First Fightin' Game(s) You've Ever Played

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
Probably the first I can vaguely remember was playing Virtua Fighter on an arcade machine at Gitex, maybe 1993 or 1994. All I remember it was a 3D polygonal fighting game. Most likely it was Vitua Fighter.

Afterwards it was Mortal Kombat 2 on the PC in 1995. Man, I still remember that we had to go to MS-Dos and input these long commands just to play MK2, Aladdin (Genesis version on PC), and Lion King. And in those days we didn't have an instruction manual or a magazine to tell us even how to do specials let alone fatalities.

Then afterwards Virtua Fighter, Groove On Fight, and Last Bronx on Sega Satrun.

How about you guys? Do you remember your first times playing fighting games?

Wait! I forgot about that FAMICOM game Kung Fu. Is that even considered a fighting game?

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Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Cologne, Germany
The first fighting game I remember to play is Mortal Kombat on a friends Sega Mega Drive. We must have been around 12 years old at that time ^^'


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
My first fighting game was Virtua Fighter on the Sega Genesis (Still have the system and cartridge.) After that, was Smash Bros (You couldn't find a better spammer of Mario's fireball.) And after that, was Mortal Kombat something or other on the PS2, and that's it, those are all of the fighting games I've EVER played.


"I mustn't betray spoon"
Backers' Beta Tester
My first one was Soul Calibur 3 that I picked up on a whim because my friends were all over 2 a few years prior. But the first one that actually got me into the genre and to do more than just hit buttons because moves happen was Marvel vs. Capcom 3.


The King of Poor Decision Making
Crowdfund Backer
For me it was Smash Bros on the N64 which I played at my friends' house a lot, and the first one I owned was the abysmal Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown for the Game Boy color.

The one I actively sought out to get and learn was Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, but I never did get that good at it :(


Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
That would be... SF2 on the SNES. Notable fun times were "Why do I have to walk backwards to do this move?" and attempting to pronounce Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku.

Close after that was probably a Tekken machine and an MK...2(?) machine that I found at a laser tag place.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
First Fightin' game was either Mk1 or SF 2 can't quiet remember which came first.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Street fighter 2 champion edition on coin op
But it was the rainbow edition that hooked me to the genre :D too much fun with friends


Strongest Bee in the World!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 for PS1 was the first fighting game I played. I love that game - even if it's kind of crappy. Really fantastic soundtrack, though.
The first one I put a ton of time into was Tekken 3 though.


Pizza Pasta
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 7, 2016
The earliest fighting game I remember playing is Super Smash Bros Melee, I loved it but I sucked so badly at it.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I just remembered that I got to play SFV at Anime Matsuri with a fight stick... I hated it. A fight stick felt REALLY loose compared to a controller, but back to fighting games, SFV was pretty good but I only have one other SF game to compare it to.

The Skullivan

That guy what with the ponies
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
My first fighting game was Street Fighter 2 on Sega Genesis. I still have fond memories of being the undefeated champion since I would always pick E. Honda and just button-mash my way to an infinite Hundred Hand Slap. And since we were all stupid little kids, nobody could ever figure out how to get around that. Good times, good times.


Master of Illogical Logic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Bowie, MD
X-Men: Mutant Academy. I never owned the full game, just a demo on a PSOne Demo Disk (holy hell, a Demo Disk. That's a blast from the past.) I remember being a silly 5 or 6 year old mashing buttons and looking at cool things happen.


Puffball Enthusiast
Feb 19, 2016
First fighter I remember playing was one of the Tekkens... 4, I believe. It's the one where I got owned by Jin and his eye-lasers, so it's either 4 or 5, because I know that was something he could do in both games.

As for first one I owned... Super Smash Bros counts, right?
If that doesn't count, Virtua Fighter 4 on the PS2. Don't remember it very well, though.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
Probably Way of the Exploding Fist or International Karate followed by Yie Ar Kung Fu. A lot of games at the time was inspired by Karate Champ and my favorite of those was IK+ (C64).



Addicted to Skullgirls til this comes out
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
My first was Dragon Ball Z. I don't remember which exactly, but I think it was Budekai.


