Frequently they have been streamed indeed. They've also been uploaded to our YouTube account, which has been slow going so far but as of a few days ago I've been doing work on that myself and hope to be able to make more use of it going forward.Do you guys stream your matches by any chance?
I don't think I've played against anyone in the group yet actually. Not sure if eligible.-snip- By now we've seen a fair bit of the people that have joined this group so far, and we have a decent idea as to who is and isn't at the appropriate skill level for this. -snip-
Which would be?....they have been streamed indeed. They've also been uploaded to our YouTube account
Well it's right here but at the moment we're still trying to build it basically. I myself want to split the videos into individual matches and generally give them more editing love, up to this point that hadn't been an option, so that's why it hasn't really been shown off... at all I don't think. I actually had to search for it manually to find it myself, so.Which would be?....
The name on that plate could well be yours~
I didn't get the chance to play with you, but I did end up getting a lobby going with some other members.Hey man, I'm always down to see where you are. You could he leagues better than me, roughly at or slightly above/below my skill level, or I could end up perfecting you in the corner and feel a bit bad about it. Chances are it's one of the first two options. I've seen your schedule, so maybe we'll have an opportunity to play later tonight when I get home.
I'm not really very social on a mic either. I kind of flip flopped on whether I should join it or not, but I don't regret joining one bit. Even if I'm generally terrible at giving people advice or articulating a thought, I can still help others and myself improve just by playing.I'm a little torn here. On the one hand i love the idea at play here and feel i could benefit from this (and maybe help though i doubt my skills are up to snuff for that kind of thing). However being that i tend to be the kind of person who is rare to directly engage in social actions unless engaged first ( eg. not speaking unless spoken too, rare to turn on my mic on in game) I feel i might not end up getting much if anything out of this.
We're always happy to have more members~Awww, I'd like to participate in Fighting Foenatics. XD
It has a relatively even split between rookies and more experienced fighting game players.So, how does this even work? Is this beginner only?
I'm sure plenty people here will be happy to help you out~I've been meaning to learn how to play fighting games for ages but always lacked anyone to actually play with. This group sounds perfect![]()
Is it worth noting that we'll probably be using the CCcaster version instead of the steam version? Because I'm pretty sure we will be.Haven't really had a chance to participate before now, but I'm in there for the finale! Will probably be down with getting in on Melty Blood next as well, since that game is out on Steam now and it's supposed to be super good.
That is good to know. I hear that the developers are working on getting rollback netcode into the Steam version though, so maybe the Steam version will rise up to definitive status at some point down the line.Is it worth noting that we'll probably be using the CCcaster version instead of the steam version? Because I'm pretty sure we will be.
I didn't see any of your matches so I can't exactly say how you did, but I will note you probably got the toughest opening two outings. Reysol and then Strider is a preeeetty rough draw. ^^'I've still got a looooong way to go, it seems. But still, fun times were had and I'm definitely gonna try and stick around, work schedule permitting.
That is good to know. I hear that the developers are working on getting rollback netcode into the Steam version though, so maybe the Steam version will rise up to definitive status at some point down the line.
Sadly, I got jobbed out in the early rounds by Kiba, so I didn't get to fight Muro.I didn't see any of your matches so I can't exactly say how you did, but I will note you probably got the toughest opening two outings. Reysol and then Strider is a preeeetty rough draw. ^^'
CCcaster version is free. Money shouldn't be an issue. I believe that's one of the reasons we're choosing that for our next focus game.Dang, I'm out of money for the moment. How long will you guys use Melty blood?
Nothing is lost, we can always make up for it!Sadly, I got jobbed out in the early rounds by Kiba, so I didn't get to fight Muro.
I understand you're frustrated, but this seems a bit silly. If you want to get better, then engage the game and the community. If we have more active players, it will help everyone. If you are confused or lost at how to go about improving or practicing, then ask the group for help. I have never seen anyone in the group shoot down anyone's questions, or make anyone feel awful. Instead of saying that we are failing (or half-succeeding) while remaining a lurker, perhaps you could try to engaging us in something other than a wall of pent-up frustration.Dear Fighting Fœnatics community
I have spent the last 6-8 weeks give or take lurking at the edges of this community, and if your goal is to provide a friendly and encouraging community to help people sharpen their skills in fighting games Then you have at best only half succeeded. Though i'll admit that half is not something i am remotely qualified or able to judge on.
