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These are just notes to put in that is not in my OC's lore
Zack is a demon of a Polar bear.
Fluffy has resistance to mind attacks because she's crazy. (note this dose not make her immune)
Zack has extensive knowledge.
Fluffy has a personal shield of sorts allowing her to tank some attacks. (provided by Zack)
Fluffy likes to take the horns, hooves, teeth, etc.. of those she kills.
Fluffy is frightened by people that can show great amounts of magical power, but if need be can still fight.
Zack is loyal to the Ungulates and will try to keep Fluffy in check.
Think of Fluffy's fighting style like Pennies from RWBY, but with more knifes and a lot more aggressive.
Fluffy will charge blindly into a fight even if she is clearly out matched. (Unless convicted by Zack not to.)
The boar known as Dungeon Miner was not always known as such. The name was given to him, many years ago, when he carved out the large halls that would one day be known as the United Foenum Council. What he was before then, is lost to history.
Miner is a large boar, and is at times mistaken for a cloaked boulder. A mass of flesh, fur, and muscle, Miner is not a creature to be trifled with in the physical realm, especially considering his large, gleaming tusks. Luckily, he prefers the mental disciplines, diplomacy, philosophy, and the like. The founding member of the UFC, he is willing to keep the peace, no matter the cost.
His name was Wǒ Bǎohù. Houshan for 'I protect.' A Longma who had harnessed his kind's fire, and forged it into a keen weapon. He learned his ways from an ancient Houshan scroll, from when the Predators roamed free, and Houshan was a fierce military empire. After the Hold was sealed, the scrolls were destroyed, the Longma certain they would never be needed again. Bǎohù knew different, and as he grew, he honed his combat skill, in preparation for the inevitable.
Houshan police discovered his tome, and for his 'crime', he was exiled to lands unknown. And so ends the tale of Wǒ Bǎohù... or so it seemed.
Across Foenum, ungulates of many kinds speak of an armored, cloaked Longma-like creature, only showing when predators were spotted a few days prior. Only one account exists where an old goat, by the name of Mountain Shepherd, conversed with the armored figure.
"He was a burly fellow, nearly as large as a full-grown bull, his armor the color of corroding copper, and his cloak the color of ferrous iron. He had with him a great axe, a massive, twin-bladed thing, with engraved runes adorning his equipment. I couldn't see his face; only a helm, where two steel-gray eyes peered from behind a slit. I asked him what his name was, and he told me, 'I am called Tiě Liúlàng Zhě, 'The Iron Wanderer' in your tongue.' I asked what was engraved on his great axe, where Houshan characters can be found along the handle. He left without a word. But I now know those characters."
"They read 'Wǒ Bǎohù'."
Before anyone asks, yes, Wo Baohu's design his heavily based on Lord Saladin.
It's 'RANDOM OC THURSDAY', that special time when I write whatever OC I can come up with in 20 minutes or less!
Ready, Set, GO!
His name was Rì Chū, and he was a Longma. Rì wasn't much to look at, lanky, weak in combat, and with a fire that rarely, if ever, came out, he had come to be known as the runt of his platoon. Because of his small flames the others teased him about not belonging in the Army/Air Force/Whatever and nicknamed him Sparky.
'Sparky', or Sunrise to his friends, was not fond of his nickname, so he eventually left the Army/Air Force/Thing and wandered the world of Foenum in search of a better home. His travels have led him through dry deserts, snowy alps, dense jungles, heavy rainforests and the familiar volcanic ranges. And yet, he still couldn't find a place where he belonged.
Settling for a new home where he wouldn't be constantly mocked, he settled down on the outskirts of a nearby plantation. Visiting the premises only ended with him being sweet talked by a rather... 'pushy' female sheep to work in the fields in exchange for food. Not seeing a better offer, Rì chose to tend the fields and help his common ungulate.
4 years later and he was still there, not worrying about what others think of him. As long as he was happy where he was right now, he couldn't care less about what others say about him. Having a loving girlfriend was just a bonus...
It's 'RANDOM OC THURSDAY', that special time when I write whatever OC I can come up with in 20 minutes or less!
Ready, Set, GO!
His name was Rì Chū, and he was a Longma. Rì wasn't much to look at, lanky, weak in combat, and with a fire that rarely, if ever, came out, he had come to be known as the runt of his platoon. Because of his small flames the others teased him about not belonging in the Army/Air Force/Whatever and nicknamed him Sparky.
'Sparky', or Sunrise to his friends, was not fond of his nickname, so he eventually left the Army/Air Force/Thing and wandered the world of Foenum in search of a better home. His travels have led him through dry deserts, snowy alps, dense jungles, heavy rainforests and the familiar volcanic ranges. And yet, he still couldn't find a place where he belonged.
