What was the last game you played?

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
As the title says, what's the last game you played? If you've played enough of it that you feel you can make recommendations, you could do that as well.

I played (and beat) Steamworld Dig.

All in all, a pretty solid game. Think "Steampunk Dig Dug or Mr. Driller". You play a robot that basically tries to dig down to the "Old World" and you collect minerals and upgrades, get by obstacles (including a small variety of baddies). It's not a terribly long game and there isn't much replay value, but if you can get it for $5 or so, it's totally worth it. I played it through in a bit over 5 hours, but there is an achievement for beating it in 2.5. I could probably do that easily enough, since I spent a good amount of time collecting as much as I could. The last (and really, only) boss is fairly underwhelming, no challenge at all. I could probably beat him easily enough just with minimal upgrades.

It would have been better if they added more post-game content (like a new land to dig through, perhaps in the form of procedurally generated content).

So, your turn to share eh?


Professional Heister
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Tree of Savior.

An MMORPG that's the spiritual successor to Ragnarok Online, which took up a lot of my childhood time. I believe they did a rather good job of capturing the feel of Ragnarok from its art style to its play style. And, yes, that includes the grinding. A few kinks and instability here and there, not to mention the horrifying swarm of bots that the devs are trying to curb, but that's normal; it's in early access right now, and the devs are doing quite a good job ironing out the bugs, even compensating for any server downtime with premium items. It'll go public and free-to-play by the end of the month.

Right now I'm taking a break due to the high competition on a grinding spot, but I'll play again soon.

Oh, and if you do decide to pick up the game, I'm on the Orsha server.


The King of Poor Decision Making
Crowdfund Backer
One Way Heroics, a fantastic roguelike, forced sidescrolling RPG. You play as a hero who has to travel to the right and defeat the demon lord in order to stop the mysterious darkness from consuming the world. It has a ton of content and a lot of depth for how simple it looks. The darkness constantly coming from the left really adds a sense of urgency and makes it where pretty much every action has to count. This includes moving, attacking, talking to someone or even equipping weapons/armor/accessories.

I highly recommend this game to anyone, and it's not really too expensive either. $3.49 is pretty low for something like this, and it goes on sale for as little as 87 cents pretty often. And if you enjoy it, get the OWH+ DLC, as it adds a ton of extra stuff to the game. More items, more terrain types, more quests, more recruitable NPCs, extra bosses and a touch of added difficulty. Once I went Plus, I never went back.

Steam page


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
>Saints Row: The Third
Went on my first stereotypical "'sandbox car game' rampage". I think I slaughtered about 20 Brutes there, which is to say nothing of the hundreds of Luchadores who I blasted to death with the Minigun I stole from one of the Brutes.

Christ. I just wanted to test out my Airstrike Beacon. I figured I could spend some time waiting for my hourly wage to come in so I could buy a Steel Factory. :confused:


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Elite: Dangerous.
There's still at least a half hour trip to reach my tiny Type 6 for CG stuff, but got distracted drawing stuff. Also due to firewall, can only play it with my phone's internet, which leaves a lot of stuff to be desired.
I have the game since beta kicked off, but barely have 1 week of combined playtime. Kinda sad.

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Divergance. A 3rd person MMO that's basically Borderlands the MMO. It's not actually Borderlands, but it pretty much is.
Divergence: Online on Steam - That game? Getting mixed reviews.

Speaking of Borderlands, I've started playing BL2 again. It's less demanding than Fallout 4, so it works well to run off a USB3 external. I've played the game to death TBH (730+ hours), but I last played in 2014 so...I thought I'd give it a go again. However, this time around I'm using Gibbed to edit my saves, giving myself schweet loot. I'll probably play the story through once again, then jump straight to Overpower Level 8 and see how things go. I never bothered with Overpower levels back then.

As to the game itself...Borderlands 2 is pretty freaking awesome, if my high playtime doesn't tell you my opinion clearly enough. In some ways BL1 was better, but regardless all 3 BL games are pretty great. Even the Pre-Sequel is good (its main flaw was coming out too soon after BL2, with not enough newness about it).
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Divergence: Online on Steam - That game? Getting mixed reviews.

Speaking of Borderlands, I've started playing BL2 again. It's less demanding than Fallout 4, so it works well to run off a USB3 external. I've played the game to death TBH (730+ hours), but I last played in 2014 so...I thought I'd give it a go again. However, this time around I'm using Gibbed to edit my saves, giving myself schweet loot. I'll probably play the story through once again, then jump straight to Overpower Level 8 and see how things go. I never bothered with Overpower levels back then.

