in losing to a random dice-roll, so don't kick up a fuss to try and improve your chances or only create situations that you are sure to win or whatever. I've done RPs with people who are afraid to lose, and nobody ends up having any fun. If you'd rather not use the system, you don't have to, but if you are using it, don't cop out.
2) Be respectful when using the system against another user. Don't use the system as an opportunity to kill other user's characters or anything silly like that. Really, you shouldn't even have to use this system against another user... interactions with others can probably just be handled by talking to them like we have been since these factions were founded.
3) Remember that it's all in good fun, it's not a contest. There's no prize, there's no winner, no matter what happens it'll just lead to more roleplay, so do whatever leads to the best RP, even if it means letting yourself get a bad roll, or saying yes to crazy ideas or whatever. Just look at my character... he's kind of an idiot. But that's what makes him fun.

So, what do you think? This a good idea or a stupid idea? If people don't like it, or if it doesn't work, we won't use it, simple as that.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: I like your idea Stunthead, but I would take it one step further and say we shouldn't just hand wave how much you succeed to Pass-Fail. Maybe we could say something simple like, taking you 85% chance of success example, rolling 86-95 is a minor failure, 96-100 is a major failure, 76-85 is minor success, 1-75 is a major success. There, a 10% buffer zone on each side to degrees of success. We COULD go more complex than that, but that would be up to the parties in question to decide. The 10% zone is just a ballpark suggestion, there are other ways we could do this (for example, splitting the success and failure chances in half down the middle, in the previous case the 85% success would be, 85/2=42.5, so 1-42 is major success, 43-85 is minor.) Like Stunthead said, no pressure to use this, just a suggestion. Brainstorming.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Czech Republic
OOC: I will lift this idea even higher. Basically for me to do something and not only give a hollow threats I need such a system. I was planing using it.