The TFHs Original Character Thread


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
With the development of lore and characters, it is inevitable that some fans create characters of their own design. A few have already cropped up, and we all knew it was simply a matter of time until they would. So, here is the thread to show them off!

Is your OC (original character) a reindeer who doesn't eat golden oats? Are you perhaps a Sheepdog that actually has three sheep that follow you around? Are you Fred's long lost twin sister who's found a nice cow to enthrall? Let us know! Come forward, and let yourself be known! (Though, let us not forget the forum rules)

As a side note: This thread is for introducing and discussing your TFH OC. If you wish to RP as such, please kindly direct your amazing RP skills at one of the FactionRP threads.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
With the development of lore and characters, it is inevitable that some fans create characters of their own design. A few have already cropped up, and we all knew it was simply a matter of time until they would. So, here is the thread to show them off!

Is your OC (original character) a reindeer who doesn't eat golden oats? Are you perhaps a Sheepdog that actually has three sheep that follow you around? Are you Fred's long lost twin sister who's found a nice cow to enthrall? Let us know! Come forward, and let yourself be known! (Though, let us not forget the forum rules)

As a side note: This thread is for introducing and discussing your TFH OC. If you wish to RP as such, please kindly direct your amazing RP skills at one of the FactionRP threads.
Actually, I'd VERY much like to hear your story OC. ESPECIALLY after how you responded to my post earlier.


This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
I guess I'll post my work in progress OC here to encourage other to do the same.

Gaosung and Tzng the Crimson Flame

Gaosung's general appearance is the same as the typical green-scaled dragon-like-horse longma, however his fire burn blue, and it's flames are a lot smaller than any other. As a consequence his flames wings are too short for proper flight, though they can still be useful. However this state is not natural, his flames are just as hot as anyone else's, he just keeps them under tight control all the time because if he doesn't pay attention to them Tzng can strenghten them to start fires. He is calm and collected, though his sunken eyes suggest he is more tired than he let on.

Tzng the Crimson Flame is the spirit of a carnivorous longma, from the dawn of the specie, he is bound directly to Gaosung but though his appearance is very impressive - a horned longma skull, the bone scorched in places, billowing with black smoke, the crimson flames of the inferno whithin the fumes and the skull sometimes visible through the smolder - he is in fact incorporeal and cannot act on the physical plane. He can only lend power, sometimes twist it, and try to influence Gaosung, by coaxing or arguing or teaching him his magic. Contrary to Fred his intentions are straightforward, he revel in fiery destruction and barbecues, he wants to corrupt Gaosung, to push him into eating meat and causing conflagrations and Gaosung knows it, but he has decided to harvest Tzng's dark powers for good.

No background yet, but I have some ideas. Also I'll probably try to doodle Tzng one day.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I've only ever made 1 OC and that was for the Lawyer Friendly Equines fandom, but I'll give it a shot here.
My full name is 0010110100111010001010100001"00100", but after Nick Ramos (Protagonist of Dead Rising 3) set off a Massive Bomb (Basically a nuclear warhead) that sent me flying through space and time itself I crash landed in a forest outside of The Meadow where my circuitry malfunctioned and, with a bit of magic sprinkled in, I gained sapience. Now, for a bear, I wasn't that big, maybe about the size of a young cub, but I started to learn about the world around me in my first few days of being "alive." As a robot I didn't need sustenance, but what was weird was that I found out that my Power Pack™ now worked on magic, for whatever reason (plot convenience.) As the days went by I grew bolder and wiser, to the point where I could strengthen my endeskeleton 200x over to make me strong enough to defend myself from predators. Inevitably, I wandered into The Meadow, whereupon the city folk fleed for their lives. Everyone was gone, except for a crying child who had fallen and scraped her knee. She was crying in pain, something I had no comprehension of, and yet, despite that, something in my being made me want to cheer her up, to put a smile as wide as mine on her face, to let her see the joy in the world. So I went over, looked down at her, and gave her a reassuring smile, to which she.... continued to shriek. Startled by this, I tried to find something to make her happy, nearby there were some balloons, "Perfect!" I thought. After I gave her the balloon, she calmed down, approached me, thanked me and gave me a hug. I had always known that I was made to give joy to others, but receiving it was a whole different experience on its own. After that it was all a blur, the Sheeple found me docile enough to let me live near the city, I had a house made for me, I started helping them out in whatever ways I could and I even received a new scarf from the little girl I helped. That was some time ago, the girl grew up and I was submerged in my work, so I don't know what became of her, I hope something good. I forget her name, but I still wear her scarf from time to time whenever I go to the city, in hopes that she'll recognize it and be my friend for longer this time.
And that's how I arrived in The Meadow, and became the Sheeple's neighbor.

