Personally, I'm having trouble on Arizona's Intermediate 7, namely picking the target back up after the jumping medium. No matter how I time the shorthop, 95% of the time, I can't pick them back up before they hit the ground.
So, in order to get Stomp (H) -> Short hop j. B -> c. B to connect, you want to keep as much of the launch from the stomp as you can get. I got this pretty easily by hopping as soon as the stomp hit (you can jump
cancel the stomp, you don't have to wait for it to end), and then I didn't feel like I had to delay j. B much, if at all. You probably want to do that button either on the way up, or just before the top of the jump arc.
j. B doesn't seem to affect the opponent's height
too much. To really get the biggest window possible to link into c. B, you'll want to tap them with j. B when they're at the peak of the stomp's launch arc. The opponent should stall their descent just long enough to land and hit c. B as soon as you touch the floor. It's kind of hard for me to give good pointers here, because whatever I was doing as my first thought just happened to be the correct thing, and I didn't struggle much at all here.
Also, posting a video of a failed attempt or two with input display would make it much easier for people to give advice (you pushed this button too early, you pushed this button too late, etc.)