Shame only Reindeer can harness the magic. Dark+Ice magic = Unicorn 2 OP
Most lovely.
I see that, and all I can think is "I want to make a papercraft of that". XDhi hi
That elf has clearly read Don't Let The Unicorn Have The Oats. by Moo Willems, an important instruction manual for elves everywhere.
In other news, I poked at making a low poly model of paprika. It is kind of funny, when I started 3d modeling, this model would probably not have been considered low poly, with 1486 tris in total, but today I'd probably be told it can run on the boss's cell phone.
The first pass was all about blocking out the general outlines, and the second pass was about smoothing out the details.
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Third pass involved the last bit of touch-up, and then the UV unwrapping and coming up with a basic texture. I ended up going with the mirrored UV map route, rather than trying to have a unique UV coordinate for each tri, and since Paprika isn't symmetrical, that means no baking in fancy stuff. But I suppose if I get around to that, I can always change it.
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I kinda do, to an extent. That is to say, I've never personally converted a character model to a PDF/PDO format. I am kinda starting to grasp it after fiddling with Pepakura Designer, but unfortunately I'm not all that great at creating models in the first place, so... yeah. ^_^;hi hi
I wouldn't even know where to begin for turning it into a papercraft. I suppose I could convince a friend to 3d print it out, and maybe use that as a physical guide or something.
Wow, these look excellent, great job!hi hi
Here are some random wallpapers that I made back when the crowdfunding campaign was underway. Super happy that it succeeded. Obviously.
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