EDIT: More recently Zero has been reclusive and distant because of an accident involving him and his fellow ungulates in a battle... however he was persuaded into tagging along with his friend Jester, a reporter for The Weekly Meadow, on a mission to get a story about the elusive Alpaca with... much success... Very much success... SO MUCH success. Because they assumed he was here to capture Paprika, they elected Zero as their representative in the United Foenum Council, thinking that it was a Council created by the need to survive through the epidemic know as: Paprika. Dumping the heavy burden of keeping Paprika in line solely onto his shoulders, HIS shoulders, a COMPLETE stranger's shoulders, he would have argued, but he was too sad to do so, so he reluctantly took responsibility,
"*Sigh* Oh well how bad could this Paprik-"
Ohhh no...
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super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Hurri Cane the Thunderbird, a specialist in negotiation and war tactics. It is said the larger the enemy forces strike against him, the harder he unleashes his fury upon them. However, he is not a one-on-one combatant and has made strong allies with other flying and grounded predators willing to die for the cause of devouring prey. His wings can disrupt the wind and his body is usually electrified, making it difficult for certain melee fighters to land hits without preparation. Of course, he has a taste for cows in general but due to his digestive system, he can only eat once a month. Intelligent yet sinister, he lacks empathy for prey in general and will seek ways to take out the various factions one by one exploiting their champion's weaknesses and finding suitable predator challengers to battle them.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Actually, I'd VERY much like to hear your story OC. ESPECIALLY after how you responded to my post earlier.
Well, if you insist...

Name: Verlier Ziege (a name given to him by his masters)

Race: Goat

History: Ziege heard of the ancient legend of the predators from long ago while in his youth. The story had filled his mind with visions of heroic heroes battling the evil monsters and saving the land. As he grew older and the time of adulthood drew nigh, he found life in the mountains of his people dull, and wanted more. He wanted to be a legend, like the legendary heroes of old! Leaving everything behind he journeyed far and wide in search of the legendary door. If it was true, then he would be the one to prove it, throw it open, and save all Foenum! After all, if he defeated each and every single predator alone, then he would be the greatest hero to have ever lived. At first, his journey was in vain. No one knew where it could possibly be, and if they did, they were telling no one. It wasn't until they began to haunt the shadows and the edges of civilization that he finally found someone willing to talk. Convinced by his bravado and apparent bravery, an old elk told him of an ancient sight said to be the place where the key was hidden. The elk was mistaken, but neither he nor Ziege knew this. And it was at this place that Ziege met what he would later call, The Unspeakable One. A horrid visage of nightmare and shadow, it tore at his mind simply to look upon it as it fed his pride. It told him where the door was and there, it told him, he would finally become the hero he'd always dreamed of. With no hesitation he went directly to the heart of evil itself. It was there that he was finally changed forever. He found the door, and opened it but a crack. If he could have he would have thrown it fully open, but the lock held firm. A crack, however, was all the predators needed. In the darkness of what lay beyond he saw innumerable eyes that hungered. He stared at them, and they stared back. Into his mind their eyes bored, and his psyche cracked. They filled his mind with the memories of when they walked the land. He saw thousands running in fear of their teeth and their claws. He saw their raw anger and that all feared them. He saw what he now wanted most; he saw power. Power to make all fear him. Power to make them worship him. Power ... to become a hero. They branded his face with a mark and scarred his horns. They gave him power that he might rip the key from the fools who would fight for it, and free his captive masters. And finally, they gave him a taste for meat. Now he hunts the world for those who would be champions, and for those who would hunt with him...

Oh dear. I just wall-of-texted... I suppose I'll need to trim this down a bit so it's not so wall-like :p

Description: Goat with half of his face (eye included) covered with a black mark that gets all red and glowy-like around the edges when dark magic is being used by him (it's real spooky-like), and not as much hair as healthy goat should have. Scarred horns, and skin that's taken an unhealthy color and texture. In short: he looks like a minion of evil ('cause, you know, he kinda is).

