The TFHs Original Character Thread


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Okay, let's try this on phone.

Name: Unknown
Race: Unknown. Suspected paca.

"Ever seen a standoff before? No matter the severity, be it a staring contest between children, or a fight between crime families. Yes?
And tell me, have you ever listened to them?
No matter where you are, you always hear some kind of tune. You are too young to remember, but this was not always like this.
Nobody knows where it comes from. Nobody knows how is it made.
Only, that it started when a new music shop opened in the capital twenty years ago.
At first it even broke up fights, as everyone looked for the musical culprint. From constabulary to criminal, from lowly street urchin, to the richest trader, all looked for it. There is even a bounty posted for anyone who can finally identify the "miscreant".
But after all these years people just got used to the music. And for you little one, it is impossible to imagine any contest without music am I right?"

Late afternoon the child was finally ready to go home after listening to the cloaked mister's tales. The usual wrestling match of his brothers was ending as he arrived, his mother just finishing with their dinner. The last thing he saw before entering, was a fluffy lady in a weird wide cap smiling warmly to him.

Aww yeah, finally got to it. She is the brainchild of a conversation with Zero, it is ....somewhere if you want to find it. Not sure if something of this style is fitting in this thread, but I don't care, I like it. She's all mysterious. Also, the bounty is still active, only nobody cares.
The first part was told by the Storyteller, since I should start to use him anyways.
Not to sound like I'm nitpicking, buuuut..... is the storyteller a guy or a girl?
P.S. We both know I won that standoff.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
A bit back on topic, which ungulate race would be best suited for being a bona-fide swashbuckling sailor? And no, sea creatures don't count.
I don't know about the rest of the crew but I feel like a capybara would make for a great pirate captain. Unfortunately, they aren't ungulates. But yeah, like OC said, hogs would make for a great pirate species. Like these guys
(yay for being late to the party)

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Interestingly enough, Pact makers do indeed seem to be the most common type of OC at the moment. Though, perhaps that's fine and dandy. After all, just about any race can be a pact maker. And, also, if one wanted to join in the RP, it's really the only one that pretty much can have anything join it, outside of the UFC, which is pure neutral. (I'm not mentioning a certain other faction because that would just be shameless promotion :p) Outside of that, I suspect that many find the idea of a struggle like this to be most interesting. And who knows? After all, it was never said that Fred was one-of-a-kind.

Though, now I'm mildy tempted to write said story...
But I won't :D
(I am really late to the party buuuuuuuut)
While it is true that this is the convention and expectation, if someone with a half-cow, half-paka OC that also has made a pact with a demon that is also the soul of an ex-reindeer and has a super intricate backstory of them having lived in the caves beneath the Empire of Huoshan.... and they wanted to join the Pom Patrol, how much resistance do you think we would put up? I mean, we aren't exactly strict about rules around here.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
(I am really late to the party buuuuuuuut)
While it is true that this is the convention and expectation, if someone with a half-cow, half-paka OC that also has made a pact with a demon that is also the soul of an ex-reindeer and has a super intricate backstory of them having lived in the caves beneath the Empire of Huoshan.... and they wanted to join the Pom Patrol, how much resistance do you think we would put up? I mean, we aren't exactly strict about rules around here.
... *Stamps a big "DENIED" stamp on said application*

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
... *Stamps a big "DENIED" stamp on said application*
You're in the Paka nation now, you have no say in Pom Patrol matters. You missed your chance to crush that poor abomination's dreams.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
You're in the Paka nation now, you have no say in Pom Patrol matters. You missed your chance to crush that poor abomination's dreams.
I meant the application... into my heart, for I have eyes for only ONE!... beautiful abomination! (Pulls out a photo of OCisbestungulate, then sighs dreamily.)
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
I meant the application... into my heart, for I have eyes for only ONE!... beautiful abomination! (Pulls out a photo of OCisbestungulate, then sighs dreamily.)
Well, uh, this is awkward...

(I am really late to the party buuuuuuuut)
While it is true that this is the convention and expectation, if someone with a half-cow, half-paka OC that also has made a pact with a demon that is also the soul of an ex-reindeer and has a super intricate backstory of them having lived in the caves beneath the Empire of Huoshan.... and they wanted to join the Pom Patrol, how much resistance do you think we would put up? I mean, we aren't exactly strict about rules around here.
Part of me is horrified by the idea of such a creature existing, and shuns the very notion upon grounds of "IT DUN WORK LIKE THAT!" However, Foenum is a world not our own. Thus who's to say that such things can't be?
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Only if you resist it.;)
You know, there's a thread for this...

That said:
Okay, let's try this on phone.

Name: Unknown
Race: Unknown. Suspected paca.

