Wishing Mane6 the best of luck in 2017


Twitch Streamer, Amateur Shoutcaster...
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 11, 2016
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Two days(less if you are a time travelling wizard) separate us from the new year and new adventures.

So lets all wish the Mane6 and all associates (eg. Lauren Faust, Lindsay, ...) the best of luck in 2017, with all their projects(old and new) that they will be finishing, starting and undertaking next year.

Lets come together as a community and show our appreciation to the development team with kind words and best wishes.

And since I am starting this thread I will go first.

Thank you for making the year 2016 something special. Following your work streams, answering all our "stupid" questions and behind the scenes sneak peaks, that you gave us, have given me a little glimpse into the game development process which was probably the best gift I could have asked for as a passionate gamer.

You can already tell that there is a lot interest and after speaking with a few Guilty Gear players I can say that your game has definitely sparked quite a few flames in the hearts of Fighting game fans.
I wish you a smashing release that will go down in history.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Then let me be the less mushy one, and instead of well wishes (Which you will all get enough I hope, Mane6 and forumgoers), I will give you an advice.

Hangovers are caused by dehydration. Eat a warm soup in the morning and drink water during and after the party. Have fun in the future lads and lasses!


Three Worn Words
Mane6 Developer
Feb 2, 2016
Thanks!; Have a great new year too.

So lets all wish the Mane6 and all associates (eg. Lauren Faust, Lindsay, ...)
Lauren's part of Mane6, and there ain't no way we're letting Lindsay go after havin' the pleasure of workin' with her. Officially unofficially, she's part of M6 too now. Herdmind and all.

Hangovers are caused by dehydration. Eat a warm soup in the morning and drink water during and after the party.
Chilaquiles pa' la cruda.


Twitch Streamer, Amateur Shoutcaster...
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 11, 2016
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Thanks!; Have a great new year too.


Lauren's part of Mane6, and there ain't no way we're letting Lindsay go after havin' the pleasure of workin' with her. Officially unofficially, she's part of M6 too now. Herdmind and all.

Chilaquiles pa' la cruda.
Oh ok, wasn't to sure how everyone is connected.
Since I didn't find any reference to who exactly is part of the M6 I went for the "safe" option of including everyone even if my knowledge was a bit faulty


Professional Potato
Backers' Beta Tester
I'm just happy to be a part of this and have the chance to watch the development of this game throughout the months. I was extremely excited to hear about the old game and seeing it remodeled into this vastly superior incarnation was amazing; I was happy to fund it. The dev team is incredibly professional and all rather likeable (including any tertiary members working on the sides) and I am confident they will deliver an excellent product by the end of it. Here's to another great few months of development and a Happy New Year!

As a side note, I want to give props to the forum members too. This awesome community has been a joy to be a part of and their zaniness keeps me afloat in this humdrum life of mine. Recently, they've helped me get out of an art funk I've been in for months and now I'm back to drawing everyday. Words aren't enough to express my gratitude, so I try to give everyone that I can a little something in return; just a small token of thanks for being awesome people.

Happy Year's End, everyone! Let's make the next one even better!

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
2016's been a weird year for me thanks to Mane6. Oh not bad weird but good weird.

Anyway, thanks to you and the community for making 2016 a pretty special year for me. I still don't like fighting games that much but I'm warming up to it way more than before. And thanks to the guys who put up with my terrible jokes and my awful comics. I would have given up a long time ago if it weren't for you guys.

Anyway keep up the good work Mane6 and stay cool TFH community.

Here's to an awesome 2017.
Which the only two things that would ruin my 2017 is TFH being delayed to 2018 and Sonic Mania being terrible.


TAF Pony
Mane6 Developer
Feb 15, 2016
The Mitten State
You all are so sweet! I hope everyone has a lovely New Years too! This is my first time working on a large scale game and the team and community have been so supportive every step of the way. So thanks, all of you!

Lauren's part of Mane6, and there ain't no way we're letting Lindsay go after havin' the pleasure of workin' with her. Officially unofficially, she's part of M6 too now. Herdmind and all.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Casting the temptation to make a really long and sappy post to the side:

Thank you guys for three things. One: For making a game. A legit, professional game. Not only a game, but forums attached to this game.I don't know if you noticed, but I very much like these forums. I like the layout, I like the controls. I like the look, I like everything about it. I like the alert system. I like the colors. I like just about anything and everything about these forums. And while I may only take a casual interest in fighting games, this game looks dope as all get out.