Update: Here's a pic~

Ziege has been destroyed by the ones he served, and is now a wraith of evil, who still serves them. Often the only things that can be see of him (besides darkness and shadow) are the mark he bears and his one eye that burns with unholy devotion. When he must take a solid form, he defaults to the form he had in life, but with patches missing. However, most of the time he simply possesses the minds and bodies of those in ranks of The Hunters who willingly allow him into their minds. Thus, he can be in almost any form, though all bear the bright mark of The Hunters.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Well, if you insist...

Name: Verlier Ziege (a name given to him by his masters)

Race: Goat

History: Ziege heard of the ancient legend of the predators from long ago while in his youth. The story had filled his mind with visions of heroic heroes battling the evil monsters and saving the land. As he grew older and the time of adulthood drew nigh, he found life in the mountains of his people dull, and wanted more. He wanted to be a legend, like the legendary heroes of old! Leaving everything behind he journeyed far and wide in search of the legendary door. If it was true, then he would be the one to prove it, throw it open, and save all Foenum! After all, if he defeated each and every single predator alone, then he would be the greatest hero to have ever lived. At first, his journey was in vain. No one knew where it could possibly be, and if they did, they were telling no one. It wasn't until they began to haunt the shadows and the edges of civilization that he finally found someone willing to talk. Convinced by his bravado and apparent bravery, an old elk told him of an ancient sight said to be the place where the key was hidden. The elk was mistaken, but neither he nor Ziege knew this. And it was at this place that Ziege met what he would later call, The Unspeakable One. A horrid visage of nightmare and shadow, it tore at his mind simply to look upon it as it fed his pride. It told him where the door was and there, it told him, he would finally become the hero he'd always dreamed of. With no hesitation he went directly to the heart of evil itself. It was there that he was finally changed forever. He found the door, and opened it but a crack. If he could have he would have thrown it fully open, but the lock held firm. A crack, however, was all the predators needed. In the darkness of what lay beyond he saw innumerable eyes that hungered. He stared at them, and they stared back. Into his mind their eyes bored, and his psyche cracked. They filled his mind with the memories of when they walked the land. He saw thousands running in fear of their teeth and their claws. He saw their raw anger and that all feared them. He saw what he now wanted most; he saw power. Power to make all fear him. Power to make them worship him. Power ... to become a hero. They branded his face with a mark and scarred his horns. They gave him power that he might rip the key from the fools who would fight for it, and free his captive masters. And finally, they gave him a taste for meat. Now he hunts the world for those who would be champions, and for those who would hunt with him...

Oh dear. I just wall-of-texted... I suppose I'll need to trim this down a bit so it's not so wall-like :p

Description: Goat with half of his face (eye included) covered with a black mark that gets all red and glowy-like around the edges when dark magic is being used by him (it's real spooky-like), and not as much hair as healthy goat should have. His visible eye an't the normal eye of a goat no more. Scarred horns (can't decide if one of them is missing or not), and skin that's taken an unhealthy color and texture. In short: he looks like a minion of evil ('cause, you know, he kinda is).
Clap clap clap clap clap, that was honestly a really cool backstory to the guy. I hope he doesn't do something reckless that makes all of his work for naught...:rolleyes:

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Name: Weylyn

Race: Lynx

Appearance: Originally an arctic furred Lynx, now black furred due to dark magic.

History: Weylyn was born to a family of Lynxes who did not care for the other predators, preferring to do what they wanted away from the packs or clans of the other meat eaters. One day they directly defied the Devourerer, and he decided to make an example of them in front of his subordinates, eating them alive. Their cub was taken in by wolves and given the name Weylyn, raising him as if he were their own, making him one with their pack. Because of this, he grew to honor the hunt and the pack, but began to despise the predators who used their might to press down upon others, preferring to respect the weaker predators who banded together to survive instead. Eventually Weylyn decided to dive deeper than the old legends of the evil prey who banished them, and started looking for what actually happened and why, causing him to find that ungulates aren't as strong or as cruel as one would believe, and instead saw them as misguided and weak. When the door was finally opened enough for the scouts (I'd like to believe it was OC now, as that sounds fun :D) he joined as immediately as he could learn the spell, in order to find out more of his homelands and the ones who conquered it. By now you know how the rest goes, joins the hunters for a short time because he sees a very slim chance that it could end with some sort of compromise, then gets offered a position in the darkside after a slightly sarcastic comment and jumps at the chance, eventually becoming their representative on the council.

