Welcome to the Serious Sam Multiplayer Thread. This thread is designed for those who are interested in doing a mass co-op playthrough of the Serious Sam games, and to organize a time and date on when to play. Now, ideally. I'd love to go through every game, but there's of course the possibility that not everyone interested may have every single Serious Sam game. So I posted a poll above, listing the games above.
If you're coming to this thread, and don't know what Serious Sam is, Serious Sam is a series of First Person Shooter games, originally made for PC before being ported over to various consoles, and also receiving two HD Remixes of the first two games. You play as "Serious" Sam Stone, a soldier from the distant future who was fighting for humanity in a losing war against an alien race. Using a device called the Time Lock, Sam travels to the distant past, to save the world before the war even happened, taking on the seemingly unending forces of the aliens who seek to destroy him. The games are, in my opinion both incredibly fun and incredibly challenging.
I myself, have only played and beaten The First Encounter and BFE. If you've played any of the games, feel free to share your favorite moments.
If you're coming to this thread, and don't know what Serious Sam is, Serious Sam is a series of First Person Shooter games, originally made for PC before being ported over to various consoles, and also receiving two HD Remixes of the first two games. You play as "Serious" Sam Stone, a soldier from the distant future who was fighting for humanity in a losing war against an alien race. Using a device called the Time Lock, Sam travels to the distant past, to save the world before the war even happened, taking on the seemingly unending forces of the aliens who seek to destroy him. The games are, in my opinion both incredibly fun and incredibly challenging.
I myself, have only played and beaten The First Encounter and BFE. If you've played any of the games, feel free to share your favorite moments.