Well Hyde, you actually used one standard options already: I've been using Hydekrueger for a while, but when i saw you already had part of it, it seemed weird to have two people with similar names.
Anyway, Leatherface. The original texas chainsaw massacre is my favourite horror movie, and i honestly love the character of Leatherface. For a start, he's one of the few 'human' slasher villains from the 70s/80s - he's not the embodiment of evil, a demon or a zombie, and that's what makes him al the more terrifying. He feels real, like something that could actually exist. Maybe i'm being absurd, but i can imagine that somewhere in the deep south, there's an inbred man not all that different from Leatherface.
But perhaps what endears me most about Leatherface is his characterisation (i won't say personality, as i will explain in a moment). Characters like Jason and Michael Myers are little more than robots - no emotion, only existing to kill. Leatherface is the opposite - when he kills, there's usually a fear behind it. In his second kill of the movie, you can actually hear him wailing in fear as he Jerry. Some of kills feel more like self defence than cold-blooded murder, which isn't something you can say for many slasher villains. There's an emotion there that Jason and Michael don't have.
But then somewhat ironically, Leatherface doesn't actually have a personality, ad thats where the masks come in. When Leatherface puts on a mask, its him choosing who he's going to be that day; helpful old lady, or killer? But there's nothing behind that mask - that IS his personality. He can't express himself otherwise. So there's this interesting juxtaposition between his human ability to express emotions such as fear, and yet the complete emptiness that lies behind the mask.
...sorry, thats not more an essay on Leatherface than anything else. I guess, then, i just love his character, so i adopted the name.