It's decently long, but not too long, right? Ooh, I'll post up his demon when I get the time.
Well, if you insist...
Oh dear. I just wall-of-texted... I suppose I'll need to trim this down a bit so it's not so wall-like :p
Nah, it's probably fine
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I don't even care what my username means.
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
With the development of lore and characters, it is inevitable that some fans create characters of their own design. A few have already cropped up, and we all knew it was simply a matter of time until they would. So, here is the thread to show them off!

Is your OC (original character) a reindeer who doesn't eat golden oats? Are you perhaps a Sheepdog that actually has three sheep that follow you around? Are you Fred's long lost twin sister who's found a nice cow to enthrall? Let us know! Come forward, and let yourself be known! (Though, let us not forget the forum rules)

As a side note: This thread is for introducing and discussing your TFH OC. If you wish to RP as such, please kindly direct your amazing RP skills at one of the FactionRP threads.
I have a few ideas for my OCs:

A lactose intolerant cow
A literal black sheep
A unicorn with two horns
Fœnum's version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
A longma who's my self-insert
An alpaca who evolved too far


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I have a few ideas for my OCs:

A lactose intolerant cow
A literal black sheep
A unicorn with two horns
Fœnum's version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
A longma who's my self-insert
An alpaca who evolved too far
What does, "Evolved too far" mean exactly?


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
-.- All my good OC ideas are taken for my story, and I don't want to spoil them :p
Why not just make up something completely random on the fly, that's what I did for my OC's lore. (Don't tell anyone, but if they ask, you didn't hear it from me.)


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Why not just make up something completely random on the fly, that's what I did for my OC's lore. (Don't tell anyone, but if they ask, you didn't hear it from me.)
Hah, okay I'll give it a go. Sometime when I'm not so tired

Laurel Crown

Leader of the Proud Nation of Velvetia
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Can I post mine? ^^;

Name: Anders (previously known as Andriy)

Race: Deer

Brief Description: A narcissistic deer who works in a traveling acting company but likes to challenge warriors and predators on his path. He fights with gracious and quick magic at the expense of brute force, making him an agile opponent who plays a defensive style. At first glance he looks full of himself and snob as those traits overshadow his kind and proud personality, as he's willing to protect his kin from the hunters.
He is often mistaken as a girl due to the appearance. His ice sprites are called Is and Sno.

Catchphrase: "Goodness if I love being beautiful"
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Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Lemme try.

Name Unknown, referred as "The storyteller"
Race: Arctic wolf
Has a dark cape and matching floppy hat that obscures most of his features.

During the sealing of the predators, the young wolf refused the mastermonster's call to arms and instead ran away, hiding under a bush. That mare scared the living daylights out of him. The Devourer however cast a curse on the disloyal, just before being sealed away. Due to lack of power it only affected a few "cowards". the young wolf however was close and the curse caught him full-force. It took away his ability to die and being a lone predator meant he would live that eternity hunted.
But immortality is boring, so he took up reading and listening. Old legends, tales, even songs were collected by him. He donned a hat and cape that obscured most of his features, so he could sneak into a city to ruffle through the local libraries and bars.
Time passed and the story of big predators became a mere legend. By that time just learning was monotone. So, he took up teaching. Travelling, spreading stories, telling Reindeer tales to calves, or talking about mystical horses and strange dragons to fillies. Obviously, the kids loved him.
During all those years he became known as a wandering historian, or a few hours of calm for parents with small children. He seems to pop up at places randomly, but even tour guides asked him if he knows anything interesting about the place on the agenda.

Nowadays few know what he is though, legends can twist the appearance of any creature. So he is kind of safe. His favourite past time is scaring others by grinning next to them.

He will get a bit of a rewrite. Sloooowly (maybe finish by summer). His backstory will get a bit more fleshed out, his character will stay the same. Not like you can learn too much about him in here anyways.
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Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Lemme try.

Name Unknown, referred as "The storyteller"
Race: Arctic wolf
Has a dark cape and matching floppy hat that obscures most of his features.

