Story or Gameplay. which is more important to you?

homesick equestrian

guardian of the night
Feb 27, 2016
spokane, wa u.s.
I'm personally more interested in character development and interactions than anything else. I loved the lore written for each character but if that is where most of the storytelling ends for the game then, unfortunately, I can see the game becoming a little flat for me quickly. Thoughts?
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Fight me in Skullgirls
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
All depends on the genre. If it's a fighting game like TFH, I'm fine with story being just an excuse for good gameplay. In turn I'm also okay with gameplay being an excuse for a good story in an RPG.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 27, 2016
I'd like to see a good story, but that's a Rarara in fighting games. Mind you, Faust IS writing...
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
fighting games can completely fail on the story and still be fun...story shouldnt matter too much but with lauren helping I'd expect more then a typical fight all these guys then the big boss story...and I hope they take advantage of the lore (not like destiny ugh) seriously the lore is so interesting they can do so much with it...

but as long the the gameplay is solid and the computer ai isnt a cheater (as in reads your inputs and counters immediately made worse if they have a counter <looks at smash cpu ai ugh its completely random if they counter or not>)...I mean human vs human will be fine if the gameplay is solid but if the ai is a button reader and counter instantly well story wont be fun...
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Vesper Iris
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
With fighting games story usually doesn't make a huge impact.
But in general, I will always prefer a good story. Sure, I can have some fun with the gameplay of any game for awhile, but I NEED a story to motivate me to play it after the initial novelty wears off. If I have no drive to continue playing, I'll probably just move on to something else.

I just can't relate to the people who play absolutely nothing but endless matches of competitive FPS or sports games. Boring.
Meanwhile I can have an amazing time playing a game with a great story, doing nothing but pressing the A button or walking forward.

I play games for the same reason that I watch a movie or read a book. Video games are interactive stories.

With TFH though, I think the community itself will have a real impact on the longevity of the game.
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homesick equestrian

guardian of the night
Feb 27, 2016
spokane, wa u.s.
With TFH though, I think the community itself will have a real impact on the longevity of the game.[/QUOTE]
. I'm definitely expecting a lot of fan art and comics/stories would definitely help round out the world if the mane six team decides not to invest too much in the story. I mainly made this thread so if there is a big want for an in depth story, the mane 6 might see this and it might help eliminate any doubts. It probably wont do anything like that but its nice to see where others stand none the less

Kressent Rhodes

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
Its so hard to choose between story and gameplay simply because I feel both are important to the experience of a game. I think more often than not gameplay gets the brunt of the focus because it would be a more consistently uncomfortable experience if your controls lacked in any way. However I want them to make the most of having a professional like Lauren Faust on the team, experienced in telling stories through a visual medium.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Its so hard to choose between story and gameplay simply because I feel both are important to the experience of a game. I think more often than not gameplay gets the brunt of the focus because it would be a more consistently uncomfortable experience if your controls lacked in any way. However I want them to make the most of having a professional like Lauren Faust on the team, experienced in telling stories through a visual medium.
I agree, gameplay and story are more or less the only two things I care about in a game, where all others (like graphics) can be as lowly as possible for all I care. I literally can't decide if I care about gameplay or story more, both are very integral in what makes a good game...
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The conversation starter
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 18, 2016
Let's be honest here, story and fighting game gameplay don't really mix well. In order to get the most out of the gameplay part you would have to have at least one fight with each of the characters. But if you do that then you're going to end up having some really stupid reasons for the characters to fight eachother. Pretty much every FG story is just a ton of lame excuses for the characters to fight eachother. Skullgirls didn't even have an explanation for certain fights. Guilty Gear Xrd didn't even have any fights and was basically a movie

Granted, they did say they were going to implement the visual lobby in some way, so maybe they could incorporate some other kind of gameplay elements. Who knows?

