Star Vs. the Forces of Evil

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
IMDb said:
Intergalactic warrior Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live with the Diaz family. She continues to battle villains throughout the universe and high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand, an object that still confuses her.
I found out about this episode through the Yay community (primarily known for FiM stuff). I devoured the first season in just a couple of sittings, as I recall. The episodes are short (two episodes would equal the average cartoon length for a half hour block). The episodes follow the wacky style that's popular these days (a la "Gravity Falls", "Steven Universe", et al.), with over the top action and extremely oddball characters (including a disembodied unicorn head called "Pony Head". Should give you a general idea as to the style of the show.

Season 2 should be airing later this year. It's still TBA as Spring/Summer. Apparently Disney has ordered 3 seasons, so there should be at least that many seasons to be had with this show, assuming S2 doesn't bomb of course.