As to the game itself...Borderlands 2 is pretty freaking awesome, if my high playtime doesn't tell you my opinion clearly enough. In some ways BL1 was better, but regardless all 3 BL games are pretty great. Even the Pre-Sequel is good (its main flaw was coming out too soon after BL2, with not enough newness about it).
Derp. I meant Defiance.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Divergence: Online on Steam - That game? Getting mixed reviews.

Speaking of Borderlands, I've started playing BL2 again. It's less demanding than Fallout 4, so it works well to run off a USB3 external. I've played the game to death TBH (730+ hours), but I last played in 2014 so...I thought I'd give it a go again. However, this time around I'm using Gibbed to edit my saves, giving myself schweet loot. I'll probably play the story through once again, then jump straight to Overpower Level 8 and see how things go. I never bothered with Overpower levels back then.

As to the game itself...Borderlands 2 is pretty freaking awesome, if my high playtime doesn't tell you my opinion clearly enough. In some ways BL1 was better, but regardless all 3 BL games are pretty great. Even the Pre-Sequel is good (its main flaw was coming out too soon after BL2, with not enough newness about it).
I played a lot of Borderlands 2, though my friends declared it boring and never bothered buying it. So I never really got to max level and I tend to get bored of a game after a while.
Today I messed around in GalCiv3 (Read: got my arse handed to me by AI as usual)
As I mentioned once to OC, there is an unltimate evil race called Snathi. They are by lore the embodiment of evil. And look like chipmunks.:D Obviously they are my preferred race to play:D

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
@Avering -On what platform? If you play on PC, I could game with you maybe, assuming you're still interested in playing BL at all. It's a great solo play series, but it's even better co-op.

Derp. I meant Defiance.
You know, that was what I was thinking of, but then I found that there was a game called "Divergence Online" so I was rather confused XD

What's worrying is apparently I've put nearly 10 hours into Defiance and...I don't remember ever doing that >_> I think I played it during the beta period or something?


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
@Avering -On what platform? If you play on PC, I could game with you maybe, assuming you're still interested in playing BL at all. It's a great solo play series, but it's even better co-op.
PC, but for the moment I'm behind a firewall, so playing might be tricky (though possible). Also, I'm pretty sure we are hours apart from each other:D. Just as a reference point it's 0:37 AM here.

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
PC, but for the moment I'm behind a firewall, so playing might be tricky (though possible). Also, I'm pretty sure we are hours apart from each other:D. Just as a reference point it's 0:37 AM here.
I work nights. I'm actually a bit late to go to bed ATM. It's about 1920 here. I'm normally in bed around 1430 to 1630, or at least I try to be. Too often I go into work with only an hour or two of sleep (my shifts, when I have them, start at 2300 >_>). I've tonight off mind, but I'll be paying for this late night tomorrow night.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Well, I have the same name across, like everywhere, so anyone who wants to play can find me if they want. Though not sure how much time I'll have due to school 'n stuff. And sleep.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
Hipster Simulator also known as Sunset Overdrive.

I got it yesterday in that Games With Gold deal that Xbox Live does, and it seems like an OK game although it seems to be one of those games where you have to keep moving either by jumping about or by grinding on rails and it can make shooting things tricky and often you spend alot of time not looking where you're going which can be frustrating when you want to change direction. That said the respawn animations are funny/cool and there are some funny lines, but at this time I think some of the review ratings are a tad high "in my opinion".


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
And oh my lord some people...

TigerKirby215 said:
Hey Wraith King, I don't think you should be spamming your spells that much. Seeing as you're a really mana-dependent hero, and we're facing off against someone who can get rid of your mana.
Wraith King said:
faggot noob reported muted
And then I got muted for 24 hours.

I love DOTA 2's report system and how little sense it makes.
There are people who literally join games purely to throw them, and they need to be reported twice to get into Low Priority, where they win 6 games and come out to throw more games for people who are just trying to have fun.

And on the flip side: If you get reported for "Communication Abuse" twice because you didn't tell your Russian Ally who just dove 5 people that he's the second coming of Christ, you're unable to communicate with your team in any way in a game based entirely around communication with your team.