Gameplay is more important for Fighters.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Well, in my opinion for singleplayer it's story. For multiplayer, it's gameplay. However if one of the sucks massively, it's really hard for the other to carry the game on its back. Fighting games have a smaller need for a storymode though, it's generally a glorified tutorial or practice mode.
But sometimes it can be a case of: came for the story, stayed for the gameplay. Story will make you buy the game. Gameplay will make you get your arse beaten in multi, but you'll still be back for more.

Galaxy Heart

Caffeine-Based Life Form
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Down the ne'er-do-well.
I'm a competitive fighting game player.
Gameplay. TFH is a really good way to make a rather large dent in a somewhat stale FGC community and I believe in the team's ability to create an excellent fighting game that will nurture this.

It's a fighting game in the end and I don't see a reason why story should encroach too heavily on the gameplay in this case. Background lore? Excellent. Cool. Most fighting games have a lot of it. But subtraction from the gameplay to fuel a story in a genre in which it flat out isn't important would be a lot more severe than just shooting yourself in the foot.

If it were any other genre, I'd say story (Heavy Rain is the perfect example here). But gameplay has to come first in a fighting game, or it's dead in the water.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
IT really depends on genre, but I do think a good story or at the very least good characters are important for fighting games, but gameplay is ultimately the most important bit in fighting games. Without good balance and gameplay, fighting games falls flat and into obscurity.


Humble subject of the Empire of Tianhuo
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 18, 2016
Somewhere in SoCal
If the game is action intensive, like this game, then gameplay is always the more important thing to focus. If it's more about exploring a world and watching as your actions unfold it bit by bit, like Firewatch, then story. Personally, though, I don't think it has to be one or the other. When both work together, then you can create something truly amazing


Pizza Pasta
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 7, 2016
For a fighting game I couldn't care less about the story, although if the story does happen to be good then that's a bonus. Although for pretty much every other genre I want the story to be at least decent, unless it's like a Mario game or something because those games pretty much don't have a story (Unless you count spin-offs)


Just some guy
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Like others have said here, it depends on the genre the game. I take gameplay over story for fighting games and other arcade games.


Bringer of sorrow and also donuts.
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Some games don't need a strong story to get along. Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, Panel de Pon, Divekick; all games with weak story but amazing gameplay that I adore.

But if a game has bad gameplay, there is no redemption.

Unless it has amazing music. (Looking at you Sonic 06)


Active Member
Both story and gameplay are crucial to making a truly great game in my opinion. Which one I favor depends largely on how I feel at the time and what genre of game I'm playing. I don't pick up a whole lot of fighting games, but when I do, I really enjoy a smooth gameplay experience. With this kind of fighting game, however, I would very much appreciate a good story behind the unique characters, which we've already started getting in the form of the lore.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 20, 2016
Definetly the gameplay, as it is the point of a game. I watch movies or read books if I want a story. A game can have a good story and/or a good setup, too, but in some cases it's not necessary. Like in CS:GO, for example.
And if it doesn't have much of gameplay, it should compensate it with story, as is with Firewatch. Damn, does that game have good dialogue, much like what real people might speak.
Someone already made this point, but anyway -- I didn't buy Firewatch, since I already pretty much experienced the story through let's plays.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2016
I prefer my gameplay to be fun in my game.
Stories are nice, but ultimately I'll go read a book or watch a show/movie if I wanted to become fully invested in story.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
For fighting games, this can be shortened to 'do you like Virtua Fighter?'

No story, really generic characters and a very work-like aesthetic but the best 3D fighting engine in the business.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Gameplay, but for this game in particular, I think story is more important than it would be in a lot of other games, especially fighters. If they're really going to be putting a decent amount of effort into the visual lobby and the single-player mode, and with Lauren at the Helm, they have lot going for them in terms of making a solid story, and I think a lot of people know that.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Gameplay, but for this game in particular, I think story is more important than it would be in a lot of other games, especially fighters. If they're really going to be putting a decent amount of effort into the visual lobby and the single-player mode, and with Lauren at the Helm, they have lot going for them in terms of making a solid story, and I think a lot of people know that.
You actually present a good point. Given that this game is going to be an indy game with Lauren at the writing helm, I'd actually kinda argue that both story and gameplay come pretty close to each other. As you pointed out, she carries quite a bit of street cred, and those who know who she is will be looking forward to the story. I'd argue that at the end of the day that gameplay will have to carry the day, since I suspect that a fair chunk of the player base will not know her by name (much like writer X who worked on every show ever you loved as a kid but never even knew they existed until you became an adult).