Settling for a new home where he wouldn't be constantly mocked, he settled down on the outskirts of a nearby plantation. Visiting the premises only ended with him being sweet talked by a rather... 'pushy' female sheep to work in the fields in exchange for food. Not seeing a better offer, Rì chose to tend the fields and help his common ungulate.
4 years later and he was still there, not worrying about what others think of him. As long as he was happy where he was right now, he couldn't care less about what others say about him. Having a loving girlfriend was just a bonus...
This should be a thing. And to make it a bit easier, participants would only need to write one OC per month like this, however each week there should be at least one new.
Heck if there's enough, the best one could even get .....something. I dunno, someone drawing it?
This should be a thing. And to make it a bit easier, participants would only need to write one OC per month like this, however each week there should be at least one new.
Heck if there's enough, the best one could even get .....something. I dunno, someone drawing it?
Meh, like the name implies, it was random. I just wanted to write something for funsies and not so serious for a change. People can do whatever they want, if they want to participate, then that's fine by me, if they don't, no harm no foul.
Meh, like the name implies, it was random. I just wanted to write something for funsies and not so serious for a change. People can do whatever they want, if they want to participate, then that's fine by me, if they don't, no harm no foul.
I would disagree with you on that. I actually liked your post very much, truth be told, after reading your post I wanted to write something that was fun and not as serious as my other OC posts. Buuuut, knowing myself, I will probably come back to this story ant try to stretch it out and make it better, but for now, I'm happy with it and thankful to you for giving me some motivation to write it.
I would disagree with you on that. I actually liked your post very much, truth be told, after reading your post I wanted to write something that was fun and not as serious as my other OC posts. Buuuut, knowing myself, I will probably come back to this story ant try to stretch it out and make it better, but for now, I'm happy with it and thankful to you for giving me some motivation to write it.
I thought your post sounded like a parody of mine...
Anyways, almost forgot; Bao's great axe can channel his fire via the runes engraved on it, same with the rest of his armor.
His armor wasn't forged by himself, though; he encountered the reclusive Pudu people (Pudú - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and they forged his armor after he defended them from a pack of wild boar.
Oh, you meant Original Character, not me...
(Ignoring the fact that it's Saturday as I post this)
Name: Li Li
Race: Musk Ox
Description: Tiny ox who's legs never grew much
Story: Li Li was born a very large calf, but kinda didn't grow much from there. She is very much an overly hairy muskox, but in miniature. As a result, she constantly had trouble keeping up with the herd, until one day she built herself a little cart to strap onto the back of a willing recipient. Thus, when the herd was on the move, she could keep up. However, one simply doesn't allow themselves to become a burdensome attachment to the heard. No, she was a thinker you see. The little cart she made she turned into both a mobile workshop, and a stage! You see, when she wasn't attempting to invent a new little thing here or there, she entertained her herd with song and dance. Thus, she went from being a burden, to a well-guarded boon. Thus, to almost this day, she traveled with her herd near and far. Until one day when something came in the night, and scattered them all to the winds.
Thankfully, she wasn't alone in the morning. She had her old friend who'd become her bodyguard still by her side. Thus, they set off in search of their herd, hoping one day to reunite them once more...
Oh, you meant Original Character, not me...
(Ignoring the fact that it's Saturday as I post this)
Name: Li Li
Race: Musk Ox
Description: Tiny ox who's legs never grew much
Story: Li Li was born a very large calf, but kinda didn't grow much from there. She is very much an overly hairy muskox, but in miniature. As a result, she constantly had trouble keeping up with the herd, until one day she built herself a little cart to strap onto the back of a willing recipient. Thus, when the herd was on the move, she could keep up. However, one simply doesn't allow themselves to become a burdensome attachment to the heard. No, she was a thinker you see. The little cart she made she turned into both a mobile workshop, and a stage! You see, when she wasn't attempting to invent a new little thing here or there, she entertained her herd with song and dance. Thus, she went from being a burden, to a well-guarded boon. Thus, to almost this day, she traveled with her herd near and far. Until one day when something came in the night, and scattered them all to the winds.
Thankfully, she wasn't alone in the morning. She had her old friend who'd become her bodyguard still by her side. Thus, they set off in search of their herd, hoping one day to reunite them once more...
DJ Dr4g0n, or as she was formerly known as, Kim Chi, was always indifferent to the ways of her fellow longma. Whereas her society, friends, and even family pushed her to join the Army/Air Force/Whatever, her heart told her that she was destined for something else.