During the sealing of the predators, the young wolf refused the mastermonster's call to arms and instead ran away, hiding under a bush. That mare scared the living daylights out of him. The Devourer however cast a curse on the disloyal, just before being sealed away. Due to lack of power it only affected a few "cowards". the young wolf however was close and the curse caught him full-force. It took away his ability to die and being a lone predator meant he would live that eternity hunted.
But immortality is boring, so he took up reading and listening. Old legends, tales, even songs were collected by him. He donned a hat and cape that obscured most of his features, so he could sneak into a city to ruffle through the local libraries and bars.
Time passed and the story of big predators became a mere legend. By that time just learning was monotone. So, he took up teaching. Travelling, spreading stories, telling Reindeer tales to calves, or talking about mystical horses and strange dragons to fillies. Obviously, the kids loved him.
During all those years he became known as a wandering historian, or a few hours of calm for parents with small children. He seems to pop up at places randomly, but even tour guides asked him if he knows anything interesting about the place on the agenda.

Nowadays few know what he is though, legends can twist the appearance of any creature. So he is kind of safe. His favourite past time is scaring others by grinning next to them.
Is the name of this character related to a certain other storyteller clad in powerarmor? :)


This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
Aw come on... I had almost finished writing my character's background when I accidentally closed the tab... and since I was editing my first post rather than making a new one there is no draft saved. Ugh. Well I'll write it again later, maybe I'll have those doodles done by then too.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Gaosung and Tzng the Crimson Flame

Gaosung's general appearance is the same as the typical green-scaled dragon-like-horse longma, however his fire burn blue
burn blue
LIES! LIES AND SLANDER! I PUT FORWARD A MOVEMENT FOR A NAME CHANGE SO THAT THOSE OF US WITH LONGMA WHO HAVE ACTUAL RED FLAME CAN CLAIM THE TITLE! I know it's your demon's surname, but maybe a little switch around to give Gaosung the title eh? How's about "The Sapphire Flame" sounds very cultured and wise if that is what you want to go for. Same goes for "The Cerulean Flame." Or maybe "The Azure Flame," still very cultured but with a bit more punch (bonus points for Blazblue reference). "Gaosung, The Cobalt" makes you sound like a wizard, or you could go "The Admiral Flame" or "The Ultramarine" to really confuse people.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
LIES! LIES AND SLANDER! I PUT FORWARD A MOVEMENT FOR A NAME CHANGE SO THAT THOSE OF US WITH LONGMA WHO HAVE ACTUAL RED FLAME CAN CLAIM THE TITLE! I know it's your demon's surname, but maybe a little switch around to give Gaosung the title eh? How's about "The Sapphire Flame" sounds very cultured and wise if that is what you want to go for. Same goes for "The Cerulean Flame." Or maybe "The Azure Flame," still very cultured but with a bit more punch (bonus points for Blazblue reference). "Gaosung, The Cobalt" makes you sound like a wizard, or you could go "The Admiral Flame" or "The Ultramarine" to really confuse people.
Come on, if we're going for that it's gotta be the "Ultrasmurf"! :p


Drawfriend & ALPHA Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Sydney, Australia
I've already posted my OC on my art page but let me see if I can reply to it below:

Here's an idea I've been working on for my very first OC ever (I still cringe internally a little when I say it out loud like that). This is subject to MUCH change as I need to figure out how to distinguish Longma as currently she just looks like Tianhuo.

Her name is Corvette. The name (based off the navy vessel not the car) is reflective of her size and speed as she is smaller than most Longma but much quicker. In the Huoshan Military I see her as being a Lieutenant of a small attack wing that compliments the size and strength of Tianhuo and her Elite Imperial Soldiers. I'm in love with the name but its not Asian themed so I'm effectively ruining my own head canon. The other Idea I had for a story is that she doesn't live in Huoshan City but in a smaller Longma colony or amongst other ungulates on the land hence her western sounding name. I really haven't decided yet.

Personality wise, I'd say she's bubbly and athletic with a little bit of sweetness and (naturally) she has a SEMPAI,NOTICE ME complex when it comes to Tianhuo.

Ill screw around with colours later but I'm thinking of making her a light bronze colour similar to this and possibly a green fire if it doesn't look too autistic and it fits in with the lore:
Let me know what you guys think!