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 13, 2016
I think both are equally important, sure in the end a lot of the replayability of the game will be versus online wich does not really require story but I think story is equally as important as gameplay if the game aims to grab you and immerse you into the world and to get to know and actually care about the characters.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
I'm afraid I'm a bit of an idealist who wants gameplay to be sound and story to be engaging, so it's not an 'or' question to me. I might play I game for one, but I probably won't stay if the other is absent.

Bass Drop

That Sarcastic Pony
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Delaware, United States
The game needs a balance of both, if the gameplay sucks then no one wants to play it and if the story sucks no one will play (the story at least), but I have faith in the Devs and The Faust.

Moon Drops

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
First and foremost for a game should be gameplay, for a fighting game it's required. That being said, it's certainly possible for a game to have weak gameplay made up for in story.

It's like a simple dish. Quality ingredients and preparation (gameplay) can make most meals on their own. Weaker dishes can be enjoyed with proper seasoning (story), but spoiled food can't be fixed with any amount of spice.


Addicted to Skullgirls til this comes out
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Definitely game play. It isn't the story that makes me play a game hours and hours.
Skullgirls, Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, For fighting games, the focus should be on game play.
However, seeing as the group has a person specifically for lore, I'm pretty sure we'll be getting the best of both worlds.


Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
This is a always an interesting question :)
For me, story is important but not necessarily the deciding factor. For example, I hated the story and concept of Assassin's Creed 2, but I was still able to enjoy the gameplay of running around and doing things. However, games like say: Uncharted, Star Wars Battlefront 2 and, my favourite, Kingdom Hearts (what-up!?) have fairly two-dimensional, repetitive gameplay, but the story is so good that the gameplay doesn't have to do as much heavy-lifting. There needs to be a balance between engaging story and fun gameplay; neither should greatly surpass the other.

In short, I can enjoy a game that has a bad story but good gameplay (usually), but I find a good story to be more valuable to me.
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Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 29, 2016
Gameplay is more important when it comes to developing a fighting game, but the graphics/overall presentation of the game are also very important. Mane6 needs to make sure their game not only plays well but looks appealing as well.


Royal Squid Jester
Crowdfund Backer
I'm personally more interested in character development and interactions than anything else. I loved the lore written for each character but if that is where most of the storytelling ends for the game then, unfortunately, I can see the game becoming a little flat for me quickly. Thoughts?
I would LOVE a fighting game that actually had a cohesive story. I know many fighting games "have a story", but I would like one that is more than "let's beat the crap out of each other until one of us saves the world".



Master of Illogical Logic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Bowie, MD
I've been thinking about this question a lot and after pondering it for a few days, I think I'm finally ready to answer it.

I say gameplay matters for me more for me than the story. Don't let that confuse you for me thinking that I don't care about stories, its just that having a good story alone doesn't make me want to finish a game. For me, if the game just isn't fun for me, and the story is amazing, I start to lose the reason I'm playing, which is to have fun. This is because I'd have to slog through being bored to get to what my enjoyment, which inherently makes me not want it that badly and stop playing altogether. For me, doing fun things within the game's world itself should come first and the story should help advance and add weight to the game while the gameplay itself locks you in and makes you want to keep playing.