Whenever she would listen to the songs of her people, she would think, "Oh sweet prophet, TURN IT OFF!" Withstanding what was essentially auditory torture had led her to believe that there was no 'soul' out in Foenum, that is, until she had grown up and reluctantly joined the Army/BlahBlahBlah.
While in the /RandomMilitaryBranch\ Kim had the opportunity to explore many cultures, and sounds, from many different places. The hesitant tribal clans of the Carredo rainforests, with their unique mixture of drums and chants, had Kim's heart pounding with the beat. The strict, iron hooved monarchies of the Shahar deserts, with their grand and idealistic beliefs, had made a clear and concise sound that, could arguably be said, sounded the same. The free-spirited loose cannon patriarchy of Gerenland was a surprise, in part because of who was ruling, but also because their sound could be described as incoherent jargon shouted at the top of one's lungs. Needless to say, it was great stress relief, shouting at a random ungulate and knowing that it was all in good fun. Finally, the calm, centered aristocracy of the Hida mountains held a secret, one even the government might not have known about. Deep underground, only known to those who listen, were clubs that played the loudest, strangest assortment of sounds Kim had ever heard. It was as if the music shook her entire being with every note, and it was good.
Kim had been there, seen it all, and learned from the best. After many years of working her way up from the underbelly of Foenum, she had crafted her own unique sound, one made from a combination of other sounds in the world. Perhaps the most surprising thing had been how not one of her fellow longma had figured out her secret double life as DJ Dr4g0n, the #1 new underground artist of the year.
Oh man, cut it pretty close to the 30 minute deadline I gave myself, phew. It probably didn't help that I had to look up types of government, but, what can you do.
Anyways, Avering just suggested that me, or someone else, make an OC post for this little idea that spawned from Nappy's thread. I don't know if this is good, but I'll let you guys be the judge of it. Keep in mind I'm not that good at connecting ideas in stories, so it'll probably seem all over the place.
My turn Random OC
Edit: RANDOM OC THURSDAY (on an actual Thursday)
Name: Storch
Race: Longma
Appearance/Personality: Storch is a large, around 3 times larger then the regular longma, muscular longma. His scales are a dark green and carries two bags, one bag is filled with one bone for every living creature he eats. The other bag holds the skull of a longma named Tom. When Storch was little Tom made fun of him, so he killed and ate Tom starting his career. Storch is intimnating but is quite dumb and will believe the person who is hiring him. Although if Storch is made fun of, he will go into a rampage until the other is dead. His grammar is terrible.
Hunter Recruiter (HR) : So your name, why do you want to join the Hunters, and what do you want out of it?
Storch: Hi I'm Storch and I would like to join so I can get to eated more people.
HR: O...K... what can you do?
Storch: I'm big, and strong, and I would like to eated more people. (pulls out his bags full of bones, HR notices that the bag is mostly full around 200+ bones) These are from all the people I have eated, (starts pointing out bones), this was an reindeer, this was a mouse, this is my own bone...
HR: What's in the other bag.
Storch: (pulls out the skull and puts on his hoof like a puppet) This is my friend Tom, he made fun of me when I was younger and so I eated him. Isn't that right Tom
Tom (pupted by Storch): Yha don't make fun of Storch or he will eated you.
HR: Well you have sperit I'll consult the higher ups and maby we can get you somewhere.
(OC: It Is your choice to accept this OC as an NPC character or something else, just to flesh out some of the army's.)
This character was inspired by Cain from URealms Live Campain 9, The New Crew.
I rolled for a random race, and got Giraffe. So I suppose random giraffe with random demon is now an OC.
Name: Tal-Luka
Race: Giraffe
Appearance: Rather tall. With a book that looks rather painfully embedded into his neck. Oh, and the various black spots that cover his yellow coat glow with red in the dark. As well as his eyes, through his eyelids, while he's sleeping.
Ye olde backstory: Tal-Luka is a fine example of why one shouldn't give into their base instincts. You see, as a youngin' he rather enjoyed the more ... extreme activities of his kin. This included such things as eating leaves, sleeping whenever, kicking muskoxen in the face, and whatever ideas popped into the head. When he reached his mid-teens (by giraffe times), that was when he gave in fully to the impulses that entered his head. As a result, he was shunned by his kin as mentally unstable. Now, he wasn't fully so, but a life of one's body constantly being bashed and brused does leave a mark on one's psyche. So, when he found the book that he now carries, he did the only thing any sane ungulate would do: He kicked the owner in the face, grabbed the book, then slammed it with his head. The book, however, was less then pleased with his actions, and decided to pay him back and suck to his head. In a desprate attempt to pry it off (involving much rolling and bashing one's head against a few rocks), it he manged to set part of his neck on fire. Using the book itself to try and pat himself out, he slammed his neck with it, only to have it latch onto him, and burrow quite painfully into his flesh. The demon, taking the chance to gander through his head, decided that it actually liked him better then the last host, and switched from having made a pact, to haunting the poor giraffe.
