Indie fighting games in development


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
A thread listing some of the other indie fighting games that are being developed right now. Feel free to add more if you know any.

Pocket Rumble by Cardboard Robot Games
Game inspired by the fighting games on the NeoGeo Pocket Color (there is also an actual NGPC version being made) with a simple two button control scheme (direction + button, no half / quarter cirle, etc motions). It had a successful Kickstarter and just launched on Early Access with two playable characters (new ones added monthly), training and ranked online (GGPO) multiplayer mode.

Early Access trailer

Cerebrawl by Zero Dimension
Cerebrawl is a 2v2 4-player fighting game in the style of MvC2 and Third Strike, all characters are hand drawn. They are funding the game on their site, donate to get access to the prototype.

Prototype fotage

Shattered by Team18k
Shattered "will be a homage to the old school fighting games such as The King of Fighters and the Street Fighter II & Alpha series, both in gameplay and low-res sprite graphics. The gameplay is centered around fast-paced combat and pressure play, utilizing a system of ‘Shattering’ the defenses of your opponents, awarding aggressive and unrelenting play while retaining the basic gameplay of the good old fighting games."


Fearless Night by Shobu games
Air dash / anime style, chain combo fighting game.



Strongest Bee in the World!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Is this only traditional fighters? 'Cuz, if not, Rivals of Aether could be included here. =3


DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
I don't know if this is the right place to talk about this but I am currently working on a couple of KGT2nd games.
One of them is a completely original game and I have absolutely nothing to show yet.
The other game is a Paper Mario 64 fighting game. I was just wondering if anybody would be even remotely interested in playing it?
I was mostly making it to learn the program but it is turning into a real deal.
If you would be interested in such a game, please, contact me.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
Fighting game with gameplay inspired by King of Fighters 13.

Double Tap Engine
Fighting game engine primarily geared towards 2.5D fighting games (SFIV), which is 3D fighting on a 2D plane. The goal of the project is to build an entirely functioning fighting game engine while iterating on gameplay design, then build an actual game with it.

How did you found all of this stuff??? I LOVE IT
Some I knew about from before whilst others I've found looking through various fighting game forums. Like...

Immortal Fray
Fighting game with fairy tale characters.



♫ ♪ Just Get On With It & Kill Me ♩ ♬
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Here's a game I might back at a later date. Starting to get a little Darkstalker/ Night Warriors vibe from this game.

Rotten Core

Rotten Core trailer

Rotten Core Indiegogo campaign.

Here another indie fighiting game you can play beta on Steam for free. This will be on PS4 at some point as well.

Brawlhalla on Steam
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2016
I'm realy unsure about the Rotten Core game, right now all there resurces are sprite edits from copyrighted material that would have to be replaced, thats not a good start.

The other thing is that they want to use the Mugen engine, it is very restricted in it's features and not the best choice for are commercial game at all.


♫ ♪ Just Get On With It & Kill Me ♩ ♬
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I'm realy unsure about the Rotten Core game, right now all there resurces are sprite edits from copyrighted material that would have to be replaced, thats not a good start.

The other thing is that they want to use the Mugen engine, it is very restricted in it's features and not the best choice for are commercial game at all.

Unless somthing changes I don't thike this game will get funded. Maybe they should try the referrals thing Mane6 did to get more backers. Mike Z, I think has backed this game or showed some interest in it. The company Tweeted to Mike Z that they wanted to talk to him about something (This is how the guest characters started to appear in Indivisible, with Mike Z & Airship Syndicate/ Battle Chasers: Nightwar on Twitter) .
It would be cool if you could unlock 1-2 Skullgirls 2nd Encore & Darkstalkers/ Night Warriors characters if this game did get funded.
Demoniaca: Everlasting Night seems to be having the same problem like Rotten Core where sprites from other games are being used. This is their second atempt on their campaign on Kickstarter.

Crowd funded games like Mighty No.9, Lynn and the Spirits Of Inao (If the rumours are true) & other poorly runned campaigns [Insert companies names here..................................................] are making it harder for people to put their faith & money in to allot of new and promising campaigns on Indiegogo, Kickstarter & Patreon (there's propbably other crowd funding websites I'm forgetting).

Crowdfunded games

Drakstalkers / Night Warriors
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
Fantasy Strike
Fighting game by Sirlin Games based on characters from the Yomi card game (which is a card game insipred by fighting games). Fantasy Strike has no complex motions for special moves and is built to emphasize player-decisions over difficult dexterity. It is funded using Patreon, supporting it gives you access to the latest version.

