Story or Gameplay. which is more important to you?


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 29, 2016
I'm glad you enjoyed it! If more interesting topics like this creep up which get my brain churning, you can definitely expect more. I also found a video you might enjoy that goes a bit more in-depth using Dark Souls and Bloodborne as examples, focusing on the player character's actual affect on the game's world. Its worth a watch if you have the time.
I'm subscribed to Digibro so I usually watch all of his videos. Either way thanks for the recommendation!


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
If I wanted a book, I'd buy a book.
Giff game. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Give TFH Cartoon plz Lauren.

Rick Sanchez

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2016
I'm more interested in the story for TFH than the gameplay.

I mean, if you're going to put more effort into the story than the gameplay, what's the point of making it a game and not a book, movie, or cartoon? But if the gameplay is fun, I'm all for it.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
It's a general rule that I suck at fighting games. I'm hoping that's not the case with TFH, and it looks like it will be really fun to play, but really I'm here for the art, characters, music, and story.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
I'm more interested in the story for TFH than the gameplay.

I mean, if you're going to put more effort into the story than the gameplay, what's the point of making it a game and not a book, movie, or cartoon? But if the gameplay is fun, I'm all for it.
Why make a game with more effort into story? Because RPGs :p
In seriousness though, most of their hyping for the game has been on the story side, so I'd hope it's not unreasonable to favor story over gameplay in this instance. Good gameplay would help, but I didn't come because it's some new fighting game, I came because it has a very interesting setting and promise for good story from it.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
I think a good mix of the two is important, but then again I have soldiered through a game with bad game play because I was interested in the story but at the same time some of my favorite games have no story (or at least no over arching story) such as car racing games or some of the best RPG's and sandbox games.
But I think the biggest difference is what sort of system you are playing on, like if your playing on a hand held console you want to pick up and play not put up with long cut-scenes so there game play is everything but a home console or computer where you have to make time to sit down and play you need something of more substance. :)
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Drawfriend & ALPHA Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Sydney, Australia
I think what sells it for me is the story, the planned virtual lobby makes it feel like a classic SNES RPG and I love me some RPG stories. I'm really keen to see the interactions and friendships that form from this crisis.

Luckily I have enough skill to carry me through the single player story mode (hopefully) but don't expect to see me in the tournaments :\


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Apr 17, 2016
Gameplay is definitely more important. I don't think there's enough content to deliver a good story. The game launches with 6 characters. That means each character has a total of 6 possible fights including a final boss. I guess they can have multiple fights between the same characters. But even if they do that, they have to answer the age-old questions, "why are the characters fighting each other" and "which character's story is cannon?" Even MK's story has a bunch of stupid fights and TFH doesn't have enough characters for one cohesive story.


Keepin' It Stylish
Mane6 QA
Feb 2, 2016
most of their hyping for the game has been on the story side
Story elements are easier to pitch than gameplay, since gameplay consists of "everything in the game." I'm talking about not only the combat, but art assets, such as character art and the stages. All of this takes quite a bit of time to work on, and can change drastically over time as game design is an iterative process. While the story is also in a current state of flux, it is easier to share, since it doesn't necessarily require all of the aspects of game design to be at the same level of completion to be presentable.

Since the story is what we've shared the most, it's also what people have asked questions about the most during streams, since there's more existing groundwork for people to begin speculating.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Story elements are easier to pitch than gameplay, since gameplay consists of "everything in the game." I'm talking about not only the combat, but art assets, such as character art and the stages. All of this takes quite a bit of time to work on, and can change drastically over time as game design is an iterative process. While the story is also in a current state of flux, it is easier to share, since it doesn't necessarily require all of the aspects of game design to be at the same level of completion to be presentable.

Since the story is what we've shared the most, it's also what people have asked questions about the most during streams, since there's more existing groundwork for people to begin speculating.
To add to that, story is more easily presentable to those who are ignorant of the genre. For example, it's easier to talk about how arthus sacrificed his best friend to gain power than it is to talk about how nice AoEs, DoTs, and meat shields are and other various things if they haven't heard those terms before