Ever since that day, Tal-Luka has been the pinnicle of self-control. Every action, every move, every breath is carefully controlled and is done with purpose. You see, he hopes that one day, the demon will grow bored with him, and leave. However, that was 13 years ago, and to this day the demon has shown no signs of relenting in its attempts to get him to relive his 'good ole days'.
Name: Haos
Race: Demon
Appearence: Often the same race as its host, though with distorted or missing appendages or other parts of the body (the head and heart are personal favorites).
It says nothing of its past. Nor does it say anything of its goals. There are only two things that Tal-Luka knows. One is that it keeps goading him to return to how he used to be. The other is that it has never once offered to make a pact with him. It seems content to merely torment him and his dreams.
My turn Random OC
Edit: RANDOM OC THURSDAY (on an actual Thursday)
Name: Storch
Race: Longma
Appearance/Personality: Storch is a large, around 3 times larger then the regular longma, muscular longma. His scales are a dark green and carries two bags, one bag is filled with one bone for every living creature he eats. The other bag holds the skull of a longma named Tom. When Storch was little Tom made fun of him, so he killed and ate Tom starting his career. Storch is intimnating but is quite dumb and will believe the person who is hiring him. Although if Storch is made fun of, he will go into a rampage until the other is dead. His grammar is terrible.
Hunter Recruiter (HR) : So your name, why do you want to join the Hunters, and what do you want out of it?
Storch: Hi I'm Storch and I would like to join so I can get to eated more people.
HR: O...K... what can you do?
Storch: I'm big, and strong, and I would like to eated more people. (pulls out his bags full of bones, HR notices that the bag is mostly full around 200+ bones) These are from all the people I have eated, (starts pointing out bones), this was an reindeer, this was a mouse, this is my own bone...
HR: What's in the other bag.
Storch: (pulls out the skull and puts on his hoof like a puppet) This is my friend Tom, he made fun of me when I was younger and so I eated him. Isn't that right Tom
Tom (pupted by Storch): Yha don't make fun of Storch or he will eated you.
HR: Well you have sperit I'll consult the higher ups and maby we can get you somewhere.
(OC: It Is your choice to accept this OC as an NPC character or something else, just to flesh out some of the army's.)
This character was inspired by Cain from URealms Live Campain 9, The New Crew.
30 minutes!
Minimal adjustments!
No Take Backs!
Ready? Set! Go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay (Not the dev) was a simple otter living his life to the fullest, eating clams, swimming, breaching, hitting on all of the girls. Life was good. But then everything changed when the Fire Na-
Hey, stop that! *Smacks Tommy with a newspaper*
That's NOT what happened!
Ahem. Getting back on track...
Jay was living the good life, but that soon came to a close as from the depths of the ocean blue arose a monster so hideous that even he couldn't stand the sight of it.
"...Hi! My name's Levy, what's yours?" the creature asked. And it would have gotten an answer had Jay not passed out from fear ten seconds ago. "Oh dear, why don't we get you somewhere safe, hmm?"
Jay's senses came back to him in parts, first came touch, his paws felt the grainy sand beneath his body, the rough, course texture a sure sign of safety. Next came sight, upon opening his eyes he was greeted with the creature from before.
"Nope! Definitely not safe!" thought Jay upon locking eyes with the beast. Suddenly his senses didn't feel like waiting to wake up individually as his whole body jerked away from the thing. "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, this is all just a dream! I'm sure I'll wake up any time now! Eheheheh... r-right?"
"Oh goodie, you're awake! Well, now that you're safe, hiii, I'm Levy, what's your name?" asked Levy, blissfully unaware of the cowering otter on the seaside.
"Oh good, now it's talking to me, what do I have to do to get out of this nightmare!?" Jay ranted, letting his frustration out. Unbeknownst to him, because he was too busy being a whiny bubble-blowin diaper baby, Levy had taken offense to being called an 'it'.
"Excuuuuse me!? I am NOT an IT, I am a SHE! And I happen to have saved you from drowning! Now, do NOT take kindly to strangers who take my generosity for granted, so you'd better apologize right now buster!" Levy fumed, her voice rising to unbearable levels the longer she went on. Jay could do nothing but cower in fear of Levy, she really was scary, well, scarier, when she was mad.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Sorry, what was that, couldn't quite hear you?" Levy asked, not quite hiding her growing sense of pride. "Could you repeat that, a little LOUDER if you would."
