What fgs do you play?


Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Since we're all empty up in the FG spot, might as well let me take the first shot!

Alright everyone, hit me up. What FGs do you play? What are your favourites? What do you play, but dislike? What kinds of mechanics do you enjoy in FGs?

MLP Triox

Try that on my Arizona!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
San Diego, CA
I'm sure some of have fighting game backgrounds. So post what games you play.

I've been raining Ultra Street Fighter 4 for the last 5 years (back when it was only super street fighter 4). Juri main and I love the character.


The King Of Goat Style
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The Place Where Goats Are
BlazBlue is my main game. But I've dabbled in almost everything. Right now I also play a bit of MK, Skullgirls, and trying to get my foot in the door with Guilty Gear.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Fighting games, eh? I've been known to dabble in Tekken, Street Fighter, Blazblue, but my main game is undoubtedly Skullgirls. I'm not especially good at it, but it's where most of my time ended up.
I've played Smash and Rivals of Aether too. I never was one to stick to one game, would seem.


Your Local Squid
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
I've been revisiting Street Fighter 2 lately, though in the past, I've played USF4, MVC (2 and 3), Smash Bros (all 4 games), a tiny bit of Skullgirls, and MK (only the first one though). I'm considering getting into the KOF series as well, seeing as how a new game in the series is coming soon.


Fights like a cow
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I used to love Bloody Roar 3. And before that, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. And before that, Tekken 2. And before that, Mortal Kombat on the Amiga.

...I'm old.
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Tianhuo is Best Longma
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Dem ninjas

I don't actively play a fighting game at the moment, but I've played all of the official Touhou fighters and some Skullgirls.

Oh wait Smash too, I have Sm4sh for 3DS on me (Yoshi main).

Personally, I really love them, because they make me feel like I'm actually in control of the movement and combat. Giving the player options and a smooth way for combos, while still giving good balance to the two players, combined with the fast-paced (and pretty!) combat - those are really what sell to me a nice fighting game.

I dislike that I can't be top-tier #1 master of the games :p, but I like that I'm not either, since it's fun getting to learn x3

MLP Triox

Try that on my Arizona!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
San Diego, CA
Yours is thread 21, mine is thread 20. Mine was there first, don't gimme any of that.

Also, answer the questions, Triox.
Clearly an abuse of mod privileges!!!

Anyway, since my thread will be deleted eventually, I'll post here. Been playing USF4 competitively for 5 years (back when it was Super Street Fighter 4). I main Juri and love the character.

I very casually (like once every 6 months) play games like MvC3, MKX, Third Strike, or whatever game is setup at my local when I want to take a break from USF4.
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Sapphire Maiden
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I play some blazblue a bit (mostly as noel and makoto) as well as occasionally street fighter. I also play smash quite a bit and also some soul caliber. I'm not very good but I enjoy it anyhow


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I first learned to play fighting games at a competitive level with Street Fighter 3: Third Strike. It wasn't a good idea and it took me years to unlearn some of the bad habits that game teaches you, but at least I don't complain about balance in any game ever.

I learned how to play Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on GGPO, and in my later years entered a few tournaments for HDR and SF4. I grew pretty fed up with SF4 shortly after Super came out, and haven't really played any fighting games since, so I've got a lot of rust around the edges.

Sometimes, I like to dream that I can play Marvel vs Capcom 2.

Imperator Enya

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I love smash, specifically Project M. (Tough I love them all <3) Dedicated Game and Watch main. I'm a sucker for quirky and retro characters.


Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
Ontario, Canada
Wow, quite a few Balzblue players in here, that's always good to see!

Might as well make a... list for myself real quick.