"Ever seen a standoff before? No matter the severity, be it a staring contest between children, or a fight between crime families. Yes?
And tell me, have you ever listened to them?
No matter where you are, you always hear some kind of tune. You are too young to remember, but this was not always like this.
Nobody knows where it comes from. Nobody knows how is it made.
Only, that it started when a new music shop opened in the capital twenty years ago.
At first it even broke up fights, as everyone looked for the musical culprint. From constabulary to criminal, from lowly street urchin, to the richest trader, all looked for it. There is even a bounty posted for anyone who can finally identify the "miscreant".
But after all these years people just got used to the music. And for you little one, it is impossible to imagine any contest without music am I right?"

Late afternoon the child was finally ready to go home after listening to the cloaked mister's tales. The usual wrestling match of his brothers was ending as he arrived, his mother just finishing with their dinner. The last thing he saw before entering, was a fluffy lady in a weird wide cap smiling warmly to him.

Aww yeah, finally got to it. She is the brainchild of a conversation with Zero, it is ....somewhere if you want to find it. Not sure if something of this style is fitting in this thread, but I don't care, I like it. She's all mysterious. Also, the bounty is still active, only nobody cares.
The first part was told by the Storyteller, since I should start to use him anyways.
Youve turned Battle Music into an OC.

That's so meta.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Name: Mary
Age: 6
(What's the age of an adult bear? *Checks Google*... Bear years are weird... So, 6 years old!)
Race: Bear
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle!
Height: Average
Weigh-(Gets slapped)... moving on...


"This is the life, friends, family, being fed berries by the cutest boys-"


Mary sat atop a pile of the comfiest leaves in The Woodlands, both of her sides occupied with a cute bear holding bushes full of berries, all of them having a dreamy expression on their face.

"Yep, nothing could make this bett-"

All of a sudden, the environment changed. What once were thriving trees and berry bushes were now rocky shores and hopping bass. All of the boys seemingly offering her their catch.

"... I take that back, NOW nothing could make this better!"

As if on cue, Chad, the Snuggly Bear Dreamboat that every other girl FAWNED over, came into view. In truth, Chad was a sweetheart, completely contradictory to his name, and Mary had to admit, she kind of had a crush on him.

"Hey, Mary," he said, his deep, gravley voice as smooth as silk, "Want to hang out?"

Trying to play it cool, Mary responded with:


Smooth. Though, in reality, she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as her heart began pounding against her chest.
While Chad was busy vocalizing his excitement, Mary noticed something poking at her side but paid it no mind, too focused on the cutie in front of her. That is until the presence talked.

"Mary, hey Mary!"

Mary would know that scratchy, annoyingly lovable voice anywhere. Casting a glance to her side, yep, there, standing next to her was her baby brother, Joseph.

"Uh, Jojo, would you mind giving us some space, we're kind of in the middle of something?" She used his nickname, like she had always done to get him to do something important. It was certainly better than, "Would you kindly..."

Turning back to the spot where Chad was, she found out, to her shock, that he was no longer there. Mary's eyes scanned the immediate area for any sign of him, but found nothing.

"But it's REALLY important, like BIG-big, really big, HUGE!"

"I uh- he, we, was jus- and we wer- HUH!?" Flabbergasted, Mary turned around to look at Jojo, but didn't. Instead she was met with a clearing in the forest, the wet grass soaked with the morning's dew, overwhelmingly dense foliage, and unique spruce trees surrounding her reminded her of the time she-

"And now lady and gentlemen, the Amazing Chic le Magnifique will perform her patented Aerial Triple Nosedive of Awesome Wondertude!"

It was that time! The time when she found a bunch of flying squirrels watching another perform a stunt. But, wait, didn't she-

YES, YES SHE DID!!! She instantly remembered that she saved Chic after she was knocked off course by a stray branch. Lunging recklessly for Chic, Mary had the displeasure of being forcefully woken up.

In a hot, jumbled mess, she awoke to the sounds of far off explosions. Still groggy, it took her mind a few seconds to put two and two together.
Leaping out of her straw bed, Mary looked around to gather her family. To her dismay, however, she saw that her den was empty, save for her belongings and herself. Panic started to override common sense as she grew hysterical.

"Wha- Mom, Dad, Joseph!" she yelled, but nobody answered.

However, the noise drew her out of her stupor, it reminded her of thunderstorms, loud and a sign of what was to come. Just thinking about it made her worry for her friends and how they might already be caught in the fight. Considering her options, she was torn, on one paw she could look for her family and hope that they could find a shelter, but on the other paw, she could look for her friends who could help her cover more ground.

"Uhh, ehhh, uhhmm... I need help!" she proclaimed. "I'm sorry mom, dad, jojo, but this is the best option available."

Deciding that more eyes meant more ground covered, she set her sights on The Burrows, the place where one of her friends was bound to be. And then, The Woods, which hopefully wasn't as far as she remembered.
She was still exhausted from hibernation after all...

I'm going to make this a team of three OC's, but I'll probably never use them. They're mostly a test of my writing skills... and whatever headcanon I have at the moment.