Jay realised that if this was indeed a dream, then he could theoretically make the creature disappear, but he had been trying for the last few minutes to no avail. So, with the realization that this was indeed another living life form, he gave in and asked for her forgiveness.
"I'm deeply sorry for calling you an 'It', that was wrong of me. I was so scared of what you were and what you might have done to me, that I didn't see reason and just started lashing out at anything and evrything. I'm sorry. Can we start over? I promise I won't faint this time."
"Hm, apology accepted. Well, now that that little squabble is over and done with, how about you tell me your name?" asked Levy, coaxing the otter into giving her his name.
"I'm Jay, and umm... nice to meet you Levy," Jay spoke, in an uneven tone. "Sooo, what exactly are you, IF YOU DON'T MIND ME ASKING, THAT IS!"
Seeing Jay squirm at the thought at upsetting her made Levy giggle, he really needed to relax. Moving to stand at her full height, Levy breached the water and showed her true form.
Standing before Jay, was none other than a leviathan. A giant sea creature with tentacles, fins, scales and teeth, lots and lots of teeth, stared back at him. To which Jay promptly fainted...
"Oy, if this is how you're going to act around me, then I think we'd better get you a seaweed mask."
The End.
So, this actually took me 50 minutes to write, BUT work can be the culprit here, because I was writing this while working. It was going slow and I thought I could finish it in time, but that didn't happen. Anyways you guys get a 2-fer:
30 minutes!
Minimal adjustments!
No Take Backs!
Ready? Set! Go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay (Not the dev) was a simple otter living his life to the fullest, eating clams, swimming, breaching, hitting on all of the girls. Life was good. But then everything changed when the Fire Na-
Hey, stop that! *Smacks Tommy with a newspaper*
That's NOT what happened!
Ahem. Getting back on track...
Jay was living the good life, but that soon came to a close as from the depths of the ocean blue arose a monster so hideous that even he couldn't stand the sight of it.
"...Hi! My name's Levy, what's yours?" the creature asked. And it would have gotten an answer had Jay not passed out from fear ten seconds ago. "Oh dear, why don't we get you somewhere safe, hmm?"
Jay's senses came back to him in parts, first came touch, his paws felt the grainy sand beneath his body, the rough, course texture a sure sign of safety. Next came sight, upon opening his eyes he was greeted with the creature from before.
"Nope! Definitely not safe!" thought Jay upon locking eyes with the beast. Suddenly his senses didn't feel like waiting to wake up individually as his whole body jerked away from the thing. "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, this is all just a dream! I'm sure I'll wake up any time now! Eheheheh... r-right?"
"Oh goodie, you're awake! Well, now that you're safe, hiii, I'm Levy, what's your name?" asked Levy, blissfully unaware of the cowering otter on the seaside.
"Oh good, now it's talking to me, what do I have to do to get out of this nightmare!?" Jay ranted, letting his frustration out. Unbeknownst to him, because he was too busy being a whiny bubble-blowin diaper baby, Levy had taken offense to being called an 'it'.
"Excuuuuse me!? I am NOT an IT, I am a SHE! And I happen to have saved you from drowning! Now, do NOT take kindly to strangers who take my generosity for granted, so you'd better apologize right now buster!" Levy fumed, her voice rising to unbearable levels the longer she went on. Jay could do nothing but cower in fear of Levy, she really was scary, well, scarier, when she was mad.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Sorry, what was that, couldn't quite hear you?" Levy asked, not quite hiding her growing sense of pride. "Could you repeat that, a little LOUDER if you would."
Jay realised that if this was indeed a dream, then he could theoretically make the creature disappear, but he had been trying for the last few minutes to no avail. So, with the realization that this was indeed another living life form, he gave in and asked for her forgiveness.
"I'm deeply sorry for calling you an 'It', that was wrong of me. I was so scared of what you were and what you might have done to me, that I didn't see reason and just started lashing out at anything and evrything. I'm sorry. Can we start over? I promise I won't faint this time."
"Hm, apology accepted. Well, now that that little squabble is over and done with, how about you tell me your name?" asked Levy, coaxing the otter into giving her his name.
"I'm Jay, and umm... nice to meet you Levy," Jay spoke, in an uneven tone. "Sooo, what exactly are you, IF YOU DON'T MIND ME ASKING, THAT IS!"
Seeing Jay squirm at the thought at upsetting her made Levy giggle, he really needed to relax. Moving to stand at her full height, Levy breached the water and showed her true form.
