Eh, I can work with theory, makes for good sketches when I do PMD stuff on Deviantart. I mean, obviously Guzzlord is Gluttony, Buzzwole is Greed, Pheromosa is Lust, Nihilego is Sloth (since it attaches to other pokemon to make them do the work), hmmm...not sure about the other three. In any case, the only thing that bums me out is that Trainer's School since I was hoping to free roam and level grind. Going on a day by day (Trainer School isn't open in Pokémon Moon, right? It'd be weird to have classes late at night) basis reminds me of Custom Robo. The camera angle makes it tricky to side-step around Trainers as well on certain routes, and I really wish I had access to the Pokecenter at a earlier time.