I, once again, made adjustments to my own OC story. However, I believe that these changes are for the better. If you want to read the first draft, here you go, but.. it is pretty... broken.
Mary was a... relatively... docile bear. She had a BIT of a temper, was a klutz at times, cared for her friends, and was REALLY overprotective of her little brother. He would often complain that she was like a second mother to him, but that was fine, she thought it was cute. She grew up in The Woodlands with the rest of her kind, hunting, swimming, eating bass whenever she felt the need to feed. It was a good life...

But then...

After one hibernation season she awoke to find that she was alone in her den. The plains were still barren from winter and, after some searching, she found that NO ONE was here anymore.

Not her friends, her family, her little brother...

Everyone... gone...

Understandably, panic and stress overwhelmed her, and she began to get hysterical. One would too if in the same situation. Despair and loneliness took hold where joy and trust once dwelled. However...

Mary returned to her senses after hearing sounds of a war close by and a DEAFENING roar in the distance. Not quite loud enough to hurt her eardrums from this distance, but DEFINITELY loud enough to be heard from afar. She was fearful of the roar for she knew it was filled only with bloodlust, but then... why did it sound so FAMILIAR? It reminded her of someone she knew... but who? Torn between running TO and FROM the noises, she gave herself time to think. Would she try to find the source of the roar and potentially get herself hurt or run away, stay safe and always wonder who the voice reminded her of? While not really a thrill seeker herself, Mary did have some friends that were. "Where could they be now", she wondered? Mary had done some PRETTY dangerous stuff recently, and had to admit, that LITTLE rush of adrenaline WAS pretty addicting.

If she wanted to know the truth, she was going to have to find her friends first...

Now, where to start looking...?
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I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
(I am really late to the party buuuuuuuut)
While it is true that this is the convention and expectation, if someone with a half-cow, half-paka OC that also has made a pact with a demon that is also the soul of an ex-reindeer and has a super intricate backstory of them having lived in the caves beneath the Empire of Huoshan.... and they wanted to join the Pom Patrol, how much resistance do you think we would put up? I mean, we aren't exactly strict about rules around here.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Name: Mary
Age: 6
(What's the age of an adult bear? *Checks Google*... Bear years are weird... So, 6 years old!)
Race: Bear
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle!
Height: Average
Weigh-(Gets slapped)... moving on...

Mary was a... relatively... docile bear. She grew up in The Woodlands with the rest of her kind, hunting, swimming, eating bass whenever she felt the need to feed. It was a good life...

But then...

After one hibernation season she awoke to find that she was alone in her den. The plains were still barren from winter and, after some searching, she found that NO ONE was here anymore...
Not her friends, her family, her little brother...

Everyone... gone...

Understandably, panic and stress overwhelmed her, and she began to get hysterical. One would too if in the same situation. Despair and loneliness took hold where joy and trust once dwelled. However...
Mary returned to her senses after hearing sounds of a war close by and a DEAFENING roar in the distance. Not quite loud enough to hurt her eardrums from this distance, but DEFINITELY loud enough to be heard from afar. She was fearful of the roar for she knew it was filled only with bloodlust... but then... why did it sound so FAMILIAR? It reminded her of someone she knew... but who? Torn between running TO and FROM the noises, she gave herself time to think. Would she try to find the source of the roar and potentially get herself hurt or run away, stay safe and always wonder who the voice reminded her of? While not really a thrill seeker herself, Mary did have some friends that were. "Where could they be now", she wondered? Mary had done some PRETTY dangerous stuff recently, and had to admit, that LITTLE rush of adrenaline WAS pretty addicting...
If she wanted to know the truth, she was going to have to find her friends first...
Now, where to start looking...?

I'm going to make this a team of three OC's, but I'll probably never use them. They're mostly a test of my writing skills... and whatever headcanon I have at the moment.
Unrelated, but I just realized that we are the only two people who have switched factions... We are the most loyal of turncoats! :D
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Rookie Dark Magick Wielder
Apr 25, 2016
Okay, let's try this on phone.

Name: Unknown
Race: Unknown. Suspected paca.

"Ever seen a standoff before? No matter the severity, be it a staring contest between children, or a fight between crime families. Yes?
And tell me, have you ever listened to them?
No matter where you are, you always hear some kind of tune. You are too young to remember, but this was not always like this.
Nobody knows where it comes from. Nobody knows how is it made.
Only, that it started when a new music shop opened in the capital twenty years ago.
At first it even broke up fights, as everyone looked for the musical culprint. From constabulary to criminal, from lowly street urchin, to the richest trader, all looked for it. There is even a bounty posted for anyone who can finally identify the "miscreant".
But after all these years people just got used to the music. And for you little one, it is impossible to imagine any contest without music am I right?"