Standing before Jay, was none other than a leviathan. A giant sea creature with tentacles, fins, scales and teeth, lots and lots of teeth, stared back at him. To which Jay promptly fainted...
"Oy, if this is how you're going to act around me, then I think we'd better get you a seaweed mask."
The End.
So, this actually took me 50 minutes to write, BUT work can be the culprit here, because I was writing this while working. It was going slow and I thought I could finish it in time, but that didn't happen. Anyways you guys get a 2-fer:
I'm like a snake in the night, I creep along the grass all slithery like. Sssssssssssssssss. And when you least expect it, I POUNCE ON A BROTHA! I GO FOR THE JUGGULAR, OH YES, YOU BETTER BELIEEEEVE I GO FOR THAT NECK!
And then, like I wasn't even there, I crawl back to my apartment and watch reruns of Dexter's Laboratory on Boomerang. Sssssssssssss.
I'm like a snake in the night, I creep along the grass all slithery like. Sssssssssssssssss. And when you least expect it, I POUNCE ON A BROTHA! I GO FOR THE JUGGULAR, OH YES, YOU BETTER BELIEEEEVE I GO FOR THAT NECK!
And then, like I wasn't even there, I crawl back to my apartment and watch reruns of Dexter's Laboratory on Boomerang. Sssssssssssss.
Name: Orez
Species: Snake
Occupation: Biting things in the face.
Backstory: Orez like to bite things in the face. So he does. Until he was banished to The Hold. Now he bite predators on the face and doesn't afraid of anything.
Name: Orez
Species: Snake
Occupation: Biting things in the face.
Backstory: Orez like to bite things in the face. So he does. Until he was banished to The Hold. Now he bite predators on the face and doesn't afraid of anything.
But.. wouldn't he need to unbite creatures as well? Otherwise he can't bite others! But that would be the exact opposite of his life's meaning of biting others. How does he do it?!
But.. wouldn't he need to unbite creatures as well? Otherwise he can't bite others! But that would be the exact opposite of his life's meaning of biting others. How does he do it?!
Name: Orez
Species: Snake
Occupation: Biting things in the face.
Backstory: Orez like to bite things in the face. So he does. Until he was banished to The Hold. Now he bite predators on the face and doesn't afraid of anything.
This is my first crack at an OC character, so here goes.
Name: Cosmo the Nut Sex: Female Species: Dog (Mongrel breed) Faction: Sheep/ SheepDog
Appearance: Wears a glass bowl on her head with a hole in the back. Also wears a harness with unknown purpose. Is a dog but looks drastically different from the other sheepdogs.
Background: She has an unknown history as she is suffering from amnesia but what little we know about her is from the stories of the dogs who found her. She was found many years ago in a strange contraption. As she emerged from it, she was speaking a strange language repeatedly shouting "cosmo nut" which would eventually become her name. She was excessively fast, strong, and well skilled. It took many sheepdogs to restrain her and ended with knocking her out with a blow to the head. At first she could barely communicate with the sheepdogs but eventually learned their language. Because of this, she speaks with a very heavy accent. She feels lost in this world mostly travelling Foenum to seek answers. She finds an ancient ruin with evidence that the old tales of The Hold may be true. She now seeks to travel into The Hold as she thinks it holds answers to her past.
This is my first crack at an OC character, so here goes.
Name: Cosmo the Nut Sex: Female Species: Dog (Mongrel breed) Faction: Sheep/ SheepDog
Appearance: Wears a glass bowl on her head with a hole in the back. Also wears a harness with unknown purpose. Is a dog but looks drastically different from the other sheepdogs.
Background: She has an unknown history as she is suffering from amnesia but what little we know about her is from the stories of the dogs who found her. She was found many years ago in a strange contraption. As she emerged from it, she was speaking a strange language repeatedly shouting "cosmo nut" which would eventually become her name. She was excessively fast, strong, and well skilled. It took many sheepdogs to restrain her and ended with knocking her out with a blow to the head. At first she could barely communicate with the sheepdogs but eventually learned their language. Because of this, she speaks with a very heavy accent. She feels lost in this world mostly travelling Foenum to seek answers. She finds an ancient ruin with evidence that the old tales of The Hold may be true. She now seeks to travel into The Hold as she thinks it holds answers to her past.
This is my first crack at an OC character, so here goes.
Name: Cosmo the Nut Sex: Female Species: Dog (Mongrel breed) Faction: Sheep/ SheepDog
Appearance: Wears a glass bowl on her head with a hole in the back. Also wears a harness with unknown purpose. Is a dog but looks drastically different from the other sheepdogs.
