Day 1 Hotfixes
v2.0.1 Fixes
Pixel Lobby

- Fixed the Shanty DLC check destroying her in battle shrines.
- Fixed an issue with an Oleander intro causing players to get locked out of any and all inputs.
- Fixed a crash when accepting a matchmaking invite from Training Mode.
v2.0.1 Fixes
Pixel Lobby
- Fixed Rastaman/Rastacap not showing the right item category.
- Fixed the Rastacap displaying the wrong rareness in icon.
- Fixed current batch items displaying the wrong rareness in tooltips.
- Fixed land tiles incorrectly applying water tile properties across several maps (story and lobby).
- Fixed match result communication not working correctly in Salt Mines. Linux-based servers will need to be updated as well.
- Fixed a crash when entering the replays menu.
- Fixed the Anisotropic Filtering option getting stuck on a value on not being able to be changed.
- Fixed menu display issues when accepting a classic lobby invite from story mode chapter select.
- Fixed being able to bring up the tutorial input display with the Training Utility button in Story Mode.
- Fixed the Background Character option defaulting to "2" for some people.
- Potentially fixed the main menu music playing during some p2p invite fights.
- Changed the backer credit on Tianhuo's "Violet" palette to BackwardCap, by backer request.
- Fixed an issue where damage could be inconsistent when punishing attacks.
- Fixed some inconsistent behavior with the Shanty DLC check when Steam library sharing.
- Fixed some players not having the correct music for a stage while spectating.
- Fixed an issue where Arizona Counter would not apply the first hit bonus damage when hitting as a counter-hit.
- Fixed a mirror match intro problem.
- Fixed not being able to counterhit the airborne portion of Cannonball recovery.
- Fixed a Wall Cling problem involving a second Shanty swapping walls at the same time.
- Fixed Shanty having extra legs at the end of her backdash animation.