Late afternoon the child was finally ready to go home after listening to the cloaked mister's tales. The usual wrestling match of his brothers was ending as he arrived, his mother just finishing with their dinner. The last thing he saw before entering, was a fluffy lady in a weird wide cap smiling warmly to him.

Aww yeah, finally got to it. She is the brainchild of a conversation with Zero, it is ....somewhere if you want to find it. Not sure if something of this style is fitting in this thread, but I don't care, I like it. She's all mysterious. Also, the bounty is still active, only nobody cares.
The first part was told by the Storyteller, since I should start to use him anyways.
Ooooooh! Twas quite interesting. Would this paca be related to RC88 by any chance?


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Name: Chic (Pronounced: Sh-eek)
Race: Flying Squirrel
Age: 2
Height: TALL enough
Weigh-*Slap*... Ahem...

15 seconds...

The wind rushing past her hair gave her a sense of urgency, a sense of danger, of fear, and she reveled in it. She barely had time to take in her surroundings before they quickly flew past her. Arms and legs glued to her sides to ensure maximum velocity.

12 seconds...

The canopy becoming thicker and thicker the further she went down. In moments like these she would often wonder how her audience would react. Would they be so awestruck that they could only stare, would they cheer her name and applaud, or would they have respect gleaming in their eyes at her perfect execution of such a dangerous stunt.

9 seconds...

No matter, she thought. It would all unfold soon enough. The canopy was beginning to thin out as the ground was fast approaching, her heart racing faster and faster as thoughts of magnificence flooded her mind.

6 seconds...

She had broken through the canopy and was now fast approaching the ground beneath her home. How long had it been since she was down here, she wondered? She used to like playing in the dirt when she was younger, wrestling with her five brothers, their mother telling them to go easy on her because of her 'condition'...

2 seconds...

"No time to be thinking about that," she said.


Chic spread her arms and legs as wide as she could. She had estimated the right moment she would need to 'open her suit' to get the most speed out of her drop. And to her astonishment... she had timed it PERFECTLY! She even accounted for her slight tilt to the left. When she began to ascend she had planned to perform aileron rolls (Thanks Game Theory!) through the canopy ALL the way back up, but didn't...
Off in the distance she heard a low rumbling, which normally wouldn't bother her, except that she could also FEEL it. Ever the curious one, she made quick adjustments to her trajectory and flew as high as she could. Navigating the branches with her bad arm was second nature to her at this point. Breaching the tree line she saw what appeared to be a huge fireball soaring in the sky, a mass of white floof and a LOT of cattle, all heading in the same direction. She felt a sudden change in the air. It was as if there was this rising pressure all around her and she needed to get out. She heard her brothers gliding about, yelling about flying away and getting to safety. She was glad they had the common sense to flee. Turning in the air she made to glide towards the part of The Woods where her friends Mary and Baron were. Chic was certain that Mary was still hibernating and Baron was probably in one of his holes wondering where he was. That is, she was going to, until a Dark energy blast sidewinded her and the world slowly went fuzzy...

I had another version of this, buuut, it just seemed forced. I wasn't in my groove, and as a result, my story suffered. So now I fixed it. If you still want to read it, it's in the spoiler below. HEADS UP... it's pretty bad. Not "Bad" just not well written.
Name: Chic (Pronounced: Sh-eek)
Race: Flying Squirrel
Age: Old enough
Height: TALL enough
Weigh-*Slap*... Ahem...

Chic was born into a family of boys. Five to be exact. Naturally, she grew up as a bit of a tomboy. Whereas girls her age would have been playing with make-up, she was playing with jumpsuits and bungee cords. She had an innate LOVE of flying... well, not exactly... she had a LOVE for thrills. If there was a risk to your life, she was on it like a... well, like a squirrel to acorns.
...she had a bit of a disadvantage when it came to races... she was born with torn skin in between her left arm and leg. Growing up, the rest of the squirrels called her "slowpoke" which had her coming home in tears more often than naught. But...
growing up with such abuse had only caused her to get used to it, eventually she became immune to these petty insults. She found out that if THIS is how everyone sees her, then she was just going to have to show them how much she could do with what she had. So, obviously, she became what no one expected her to be... a daredevil! Always looking for that next BIG stunt that would show EVERYONE that she could be great even with her condition. When the time came for her to leave the nest to live her own life, her destiny led her to a part of the forest just teeming with wildlife. Lions and tigers and bears.
Oh my!
Theoretically... that was IMPOSSIBLE! (Only in Foenum...)
But she LOVED it either way! Never was there a shortage of new tricks to pull off, of stunts to perform, of dangers to face!

Over the years she found companionship with a bear named Mary that was... pretty alright... with being friends with a flying squirrel.Although, she DOES occasionally catch Mary stealing hungry glimpses over her shoulder...
They even found a gopher to be friends with! He's funny... when he remembers punchline to the joke...