Background: She has an unknown history as she is suffering from amnesia but what little we know about her is from the stories of the dogs who found her. She was found many years ago in a strange contraption. As she emerged from it, she was speaking a strange language repeatedly shouting "cosmo nut" which would eventually become her name. She was excessively fast, strong, and well skilled. It took many sheepdogs to restrain her and ended with knocking her out with a blow to the head. At first she could barely communicate with the sheepdogs but eventually learned their language. Because of this, she speaks with a very heavy accent. She feels lost in this world mostly travelling Foenum to seek answers. She finds an ancient ruin with evidence that the old tales of The Hold may be true. She now seeks to travel into The Hold as she thinks it holds answers to her past.
Nice, nice. Pretty well done for a first try and a really enjoyable read as well. Maybe you'll join in on Random OC Thursdays? If only just to see what crazyness you can come up with in half an hour.
This is my first crack at an OC character, so here goes.
Name: Cosmo the Nut Sex: Female Species: Dog (Mongrel breed) Faction: Sheep/ SheepDog
Appearance: Wears a glass bowl on her head with a hole in the back. Also wears a harness with unknown purpose. Is a dog but looks drastically different from the other sheepdogs.
Background: She has an unknown history as she is suffering from amnesia but what little we know about her is from the stories of the dogs who found her. She was found many years ago in a strange contraption. As she emerged from it, she was speaking a strange language repeatedly shouting "cosmo nut" which would eventually become her name. She was excessively fast, strong, and well skilled. It took many sheepdogs to restrain her and ended with knocking her out with a blow to the head. At first she could barely communicate with the sheepdogs but eventually learned their language. Because of this, she speaks with a very heavy accent. She feels lost in this world mostly travelling Foenum to seek answers. She finds an ancient ruin with evidence that the old tales of The Hold may be true. She now seeks to travel into The Hold as she thinks it holds answers to her past.
This is my first crack at an OC character, so here goes.
Name: Cosmo the Nut Sex: Female Species: Dog (Mongrel breed) Faction: Sheep/ SheepDog
Appearance: Wears a glass bowl on her head with a hole in the back. Also wears a harness with unknown purpose. Is a dog but looks drastically different from the other sheepdogs.
Background: She has an unknown history as she is suffering from amnesia but what little we know about her is from the stories of the dogs who found her. She was found many years ago in a strange contraption. As she emerged from it, she was speaking a strange language repeatedly shouting "cosmo nut" which would eventually become her name. She was excessively fast, strong, and well skilled. It took many sheepdogs to restrain her and ended with knocking her out with a blow to the head. At first she could barely communicate with the sheepdogs but eventually learned their language. Because of this, she speaks with a very heavy accent. She feels lost in this world mostly travelling Foenum to seek answers. She finds an ancient ruin with evidence that the old tales of The Hold may be true. She now seeks to travel into The Hold as she thinks it holds answers to her past.
Appearance: A slim build with a big scar on his left eye and part of his right ear is cut off. Very dark green skin almost to the point it looks black.
Background: A master of the Longma martial art called the Smokeless Fire which is ironic as Bakunawa (Baku for short) uses smoke to confuse his opponents in fights. He gained his codename when he defeated his rival, Apoy Butiki, in a sparring match by obscuring the moonlight with his smoke. The Smokeless Fire art is famous for masters ability to generate enormous amounts of heat without generating a visible flame or smoke. Used mostly in covert missions by the black ops team The Shadow Serpents, who Baku was a former member.
Baku has become listless and longs for the old days. Til one fateful moonlit night his old rival Apoy asks him to join one more mission. He agrees but during the mission he narrowly survives an assassination attempt. He later finds out that Apoy has been hired to kill all former members of the Shadow Serpents. Baku now seeks surviving members to team up against Apoy's new black ops team The Deadly Dragons.
Name: Xīng Liúlàng-zhě, Xīng for short (Name translates to "star wanderer" Age: 31 Species: Longma Primary scale color, Underbelly scales, Eye color
Xing is notable amongst her kind; she is an astronomer, and has taken the occupation of a star reader i.e. a Longma whose duty is to watch the constellations for when harvest season arrives. Xing uses this as opportunity to follow her passion.
Star readers live a difficult life. Virtually outcasts from Longma culture, they live on the mountainsides of Huoshan, equipped with advanced* telescopes and stacks upon stacks of paper, with a constant shipment of food, ink, and replacement lenses from the Empire. Xing often requests more paper from the Empire to record her findings, and is credited with the discovery of a double planetary system, named Guàn.
