What's the best decision?

A Mistake

Name Speaks For Itself
May 26, 2020
Apparently from another world
Complete newbie posting. I think to myself "When using Velvet's level 2 super, what is the best decision in that moment of time?"

would going in and pressuring them be better? or would setting up be more important?
Should I end level 1 to level 2 early? Or not?

The answer might be obvious but a noob is gonna be a noob. Sorry for being a bother.


Posts at Glacial Speed
Backers' Beta Tester
It's no bother! To seek understanding is a good thing.

As for when specifically to cancel Velvet's Lvl1 super into Lvl2 -- I can only offer some general insight, as I play Pom pretty much exclusively. But generally, I would think waiting to spend that second bar until just before the final hit of Lvl1 is most efficient. That way, you get as much damage from spending that first bar as you can, while also putting the opponent up to a full screen away from you, which is where I'd think Velvet is most comfortable.

Which isn't to say that there are no situations where going to Lvl2 early would be beneficial? I'm just...not knowledgeable enough to know more than that delaying offers some reliable, not insignificant advantages. ^_^;
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A Mistake

Name Speaks For Itself
May 26, 2020
Apparently from another world
It's no bother! To seek understanding is a good thing.

As for when specifically to cancel Velvet's Lvl1 super into Lvl2 -- I can only offer some general insight, as I play Pom pretty much exclusively. But generally, I would think waiting to spend that second bar until just before the final hit of Lvl1 is most efficient. That way, you get as much damage from spending that first bar as you can, while also putting the opponent up to a full screen away from you, which is where I'd think Velvet is most comfortable.

Which isn't to say that there are no situations where going to Lvl2 early would be beneficial? I'm just...not knowledgeable enough to know more than that delaying offers some reliable, not insignificant advantages. ^_^;
Thanks for the insight! :olliebigsmile:

The reason I think about cancelling it early is because of the 1. Combo potential, and 2. Reset potential. (plus their options to break free of pressure is significantly slower) I wonder though if that's the right play considering she is a zoner.
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Posts at Glacial Speed
Backers' Beta Tester
Well shucks, it's no biggie; just doing what I can, y'know? And hoping I'm not offering bad advice in the process...^_^;;

Oh yeah -- I forget that the slowdown is, like...half the reason to use her Lvl2 in the first place. :arishock2:

Velvet is a zoner, but I know I've been comboed at close range by one in the past. I'm confident she's got Stuff, especially with the magic bar refill that I do remember as being part of Lvl2.

I might actually recommend checking out training mode: there's no stakes in terms of victory or loss, and plenty of options to mess with for creating situations, setting CPU behavior, and (I believe) recording points of playback and such. Admittedly, I myself get uh...kind of overwhelmed by just how many aspects are adjustable, and have no idea how to do recording of combos or the like; I don't use it much. ^_^; But! It is still an ideal environment for pure experimentation with questions just like this.

There's also training matches in pixel lobbies, which is just training mode, but with an actual person controlling the other character. Of course, you'd have to find someone who's down to help out in such manner -- and I would personally recommend they be someone you can voice chat with, just for ease of communication -- but it's another option available.

...Then again, you may well know all of that already! In which case, feel free to just...ignore my rambling. :B
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A Mistake

Name Speaks For Itself
May 26, 2020
Apparently from another world
Don't worry, your advice is not considered bad. :olliegrin:

I've seen all applications velvet has for her level 2, combos, resets, etc. I'm just asking "What should I do after level 2 in different situations and how should I capitalize on it depending on which character I'm facing." Hence the title "What's the best decision?"

I ask these questions while I go to training mode... my problem is, I'm bad at making decisions, so I'm trying to find the best choice and "hard-wire" my mind into selecting these choices

TL;DR: I'm a dum dum when it comes to making decisions. :olliesad:
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Posts at Glacial Speed
Backers' Beta Tester
Ah, I think I see now: you were asking a multifaceted question, whereas I approached answering it mainly from a single, default approach. So yeah -- definitely out of my depth on this one. :B

Here's hoping someone with more Velvet expertise can give you some better, more specific direction~

P.S: I make plenty of dum-dum decisions too; we all do. Especially in fightan grames, where you gotta make so many, so quickly.



Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Oct 19, 2016
There's indeed a trade-off, and neither is really the best answer. Either way, you're going to get more out of your zoning and set-ups, and there's not much to get from combos out of Frostbite. You kinda have to figure out which playstyle is working for you, and adjust your timing to suit that style. Early better suits a mid-range playstyle that converts more easily to Velvet's powerful combo game, and late is best for the lockdown zoner that tries to keep the opponent at the other end of the stage.

A Mistake

Name Speaks For Itself
May 26, 2020
Apparently from another world
Thanks! So I just got to do what I believe would be the best for me? Nice! This deer is cooler than I thought! :Velvet:

Final Question: does Velvet have "Build-a-bear" combos? I play Nu-13 in BBTag and I'm used to one of my zoning tools leading into combos. (usually ending in oki/mix-up.)

Note: I'm not exactly sure what "Build-a-bear" combos are. Just taking a guess on what they are. :olliesilly:
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Oct 19, 2016
In that Velvet can definitely confirm off a lot of her projectiles, and can juggle icicles into each other, absolutely, though they're a little less free-form. For an idea of what Velvet's icicle combos look like, check out this video: You can also get the combo files for those combos in the vid's description if you want to practice them.

A Mistake

Name Speaks For Itself
May 26, 2020
Apparently from another world
Thanks a whole Bunch! That was the last question I needed answers for!

Hopefully I can main this Cool (These puns suck.) character when console ports arrive. In the meantime, this birb will continue to scamper around in the forums for more tid-bits about this game and it's qualities!!
:olliesmile: (Thanks ph00tbag! ur kewl!)
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