Currently, Chic is unconscious in a pile of leaves. The reason? She heard the trampling of thousands of hooves and went to investigate... UNfortunately, she was caught in the crossfire of some Dark magic users and was hit with a Dark energy blast.

Admittedly... not my best work. I can admit that EASILY. I've never written a character that had a physical handicap, so this was VERY experimental. Until then... on to the next OC!!!!!
Edit: I added SOME new things, but overall... its still pretty rough.
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I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Currently, Chic is unconscious in a pile of leaves. The reason? She heard the trampling of thousands of hooves and went to investigate... UNfortunately, she was caught in the crossfire of some Dark magic users and was hit with a Dark energy blast.
Like how it goes in with what I'm thinking to be the fight with the giraffes.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Name: Chic (Pronounced: Sh-eek)
Race: Flying Squirrel
Age: Old enough
Height: TALL enough
Weigh-*Slap*... Ahem...

Chic was born into a family of boys. Five to be exact. Naturally, she grew up as a bit of a tomboy. Whereas girls her age would have been playing with make-up, she was playing with jumpsuits and bungee cords. She had an innate LOVE of flying... well, not exactly... she had a LOVE for thrills. If there was a risk to your life, she was on it like a... well, like a squirrel to acorns.
...she had a bit of a disadvantage when it came to races... she was born with torn skin in between her left arm and leg. Growing up, the rest of the squirrels called her "slowpoke" which had her coming home in tears more often than naught. But...
growing up with such abuse had only caused her to get used to it, eventually she became immune to these petty insults. She found out that if THIS is how everyone sees her, then she was just going to have to show them how much she could do with what she had. So, obviously, she became what no one expected her to be... a daredevil! Always looking for that next BIG stunt that would show EVERYONE that she could be great even with her condition. When the time came for her to leave the nest to live her own life, her destiny led her to a part of the forest just teeming with wildlife. Lions and tigers and bears.
Oh my!
Theoretically... that was IMPOSSIBLE! (Only in Foenum...)
But she LOVED it either way! Never was there a shortage of new tricks to pull off, of stunts to perform, of dangers to face!

Over the years she found companionship with a bear named Mary that was... pretty alright... with being friends with a flying squirrel.Although, she DOES occasionally catch Mary stealing hungry glimpses over her shoulder...
They even found a gopher to be friends with! He's funny... when he remembers punchline to the joke...

Currently, Chic is unconscious in a pile of leaves. The reason? She heard the trampling of thousands of hooves and went to investigate... UNfortunately, she was caught in the crossfire of some Dark magic users and was hit with a Dark energy blast.

Admittedly... not my best work. I can admit that EASILY. I've never written a character that had a physical handicap, so this was VERY experimental. Until then... on to the next OC!!!!!
Edit: I added SOME new things, but overall... its still pretty rough.
I think this is the first (outside of Hawthorn of course) OC who is neither predator nor ungulate, bravo!


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Pardon the double post here, but I just thought it interesting that there are 2 pairs of OCs that are VERY similar and that I, personally would like to see in fights.
They, of course, being:

Lunamann's OCs
-Lunari and Manny
BypenTheDragon's OCs
-Fluffy and Zack

And, while not being inspired by one another, they both closely resemble the other's story.

And of course:

The Yaski's OC
-An Hongse
CrpCrwls' OCs
-Gaosung and Tzng

Both of these have YEARS of military experience under their belts and, while Gaosung is supercharged with the power of the demon he has a pact with, I mostly want to see how they would both fare in a hoof-to-hoof brawl.

Nothing much, just sharing an opinion.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Pardon the double post here, but I just thought it interesting that there are 2 pairs of OCs that are VERY similar and that I, personally would like to see in fights.
They, of course, being:

Lunamann's OCs
-Lunari and Manny
BypenTheDragon's OCs
-Fluffy and Zack

And, while not being inspired by one another, they both closely resemble the other's story.

And of course:

The Yaski's OC
-An Hongse
CrpCrwls' OCs
-Gaosung and Tzng

Both of these have YEARS of military experience under their belts and, while Gaosung is supercharged with the power of the demon he has a pact with, I mostly want to see how they would both fare in a hoof-to-hoof brawl.

Nothing much, just sharing an opinion.
Persionally, I'd honestly put my money on Fluffy, and Gaosung. For Fluffy: I mostly suspect that While Lunari can hold his own in a fight, he doesn't strike me as a combatant per-say.
Okay, I'm really just saying that because Fluffy is insane and has a lot of knives.

As for An vs Gao? An strikes me as more of a commander, while Gao is more suited to one-on-one. Thus is why I put my money on Gao.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
An strikes me as more of a commander, while Gao is more suited to one-on-one. Thus is why I put my money on Gao.
(Says the guy who wrote him that way...)

Hmmm, while you have VERY good points, I'd like to give An the benefit of the doubt. He's seen MANY more years of combat than Gao, thus leading me to believe that, while he is a better commander, he can still think quick on his feet and make up strategies that could give him the upper hoof in battle.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
(Says the guy who wrote him that way...)

