

I should be doing work right now
Crowdfund Backer
Mar 29, 2016
S2 Comp Started!
Update also includes new map, new skins for Rein, new emotes, and most importantly: New balance! :D


Bringer of sorrow and also donuts.
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I immediately bought the new D Va legendary Emote. Everyone was mesmerized by it.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
I immediately bought the new D Va legendary Emote. Everyone was mesmerized by it.
Use it while sitting on a moving Payload. Nothing special happens, but it's still amazing to do.

That said, anyone else here having a tough time winning in comp mode this time around? Or is it just me and I need to git gud?


Veteran of being taken over by robots or something
Crowdfund Backer
That said, anyone else here having a tough time winning in comp mode this time around? Or is it just me and I need to git gud?
I was actually playing a bit of comp (read: comp placement matches) last night with a bunch of my friends. We went 3-3-1, which I'd say is alright, especially for somebody like me who doesn't play Overwatch all the time. For the most part, our losses came against teams who had a lot more overall time and experience in the game than we did. We even went up against a team that had a person who had something like 228 hours playing as Mercy, and, best I remember, that Mercy did lots of good in that match.

While I'm here, I should mention that I got probably my best loot crate unbox last night: two legendaries, the Antique skin for Bastion which I'll probably never use because I very rarely play Bastion, and the Wilderness skin for Ana which is very cool since I've started playing Ana a lot as of recent. Rest of it was typical white/blue-tier stuff. Kinda wish I had a pic...


Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
So if anyone here is still playing Overwatch, a new Halloween patch is set to release today. Bunch of new skins, another limited time brawl (like Lucioball), and a new character (though she might not hit until next week). I'm pretty excited!


Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I had no classes today so after work I hopped on the game and waited for the patch to download, then me and my buddy played the hell out it! The new brawl is pretty fun, if a bit repetitive. But the new Halloween loot, it's all amazing. I was gonna buy a few boxes but they aren't available for console users until tomorrow, which means my disappointment is gonna be delayed for a day. Yay.

Delusional Dreamer

Dreamer of Delusional Dreams
Sep 29, 2016
The Moon.
I do not have the game, but I still want that Soldier 76 skin. Seriously, Blizzard must be playing Scrooge McDuck.
Wait you mean the Micheal Jack Morrison skin? Yeah, that and JunkRick are on my list to get.

I got that Solider 76 Skin
Lucky devil.

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Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Welp, I went ahead and bought $20 worth of boxes and came away with Reaper's skin and Ana's skin and emote. Glad to have gotten both of those, since those were two skins I really liked. Now I just gotta save enough coins to buy that Mercy skin...


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Welp, I went ahead and bought $20 worth of boxes and came away with Reaper's skin and Ana's skin and emote. Glad to have gotten both of those, since those were two skins I really liked. Now I just gotta save enough coins to buy that Mercy skin...
ha good luck 3000 is a lot especially if you don't buy loot boxes, or get extremal lucky with dups and coins (cant believe I'm saying this). But at least they added buying with coins an option.


Michigan Wolverines Fanatic
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
ha good luck 3000 is a lot especially if you don't buy loot boxes, or get extremal lucky with dups and coins (cant believe I'm saying this). But at least they added buying with coins an option.
I actually got a little lucky (if you can say that) with coins from the boxes I bought yesterday, so I'm actually pretty close to 3000 thanks to that and the coins I already had. I'm only about 600 shy, so hopefully I can either get the skin or get enough coins from playing.

Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
May 3, 2016
Stopped playing for a while, so I figured I'd get back into the swing of things by trying out Junkenstein's Revenge. Was initially disappointed that it was restricted to just four heroes, but after seeing how tuned the mode is, it stopped bothering me. Plus, it gives me an excuse to pick and practice Ana without ruining anyone's MMR.

My favourite moment was accidentally screwing up the narration. I'd just fired off Hanzo's ult at Junkenstein, but was low on HP and died right after firing it. According to the narration, the Archer crumpled to the ground, then notched an arrow and sent it into the night to slay Junkenstein. :p


Ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New York
Stopped playing for a while, so I figured I'd get back into the swing of things by trying out Junkenstein's Revenge. Was initially disappointed that it was restricted to just four heroes, but after seeing how tuned the mode is, it stopped bothering me. Plus, it gives me an excuse to pick and practice Ana without ruining anyone's MMR.

My favourite moment was accidentally screwing up the narration. I'd just fired off Hanzo's ult at Junkenstein, but was low on HP and died right after firing it. According to the narration, the Archer crumpled to the ground, then notched an arrow and sent it into the night to slay Junkenstein. :p

I think I got all the Halloween skins, might have to check again


Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Your soup
Blizzard is swimming in money I say. Just seriously. You can buy another instance of overwatch from that money.

Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
May 3, 2016
I currently have the 3000 to buy a Hallowe'en skin if I so wished, and I have never purchased a loot box. My secret is obsession and disappointment. The first comes from just having played the game a lot back in Season 1 because I wanted to get good (also, bite-sized matches let me sneak them in between chores and stuff). The second because of the game going, "Here, have a legendary/epic skin. J/k, it's coins!" over and over and over and over... So, here I am with coins steeped in the anticlimax of 15-20 failure discs. I might get Mercy's Witch one, since it's the only one I'm really interested in (despite playing Reaper a bunch in the past, I can pass on his because I don't really care for it).

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains


Fabulous, Darling
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Finally got Overwatch. And I came to the realization that I still suck at FPS.

Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
May 3, 2016
Finally beat Hard Junkenstein late last week. In a weird reversal, my friend and I had two games, one of which was likely to succeed, and the other, not as much. The first was a run where we played perfectly up until Roadhog. Then, even though McCree got full ult on him, something just fell apart and we bled out until Junkrat got us. For the second run, timing got messed up on the first Reaper and he got loose, despite me sleeping him to allow a full McCree ult. This resulted in Wraithform as McCree ulted, leaving us to take a bunch of door damage before finally bringing him down.

I thought, There's no way we're getting it on this one.

This is succeeded by Roadhog getting crushed in less than 15 seconds, then Junkrat and Reaper 2 going down incredibly fast despite the fact that I wasn't able to get down in time for a sleep dart (was spam healing McCree on the ramparts after he started his ult a bit early). Reaper 3, we finally got the sleep/McCree ult combo to cleanly wipe him. Then, for the final battle, McCree completely wrecked Mercy and Junkrat about as fast as humanly possible. Roadhog drew things out a bit, but I don't think we even took door damage after that first Reaper incident. In short, somehow, the match with a terrible start turned into a steamroll!

After that, I've been mostly messing around with Medium. We managed to get a final battle where Junkrat died first, while Mercy somehow evaded McCree's ult (we think she might have been in the rear lake or something like that). I wasn't even aware she was still alive, but she wasn't healing Roadhog, so we just got on him and burst him down. When the match didn't end, I was very confused. Cue a yellow beam in the very back of the stage, sadly tethered to a basic Zomnic. It was very odd. Reinhardt does have a unique line for if Mercy goes down last, in case anyone was wondering: "And as the Witch fell, her magic held no more power."


Mostly Quiet
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Her main thing is shutting down abilities and health packs. She sounds so fun.


Fabulous, Darling
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Until it comes time to fight against her. Kinda wonder what she could do to Bastion though.