What i Mean to say is that your efforts to help people better themselves in the realm of fighting games seems to have Faltered if not out right failed.I don't mean to be harsh but in my time lurking about the group all i have seen is 2 tournaments and a lot of random discussion often with little or no point or relevance to the theme of the group in the social channel on the Discord chat (yes its a social channel and that's what its for but given that there are occasionally insightful or interesting discussions bout fighting games and playing them there and no where else it becomes rather frustrating) but little in the way of attempts to teach or assist in any organized and overt manner.
Now i can understand this is seemingly the passion project of 1 person with some aide by what are essentially unofficial community leaders all of whom no doubt have things to do beyond this. the goal seems to have been to leave some of this on the communities end to make things work better, but that has gone absolutely nowhere from what i can se, and seems very heavily backed up by the essentially abandoned google docs for filing and organizing the community. then there is the fact that scheduling and training channels are very empty and unless there is some backroom stuff going on or some protocol that i'm missing the group is falling short of the goal.
Now all that being said i am not here only to complain, but it seems like the initial plan of having an individual organize a largely autonomous group is not working. But how else can something like this be managed. To be honest the way it seems to have been setup should be at best an ancillary function. one on one training is very hard to arrange especially if you can't expect the teachers to be easily recognizable and have clearly defined schedules ( which may not have been the case at first but again i bring up the seemingly abandoned google docs). So instead i purpose an alternative solution.
Fighting games seem to be something that is as much about understanding your weaknesses and how to address them as much as any specific knowledge or raw hours of practice, though i do not mean to downplay either of those factors either. However the group as it seems to be organized really only seems to address the raw practice and lecturing of specific knowledge. So to make things easier on the teaching end as well as cover this third aspect why not introduce critique space.
Essentially the idea would be to have a space for posting match footage, either record by individuals or captured on some sort of lesson stream ( something to do on Fridays when there isn't a tournament perhaps, or better yet use the tournament footage) or arranged practice. Of course have the 'teachers' on whatever game chime in but have anyone who wants add their assessment do so, encourage it even. After all, you can explain say good vs bad pressure and list off moves til your blue in the face in a lesson, but if you are not versed in seeing these things or only having them explained and pointed out in a controlled environment then it isn't good learning.
Sincerest apologies for my Behavior.
I understood exactly what you meant. That's what the #Training channel is for. You ask a question, and we read it and chime in. You can post a match and ask for a critique. You can just ask a question. What your problem is is that not enough people are asking these questions, so you're not getting what you want out of lurking—and then instead of coming in and trying to be a part of the solution, you're complaining about our system and the fact that no one is asking the questions you want to have answered. That's why you're getting this reaction. You're acting like we're the problem, and that's why this critique feels so off-base. All we are doing is trying to provide people the tools to gain fighting game literacy, and a group of people to answer questions and grow alongside. The reason why you're not getting what you want out of the group is not because of a failing of the group, but because you don't want to engage the resources we are providing. Stop waiting for others to ask the questions you have, and just raise your hand and ask the question!@ Daring and Song Hacker
OK posting before any real editing is the only way i would have gotten any of that posted but i feel i might not have been clear on some things. one thing in particular you both brought up and seemed to misunderstand is the match footage thing. What i was getting at was more in the line of something like a critique thread on an art forum. person a posts their own match footage ( or if that not an option the footage from the tournaments and other community events is an as good if not a better option) and then the community critiques the match or otherwise throws their two cents in (such as if they cannot come up with a proper critique but have something to point out or otherwise say) the idea being both to directly help the poster/combatants recognize weakness strengths etc. but also to help the community as a whole recognize good vs bad play habits or strategies and the like by learning to look critically at a match (and ideally turn that inward in their own matches)
Also engage with people is not my MO unless i'm already comfortable with them, I have no other options, or there is a nice form letter/protocol i can follow. And trust me engaging with the game (well games as i really don't care about Skullgirls and am looking more at mindset and universal/semi-universal fundamentals) in a directionless fashion is only going to lead you in circles if you're lucky. otherwise i would be a whole lot better than i am now.