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I've already posted my OC on my art page but let me see if I can reply to it below:

Let me know what you guys think!
I already posted on your art thread, but I still like Corvette as your OC. Plus, I say go with your own head-cannon for now, but don't get too attached to it, when the game comes out and IF it ruins your head-cannon, then try to work around it. Like, for instance, maybe say that she just likes her space and lives far away from the city. Something like that, I don't know, its your call.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
I have a few ideas for my OCs:

A lactose intolerant cow
A literal black sheep
A unicorn with two horns
Fœnum's version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
A longma who's my self-insert
An alpaca who evolved too far
I like how you have one for each of the thus-far canon races. Any plans for a goat, since we're here? Also: Feel free to share when you've got the ideas for them!

Lemme try.

Name Unknown, referred as "The storyteller"
Race: Arctic wolf
Has a dark cape and matching floppy hat that obscures most of his features.

During the sealing of the predators, the young wolf refused the mastermonster's call to arms and instead ran away, hiding under a bush. That mare scared the living daylights out of him. The Devourer however cast a curse on the disloyal, just before being sealed away. Due to lack of power it only affected a few "cowards". the young wolf however was close and the curse caught him full-force. It took away his ability to die and being a lone predator meant he would live that eternity hunted.
But immortality is boring, so he took up reading and listening. Old legends, tales, even songs were collected by him. He donned a hat and cape that obscured most of his features, so he could sneak into a city to ruffle through the local libraries and bars.
Time passed and the story of big predators became a mere legend. By that time just learning was monotone. So, he took up teaching. Travelling, spreading stories, telling Reindeer tales to calves, or talking about mystical horses and strange dragons to fillies. Obviously, the kids loved him.
During all those years he became known as a wandering historian, or a few hours of calm for parents with small children. He seems to pop up at places randomly, but even tour guides asked him if he knows anything interesting about the place on the agenda.

Nowadays few know what he is though, legends can twist the appearance of any creature. So he is kind of safe. His favourite past time is scaring others by grinning next to them.
So, I found this to be a fairly nifty idea. Nifty enough that I was wondering if you'd be opposed to your OC being used in a story? I'm not saying it will or will not happen, I'm simply expressing some curiosity.

Aw come on... I had almost finished writing my character's background when I accidentally closed the tab... and since I was editing my first post rather than making a new one there is no draft saved. Ugh. Well I'll write it again later, maybe I'll have those doodles done by then too.

That said: Doodles, eh? Get hype.

I've already posted my OC on my art page but let me see if I can reply to it below:

Let me know what you guys think!
Is lovely OC. Gratned, you also make some very lovely arts, so that helps. :D That said, them expressions yo. Diggin' them.


This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
LIES! LIES AND SLANDER! I PUT FORWARD A MOVEMENT FOR A NAME CHANGE SO THAT THOSE OF US WITH LONGMA WHO HAVE ACTUAL RED FLAME CAN CLAIM THE TITLE! I know it's your demon's surname, but maybe a little switch around to give Gaosung the title eh? How's about "The Sapphire Flame" sounds very cultured and wise if that is what you want to go for. Same goes for "The Cerulean Flame." Or maybe "The Azure Flame," still very cultured but with a bit more punch (bonus points for Blazblue reference). "Gaosung, The Cobalt" makes you sound like a wizard, or you could go "The Admiral Flame" or "The Ultramarine" to really confuse people.
"Crimson flame" is the title of the demon's name, and Gaosung is the one burning blue... most of the time. He burn blue when he is careful not to be influenced by Tzng. Believe me, you'll have the occasion to see him burn crimson. Your complain is the same as asking somebody very calm why they call themselves "the berserker". It's not a title. It's a warning.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Your complain is the same as asking somebody very calm why they call themselves "the berserker". It's not a title. It's a warning.
If that's true, then I should be the BERZERKER, since I could equip LMG's and Grenade Launchers to myself should I feel the need to. I'm slowly turning myself OP...


This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
If that's true, then I should be the BERZERKER, since I could equip LMG's and Grenade Launchers to myself should I feel the need to. I'm slowly turning myself OP...
Obviously you should be the BEARZERKER. And don't worry, you have the right to bear arms. After all we can't expect you to fight bear handed.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
I like how you have one for each of the thus-far canon races. Any plans for a goat, since we're here? Also: Feel free to share when you've got the ideas for them!

So, I found this to be a fairly nifty idea. Nifty enough that I was wondering if you'd be opposed to your OC being used in a story? I'm not saying it will or will not happen, I'm simply expressing some curiosity.


