Wanted: New MMORPG to try


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
Hello! It's been a good two years or so since I last played a MMORPG. But after spending considerable time playing Diablo 3 and Fallout 4, I find myself wanting to play a MMORPG again, but looking around it seems that there aren't that many new choices available. So, I've come here looking for suggestions on what to try (or, at the least, avoid) since I figure that, by virtue of being her eon these forums we share more in common in gaming tastes than not.

Here's some info about my MMO history to help you help me: I myself am over forty years old, and have been playing video games for most of those years (I have many fond memories of playing Ms. Pac Man with my dad down at the grocery store). The MMORPGs in the past that I have invested a lot of time into are Everquest (both 1 and 2), City of Heroes, and Dark Age of Camelot. While my past has me leaning towards fantasy, I am more than willing to try any genre. I don't mind if a game is free to play or if it has a monthly subscription fee, and I am even willing to pay for the base game itself if it is good enough, but I would like to avoid having to pay for multiple expansions just to get caught up to what the current build of the game is. Lastly, while I would prefer to play something newer (and who doesn't prefer better graphics to old clunky ones?), having a solid player base is more important to me than how realistic the scenery looks.

Even if you have nothing to suggest, let me say thank you for your time in reading this, I really appreciate it.


Master of Illogical Logic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Bowie, MD
I would recommend Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn! I've been playing it for about 2 months now and I've been absolutely loving it. Its also my first MMORPG so coming in from nothing, it really eases you into the games world and its mechanics. It released 2010 but after a terrible launch, it got reworked and rereleased in 2013 so its not too old. It has one expansion out called Heavensward which increased the level cap from 50 to 60 for all jobs (which are this game's versions of classes) and 3 new ones. I personally haven't bought the Heasvensward expansion yet (for personal reasons, you should by it by all means if you enjoy the game) and have still been enjoying it immensely. The expansion is more for endgame anyway. The game looks beautiful and is full of life, from the NPCs, to the actual community. There is of course assholes as in any internet based cooperative game but they are pretty far and few between. I've had plenty of times where my party wipes and dies repeatedly and experienced players are willing to answer any questions about fight mechanics and teach so things can go smoothly the next time.

The game gives you a full month for free when you buy the game so you can really test the waters to make sure its something you want to invest in. The game does have a monthly subscription of 12.99 afterwards per month.

If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message.


Game Maker and Starship Captain.
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 4, 2016
If you're a Star Trek fan, then, as a Lifetime Subscriber to it, I highly recommend "Star Trek Online". It is hands-down, the best Star Trek game when it comes to starship combat (outside of the takes-hours-to-play Star Fleet Battles tabletop system), and the story isn't half-bad to boot.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
Thank you all for the suggestions! I'll give them a look and see if they can catch my attention or not.