Current Beta Status, and upcoming updates
If you're in the Backers' Beta tier, you might have noticed we've slowed down a bit pushing beta updates. That's due to most "standalone" issues being taken care of, and the majority of remaining things requiring interlocked systems or more complex solutions which can't be pushed in individual bites.
We've got a few things in that list, and have been working over the last two weeks on getting them solved (as well as handling VO recordings, but that's news for later). Once these things are taken care of, we'll be lifting the NDA on Backers' Beta. We won't be giving you a specific date yet (Universe hates us giving specific dates), but we can give you an idea of what's left to do and how done is it at the moment.
Here's a list of major features to be implemented in the coming days, ahead of the NDA lift.
- Arcade Mode vs AI
- AI difficulty settings
Pixel Lobby
- Full interface overhaul (Almost Finished!)
- More controller/fightstick friendly inputs for 98% of pixel lobby interactions. Keyboard still required for typing in chat, but quick-chat will be an available feature for controller/fightstick users.
- Music and sound effects (In Progress)
- Score keeping and rewards (High Priority)
In Fights
- All characters animated (In progress.)
- Say goodbye to cardboard cutouts! (80% done)
- AI overhaul (In progress)
- Fully implemented Dynamic Music System
- Resolution switch/fullscreen mode (Almost finished!)
- FPS Stability over "acceptable" threshold for most of the playerbase (Almost there!)
Once we've sorted these out (And we're very close. Matter of days rather than weeks), we'll let you know about getting NDA officially lifted. Of course, there are still bugfixes to do, features to implement and corners to polish, but we believe once the stuff above has made it into game, it'll be in a "showable" enough state that we can let you guys stream, record or show around while we continue work.
We might also be inviting a few people outside the Backers' Beta pool to try the game, give us their opinion and maybe give the game a bit of promotion ahead of live release. We don't yet know who or how many, but we're giving it a think already.
We'd like to thank everyone for participating in the Backers' Beta, for your feebdack and bug reports, as well as to everyone in general for supporting Them's Fightin' Herds. We're so close to the finish line, guys, and it's all thanks to you!