One day, whilst recording basic activity on Guàn, she spots a curious speck orbiting one of the planets, named Mìngyùn. For two weeks, it orbited the green planet, and then disappeared. Only a month later, Xing spotted five even larger specks orbiting the planet, before all but one descended into the blue-greenish white atmosphere.
Since then, she continued studying, as she did, Xing grew more and more fearful. One report to the Empress herself detailed a constant flow of specks, entering and leaving the atmosphere. Once, she reported multiple bright flashes, and a multitude of specks appearing on Mìngyùn's twin, Shíjiān.
Her last report to the Empress before retiring from the mountainside and admitting herself to the care of the Empire's finest mind healers was this:
"I am afraid I am afraid of what lies above us I am afraid of what the specks are I am AFRAID Afraid that Mother was right that our universe is rought with conflict and pain and death and no Hold will protect us from beings who skip between the stars and make war across constellations THEY HAVE FOUGHT FOR GENERATIONS AND NO PREDATOR HAS DEFEATED THEM THEY HAVE CRUSHED ALL OPPOSITION they will find us they will find us they willFIND[the letter is illegible after this point]
Xing became utterly paranoid after her discovery that the specks began to show up on worlds closer to Foenum. *advanced for pre-industrial tech
Name: Xīng Liúlàng-zhě, Xīng for short (Name translates to "star wanderer" Age: 31 Species: Longma Primary scale color, Underbelly scales, Eye color
Xing is notable amongst her kind; she is an astronomer, and has taken the occupation of a star reader i.e. a Longma whose duty is to watch the constellations for when harvest season arrives. Xing uses this as opportunity to follow her passion.
Star readers live a difficult life. Virtually outcasts from Longma culture, they live on the mountainsides of Huoshan, equipped with advanced* telescopes and stacks upon stacks of paper, with a constant shipment of food, ink, and replacement lenses from the Empire. Xing often requests more paper from the Empire to record her findings, and is credited with the discovery of a double planetary system, named Guàn.
One day, whilst recording basic activity on Guàn, she spots a curious speck orbiting one of the planets, named Mìngyùn. For two weeks, it orbited the green planet, and then disappeared. Only a month later, Xing spotted five even larger specks orbiting the planet, before all but one descended into the blue-greenish white atmosphere.
Since then, she continued studying, as she did, Xing grew more and more fearful. One report to the Empress herself detailed a constant flow of specks, entering and leaving the atmosphere. Once, she reported multiple bright flashes, and a multitude of specks appearing on Mìngyùn's twin, Shíjiān.
Her last report to the Empress before retiring from the mountainside and admitting herself to the care of the Empire's finest mind healers was this:
"I am afraid I am afraid of what lies above us I am afraid of what the specks are I am AFRAID Afraid that Mother was right that our universe is rought with conflict and pain and death and no Hold will protect us from beings who skip between the stars and make war across constellations THEY HAVE FOUGHT FOR GENERATIONS AND NO PREDATOR HAS DEFEATED THEM THEY HAVE CRUSHED ALL OPPOSITION they will find us they will find us they willFIND[the letter is illegible after this point]
Xing became utterly paranoid after her discovery that the specks began to show up on worlds closer to Foenum.
I decided to go for a more Cosmic Horror Story vibe, despite the fact that the "specks" were nothing more than human colony ships, and the bright flashes were the result of a pirate insurgency assaulting the colony's local fleet. In fact, I kind feel bad for what I did to Xing. She's a sweet girl; kinda like Mei.
Octi the octopus!
Race: Octopus
Job: Nomming on fishes
Age: I dunno, maybe a year?
Who's that weird eight legged squishy bag of organs under the sea? Well no one else, but Octi, the octopus! Yeah, his parents were not really creative.
Octi always knew he was meant for greatness. He wanted to see what's above. And, since octopuses (yes, it's octopuses, not octopi) are solitary creatures, there wer no bullies or other social adversities for him to advance the plot overcome. So he just did what he wanted and swam upwards. Up there he saw something beautiful. Glittering lights over a black sea. Strange looking glowing caves on pieces of the ground. Weird fishes skittering about betwwen those caves. Oh, how he wanted to taste one of those small ones, he could brag about it to his non-existent friends!
His daydreaming was however cut short when a massive ship squashed him.
-Captain, the seas are calm, the wind is steady. We'll have a easy journey for these two days. Why do you think we were paid so much?
But somehow longma pact makers aren't that numerous, weird how that work (not that I'm complaining, I like being a special snowflake and I'll enjoy it as long as I can).
But somehow longma pact makers aren't that numerous, weird how that work (not that I'm complaining, I like being a special snowflake and I'll enjoy it as long as I can).
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