There are games that weave the story into the gameplay beautifully. Bloodborne, where you are a quick and powerful hunter which hunts monsters and beasts, which is already fun to play. The story than helps advance the game by giving you a goal, to end the nightly hunt and also adds weight to the story by giving you information on why you are a hunter, why there are beasts, where they came from, and why you are so quick and powerful to combat them, and all the answers to all these questions that relate to gameplay, are also all big parts of the story itself. You are a hunter because Yarnham has a cure for all diseases but the nightly hunt begins when you arrive and in order to survive you need to become a hunter. There are beasts because the townspeople's addiction to the city's blood had a side affect and turned them into vicious beasts themselves, which is also where they came from. You are so quick ad powerful because you got a blood transfusion upon arrival which makes it so that you are faster and stronger in order to combat the beasts during the hunt. This seamless weaving of story and gameplay is what I feel games should be. The gameplay was made fun first and the story adds depth and weight to the world and your actions where the gameplay itself resides and explain why and how you can do what you do without the need for many cut scenes or forcing story down your throat. Bioshock and Undertale are other games that also have masterful gameplay to story dynamics in them.

Now there are games that focus on story but I personally felt the gameplay was lacking, which made me ultimately uninterested. The Last of Us comes to mind for me. I know a lot of people love the game's story and I'm not saying that it was a bad story. Just that story alone cant make a game great. Gameplay is the meat while story is the savory sauce used to accent and help the meat be even more delicious, not have a great sauce but a dry piece of meat. Now the gameplay in TLOU works but it just feels a bit...clunky and sort of lacking. The fire fights are fun against humans but anything having to do with infected was a slog for me. You either have to slow and ploddingly sneak through hordes of them or expend tons of ammo getting rid of them and the sneaking is not really engaging itself. In games with stealth, you need to gave a lot of options for getting through areas, like in the Metal Gear Series to keep the player thinking about creative ways to get past enemies, which makes planning out unique routes very fun. In TLOU, you can only throw a brick or bottle. That's it. You can hit an enemy or use it as a distraction. These sections are also filled with One Hit Kill enemies called Clickers that kill you instantly if you get anywhere near it if its alerted. With only one option being the bottle, you end up either waiting for large amounts of time until they separate into a easier way to stealth attack them (which takes like 5 whole seconds of you standing in the open, hoping you don't get spotted) or going into a gun fight with what little ammo you have so you better be a good shot in that case. Moments like this where I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place constantly makes me want to put the game down. There isn't even a variety of infected, just the Clickers, big ones that OHK you and eat all your ammo, and normal ones, where in Bloodborne, you get a ton of sickly and different horrors to face. Yes, TLOU is supposed to be 'realistic' but the human enemies could have wielded different weapons that stood out or acted differently and they could have gotten creative with the infected and their abilities. I will never say that TLOU is a bad game, because it isn't. This was just an example of a game with a compelling story but lacking gameplay which made me put it back on the shelf.

On the other hand, I will happily play a game which are fun but offers little story. I love most Nintendo games and it works for me since they really focus on the level design, enemy types, obstacles, challenge, and tight controls rather than trying to tell a super compelling narrative or the story take a back seat in favor of adventuring or exploring. For me, having fun should be what makes you want to play the game. If the story does that for you, more power to you! I'm just glad you're having fun as well.

If you read all this, you're awesome! lol Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to add or to counter anything in it, discussion is always encouraged.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
I would have to say, that a fighting game is best served by its gameplay, but the story shouldn't be completely ignored.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 29, 2016
I've been thinking about this question a lot and after pondering it for a few days, I think I'm finally ready to answer it.

I say gameplay matters for me more for me than the story. Don't let that confuse you for me thinking that I don't care about stories, its just that having a good story alone doesn't make me want to finish a game. For me, if the game just isn't fun for me, and the story is amazing, I start to lose the reason I'm playing, which is to have fun. This is because I'd have to slog through being bored to get to what my enjoyment, which inherently makes me not want it that badly and stop playing altogether. For me, doing fun things within the game's world itself should come first and the story should help advance and add weight to the game while the gameplay itself locks you in and makes you want to keep playing.

