The Reason Behind Your Username


DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
I thought that this might be a interesting topic even if it only gets a few responses.
I often wonder the reasoning behind names, and here is a great place to find out.

Unfortunately I can't type out the reason behind my name right now because I have to leave soon and I wont be back until late Sunday.


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Well, I just basically banged my head into the keyboard and this was the result. There is one other I use which has an actual reason, but you will just have to find it first....
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The King of Poor Decision Making
Crowdfund Backer
My name comes from Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, my first Zelda game. Specifically, the Subrosians, a weird race of cloaked underground people, and Dimitri the red water dodongo. I used to go by another name on YouTube, but now I just use my real name there.


Professional Heister
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
My name is literally a string of random syllables, there's no reasoning behind it.

It was made with the intention of making it tricky to pronounce my name, however. It works very well.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 27, 2016
Well Hyde, you actually used one standard options already: I've been using Hydekrueger for a while, but when i saw you already had part of it, it seemed weird to have two people with similar names.

Anyway, Leatherface. The original texas chainsaw massacre is my favourite horror movie, and i honestly love the character of Leatherface. For a start, he's one of the few 'human' slasher villains from the 70s/80s - he's not the embodiment of evil, a demon or a zombie, and that's what makes him al the more terrifying. He feels real, like something that could actually exist. Maybe i'm being absurd, but i can imagine that somewhere in the deep south, there's an inbred man not all that different from Leatherface.

But perhaps what endears me most about Leatherface is his characterisation (i won't say personality, as i will explain in a moment). Characters like Jason and Michael Myers are little more than robots - no emotion, only existing to kill. Leatherface is the opposite - when he kills, there's usually a fear behind it. In his second kill of the movie, you can actually hear him wailing in fear as he Jerry. Some of kills feel more like self defence than cold-blooded murder, which isn't something you can say for many slasher villains. There's an emotion there that Jason and Michael don't have.

But then somewhat ironically, Leatherface doesn't actually have a personality, ad thats where the masks come in. When Leatherface puts on a mask, its him choosing who he's going to be that day; helpful old lady, or killer? But there's nothing behind that mask - that IS his personality. He can't express himself otherwise. So there's this interesting juxtaposition between his human ability to express emotions such as fear, and yet the complete emptiness that lies behind the mask.

...sorry, thats not more an essay on Leatherface than anything else. I guess, then, i just love his character, so i adopted the name.


Just some guy
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
It's my old Xbox Live name that I've had since 2003. I can't remember where I got the name from, I only remember that I found it funny when other people say it out loud through their headsets.
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This dim light which falls from the stars...
Feb 6, 2016
When I joined the forum I was already planning on getting in the RP that was starting, and I knew I was going to join the Dark Side because Oleander is best ungulate. I didn't really have any idea for a name, I wanted something that sounded kind of eldricht, like Fhtng Th§ ¿nsp§kbl?, and I like insects so I took Creepy Crawlies, removed the vowels. I googled for a picture of a spider from and old book for my avatar and voila, username and avatar done.


The Man that had a plan but forgot it
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The Great Unknown in Texas
I put mine on question and answer but it's kinda hard to see so here is mine.

Current meaning:

But I used to mean

But I don't do voice over stuff anymore


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Mine is actually derived from another name I use which is OCisbestpony. I picked that name for two mina reasons.
One is to be a slight troll. After all, peeps like to joking argue who's best pony
So I decided to roll with a name that would anger them all :D

Two is for irony. Until recently, I actually rather hated OCs, and wrote the whole lot of them off as awfully written and terribly handled. Not to mention the color schemes...

I also stick with it because it's a really easy name to be called by (People usually just shorten to OC, which is lovely). Though, it does trip me out just a little when I see "OC" in a post.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Jun 9, 2016
I've used this one in a number of places since I first started joining websites, but the origins of it are from when I first found youtube, but didn't have an account yet; some of the things I looked up made me put together the idea for a story about a little hamster world focusing on a group of characters running a café, Poppun was the name of one of the servers who had the design I liked most out of all of them (She and the other server had names derived from a Sanrio series that was recently released at the time which never made it here)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2016
I just wanted something that referenced fighting games but also related to this game in some way. It was originally going to be "Fight Money", but "$Bison" won because it references a 4-legged animal too. "$Bison" read as "Bison Dollars" from the Street Fighter movie.