Hmmm, while you have VERY good points, I'd like to give An the benefit of the doubt. He's seen MANY more years of combat than Gao, thus leading me to believe that, while he is a better commander, he can still think quick on his feet and make up strategies that could give him the upper hoof in battle.
Well, I would be lying if I said that fact didn't influence my choice. That said: if I'm not mistaken, The Yaski has more or less sold him as such:Commander first, Soldier second.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
(Says the guy who wrote him that way...)

Hmmm, while you have VERY good points, I'd like to give An the benefit of the doubt. He's seen MANY more years of combat than Gao, thus leading me to believe that, while he is a better commander, he can still think quick on his feet and make up strategies that could give him the upper hoof in battle.
Well, I would be lying if I said that fact didn't influence my choice. That said: if I'm not mistaken, The Yaski has more or less sold him as such:Commander first, Soldier second.
Mmm, kinda. It's mostly that while Hongse is not afraid to get in their and tousle with his troops, his skills lie more in the area of blanket area attacks, and he has a much harder time standing in 1v1 matchups. That said he does feel he is more useful commanding from the back than fighting in the front, but he isn't afraid to do so if need be. And yeah, An Hongse would definitely have an edge in combat experience over Gao, and maybe if he got enough of a heads up he could alter the battlefield, or set himself up in an ambush position, or do something else to tip the odds in his favor, but if An and Gao were just dropped into a fight together An's only real hope for victory would be to tap into his psychologist and verbally attack Gao until he gave up. Gao just has more speed and firepower than An. But that's how An is made, he isn't supposed to excel at brawling.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Persionally, I'd honestly put my money on Fluffy, and Gaosung. For Fluffy: I mostly suspect that While Lunari can hold his own in a fight, he doesn't strike me as a combatant per-say.
Okay, I'm really just saying that because Fluffy is insane and has a lot of knives.
Thanks for having faith but unless Fluffy can get Lunari overwhelmed, because of his injurie. But Fluffy is blind to caution and is many times kept in check by Zack. So if Lunari is the kind of reindeer to put down a threat I believe Fluffy would loose. (Pulse while (I'm assuming) Zack is older, he is rather week for demon standards.)


This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
Mmm, kinda. It's mostly that while Hongse is not afraid to get in their and tousle with his troops, his skills lie more in the area of blanket area attacks, and he has a much harder time standing in 1v1 matchups. That said he does feel he is more useful commanding from the back than fighting in the front, but he isn't afraid to do so if need be. And yeah, An Hongse would definitely have an edge in combat experience over Gao, and maybe if he got enough of a heads up he could alter the battlefield, or set himself up in an ambush position, or do something else to tip the odds in his favor, but if An and Gao were just dropped into a fight together An's only real hope for victory would be to tap into his psychologist and verbally attack Gao until he gave up. Gao just has more speed and firepower than An. But that's how An is made, he isn't supposed to excel at brawling.
Gaosung isn't really suited for one on one either, his most restrained attacks would be flamethrower levels of burning hooves spells and lobing fireball like incendiary grenades.
The landscape.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Gaosung isn't really suited for one on one either, his most restrained attacks would be flamethrower levels of burning hooves spells and lobing fireball like incendiary grenades.
The landscape.
Sounds magnificent!


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
I know I said I will write up my OC to spread Peace and Love™ on the RP forum, but I really have no idea what to name him. Or if it even is a him.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Will probably end up as a lad, cus RP. Also I just found out that "aver" actually has a meaning.
Huh, so it does...
Then maybe Hopps? (Totally don't have Zootopia on the brain.) Skip? Shimmy? Sammy? Boopy? Bop? Yang? Cole?


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Huh, so it does...
Then maybe Hopps? (Totally don't have Zootopia on the brain.) Skip? Shimmy? Sammy? Boopy? Bop? Yang? Cole?
Nah, will end up with either Aver, (cus RP), or come up with a better name. Some warlord's maybe? That would technically be in line with mine actually.

Also, Wikipedia gold on Alpaca fleece:
Alpaca is naturally water-repellent and difficult to ignite.
(Makes sense in context, but outside of it is kind of funny)


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Well that took long enough. But hey, one and a half for the price of one!
Also, it's not really a complete description of the OC. Will add those as some small notes.
About: ...... No spoilers, after the story!


“Fire. Your best friend. Your biggest nightmare. Gives hugs. I talked about fire to the younglings, would you please release me?” Groaned the cloaked creature.

“Yes!” The white ball of fluff exclaimed before bounding away. Through a wall. Her appearance didn’t last a minute, but you could hear atoms holding their annual step-dance contest in the stunned silence.

It took a few moments until one of them, a guard, finally managed to form a cohesive sentence.

“What in the [expletive] name of the [expletive] [expletive] [few more] [I’ll just leave out the rest] was that?!”