Games I have played and am willing to play:
Street Fighter, Marvel, Blazblue, Guilty Gear, P4U, DFC, Nitro+, SG, VSav, Melty Blood, UNIEL, and basically anything I can get my hands on. You can pretty much ask me my main in any fighter and I could give you a solid answer.
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Competitive Smasher, Chocolate milk enthusiast
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Dallas, TX
Competitive and sponsored Smash Bros (Mostly Melee, but I play all the other ones too) player, but plan on trying my hand at TFH and SFV once I can get my hands on them. I'd love to get good enough at traditional fighters to be able to help balance TFH.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I am still on a quest to find a physical copy of the game.
Well, it's easy enough to get a pirate copy on the Dreamcast, but then you'd have to get an arcade stick for the Dreamcast

Shame it's no longer sold on consoles, though


The King Of Goat Style
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The Place Where Goats Are
Well, it's easy enough to get a pirate copy on the Dreamcast, but then you'd have to get an arcade stick for the Dreamcast

Shame it's no longer sold on consoles, though
Funny enough, I was in contact with someone at my local Play and Trade who said they had a copy for the original Xbox. Unfortunately, they never got back to me about it.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
From what I've heard, the XBox and PS2 ports differ wildly from the arcade/Dreamcast versions. Different set of glitches, frame data is all goofed up, that kind of stuff.

The ideal solution would be to buy the version on the Microsoft or PSN store, but thanks to Marvel licencing nonsense, that's no longer an option

Imperator Enya

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Competitive and sponsored Smash Bros (Mostly Melee, but I play all the other ones too) player, but plan on trying my hand at TFH and SFV once I can get my hands on them. I'd love to get good enough at traditional fighters to be able to help balance TFH.
Sweet, I remember seeing you on stream! (It was a while ago, might mix you with someone else. You were a yoshi-main, right?) Do you still play PM?


The King Of Goat Style
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The Place Where Goats Are
From what I've heard, the XBox and PS2 ports differ wildly from the arcade/Dreamcast versions. Different set of glitches, frame data is all goofed up, that kind of stuff.

The ideal solution would be to buy the version on the Microsoft or PSN store, but thanks to Marvel licencing nonsense, that's no longer an option
Yeah, that's a big shame. Well, here's to hoping Disney also buys out Capcom so we can eventually get it back. :p


Robot in Disguise
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
To be honest, I've only dabbled in fighting games. I really used to be into Mortal Kombat, and I played a lot of Skullgirls semi-recently.

Flutter KI

Killer Instinct fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Killer Instinct is my main game. I think I'm the only one in here who does main it lol been playing it since it released almost 3 years ago and I have competed in offline and online tournaments for it. Love it too death. I dabble in everything else really. Skullgirls, Ultra and Third strike are probably my most played after KI. Not super into the air dashers like BB and GG but id like to try.
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Competitive Smasher, Chocolate milk enthusiast
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Dallas, TX
Sweet, I remember seeing you on stream! (It was a while ago, might mix you with someone else. You were a yoshi-main, right?) Do you still play PM?
I was a PM Yoshi main, until the next patch update came out and they nerfed Yoshi to shit! Now I play Sheik in Melee and PM and travel a lot more.


local forum predator npc
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
straight outta wawa
I'm not huge into fighting games, or at least, I haven't been for very long — it'd actually be fair to say that Mane6 got me into them in the first place! Right now I'm pretty hardcore into Skullgirls though.

Imperator Enya

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I was a PM Yoshi main, until the next patch update came out and they nerfed Yoshi to shit! Now I play Sheik in Melee and PM and travel a lot more.
Good to hear you're still playing! I watched you a lot before, when I tried to become a Yoshi main. Its gonna be fun to get good players like you in the TFH community. :)