There are games that weave the story into the gameplay beautifully. Bloodborne, where you are a quick and powerful hunter which hunts monsters and beasts, which is already fun to play. The story than helps advance the game by giving you a goal, to end the nightly hunt and also adds weight to the story by giving you information on why you are a hunter, why there are beasts, where they came from, and why you are so quick and powerful to combat them, and all the answers to all these questions that relate to gameplay, are also all big parts of the story itself. You are a hunter because Yarnham has a cure for all diseases but the nightly hunt begins when you arrive and in order to survive you need to become a hunter. There are beasts because the townspeople's addiction to the city's blood had a side affect and turned them into vicious beasts themselves, which is also where they came from. You are so quick ad powerful because you got a blood transfusion upon arrival which makes it so that you are faster and stronger in order to combat the beasts during the hunt. This seamless weaving of story and gameplay is what I feel games should be. The gameplay was made fun first and the story adds depth and weight to the world and your actions where the gameplay itself resides and explain why and how you can do what you do without the need for many cut scenes or forcing story down your throat. Bioshock and Undertale are other games that also have masterful gameplay to story dynamics in them.

Now there are games that focus on story but I personally felt the gameplay was lacking, which made me ultimately uninterested. The Last of Us comes to mind for me. I know a lot of people love the game's story and I'm not saying that it was a bad story. Just that story alone cant make a game great. Gameplay is the meat while story is the savory sauce used to accent and help the meat be even more delicious, not have a great sauce but a dry piece of meat. Now the gameplay in TLOU works but it just feels a bit...clunky and sort of lacking. The fire fights are fun against humans but anything having to do with infected was a slog for me. You either have to slow and ploddingly sneak through hordes of them or expend tons of ammo getting rid of them and the sneaking is not really engaging itself. In games with stealth, you need to gave a lot of options for getting through areas, like in the Metal Gear Series to keep the player thinking about creative ways to get past enemies, which makes planning out unique routes very fun. In TLOU, you can only throw a brick or bottle. That's it. You can hit an enemy or use it as a distraction. These sections are also filled with One Hit Kill enemies called Clickers that kill you instantly if you get anywhere near it if its alerted. With only one option being the bottle, you end up either waiting for large amounts of time until they separate into a easier way to stealth attack them (which takes like 5 whole seconds of you standing in the open, hoping you don't get spotted) or going into a gun fight with what little ammo you have so you better be a good shot in that case. Moments like this where I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place constantly makes me want to put the game down. There isn't even a variety of infected, just the Clickers, big ones that OHK you and eat all your ammo, and normal ones, where in Bloodborne, you get a ton of sickly and different horrors to face. Yes, TLOU is supposed to be 'realistic' but the human enemies could have wielded different weapons that stood out or acted differently and they could have gotten creative with the infected and their abilities. I will never say that TLOU is a bad game, because it isn't. This was just an example of a game with a compelling story but lacking gameplay which made me put it back on the shelf.

On the other hand, I will happily play a game which are fun but offers little story. I love most Nintendo games and it works for me since they really focus on the level design, enemy types, obstacles, challenge, and tight controls rather than trying to tell a super compelling narrative or the story take a back seat in favor of adventuring or exploring. For me, having fun should be what makes you want to play the game. If the story does that for you, more power to you! I'm just glad you're having fun as well.

If you read all this, you're awesome! lol Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to add or to counter anything in it, discussion is always encouraged.
Yeah, what you said sums up my thoughts on this topic as well. Great post, dude.
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Reactions: homesick equestrian


Master of Illogical Logic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Bowie, MD
Yeah, what you said sums up my thoughts on this topic as well. Great post, dude.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! If more interesting topics like this creep up which get my brain churning, you can definitely expect more. I also found a video you might enjoy that goes a bit more in-depth using Dark Souls and Bloodborne as examples, focusing on the player character's actual affect on the game's world. Its worth a watch if you have the time.