Two: Thank you for being chill as freaking ice. I've taken much from your example of moderation and approach to things. I so very much appreciate the balance between professionalism and being relaxed. I don't fear your posts, but see them as part of the community. I don't see you as some scary power, ready to swing the banhammer at the slightest infraction, but part of the party. Like that super chill chaperone on a school trip who'll enforce the rules when need be, but spends most of the time just chillin' and hanging out with the kids. So thank you for being like that.

Three: For giving me something to make 2016 so much better. While I'm a Lawyer Friendly Equine fan, I've never really been a big part of the community. This, however, gave me a chance that LFE never quite could. I'm grateful for the chance to meet and make so many new friends. To see and meet so many people with unique and inspiring talents (A.K.A. Seeing people around my age doing professional things that look good). And for giving me something to write about. Not gonna lie, 2016 probably would have been pretty drab otherwise.

Thanks, fam, for being awesome, and treating us awesome.

P.S. And thanks for giving us RPers a dark corner to do our thing.


Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Having followed this project since the first FiM video was uploaded, its crazy to see how far you all have come, and I'm really happy to have a chance to be a part of all of this. The heart and dedication you guys have all put into this project is just so awesome to see! I've never backed a project before but the moment you announced the Indiegogo campaign I was on board. Honestly, I've just got a ton of respect for you guys and am glad I was able to give what I could to the project!

Everything you guys have done so far has been great, from the progress reports/streams to the cozy little forums we have here. There's a ton of great people here and it's awesome to see that all of us feel so strongly about your project. One of my favorite moments was when the forums first opened and everyone just poured in with introductions; it was so cool to see all these different people flocking here to join the herd.

Here's to a great 2017!


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
When I do the stream recaps, things become kinda methodical. Progress just kinda feels like "Oh cool, something for me to write about." But now that the game is almost in the polish stage it hits me that this is a really good game. Lots of fun stuff, all the bases covered, plenty of little extras. Even if I discover that I can barely play it because I'm too inept at fighting games, it's still a lovely little world with a lovely little story supported by a lovely little community. Thanks to the team for making it all possible, and thanks to the community for being an awesome community. You filled a void left by an old forum of mine that became a little quiet. Let's do our best to make sure this player base remains as welcoming and positive post-release as it is now.

w00t polish stage hype.

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
I've only missed 4 and a half streams. The very first one, the first twitch plays stream, part of the funded clebration stream, the one in May 2016, and Jay's secret stream.

Kinda makes me wish the game would get delayed. Cause the game getting released means we won't hang out in work streams anymore.

Delusional Dreamer

Dreamer of Delusional Dreams
Sep 29, 2016
The Moon.
Mane6, you are the best game developers in the world. You took a bullet in the form of a cease and desist by The Toy Company but you got back up and didn't let it stop you. You have had consistent monthly streams where you've showcased the amazing things you've done and kept us up to date with your progress. You guys have had constant community interaction through these wonderful forums and have been increadably responsive to bugs and any and all of our inquiries.

But the best thing you magnificent devs have done is create this amazing game, the world inside of it, and this beautiful community. I've only been here for three months and but I can tell we have something special here, and I'm glad to say that I'm at least a little bit a part of it.

Sorry I'm a little late to the thread, I wanted to make this my last message from 2016.
Cheers to everyone in Mane6 and cheers to all ewe wonderful people here on the forums who make this community awesome.

Have a Happy Gnu Year everyone!


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
But I was safe in the twitch chat. Now if I make a dumb joke you all can gang up on me and beat me endlessly in combat.
"I'm quite fawn'd of Velvet's stage."

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: "That's Rich!" - Make a pun so bad that you receive three challenges in under 20 seconds.
Reward - Muzzle [Face Item]


Twitch Streamer, Amateur Shoutcaster...
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 11, 2016
Slovenia, Ljubljana
So the year has ended and before the thread becomes irrelevant I would like to thank everyone that posted here.
I wasn't sure about how the community will react to the thread and I certainly wasn't expecting such a strong and positive response that it has generated.

If there are still some people that would like to wish everyone the best year, do so now because the thread might become locked.

Happy new year to the Dev Team and the whole community