

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
But I like being a ninja birdie *squish*
Well, stealth in Crawl is kinda weird. I recommend going Spriggan or Vampire if you want stealth. Naga can do it too, but I don't think it's a good idea. Tengu are pretty bad at stealth, as it requires Hex and Charms - they are usually either summoners or air conjurers.
If you don't aim at winning the game, you might want to start as assassin - guaranteed blowgun can carry you up to Lair.
Also, while stealth is godlike for 3-rune runs, it is almost useless for 15-runes.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Cologne, Germany
someone in this forum play Dungeon Souls? That game is freaking LOVE

Ooooh, this looks sweet. Might have a closer look at his :)

TBOI:R might be my most played game ever with ~450 hours and completing 1001% in February.

Right now, I'm getting myself into Enter the Gungeon. Also very fun to play, but I'm not the best, when it comes to twin-stick controls. But I'll take my time.

This is something I stumbled upon on my morning news update: Moonlighter - basically you are are a shopkeeper that raids caves and dungeons for loot and sells it afterwards in his shop. Looks promising, if you ask me. Chances are good, that a crowdfunding campaign will start soon.


I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
Dancer of the CryptNecro? :)

What I honestly expected to just be a massive gimmick turned out to be a very deep and solid game.
It's also balls to the walls difficult. :mad: While the regular game is already pretty challenging, characters like The Monk will make you rage, and Aria will make you want to kill yourself. (Let's not even mention the BS known as Coda)

Other than that?
Rogue Legacy is a thing I played for awhile and it was pretty K. Lost all my data when I switched computers, and now I'm too upset to try it again. :(
Isaac is also fun. I really need to get ReAfterbirth. :confused: (I have the original, but never seem to want to blow the money to get the sequel)
I also bought Risk of Rain, and have yet to try it out. I wanted to make a "I'm a scrub" video with some m8s who have actually played it.

Also Enter the Gungeon looks good. I want to get it, but I'm a poorfag. :(

Limey Lassen

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
I tried Dungeon Crawl again yesterday. Maybe it's been too long since I played, but I don't remember the game being so darned hard. I mean, I know it's hard, but not can't-even-get-past-dungeon-level-3 hard. And here was me thinking I'd got better at games :)
I tried Dungeon Crawl again yesterday. Maybe it's been too long since I played, but I don't remember the game being so darned hard. I mean, I know it's hard, but not can't-even-get-past-dungeon-level-3 hard. And here was me thinking I'd got better at games :)
I beat crawl for the first time in many years this month, the key is to study the wiki like a users manual exhaustively. There are many mechanics the in game help doesn't even address, like guaranteed damage reduction and the overwhelming importance of base weapon damage.

What's your favorite god? I prefer Qazlol. Get your invocations up high enough and can smite orb spiders with lava.


Fights like a cow
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I beat crawl for the first time in many years this month, the key is to study the wiki like a users manual exhaustively. There are many mechanics the in game help doesn't even address, like guaranteed damage reduction and the overwhelming importance of base weapon damage.

What's your favorite god? I prefer Qazlol. Get your invocations up high enough and can smite orb spiders with lava.
Hmmm, I try to avoid the wiki because I consider looking up game mechanics to be a spoiler. ^^

I tend not to use gods usually, but when I do, I like Fedhas Madash, just because I dig the naturey planty theme :)


Mane6 Dev
Mane6 Developer
Feb 3, 2016
I played through Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It was pretty good, but as it's considered the best of the series it wasn't good enough for me to rush out and get Super Mystery Dungeon right away.
Never really saw why people liked them so much tbh, people often act like I'm speaking heresy when I say I don't think they're particularly good or well written. The only one I played was the first one and while I did play it a bit I was always left feeling dissapointed from how excited I was for a pokemon game where you could finally play as pokemon. Like... I wanted a lively world to explore but you just got ugly randomly generated dungeons that weren't particularly well made and a really cheesy story that was predictable the whole way through but not in a good way. Idk I don't think it particularly commited any too heinous things plot wise it was still enough for me to enjoy it but I always feel wierd when people go on about how it touched them emotionally while for me most of it felt predictable and triple cheese. Like.. the partner just repeated like the same thing the entire game, I didn't really find them to be a good character in the end. And that's not even counting the gameplay things that bother me about it. Idk if they fixed any of that later on in the series (god I hope so, trying to build a team was torture since you couldn't reliably recruit anyone you were actually looking for and just had to hope and not like that mattered much anyways when A) you're seperated from your team half way in and thus become overleveled for them fast and B) you're only limited to 3 slots since 90% of missions require an open slot in your party and you'd need an open slot anyways if you wanted to recruit anyone).

