I think hot cider, but that is because I grew up drinking it a lot.
What is your favorite time of year?
What is your favorite time of year?
That's the sound real life lasers make. Click for a discharge (if even audible), splat for the unfortunate target. Lasers are not clean weaponsPew Pew! Not sure what the latter one is anyway >_> Plasma ball stuff?
By roasted you mean toasted I'm guessing? Well, it's kind of hard to describe, especially since I haven't had any recently (Summer). I can't think of anything to compare them to...Ummm, it's basically cooked sugar, so if you've ever had something that was caramelized then maybe that would be close? If you let it get dark, it will have a carbonized taste to it of course. You could try it yourself if you have a match and a marshmallow, should get a similar effect. A butane lighter would probably leave behind too much residue for the right effect.On a more serious note, why do people roast them? What do they taste like? I've never in my entire life ate one.