That said: Doodles, eh? Get hype.

Is lovely OC. Gratned, you also make some very lovely arts, so that helps. :D That said, them expressions yo. Diggin' them.
An OC's main reason of existence is to be in stories, written or otherwise.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
An OC's main reason of existence is to be in stories, written or otherwise.
Hum. A fine point. Yes, a fine point indeed...

Though I'd argue that an OC could also be the primary means through which one wishes to connect oneself on a deeper level with that thing that they love. Or an expression of oneself within the context of that thing. Or perhaps even a means to connect and interact with others who share that love! In short: I suspect that some folks would like their OCs to be theirs and theirs alone.

All that said: I got your point ;) Thanks. If anything does get written, and I happened to do it, I'll shoot you a heads up.
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The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Crimson flame" is the title of the demon's name, and Gaosung is the one burning blue... most of the time. He burn blue when he is careful not to be influenced by Tzng. Believe me, you'll have the occasion to see him burn crimson. Your complain is the same as asking somebody very calm why they call themselves "the berserker". It's not a title. It's a warning.
Eh, alright. Although typically a red flame is weaker than a blue flame in terms of heat. My OC has a cooler (in the literal heat terms) flame than most longma, though that gets explained, but now I'm just gonna feel weird with his titles. He wasn't going to exactly be "The Crimson Flame" but he was going to be "The Crimson ___" so I'm gonna feel weird having a similar name to you, but you can't always get what you want. I'll get my character up soon then.

Anthony Rothstein

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
United Kingdom
I'm having some trouble thinking of an OC.

With Lawyer Friendly Equines it was fairly easy, with it's open ended world. TFH has an open ended world as well, but it's not as established as Lawyer Friendly Equines yet.
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This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
Eh, alright. Although typically a red flame is weaker than a blue flame in terms of heat. My OC has a cooler (in the literal heat terms) flame than most longma, though that gets explained, but now I'm just gonna feel weird with his titles. He wasn't going to exactly be "The Crimson Flame" but he was going to be "The Crimson ___" so I'm gonna feel weird having a similar name to you, but you can't always get what you want. I'll get my character up soon then.
You know there is a bunch of other nuances of red, with some other good sounding shades like Carmine, Amaranth, Flame, Lava, Scarlet and Vermillion...

Also yeah I'm aware that the blue is the hottest part of the flame, but that's because it's the one with the best balance of oxygen combustion. A blue flame may be hotter but it is also restrained, cut from using the oxigen. Precise craft may use blowtorch, with a powerful, controlled, blue flame. Red is the color of the flames from a conflagration, untamed fire, running rampant, making lots of smoke. There is also yellow, for the brightest flames, still pretty hot and doesn't make a lot of smoke. I'm guessing most longmas are in the yellow range.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I'm having some trouble thinking of an OC.

With Lawyer Friendly Equines it was fairly easy, with it's open ended world. TFH has an open ended world as well, but it's not as established as Lawyer Friendly Equines yet.
Well, I'd recommend goind back and reading the lore chapter of the race your OC will be (Unless, of course, goat.) and pay attention to WHERE and HOW that race lives. Get a feel for where your OC could live and what they're occupation is (If you're even going to go this far). And write a first draft, polish it up, and then get back to the thread.

Or just write it completely on the fly and put down whatever comes to mind.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
You know there is a bunch of other nuances of red, with some other good sounding shades like Carmine, Amaranth, Flame, Lava, Scarlet and Vermillion...

Also yeah I'm aware that the blue is the hottest part of the flame, but that's because it's the one with the best balance of oxygen combustion. A blue flame may be hotter but it is also restrained, cut from using the oxigen. Precise craft may use blowtorch, with a powerful, controlled, blue flame. Red is the color of the flames from a conflagration, untamed fire, running rampant, making lots of smoke. There is also yellow, for the brightest flames, still pretty hot and doesn't make a lot of smoke. I'm guessing most longmas are in the yellow range.
Mmmnnnn, Scarlet has SOME punch to it, but it just isn't the same as good old Crimson. I'll make do.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
A foreward: I wanted to give my officer a ranking to help denote how high he is in the military structure. However, Tianhuo is clearly stated to be "Captain of the Guard" a station that has been phased out of most if not all militaries. So, I am just going to pretend that Tianhuo hold the position of "General" at the point she becomes keykeeper and use that to scale U.S. Air Force (harhar) rankings for the rest.

