Fate Of Foenum: The Story So Far
In the large, seemingly endless desert to the south of the reindeer city of Rein, five figures met in the sand. Whether drawn together by fate or dumb luck, a party formed. Xianghua, the Longma Monk, Ophelia of the Woodland a unicorn rogue, IO Lonfy a strange alpaca with a notebook, Corvine Winterblood a reindeer fighter, and Colorado Blue a young cow warrior, soon found their way to the town of Baikinor.
While heading that way, they stumbled upon a small calf, and the wreckage of a wagon that looked like it had been set upon. The young calf was named Alabama, and she was terribly weak when they found her. With the weak calf growing weaker in their hooves, and her father nowhere to be found, they made with all speed to Baikinor.
The town offered little, but it did take young Alabama in, and began nursing her back to health. Soon after, they met the Longma in charge of the guard, Commander Sandy, and an elephant trade baron known as Dilnaz. Both the trade baron and the guard commander issued complaints about the bandits that were inhabiting a nearby pass, which once upon a time offered a shortcut for caravans and the lifeblood of the town.
Ophelia, being familiar with the darker side of civilization, quickly located the seediest place in town, the Forgotten Well Inn, and quickly learned of a hideout of the bandits. The others, eager to avenge the young calf began to gather and prepared to launch an attack on their stronghold. Just before they could leave, however, Corvine had to suddenly leave their company, for it turned out that she was being hunted. Enroute to the stronghold, they found and teamed up with a sheep with a magic book, named Benson Baaah.
Approaching the fort, Benson created a silent image, and with IO’s silver tongue, they convinced the guards at the gate that the image was a bandit that was bringing in prisoners. As they were apparently idiots, the guards let them in, and they moved freely through the fort until the boss noticed, and had his bandits turn weapons upon them.
IO, in a move of desperate bravado then challenged the chief to a dance off. The boss, who had the party completely at his mercy, decided he would humor this foolish, and soon to be dead alpaca. IO, however, stole the spotlight, as his dancing dumbfounded all his men. Humiliated, the boss left, and his bandits soon followed.
After briefly exploring the fort, they found Dakota, Alabama’s father, as well as another prisoner named Lavender, and led them back to Baikinor. On the way back, they met two figures shrouded in mystery, a pair of spirits known as the Black Wanderer and the Mountain Maid.
Once they returned, Commander Sandy, impressed with their work, hired them to investigate the bandit problem. After researching and talking again to Dilnaz they learned of a great cow family’s mausoleum just under a day from the town. Heading to the Moosoleum they found great, terrible spirits, shadows of the predators, scouts to Foenum for when they return. In the bowels of the Moosoleum, they found the bandit leader, a longma named Danzei.
They soon found a list that Danzei’s group had that the names of a number of ungulates in town working for him, as well as many who had gone missing. Also on the list of turncoats, was a list of prospects, including the magic shop owner, and Benson’s mentor, Masha. Benson, shaken by this news, leads the others back to town where they then alert the town guard of the potential danger.
Saving Masha as he was being shaken-down to join, the guard then gathered the remaining traitors and imprisoned them best they could. The party, after a night of a job well done, then went to sleep just as morning dawned.
When they woke, however, they found to their horror that Sandy had been assassinated. A note had been left by her body. It demanded that the party leave, save Ophelia, Benson, and all of their magical items. If these demands were not met, then Baikinor would burn.
The party, in response, began to raise the town to arms, even getting Dilnaz’s caravan guards to promise blades to the defense.
Danzei’s bandits hit the town like water on rock, but after a hard fight, the bandits broke. The Longma was captured, killed, and on his person was a contract to an ungulate name P. Greysky and a rune that was burned into the roof his mouth in magic. The magic was traced to the Valley of Three Winters about halfway between them and the City of Rein.
Hailed as heroes, the party was then offered a place in Dilnaz’s caravan as it traveled to Rein. On the way, IO revealed that he was blessed by the Light and could cast spells, while Ophelia had no magical talent at all.
With these shocking revelations revealed, the party continues on toward Valley of Three Winters.