Game Maker and Starship Captain.
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 4, 2016
Back in 2006, my parents let me have an account on AOL. I needed a username. after thinking of all the things I like. I came up with "88mph" as a reference to "Back to the Future". my Dad added the A because AOL required a letter as the first character. Thus, A88mph it was, and I have used this username for EVERYTHING ever since (except for the rare occasion registration disallows it). It is my Internet Name now, and I can't Imagine calling myself anything else online.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Not sure exactly why or when I started using "Svierrod" as a username, but it's stuck pretty firmly to me now. And there's a mildly interesting story behind this one.

There's a book I've been working on for about six or seven years, mostly just to throw around weird characters and monster designs, and more for fun than trying to finish or publish anything. The closest thing the story has to a consistent, recurring antagonist is an immortal, shape-shifting, worm . . . lady . . . monster . . . thingy that the characters refer to as "Cuppycake" (an ironically adorable name for a monster made of 40% body horror). However, a 75-year-old monster encyclopedia refers to the same monster as "Svierrod" (which seems much more appropriately monster-y and sounds like a name from her made-up worm language).

Between the two names, "Svierrod" sounds cooler out of context, and is less likely to be already taken when I need to sign up for something. I distinctly remember seeing at least two or three people using "Cuppycake" on various things already.


DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
My name doesn't actually have a long story, but I will try and make it as long as possible.

I needed a new username for my Steam account, that was a shared account between me and my sister. We kept fighting between what it should be called, mostly because it was what we were called in most games. And I wasn't too fond of being called "Kitten" or "LovePuppy" whenever I played a video-game. I had to pick something we would both agree on. We ultimately settled on Cinnamaldehyde because I happened to like cinnamon and cinnamon is the secret ingredient of my sisters chocolate chip cookies (she baked a lot at that age).

The reason behind Cinnamaldehyde and not just Cinnamon is twofold. Cinnamon is generic and sounds like something you would name a Nintendog. I happened to run across cinnamaldehyde while playing a "memory" game where you matched pictures of molecules instead of ducks or something. The game came with a little booklet describing what each molecule was and what it did. The card "cinnamaldehyde" said that is what gave cinnamon its flavor and aroma, or something like that.
I was pleased that something so innocent had a name that sounded like poison. And that is the second reason behind Cinnamaldehyde, not only is it interesting, but it sounds slightly evil. Or at least devious.
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Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
Well it started long ago in Dec 2000 when I was trying to sign up to but I needed an e-mail. So I tried to make an e-mail account. So I tried two names, my first name Richard and my family nickname Jamboy. But both were taken and I didn't want to have an e-mail like rich2985 or Jamboy9204 so I combined rich and jammer to create the name you see before you. Bask in it's glory!
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DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
Well it started long ago in Dec 2000 when I was trying to sign up to but I needed an e-mail. So I tried to make an e-mail account. So I tried two names, my first name Richard and my family nickname Jamboy. But both were taken and I didn't want to have an e-mail like rich2985 or Jamboy9204 so I combined rich and jammer to create the name you see before you. Bask in it's glory!
When you found out that the name you wanted was already taken, were you... jelly?
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Ah, so you did end up making the thread, huh Cinny. Well, it would be rude of me to keep the secret hidden any longer, SO HERE WE GO!

So back in......... 2000-something or other, I joined YouTube, back then I was called HaxforWeeeeeks, I know, sophisticated right? Well, it no longer exists now, or it might, I don't know, I lost the password. ANYWAY, moving on, a little later I wanted to rejoin YouTube, but I needed an account name that wasn't taken. I tried and tried and TRIED, but nothing worked. That is, until I just hit the random button and a series of numbers came about.

This sequence of numbers would inspire me to randomly look up the number 4 in binary-something-or-other and lead me to the promised lands. The promised lands being that you write the number 4 as 00100.
And they say, that on that day, an angel got its wings...
And I got an account name!