“Please, there are children here,” the cloaked creature pointed at them. After that outburst, they all looked like they just learned about the meaning of life. Any further protests were simply drowned out by them practicing their new vocabulary.

---Lots and lots of times ago. I used measuring cups.---

“Just look at them. Small wooden huts. Child’s play,” the leader of the group muttered. With a single nod of his head half a dozen predators stood up and started crawling towards the village.


The plan worked. Setting a fire made every little prey scampering to help, and all of them are in one place. By the time the rest of the pack arrives they won’t be able to escape. He only needs to sig…

“Hey there,” a voice interrupted his thoughts. “What are you doing?”

It’s a small piece food. One of those annoyingly fluffy ones. He flicks his head, signalling his group to take care of it.

“Why are you jerking your head?”

Why haven’t it been taken care of already? Does he need to do everything by himself? The leader turns around to berate his group only to be greeted by emptiness.

“Where are those idiots?! I told them to wait!”

“Aww, it’s not nice to call them names. They were kind enough to run into that burning house to save others, after all.”

Wait, what? They did what? Those idiots must’ve gotten hungry and ran into that mess of prey. Possibly got trampled by them. He wants to scream, but he can’t. He must take care of this nuisance and signal the pack before the food disperses.

Turning to face the white prey, he lunges. He can see its throat, feel its body heat, taste the bloo.. BAM! He feels like he hit a wall. No. He doesn’t just feel it, he actually hit the wall behind that cursed creature. It’s like he just passed right through it.

Ears ringing, he lunges again. He doesn’t have time for this. Food is scarce and he needs to finish his work. He must kill this prey and rush for the forest. It will not escape this time, there is no place for it to dodge.

BAM! Here’s your great friend the wall again. Dizzy from the impact, he stands up and turns to see what’s around him. Or at least tries. Everything is black, the only thing breaking up the darkness is that white prey. No, that thing is not a prey.

“You seem smarter than those six, so I hope you make the right decision. We can be friends, or we can be enemies,” It starts to slowly walk towards him, wisps of fire appearing around it. “Friends don’t let friends do unnecessary bad things. And if I let you, I wouldn’t bee a good friend, now would I?” The thing, no, moster stops and, while smaller than him, easily towers over the predator. Its cheery smile is sending chills down his spine.

He can't stay here. He, he needs to get away, pack be damned. He will not be anywhere near that monster. Doing the only sensible thing, he turns around and starts running. No matter where, as long as it is not here.

“Good choice, my friend.”

So, first one:
Storyteller background fixing/fleshing (you get it, fleshing? 'Cus he is a wolf?)
He finally have some sort of reason to get the frick away from the battle and to be far enough so the spell don't lock him in the hold. Maybe could give a reason as well, will decide later.


Race: Flammpaca (Yeah, I don't know what that is either)

Gender: Lass (yes ended up with a female)

Name: Unknown, but usually referred as: "What is that?", "Run for your lives", "EEEEEK!" and "Hi lady!"(You must appreciate the bravery of children).

About: She is a sort of spirit, possibly a deceased paca's, who sort of became the embodiment of fire. Or at least people think. Usually cheery and happy-go-lucky, considers everything her friend (even the walls with all those ears). However if you get on her bad side she can be extremely scary. Not "levelling mountains with a thought" scary, but "making you level mountains with your bare hooves in madness" scary. Some say she is the embodiment of your nightmares.

In reality she is not that strong, albeit since she is a spirit, you can't really hurt her. She can however mess around with your perception, making you imagine all kinds of horrors. Fire is a common motive, because fear of it is ingrained in every creature, except longmas. They get rocks.

Considers the Storyteller a good friend (only one as old as her), but while he got used to her, he still wants to be as far away from her as possible.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Well that took long enough. But hey, one and a half for the price of one!
Also, it's not really a complete description of the OC. Will add those as some small notes.
About: ...... No spoilers, after the story!


“Fire. Your best friend. Your biggest nightmare. Gives hugs. I talked about fire to the younglings, would you please release me?” Groaned the cloaked creature.

“Yes!” The white ball of fluff exclaimed before bounding away. Through a wall. Her appearance didn’t last a minute, but you could hear atoms holding their annual step-dance contest in the stunned silence.

It took a few moments until one of them, a guard, finally managed to form a cohesive sentence.

“What in the [expletive] name of the [expletive] [expletive] [few more] [I’ll just leave out the rest] was that?!”

“Please, there are children here,” the cloaked creature pointed at them. After that outburst, they all looked like they just learned about the meaning of life. Any further protests were simply drowned out by them practicing their new vocabulary.

---Lots and lots of times ago. I used measuring cups.---

“Just look at them. Small wooden huts. Child’s play,” the leader of the group muttered. With a single nod of his head half a dozen predators stood up and started crawling towards the village.


