Update: FF Tournament Recording Status & Lindsay Art Stream


He Who Manages
Mane6 Developer
May 30, 2017
Rockville, MD - USA
Greetings all.

In my previous news update, I announced that the recordings of our TFH tournaments at Frosty Faustings could not be uploaded because I had left my laptop (containing the recordings) at airport security when we were returning home. Well, good news everyone! TSA sent me my laptop, today I received it, and all that beautiful bean footage is back in my possession.

We had a discussion about doing some kind of "rerun" stream with dev commentary to make the upload more of an event, but after some deliberation we decided: nah, we're just gonna put it straight on YouTube... with uncensored profanity. It’s about 6 hours of footage, so we’re motivated by a combination of "we don’t have time" and "that's the FGC experience." We only ask that you please exercise discretion when watching. We're warning you: there will be strong language.

However, we still need a few days to trim out the dead air: moments when we were resolving technical difficulties or waiting for players to arrive. When we're done with that and the upload goes live, we'll make an announcement.

The second piece of news I have is that we're streaming another "Lindsay's Casual Art" episode tomorrow (the 29th) at our usual time (3pm PT) in our usual place (twitch.tv/manesix). The topic: the final piece of art for our custom backer fightsticks!

One of the higher donation tiers during our crowdfund featured a special reward: a one-of-a-kind custom TFH fightstick. When we initially reached out to those backers to confirm what they wanted for the art, five out of six responded. Lindsay streamed her work on the first piece of art, an "emo" style Pom. Since then she finished the other four and the manufacturing order was sent out. We’re awaiting final builds, and when they're done we'll post pictures before sending them to the backers.

Recently the sixth and final fightstick backer sent in their order, so Lindsay wanted to stream her work on it. This one is another Pom, but more of a cute pose. Honestly, Pom doesn't get the attention we think she deserves, so we were happy two people wanted her featured on their fightstick.

As I make this post, I realize there will be questions about the other backer rewards that have yet to be fulfilled. I will be on the upcoming stream providing answers candidly, but I am also in the process of drafting a sequel to the last backer reward status update we made almost a year ago to formally provide an update on current progress.

Hope you can join us for the stream! If not, we'll be uploading it to YouTube the day after as usual. Enjoy the rest of your week. We’ll talk again soon.

Aaron Stavely
Production Manager, Mane6


New Member
Nov 20, 2019
Hey... sorry for the language.
Will make it my aim to tone it down a bunch for a more family friendly experience.


Feb 5, 2018
I could only watch the archive later on, but the art stream was fun! It's nice to have a chill discussion about the game and games/art in general, accompanied by great art as always.
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