Digital Hoarder Supreme
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Pensacola, Fl
I play a ridiculous amount of fighters (most of which are emulated) for my scrub skill level. As for modern fighters, I was biggest on BlazBlue (Tager exclusively, as I can't keep up with arial combos to save my life) though life and the sheer weight of RPG content I'll never be able to play but keep buying anyway has kept me from being terribly active since a little after CSE launched. I'll occasionally dabble in Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax and P4A, and I'm almost always game for most 2D fighters as long as there is no expectation of competition-level play. I would play Killer Instinct as well (sweet Christmas, but that game is fun) but I don't own an XBOne and have no intention of upgrading to Win10 any time soon, so I probably won't be giving it the playtime it deserves.
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Eternal scrub
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I mostly stick to the latest iterations of Blazblue and Guilty Gear myself but I've got experience in mostly everything minus Killer Instinct, Virtua Fighter and Mortal Kombat. Currently working on learning the oddity that is Smash 4 on the 3DS. Willing to take on fight requests on PS3.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Let's see fighting games I played: Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat (I forget which one), Clay Fighter 63 & 1/3, Mace the Dark Age, Smash Bros (haven't played the newest one) and Touhou 12.3 UNL.

Don't really play them much these days. I enjoy them from time to time but not really my cup of tea.


Keepin' It Stylish
Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
The list of games I play or have played is too expansive, so I'll just do a brief history of the games that meant a lot to me in my lifetime.

My brother and I owned an SNES when I was growing up, so we played a lot of fighting games on it. Out of all of them, we probably played Killer Instinct and Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 the most. When he got a Playstation, we continued the trend. He had a friend who was more into fighting games than either of us, and he brought a bunch of stuff over that the three of us played. Street Fighter Alpha 2, Darkstalkers 3, Marvel Super Heroes, Tekken 3. Around this time I was old enough to go to an arcade, and while I didn't have a scene at the local arcade, I played through the single player of Marvel vs Capcom quite a few times.

When BlazBlue CS1 came out, that was the first fighting game I got into competitively. I started going to tournaments for it, and while I wasn't very good, I was having fun just playing other people. When Marvel vs Capcom 3 came out, that was the first game I really dug deep into and got pretty respectable at. During this time I dabbled with a bunch of games, but MvC3 and it's sequel were and continue to be my main competitive fighting game.

However, it's not the only game I've entered tournaments for. To date, I've entered tournaments for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, BlazBlue (whatever the most recent version at the time is), Skullgirls, Vampire Savior (Darkstalkers 3), Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Street Fighter x Tekken, Persona 4 Arena, Mortal Kombat X, and Guilty Gear Xrd. I've already pre-ordered Street Fighter V, and like what I've played so far, so I can see myself entering tournaments for that game as well.

Ultra Lucky Cat

Best Felyne Food Skill
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I'm very pleased to see so many posters with such long FG resumes and so glad for the people giving the genre a chance or coming back after such a long time. Welcome home, everyone!

Now, I play a lot of fighting games, pretty much hand me a controller or stick and I'll give any of them a shot. That being said, these are my main games for now: Melee, BlazBlue, Skullgirls, Guilty Gear.

Melee is my absolute main game, the one I place 100% of my focus if I HAVE to choose. I main Falco (pew pew) and I actually have a tournament coming up this weekend. Stream and everything. I was a top 4 threat in the last power rankings but I haven't played since the PR reset this year, so lets see how it goes this time around.
BlazBlue is up next where I've been pretty loyal to Hazama ever since Continuum Shift (with a brief fling with Platinum in CS2) though unfortunately I've only recently acquired some very good match-up experience. So while my moves are pretty solid, reacting to new match-ups have been a chore.
Guilty Gear is pretty much on the same boat, back in X2 up until the last Accent Core I used to main Bridget and have a pocket Sol. In Xrd I've been playing May exclusively but am planning to switch over to Jack-O. I main Sin's Theme, "Just Do It".
Last but not least, Skullgirls. What can I say about this game? I love everything about it. The beautiful spritework, the amazing soundtrack, the great technical gameplay even though it's less demanding than most. I was a pretty solid top 3 threat locally and was pretty decent when I participated in Skullbats on Steam, but sadly just haven't had the time to play as much as I would like. I main Peacock Double ever since the beginning. Peacock is actually what got me into zoning type characters and is the reason why I felt so at home when I got to use Rarara. Too bad Umbrella never got to be DLC, she would have been my third even if it didn't have the best synergy.

I think that will do for now. Y'know, I'd like to hear about what inspired some of you to play fighting games competitively. Story time?