TFH Bi-weekly locals "The Stomping Grounds" in SoCal! (basic details here, thorough details below)
Who: Anyone that's looking for offline games.
What: Offline casual and tournament play for TFH
Where: Game Realms, 137 N Victory Blvd, Burbank, CA 91502
When: Starting March 9th, from 9:00pm until 2am, and every other week after that
Why: To get people in this community to meet up and integrated with the larger FGC
Ever since this game has become a reality, I've been wanting to support it however I could. Now that the time is almost upon us, I feel that getting the game out there is the best way to keep things moving. By having these events, we can all start to get to know each other much better, and maybe get others to start making their own scenes as well. This isn't just meant to be a super serious competition, by the way. Anyone who enjoys the game and wants to play with others is more than welcome to attend.
For these events, the plan is to start off with setups in order to begin casual play and a tournament (entrants permitting). Tournaments will be traditional double elimination style, and will keep going until only one person remains. The first tournament for this will be free entry, after that, the tournament will have a $5 entry fee for a collective prize pot. There is still a venue fee of $5 which goes directly to the store, otherwise the place wouldn't be able to host us, and that would make everyone sad. If you wish to just spectate, that's $2 at the door.
Game Realms is a video-game store in Burbank that sells games and accessories old and new, from the NES to the PS4, it has a wide range of products to choose from. When they aren't selling video games, they're hosting locals for other games. The Fridays we'll be playing on also host the weekly event "Salty" which runs Skullgirls, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R, and Vampire Savior, so if you're interested in any of those games, feel free to enter that as well! Those games all normally are free to enter, so no need to worry about paying more money for more games. Should we become too large for the venue, we'll likely need to figure a new day of the week to host these, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Around the venue is a burger shop called Better Fresh Burger, a 24 hour Subway, and a 7-11, all within walking distance!
While the venue is willing to host us, we'll need to bring in some supplies of our own in order to make this work.
- laptops/computer rigs that can handle TFH at a consistent 60fps.
- monitors for the computers (unless the laptops have good enough screens to use.
- chairs (this is pretty high priority, tbh)
- Power Supply Splitters (or at least power strips, just as long as we can get power to all of the setups)
If anyone's able to bring these to the venue, let me know so I can cross it off the list and we don't have twenty people bringing chairs.
Also worth mentioning that people should please exercise common sense while at the venue. Joking around with others is fine, but being obnoxious, arrogant, or a jerk (or all three) will not get you points with anyone and will result in you being kicked out of the venue. Oh, and make sure you don't smell bad, or no one there's going to like you too much.
I think that's about all the information necessary for now. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to do so. No idea about streaming anything, at the moment, so that's up in the air for now.
If you're interested in showing up, please let me know!
Hope to see you there!
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