Now that it's been a few days, we know a bit more about what happened, and here's the story:
We had a bot on our server that was a general multi-use bot. While we had dedicated bots for rolling dice and playing music, this bot could do both (never hurts to have a back-up), as well as several other features; such as run polls, play games, and provide entertaining 'conversation'. That said, this bot was hosted locally on the computer of one our members, and he had recently received a new computer. Thus, he had planned on formatting his old one, and then using it as a dedicated host for the bot. Thus, he had moved it onto Github to store it for just a few days before transferring back to his old computer.
However, it was at that time that someone found it and stole the bot's token (Identity, more or less), and then showed up on the server. They then used that's bot's abilities to wipe the server as clean as they could. They also took the opportunity to kick everyone they could off the server, and rename it and change the pic for it. That said, that's all been fixed, and we're already back up and running at full speed.
I saw the whole thing unfold, and it was rather surreal to see it happen.
So there ya go, that's the basic story.
That said, said vulnerability has been been removed, and we might be bringing said bot back, but that will be after very intensive review and discussion.