Any way to tone down controller sensitivity?


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Mar 2, 2016
I'm valiantly trying to work this on an XBox 360-style controller using the left analog stick; problem I'm hitting is that any move requiring a "quick" directional input chained to a standard input (e.g. the power leap in the very earliest stages of the story mode tutorial) is pretty much a non-starter. Basically any movement save the tiniest almost-impossible-to-achieve flick of the stick is treated as a "full" move in that direction that does not chain properly with the next in the sequence. Is there any way to tone down the sensitivity so that the quick registers at somewhere around the middle of the effective range of the analog stick rather than, like, one micrometer away from zero point?

Also the diagonals are shite with the 360 controller with a really tiny range that registers as diagonal at all as opposed to a huge wide range on the cardinal directions, but that seems to be a known issue.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Mar 2, 2016
Good question--the X360 controller has a d-pad that's great for cardinal directions but, again, it's really difficult to trigger diagonals. Eh, maybe I'll figure out something that works; absent that, I guess it's either buy a controller with a proper eight-direction d-pad or just suck it up. Thanks anyway.