I actually hadn't heard of Roguelikes as a label but when I found out what they were I instantly remembered Dark Cloud from the PS2 and just how much fun I had with it (people often say I don't like Mystery Dungeon because I don't like Roguelikes but that's a big pfffffffft for me). It was like, part dungeon crawling roguelike and part animal crossing/town simulator. A genie attacked the world and all the buildings and people from it became locked in these orb things. The protaganist has to venture through the dungeons to beat the bosses for plot reasons, but all the while they also collect the pieces of the destroyed towns and are tasked with putting them back together. So it adds this neat layer of depth to the game where you spend a lot of time helping rebuild villages to unlock better items and benefits for you to help you with crawling through the dungeons later. It also had multiple characters you could switch out between that you unlocked as you went, some of them being pretty fun to play (I was always dissapointed how useless the first character you unlock is... she just deals like no damage, even with good weapons). I saw there was a Dark Cloud 2 but I had never gotten a chance to play it, I should probably try it again sometime.

Tower of Guns is an interesting one if you've tried any of those FPS roguelikes. I hear good thigns about Heavy Bullets and it's got a really lovely style but I hadn't played it myself. Tower of Guns pretty much combines roguelike generation with a weird bullet hell type shooter, so often you find yourself having to dodge ridiculous onslaughts of bullets and find the best way to take out turrets one by one to help ease you along. If you get it on sale it's an interesting play


Fights like a cow
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Never really saw why people liked them so much tbh, people often act like I'm speaking heresy when I say I don't think they're particularly good or well written.
I never played Explorers of Sky (which I gather is an extended remake of Explorers of Time/Darkness) so I couldn't say what the difference is, but I adored the story of Explorers of Darkness. I did think it was genuinely excellently written; for starters, I'm a sucker for the kind of frontier living that the game portrays, but I also really appreciated the clear amount of effort that went into the writing. All the characters felt real, alive, and unique; and quite often, the game would actually pre-empt any nitpicking that I was about to indulge in. The characters actually think. Going on to an actual Pokemon game and discovering that all the characters are robots who talk in non-sequitur was a real disappointment after that.

The gameplay itself is, I will admit, not the most interesting roguelike experience; there are some great ideas in there, but it's all a bit samey. But to be honest, I was just skipping through it as fast as I could to get to more of the story. ^^


DDR Savant
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 10, 2016
Lake Stevens
I'm sad to find that only one other person has mentioned Dungeons of Dredmor. It is a really funny game and it is completely open to mods which makes room for even more humor.
I personally have about 138 hours in it and have beat it once (I keep making new characters to play with the different abilities.)
It also has a pretty god sound track, but if it gets boring it is really easy to turn just the music off and substitute your own, which makes for some interesting fights.

I beat Rouge Legacy, but I do agree that it is a
which isn't to say anything against the game, I really enjoyed it.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 7, 2016
ones I played include dark cloud 1 and 2, shirren the wanderer for ds and wii, pokemon mystery dungeon,

and ya outta all of them I still play pokemon mystery dungeon reset to level 1 dungeons its prob the hardest pokemon game ever in that mode, shiren the wanderer with its perma death is fun to replay and see how far I can get before I kick the bucket again, and dark cloud 1 and 2 are still amazing games....

I still play dark cloud 1 from time to time since there are 6 playable characters and so many weapon trees that I can just pick from a hat 2 characters and only use them the whole game once they join up using the main character until of course the characters who I got randomly picked for me join up...makes it so hard when I have to play as xiao or the guy with the hammer >_< on my prev run...the genie girl ruby is too good and if I get her as one of my 2 pick she still breaks the game

dark cloud 2 due to being more refined is harder to replay as you only get 2 characters and they both are too good in the end regardless of build i replay it less...


Fear; The Shadow of Death
Backers' Beta Tester
Apr 18, 2017
I think for the most part rouge-likes are fun. I like TBOI, but it is overly complicated due to over saturation of items. Personally I think a limited variety of items and weapons works best. That is why I really like Enter The Gungeon; you don't have to go to forms to look up a mystery item every two seconds, and the items have basic useful descriptions in the character's in game item menu.