Years later I needed an account name for an indie game called TFH, used my old username, and the rest is history.

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Skeith, the Shadow of Death. From .hack. Also known as the 'Terror of Death'.

So no, not a bible reference (well, maybe in a meta way, I dunno the origin's of Skeith's name), nor a Gangsta's Paradise reference (though coincidentally, I like that track. I didn't hear it until well after I started using this name though).


Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Way back around 2002/2003, my cousin wanted me to hop on Warcraft III's custom games, but I had never played any game like that online before. He mentioned picking a unique username since a lot were already taken, so I just went with the first one that came to mind: Defender_96. Since then, I've used a variation of that for my username pretty much everywhere. Here I went with the abbreviated "D96." Still don't really know why that original username popped into my head, but it's the name I've been using for over a decade now, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.


DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
Way back around 2002/2003, my cousin wanted me to hop on Warcraft III's custom games, but I had never played any game like that online before. He mentioned picking a unique username since a lot were already taken, so I just went with the first one that came to mind: Defender_96. Since then, I've used a variation of that for my username pretty much everywhere. Here I went with the abbreviated "D96." Still don't really know why that original username popped into my head, but it's the name I've been using for over a decade now, and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.
I always imagined a 96 sided die.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
I don't even know how to begin to even say that word. But if I did, I would totally start calling you that.
I'm guessing..
enn= The letter 'N'

eacon= Like old McDonald 'E, I' just stop abruptly at the 'I' then just say Con, like BronyCon.

tahexagon= Canadian saying 'Tomorrow'. They say it like 'Tahmorroow'. Then hexagon.
Simple, now where did I lose you?


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Can't have 'em mess up the perfection that is a...uh, 3d version of an...enneacontahexagon (thanks, Wikipedia).
ennea - conta - kai - tetra - gon, for easier pronouncication.
You're welcome.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
So getting back on track, I also wanted to explain that I also go by Absolute Zero, I'm not going to say where though, as that would compromise a few things...
Anyway, I just thought of something Zero, the number, was known for and remembered that absolute Zero in temperature is REALLY cold. Then, knowing me, I used it because I'm not hot. (Appearance wise, get it 'hot'?) But I digress, that's what I also go by, no one here is ever going to call me that because everyone already calls me Zero because that's the only word in my name.


Totally a backer guys
Jun 25, 2016
My username is derivative of another username I occasionally use, baxbound. Back when i was but a fledgeling internet user and trying out the free trial for the first Guild Wars, I was asked to name my character. Thinking fast I combined the first three letters of my last name (Baxter) and the word "bound", as in "bound to a quest". Since then that username has stuck and I use it mainly for social platforms.

Baxdab on the other hand, besides being a neat misspelling of "back stab", is actually the first three letters of my last name AND my initials. I use that handle for anything gaming related.


Procrastinator at Large
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Well, Ferettoko is Ferret( Feretto in Japanese) +Child(toko in Japanese). As a younger-en', I read a little bit of a manga called Peach Fuzz. Kind of like Hamtaro for Ferrets but the main Ferret was sorta delusional and thought it was some grand warrior princess and the child owners' hand was a mutli-headed monster holding her captive...( the library only had like, two volumes)

And I mused on getting a pet ferret once. :p

So yeah, Ferettoko. :3
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Well, Ferettoko is Ferret( Feretto in Japanese) +Child(toko in Japanese). As a younger-en', I read a little bit of a manga called Peach Fuzz. Kind of like Hamtaro for Ferrets but the main Ferret was sorta delusional and thought it was some grand warrior princess and the child owners' hand was a mutli hea monster holding her captive...( the library only had like two volumes)

And I mused on getting a pet ferret once. :p

So yeah, Ferettoko.
Well that's cute. Put a smile on my face it did! :D
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super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
I figured I needed something easy to recall but something rare and dangerous at the same time. Then on a library run, I came across a book detailing about a 'super hurricane' that ravaged the east coast in the 1800's and nearly flooded New York to the brim before vanishing (Kinda like Sandy, only 10 times stronger). So I thought, heh, sounds interesting, and put it as my username.