The plan worked. Setting a fire made every little prey scampering to help, and all of them are in one place. By the time the rest of the pack arrives they won’t be able to escape. He only needs to sig…

“Hey there,” a voice interrupted his thoughts. “What are you doing?”

It’s a small piece food. One of those annoyingly fluffy ones. He flicks his head, signalling his group to take care of it.

“Why are you jerking your head?”

Why haven’t it been taken care of already? Does he need to do everything by himself? The leader turns around to berate his group only to be greeted by emptiness.

“Where are those idiots?! I told them to wait!”

“Aww, it’s not nice to call them names. They were kind enough to run into that burning house to save others, after all.”

Wait, what? They did what? Those idiots must’ve gotten hungry and ran into that mess of prey. Possibly got trampled by them. He wants to scream, but he can’t. He must take care of this nuisance and signal the pack before the food disperses.

Turning to face the white prey, he lunges. He can see its throat, feel its body heat, taste the bloo.. BAM! He feels like he hit a wall. No. He doesn’t just feel it, he actually hit the wall behind that cursed creature. It’s like he just passed right through it.

Ears ringing, he lunges again. He doesn’t have time for this. Food is scarce and he needs to finish his work. He must kill this prey and rush for the forest. It will not escape this time, there is no place for it to dodge.

BAM! Here’s your great friend the wall again. Dizzy from the impact, he stands up and turns to see what’s around him. Or at least tries. Everything is black, the only thing breaking up the darkness is that white prey. No, that thing is not a prey.

“You seem smarter than those six, so I hope you make the right decision. We can be friends, or we can be enemies,” It starts to slowly walk towards him, wisps of fire appearing around it. “Friends don’t let friends do unnecessary bad things. And if I let you, I wouldn’t bee a good friend, now would I?” The thing, no, moster stops and, while smaller than him, easily towers over the predator. Its cheery smile is sending chills down his spine.

He can't stay here. He, he needs to get away, pack be damned. He will not be anywhere near that monster. Doing the only sensible thing, he turns around and starts running. No matter where, as long as it is not here.

“Good choice, my friend.”

So, first one:
Storyteller background fixing/fleshing (you get it, fleshing? 'Cus he is a wolf?)
He finally have some sort of reason to get the frick away from the battle and to be far enough so the spell don't lock him in the hold. Maybe could give a reason as well, will decide later.


Race: Flammpaca (Yeah, I don't know what that is either)

Gender: Lass (yes ended up with a female)

Name: Unknown, but usually referred as: "What is that?", "Run for your lives", "EEEEEK!" and "Hi lady!"(You must appreciate the bravery of children).

About: She is a sort of spirit, possibly a deceased paca's, who sort of became the embodiment of fire. Or at least people think. Usually cheery and happy-go-lucky, considers everything her friend (even the walls with all those ears). However if you get on her bad side she can be extremely scary. Not "levelling mountains with a thought" scary, but "making you level mountains with your bare hooves in madness" scary. Some say she is the embodiment of your nightmares.

In reality she is not that strong, albeit since she is a spirit, you can't really hurt her. She can however mess around with your perception, making you imagine all kinds of horrors. Fire is a common motive, because fear of it is ingrained in every creature, except longmas. They get rocks.

Considers the Storyteller a good friend (only one as old as her), but while he got used to her, he still wants to be as far away from her as possible.
Dang, this was really good. I like how instead of 'join or die' it was 'join or go insane', nice touch there. Sheesh, I can see why the Storyteller wanted to get as far away as possible now.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Dang, this was really good. I like how instead of 'join or die' it was 'join or go insane', nice touch there. Sheesh, I can see why the Storyteller wanted to get as far away as possible now.
I wouldn't call it "join or die/go insane", more like a "behave while I look at you". I mean, you don't really join anything. If you are not her enemy, you are her friend and that's it. And friends get hugs and cooked fish from the river.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
“What in the [expletive] name of the [expletive] [expletive] [few more] [I’ll just leave out the rest] was that?!”
I'd like to think this is Littlepip-esk swearing :D
Anyway, that sounds really cool, and I like the return of the storyteller, they're both really awesome characters.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
These are just notes to put in that is not in my OC's lore

Zack is a demon of a Polar bear.
Fluffy has resistance to mind attacks because she's crazy. (note this dose not make her immune)
Zack has extensive knowledge.
Fluffy has a personal shield of sorts allowing her to tank some attacks. (provided by Zack)
Fluffy likes to take the horns, hooves, teeth, etc.. of those she kills.
Fluffy is frightened by people that can show great amounts of magical power, but if need be can still fight.
Zack is loyal to the Ungulates and will try to keep Fluffy in check.
Think of Fluffy's fighting style like Pennies from RWBY, but with more knifes and a lot more aggressive.
Fluffy will charge blindly into a fight even if she is clearly out matched. (Unless convicted by Zack not to.)