Name: Mary
Age: 6
(What's the age of an adult bear? *Checks Google*... Bear years are weird... So, 6 years old!)
Race: Bear
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle!
Height: Average
Weigh-(Gets slapped)... moving on...
"This is the life, friends, family, being fed berries by the cutest boys-"
Mary sat atop a pile of the comfiest leaves in The Woodlands, both of her sides occupied with a cute bear holding bushes full of berries, all of them having a dreamy expression on their face.
"Yep, nothing could make this bett-"
All of a sudden, the environment changed. What once were thriving trees and berry bushes were now rocky shores and hopping bass. All of the boys seemingly offering her their catch.
"... I take that back, NOW nothing could make this better!"
As if on cue, Chad, the Snuggly Bear Dreamboat that every other girl FAWNED over, came into view. In truth, Chad was a sweetheart, completely contradictory to his name, and Mary had to admit, she kind of had a crush on him.
"Hey, Mary," he said, his deep, gravley voice as smooth as silk, "Want to hang out?"
Trying to play it cool, Mary responded with:
Smooth. Though, in reality, she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as her heart began pounding against her chest.
While Chad was busy vocalizing his excitement, Mary noticed something poking at her side but paid it no mind, too focused on the cutie in front of her. That is until the presence talked.
"Mary, hey Mary!"
Mary would know that scratchy, annoyingly lovable voice anywhere. Casting a glance to her side, yep, there, standing next to her was her baby brother, Joseph.
"Uh, Jojo, would you mind giving us some space, we're kind of in the middle of something?" She used his nickname, like she had always done to get him to do something important. It was certainly better than, "Would you kindly..."
Turning back to the spot where Chad was, she found out, to her shock, that he was no longer there. Mary's eyes scanned the immediate area for any sign of him, but found nothing.
"But it's REALLY important, like BIG-big, really big, HUGE!"
"I uh- he, we, was jus- and we wer- HUH!?" Flabbergasted, Mary turned around to look at Jojo, but didn't. Instead she was met with a clearing in the forest, the wet grass soaked with the morning's dew, overwhelmingly dense foliage, and unique spruce trees surrounding her reminded her of the time she-
"And now lady and gentlemen, the Amazing Chic le Magnifique will perform her patented Aerial Triple Nosedive of Awesome Wondertude!"
It was that time! The time when she found a bunch of flying squirrels watching another perform a stunt. But, wait, didn't she-
YES, YES SHE DID!!! She instantly remembered that she saved Chic after she was knocked off course by a stray branch. Lunging recklessly for Chic, Mary had the displeasure of being forcefully woken up.
In a hot, jumbled mess, she awoke to the sounds of far off explosions. Still groggy, it took her mind a few seconds to put two and two together.
Leaping out of her straw bed, Mary looked around to gather her family. To her dismay, however, she saw that her den was empty, save for her belongings and herself. Panic started to override common sense as she grew hysterical.
"Wha- Mom, Dad, Joseph!" she yelled, but nobody answered.
However, the noise drew her out of her stupor, it reminded her of thunderstorms, loud and a sign of what was to come. Just thinking about it made her worry for her friends and how they might already be caught in the fight. Considering her options, she was torn, on one paw she could look for her family and hope that they could find a shelter, but on the other paw, she could look for her friends who could help her cover more ground.
"Uhh, ehhh, uhhmm... I need help!" she proclaimed. "I'm sorry mom, dad, jojo, but this is the best option available."
Deciding that more eyes meant more ground covered, she set her sights on The Burrows, the place where one of her friends was bound to be. And then, The Woods, which hopefully wasn't as far as she remembered.
She was still exhausted from hibernation after all...
I'm going to make this a team of three OC's, but I'll probably never use them. They're mostly a test of my writing skills... and whatever headcanon I have at the moment.
I, once again, made adjustments to my own OC story. However, I believe that these changes are for the better. If you want to read the first draft, here you go, but.. it is pretty... broken.
Mary was a... relatively... docile bear. She had a BIT of a temper, was a klutz at times, cared for her friends, and was REALLY overprotective of her little brother. He would often complain that she was like a second mother to him, but that was fine, she thought it was cute. She grew up in The Woodlands with the rest of her kind, hunting, swimming, eating bass whenever she felt the need to feed. It was a good life...
But then...
After one hibernation season she awoke to find that she was alone in her den. The plains were still barren from winter and, after some searching, she found that NO ONE was here anymore.
Not her friends, her family, her little brother...
Everyone... gone...
Understandably, panic and stress overwhelmed her, and she began to get hysterical. One would too if in the same situation. Despair and loneliness took hold where joy and trust once dwelled. However...
Mary returned to her senses after hearing sounds of a war close by and a DEAFENING roar in the distance. Not quite loud enough to hurt her eardrums from this distance, but DEFINITELY loud enough to be heard from afar. She was fearful of the roar for she knew it was filled only with bloodlust, but then... why did it sound so FAMILIAR? It reminded her of someone she knew... but who? Torn between running TO and FROM the noises, she gave herself time to think. Would she try to find the source of the roar and potentially get herself hurt or run away, stay safe and always wonder who the voice reminded her of? While not really a thrill seeker herself, Mary did have some friends that were. "Where could they be now", she wondered? Mary had done some PRETTY dangerous stuff recently, and had to admit, that LITTLE rush of adrenaline WAS pretty addicting.
If she wanted to know the truth, she was going to have to find her friends first...
Now, where to start looking...?