I don't understand how Valve can :bark::bark::bark::bark: up their reporting system in DOTA 2 so badly when CS:GO has Overwatch, which works infinitely better than DOTA's system. o_O


Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
It's actually been a while since I've sat down and played a game for a good amount of time, but the last one that I did play was Fallout 4, specifically the Automatron DLC. I was actually surprised with how much fun it was playing with the different robot parts; I turned Codsworth into a hybrid Robobrain/Sentry Bot and made a new bot with dual flame & cryo throwers. Overall I really like Fallout 4; it wasn't as memorable as 3 or New Vegas to me, but I still play the hell out of it. I'm really interested in seeing when mods come to the console version, maybe even more than the next DLCs.

Once the semester ends in a couple weeks, I'll have a lot more time to dedicate to games. Hopefully I'll be able to grab a few more new games along the way.


Mane6 Dev
Mane6 Developer
Feb 3, 2016
I've been playing Jet Set Radio since it was given out on steam for free, really enjoying the art and atmosphere and just general direction of the game
The game design feels kinda dated but I mean, this is stuff that Tony Hawk would try to rip off later and totally fail at so I can really appreciate what it does get right (my main complaints is there's no way to at least stun people trying to attack you, you sorta just have to deal with it - the controls are a mixed bag if they respond how you want them to or not, but that might just be the steam version? I'm getting used to it as I play on - I wish there was a more meaingful way to string together tricks, they feel kinda tacked on really when they're more just a way to get around I don't get why they're incorperated into the score if they're not really important). I kinda wish someone'd make something similar to this but with some more modern approaches to game design but a similar aesthetic and everything

Though I mean, that's pretty much what Zineth was, but as a relatively short indie project it can only scratch the itch so much

It'd be neat to bring back these sort of arcade games where the main idea is to find stylish ways to get around, they pretty much all but died recently and it'd be neat to see someone breath new life into the genre.


Game Maker and Starship Captain.
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 4, 2016
Literally just finished playing Starfleet Command 1(PC). I highly recommend this game to anyone into spaceship combat. It's based on the tabletop game "Star Fleet Battles", witch is also fan, albeit a long game to play, but well worth it.

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
Divergance. A 3rd person MMO that's basically Borderlands the MMO. It's not actually Borderlands, but it pretty much is.
When you said Divergence my mind for some reason went immediately to the movie Divergent starring Shailene Woodly.

I've been playing Jet Set Radio since it was given out on steam for free, really enjoying the art and atmosphere and just general direction of the game...
I used to play Jet Set Radio (Jet Grind Radio in US) back on the Dreamcast. I used to play it for hours back then. Then when I revisited it on PSN it only took me like 3 hours to beat the whole game.

The game design feels kinda dated .....
The game does really feel dated. From the controls and the camera. But the cel-shading doesn't feel dated. Still looks great to this day.

I wish there was a more meaingful way to string together tricks...
Yeah the tricks system. Really unwieldly. But to does feel cool sometimes like grind to wall slide to wall jump to grind etc.

I kinda wish someone'd make something similar to this...
There is this game called "Hover: Revolt of Gamers" which is heavily inspired by Jet Set Radio.
They even got Hideki Naganuma the guy who did alot of the OST of Jet Set Radio and Sonic Rush.
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Mane6 Dev
Mane6 Developer
Feb 3, 2016
The game does really feel dated. From the controls and the camera. But the cel-shading doesn't feel dated. Still looks great to this day.
Oh yeah the art direction holds up really well and still looks gorgeous, really the only complaint there is how weird and unnatural it looks when Professor K starts talking, but I mean that's pretty much the time.

The trick system is kinda unwieldy but not necessarily bad, it just kinda feels unnecessary to add points and stuff to it if they don't really matter much - it's more just a way to chain getting from place to place in it, so giving it a score doesn't really seem to mean much especially since it doesn't really have anything to do with the main idea. Just feels like it could've been either fleshed out more or not really brought attention to, since as is it just feels like an undeveloped idea when the graffiti is your main source of points to begin with.

It was fairly progressive game design wise how minimalistic they made the controls, only really using the analogue sticks and the triggers - but they really could've mapped the graffiti button to a different button than the camera correct one since it gets annoying when you're trying to tag things while moving and don't time it exactly perfectly and the camera starts swinging around.

Hover looks really cool though, JSR really does feel like it should be an open world game but they just didn't have the resources at the time to do it.