Name: An Hongse. Aka: The Crimson Mantle, The Scarlet Horizon, The Colonel in Red, Bloodmane, Professor Dull, Dork

History: An Hongse was born a runt, and was the single child to a pair of Lieutenants. While not well renowned, they were fiercely loyal to the empress and taught Hongse everyday the virtues of protecting her highness and her lands. A late bloomer, Hongse was the last in his class to produce any flame and came into his height early, but his muscle late. A large, flightless target, he was frequently picked on and reclusive, taking solace in his studies and his ambition to protect the empress. He studied and trained hard, but was unsatisfied with his results. Even after producing flame, his wings were small and his flames weak. He was well liked within the military engineers, but he still felt he was not doing enough, that he would help her empress more be being out in the thick of it. He could never become one of her majesty's personal guards without strength, and to him he saw his lack of flames as his greatest weakness. He studied furiously in the archives of the empire day and night for a secret to unlocking greater potential, until one day he found a hint to a cult that might hold the answers he sought. Deep in the volcanic tubes beneath the caldera of the empire, he tracked down the hermits and asked them for their secrets. After many weeks of initiation and trials, they taught him. "The longma's soul" they said, "is formed equally by Honored Mother and Honored Father. In most, the two blend and flow together into the new form of the longma, and so most take the pieces of Mother and Father and blend them together in their actions. But we know there are times Honored Mother must take control and times that Honored Father needs to act, and so we practice splitting our soul, Honored Mother from Honored father, and set them spinning about each other." For years Hongse practiced this technique, throwing himself once again into his studies, now from the laws of nature to the laws of the mind. With the hermits' help he perfected the technique, alternating between the virtuous strength of Honored Father and the harsh power of Honored Mother. With the strength of Honored Mother fueling his flames he could finally make the hard decisions that had kept him from advancing in the ranks before, but the longer he used the power the more he realized. Once the Mother and Father had been separated they could not be rejoined, and he was powerless to stop the cycle. The longer he held back Honored Mother, the more brutal and powerful she was when she was unleashed. Although he had always fought to bring peace to the empire, now he feared unleashing Honored Mother without an enemy for her wrath to fall upon. Now he is an engine, wishing for peace on one hoof but dreading what will happen when he runs out of enemies.

Now: An Hongse is the Colonel of the Ranshao Juntuan. Outside of the field of combat he is a generally compassionate and erudite individual. Known both as a passionate voice for acceptance and peace in the empire's debate halls and an occasional touring professor of the empire,s single university, his most common location is chatting with his old friends within the military engineering corps. While usually slow to anger, reach a decision, or lumber from place to place, he is quick in all the former when it comes to his fierce devotion to defending the empire or the empress. He has a reputation as a nerdy, gentle giant, being the longma equivalent of Big Macintosh as far as stature. His mane, tail, and wings are ever present as with all adult longma, but they appear stunted, small whispers of flame. His flames are of abnormal color, being the red of a strontium burn, and seem heavier than air, slowly drifting down like mist. What's more, these dark red flames, while hot, are not the blazing heat of most longma, capable of burning certainly, but paling in comparison to most. But, while his learning in mathematics and physics are his most useful skills in his old position in the engineering corps, in his new station his extensive studies in psychology are his weapon. He has spent decades studying the field, and is an expert in psychoanalysis and self-hypnotism, having spent years crafting his "warrior persona." When within the military theater, he enters his self-taught mindset. All mercy, empathy, and morality is gone. Now rough and brash, his intellect is focused on tactics and Honored Mother whispers predatory instinct in his ear. This is the state where he earned his most famous titles, and his appearance changes to match. His heavy flame flows now, running like liquid down his neck before fading into the air, his wings and tail billowing out now much longer than an ordinary longma's to brush the ground and leave a charred trail behind him. While in this state his flames are no hotter than his "Scholar" persona, but they are far stronger. As for how they are stronger, well, let's just say he is credited with the creation of the term "Scorched Foenum policy."

Sorry about the wall-o-text everyone! Here's hoping my character isn't too pretentious, I wanted a fun character to play whether in combat or out that would be strong, but not stronger than the champions (if he were, then he'd have been selected as key keeper wouldn't he?). Give me feebdack please, I eat that stuff up.
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