Game Maker and Starship Captain.
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 4, 2016
Super Smash Bros. (N64) was my first. Outside of that, my family didn't really care for fighting games. But I did get Soul Caliber 2 (Gamecube) because Link was in it. Years later, I was disappointing that its remake didn't make it to the Wii U.


Whiffs for Days
Backers' Beta Tester
Mar 18, 2016
I think the very first fighting game I've ever touched was Rival Schools on the PS1 and Super Smash 64 ofc.

I was like no good at fighting games, but memories and nostalgia and all that. Now a days, I mess around (lose) at Skullgirls and I do pretty well in Melty Blood.
Feb 22, 2016
My first fighting games were Street Fighter 2 (and Turbo), Mortal Kombat 3, and Killer Instinct, all on the SNES.


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
If we move Brawl Smash Super Bros aside, as well as all the flash browser-based fighters: Girlskulls

Probably because Skullgirls was the most easily accessible Fighting Game I've seen. All the characters are (fairly) easy to understand, and the in-depth tutorial really helps both newcomers and old veterans. Not only that, but the keyboard controls are actually pretty surprising, which is very surprising for a fighting game.

I still contribute Skullgirls to my interest in the genre as a whole.
I picked up Ultra Street Fighter IV on a steam sale, and was immediately turned off by the poor explanation of each character's move-set and strengths/weaknesses, as well as the iffy keyboard controls.
I also have Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition lying around in my Steam Library, as I played it at some sort of game expo and it was pretty K.

But I really want to get a Fight Stick before I get really deep into Fighting Games. :(
And also a copy of Ultimate Marvel V.S. Capcom 3. :) (I can't find people selling it anywhere. :| )


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
And also a copy of Ultimate Marvel V.S. Capcom 3. :) (I can't find people selling it anywhere. :| )
Do you have internet money? (credit card, debit card, Paypal, etc.) I found a few results of people selling it online.

If that's not an option, you can search for a game on the GameStop website and tell it you want to pick it up in a store. Just type in your zip clode to see the nearest locations with that item in stock. I found a few stores within ten miles of me with UMVC3 in stock, but that doesn't really help you a whole lot. Try looking here:

PS3 version
XBOX 360 version


Chin Piece
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
It was either Smash Bros. 64, or Soul Calibur 1 on the Dreamcast. . . Not sure which, this was back before kindergarten. :eek:


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
Do you have internet money? (credit card, debit card, Paypal, etc.) I found a few results of people selling it online.
Yeah. Like immediately after writing that I found some listings on Amazon.

I might buy it if I have some spare cash lying around.
But there's about a billion other things I want to buy before that. :oops:


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The first fighting game I ever played was probably something from my SNES collection, either UMK3 or Street Fighter II Turbo (before even Cammy, Fei Long, Dee Jay, and T-Hawk were a thing). Barely understood what was going on, mostly because I only played those games until I was like, eight years old, and never actually learned how to play them.

Then, while following the old Fighting Is Magic project, I started learning how to actually play a fighting game, hearing the devs talking about what all the moves are actually used for, instead of just showing off what they look like. Later, I saw that somebody on the team had also worked on Skullgirls (a voice actor maybe?), saw the trailer for that, and bought it immediately. Wasn't long before I started compulsively collecting every fighting game I could get my hands on.

So . . . yeah. If a little indirectly, it was Lawyer Friendly Equines that actually led me to the incredible joy of cartoon/anime characters beating each other senseless for my amusement.


DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
My first real fighting game must have been Soul Calibur 2 on the PS2.
I got really good at it so that I could beat my cousins. I eventually bought it for the X-box and the Gamecube just so I could play as Link and Spawn. (I like the X-box version the best)
After that I played a few other games like MK 2, SF 2,Killer Instinct Gold, etc...
I never really got into any of other fighting game until I pulled out the old Dreamcast and played MvC2, and got hooked.

♥ Vanilla Cream Killy ♥

Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 4, 2016
Virtua Fighter for the Sega Saturn, and Tekken 3, Guilty Gear and Star Gladiator for the PlayStation were the first I experienced as a kid as far as I can remember, but Tekken Tag Tournament was probably when I really started playing.


I wish I was cool
Feb 3, 2016
Melbourne Fl
My first fighting game i played was Street Fighter 2 and for first fighting gameI took more seriously was Marvel vs Capcom 3.