Also I was surprised to hear it was called Jet Grind Radio in the US like... I don't think I've ever heard it called that and I live in the US. That being said I missed out on the dreamcast but it's such a well known game, I wonder why they changed the name


"I mustn't betray spoon"
Backers' Beta Tester
Since it came bundled with my Wii U I decided to go ahead and start playing through Splatoon. My time was spent being pleasantly surprised that the single player wasn't bad and completely forgetting my connection is too bad to play it the way it was meant to be played. Trust me, being a nerd who lives on top of a mountain is not exactly great.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Literally just finished playing Starfleet Command 1(PC). I highly recommend this game to anyone into spaceship combat. It's based on the tabletop game "Star Fleet Battles", witch is also fan, albeit a long game to play, but well worth it.
I haven't played that game in a looooooooooooong time.

My most recent gaming has been Stardew Valley and Space Engineers.


Mane6 Dev
Mane6 Developer
Feb 3, 2016
My time was spent being pleasantly surprised that the single player wasn't bad
The single player was really good and creative tbh like, it's the sort of thing Nintendo should be experimenting more with instead of developing whatever iteration of "new super mario bros" they're at now if they want to actually breath life into platforming again like Mario Galaxy had done

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Game Corp DX

A small game, like Game Dev Tycoon or Prison Architect, but I think a lot cheaper than either of those options. It was pretty decent. Took a couple of tries, but I beat it on Normal Mode. The first time I tried, I got in over my head, having too many employees and spending too much time and money rushing to upgrade everyone's skill level.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Got Wargame European Escalation and Red dragon (Albeit no multi for the time being), but holy crow, the campaign is hard.


Bringer of sorrow and also donuts.
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I was just checking out the new stuff in Killer Instinct. I'm pretty impressed, especially with the music.

Otherwise, I just beat Mother. It's a good little game, but it has many many flaws.

@Whitetail You ever play Jet Set Radio Future? I'd say it's the superior of the two.
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Mane6 Dev
Mane6 Developer
Feb 3, 2016
I've been trying to learn Dwarf Fortress, and it's just as hard to grasp as I remember it being.
Never played it myself but I know there's like
a million mods/versions of it - maybe there's one that'd be a bit easier for you to grasp, I know like vanilla it's almost incomprehensible from the ASCII interface to just the shear amount of information presented on screen

@Whitetail You ever play Jet Set Radio Future? I'd say it's the superior of the two.
Nah actually I didn't even know it had a sequel until I looked the other day, I'd defintiely be interested in trying it out after I beat the first one because I absolutely love the premise and art direction in it. I had only ever heard of the first game before as a cult hit, I didn't expect it to have a sequel. If I could get it on the computer somehow that'd be great =X
Idk if it'd be easy to dig out my old xbox (then again actually having it on console would probably help keep me motivated to finish it, I find I get distracted from computer games really easily)


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Rivals of Aether. I beat OC and I am extremely proud of it (Every button is at the wrong place, why do you have to jump with the Y ?????). It also took a lot of time to connect.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
I play lots of titans quest for those who are still into diablo series. titan quest is about as good as that solo..the way the game drops its ratres and is very hard in legendary has me coming back for more.

I also play too much monster hunter as a hunting horn main. I Just reached 5500 hunting horn uses last night and ya I use this avatar of a oc palico holding a hunting horn as my avatar...


Just some guy
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Dark Souls 3, those weapon skills are a nice addition to the game.


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
Nothing's more pleasing that gaining 50 MMR over 2 matches in DOTA 2 because people pick heroes who you super hard-counter. :cool:
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Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Wargame: Red Dragon. Hold a city against 5:1 odds, because you frickin didn't notice the tiny reinforcement box on the top left corner of the startegic screen. Lucky for me, they could be funneled between two mountains, so it was realtively easy to pick them off.

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Ratchet and Clank (PS4). The game based on the movie based on the game >_>

It's pretty solid, the game. Feels like a R&C game, which, you know, it should....I do criticize the graphics a bit, namely it seems like there are some issues with aliasing.

I don't watch movies in theaters anymore, so I'll grab the movie on BD when it comes out.

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
Ratchet and Clank (PS4). The game based on the movie based on the game >_>

It's pretty solid, the game. Feels like a R&C game, which, you know, it should....I do criticize the graphics a bit, namely it seems like there are some issues with aliasing.

I don't watch movies in theaters anymore, so I'll grab the movie on BD when it comes out.
Have you gotten Dark Souls 3? Cause I'm debating myself if I should get R&C for PS4 or DS3. So which would you recommend more?


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Have you gotten Dark Souls 3? Cause I'm debating myself if I should get R&C for PS4 or DS3. So which would you recommend more?
I'd say, if you wanted fun, which is relative, R&C. If you wanted tougher fun, which, again, is relative, go DS3.