Punch Planet
Punch Planet is a Competitive Sci-Fi 2D fighter developed by 3 longtime competitors in the fighting game community. The game is made using the Double Tap Engine mentioned erlier in the thread. The story focuses on Roy, an undercover Detective for the Luna PD, framed for a high profile murder. Roy must follow his only lead to Planet K-0, known to many as Punch Planet, track down the real murderer in an attempt to clear his name.



Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Fantasy Strike will revolutionise fighting games!

Though to note: It looks horrible, plays horrible, smells horrible, the characters are horrible, and is generally the laughingstock of the discord chat. Cam even warned us not to be sarcastic too much, because a random person might think it's a good game.
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Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Though to note: It looks horrible, plays horrible, smells horrible, the characters are horrible, and is generally the laughingstock of the discord chat. Cam even warned us not to be sarcastic too much, because a random person might think it's a good game.
Do keep in mind that on that Discord server I am no-holds-barred, and nothing I say should be taken as any kind of information from Mane6 or representing the team's opinions.

That being said, Fantasy Strike has... a lot of problems, and a lot of it is due to thinking that people will back their game to see it get better when they don't like it. I spent a lot of time talking with their devs during their "crowdfund" launch stream, just asking general questions about how things are being created, how different situations are being handled, typical things that I'd normally want to know about something I'd back but also a bit more in-depth because I mean I do know the other side of their situation.

The problems started arising when I asked why characters were using the same animations from characters from different games, as that would turn a lot of people away right from the start because it just looks like a shoddy fake game, or something someone made in MUGEN for a laugh. One of their devs at that point decided to tell that I should back the project so that they can have the money for good animations. That immediately put me off and I felt like they wanted people to give them money on a regular basis (they are "crowdfunding" through patreon after all) even if they didn't have an interest in the current state of the game, but just to see some form of progress. A lot of the questions were answered though so I commend the guy I was talking with for dealing with me for so long, and I do apologize for taking a bit of a jab at him when he finally got sick of my pestering, haha. With the right direction, the game could do well. Unfortunately it is just WAY too barebones for a game to be considered truly competitive in nature. The only mixups that you have are doing an attack or throwing, since there's no high/low, and since throw tech is done by no directional input. It definitely had the right idea for breaking the game down to a very simplistic level, but there would be a few things I'd change if I was able to, just to make it seem more viable.

Again, no hate at all, the idea is definitely there, the implementation seems to lack to me, that's all. If people like the concept and want to back it, by all means! Sirlin is a pretty respected person in the FGC and I hope this doesn't do anything negative to that respect.


Professional Down-Backer
Mane6 QA
Feb 3, 2016
Yo mom's house
Do keep in mind that on that Discord server I am no-holds-barred, and nothing I say should be taken as any kind of information from Mane6 or representing the team's opinions.

That being said, Fantasy Strike has... a lot of problems, and a lot of it is due to thinking that people will back their game to see it get better when they don't like it. I spent a lot of time talking with their devs during their "crowdfund" launch stream, just asking general questions about how things are being created, how different situations are being handled, typical things that I'd normally want to know about something I'd back but also a bit more in-depth because I mean I do know the other side of their situation.

The problems started arising when I asked why characters were using the same animations from characters from different games, as that would turn a lot of people away right from the start because it just looks like a shoddy fake game, or something someone made in MUGEN for a laugh. One of their devs at that point decided to tell that I should back the project so that they can have the money for good animations. That immediately put me off and I felt like they wanted people to give them money on a regular basis (they are "crowdfunding" through patreon after all) even if they didn't have an interest in the current state of the game, but just to see some form of progress. A lot of the questions were answered though so I commend the guy I was talking with for dealing with me for so long, and I do apologize for taking a bit of a jab at him when he finally got sick of my pestering, haha. With the right direction, the game could do well. Unfortunately it is just WAY too barebones for a game to be considered truly competitive in nature. The only mixups that you have are doing an attack or throwing, since there's no high/low, and since throw tech is done by no directional input. It definitely had the right idea for breaking the game down to a very simplistic level, but there would be a few things I'd change if I was able to, just to make it seem more viable.

Again, no hate at all, the idea is definitely there, the implementation seems to lack to me, that's all. If people like the concept and want to back it, by all means! Sirlin is a pretty respected person in the FGC and I hope this doesn't do anything negative to that respect.

Slayer was pretty cool


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
I've been following a Japanese fighting game called E's Laf 2. I can't understand Japanese so I don't know much about it but it still looks fun. Apparently the first E's Laf was a crossover starring characters from RPG Maker games.



Backers' Beta Tester
Oct 17, 2016
Hey, this is pretty good~

Cerebrawl, Trajes Fatais and Rotten Core has peaked my interest with Pocket Rumble and Fantasy Strike already having my attention beforehand. Thanks all for sharing ^-^ and kind of curious as to how you all who posted games, found them o_O