Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 27, 2016
Bit behind, just finished episode 1:

Nice to see some characterisation for Sunbottom Tyrant, and even a tiny bit for Luna. Whole episode was essential by Discord being a dick, though, which is kind of how every episode involved with him goes.
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Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 27, 2016
Has everybody seen Timid Ferovore Horse Leans In yet? Or am I a scab for youtubing it before it is scheduled? XD
You are the scabbiest scab that I ever picked to the point of having a massive crater on my forehead.

I can't actually find that Fluutershy episode anywhere online.

Just caught up. Oh boy, this is gonna be a good season. Like how Spike's been the straight man in every episode - he knows disaster's coming, and that he's stuck for the ride.


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Has everybody seen Timid Ferovore Horse Leans In yet? Or am I a scab for youtubing it before it is scheduled? XD
No, I saw it too. Iv actually watched it on DailyMotion. The YouTube version was gone by the time I got to it.


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
So how's everyone reacting to the early episodes in Canada? Are you watching them or do you prefer waiting for them to premiere in the US?

Personally, I've been doing both. I've made it a point to watch the early episodes from Canada, but I'll still make it a point to watch them in the US for the sake of keeping the ratings up (gotta support the show if I want it to succeed) and using it for the sake of live tweeting whilst the episode airs in the US.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Apr 27, 2017
The Canadian episodes seem slightly sped up, and the voices sound off. The uploads to YouTube aren't great either. I still watch them because if it's available then I can't wait. But I watch them again when they release in the US. I have really enjoyed the season so far. :)


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The Canadian episodes seem slightly sped up, and the voices sound off. The uploads to YouTube aren't great either.
Yeah, the quality of a stream rip is very hit or miss but that just comes with the territory, especially being from a Canadan broadcast as opposed to one from the US channels (pun not intended). The videos on YouTube are sped up purposefully to keep them on YouTube for an extended period of time without copyright taking them down less than a day after being posted.

In the case of DailyMotion (at least for me), I only had a sound problem with Timid Ferovore Hoers Leans In. Forever Filly and Parental Glideance worked perfectly fine for me. Hell, they worked better than my cable box has sometimes.


Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
Parental Glideance was a bit odd. RIP all those ruined headcanons about Gottagofast's childhood and parents. Let's just pray they leave AJ's parents in the ground (feelsbadman). I was surprised they made RD such a villain but I guess it is an understandable angle to take.

At the end of the day, the thing I think I took away from this the most was this
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Fight me in Skullgirls
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
My experience with season 7 isn't an easy one so far. While it has some good moments here and there, it also has me rolling eyes a *whole* lot. All to the point where during each episode I wonder (not without reluctance nor sadness) if the show wouldn't be better off ending with s6 instead.

That said, I was all the more relieved and happy when I watched A Royal Problem today and simply had a good time. Just genuinely enjoyed it, instead of having to *tell* myself to like it. Ahh, I needed that.

One plot element from it that makes me wonder, though...
Luna not comprehending Cеlestia's duties is understandable enough, she never had to do them. The other way around, however...

Why did raising the moon seem so new to Cеlestia? It was supposedly her job for a thousand years during Luna's banishment. And with how surprised she was by the difficulties of dream duty, does it mean she just outright ignored that point from the daily to-do list?

Alternatively, did Luna still rule over dreams during that time? If that was the case, and considering she was kinda in Nightmare Moon mode, I can't imagine too many "sweet dreams!" wishes coming true.

Yet then, if the inhabitants of The Glue Factory managed to not go insane for a millenium with whichever one out of these two scenarios (guardianless dream anarchy vs evil dream tyrant), is the job really all that important in the end?


Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
I think I'm in the same boat. I enjoyed season 6 more. And so far Season 7 has been ok. The only episode I've really liked so far is Rock Solid Friendship. I havn't seen A Royal Problem yet though.

edit: Seen it now.
A Royal Problem

I liked:
-finally get to see the princesses get some exposition :)
- good sense of humour to this ep
- Sunbottom Tyrant's voice when she said "Excuse me?" So sassy XD

- Painfully slow start-up
- Troped premise (but it fit well, so yea, cant complain too much)
- Starlight (bleh) is heavily featured
- Bookworm Hoers has been getting flanderised a lot this season. Her freakouts are fun to watch, but I worry it could start to get old soon. Especially with Starlight hogging all the character development moments =p

Overall, I thought it was a decent episode with enough laughs and fun to keep me entertained.
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A sort-of-artist
Backers' Beta Tester
Just saw A Royal Problem

Have to say, I haven't seen every episode thusfar but I really really disliked this one it had it's good moments don't get me wrong but from the beginning to the end I was dealing with a bit of disappointment with what it could have been...likely just a result of being hype for this episode dealing with the royal sisters and thinking it would deliver more than it did honestly.

But the start up was so....unnecessary I guess every element of it had me not only wanting for them to get on with it but question why they made it more convoluted than it had to be and waste time, the middle was predictably so troped and the fact each acted like every other character would in this kind of scenario (far too proud of being right than actually caring) rubbed me as kind of weird for sisters who'd been apart for so long, the end probably the best and had it's moments I liked but I was just so mostly done with it I couldn't enjoy it proper until a second watch (accidentally hit post for a sec there)

BUT don't take that as not liking it entirely I liked Bookworm Hoers, I liked little bits of the two sisters interacting bad and good parts, I liked some of Starlights parts, and I loved Daybreakers design (name on the other hand)
It was just an episode that didn't meet expectations to me


Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
^ I very much agree, the first 5 or so minutes of the episode felt like a bit of a waste of time for me, and ate into time that could have been spent fleshing out the middle. The troped way the sisters behaved also struck me as somewhat odd and uncharacteristic (even for siblings). I feel like they played this a little on the safe side. Hopefully this isn't the only Royals episode we get.
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Cera Cyannis

Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
May 19, 2017
I watched "Not Asking for Trouble" recently, The episode has some funny moments. "A Royal Problem" was a nice episode, loved how it featured reformed equality magic horse dealing with a issue between the princesses, and no one saw Daybreaker coming, that was a wow moment.


Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 27, 2016
A Royal Problem was pretty good ... until I realised it directly contradicts the Luna issue of the Micro Series, which was a pretty similar story, albeit minus Sunbottom Tyrant covering Luna's duties.
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super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Mostly looked at the follow-up before watching the episode. But what bugs me is that image in Doctor Whoove's dream, like he's hiding from a stone pillar with something on it. A weeping angel? The image is too blurry to make out even when zoomed. Also, if Nightmare Moon can use her ethereal mane to slap pegasi around, Daybreaker has the right to become a massive explosion of eternal fire and breathe flame without difficulty. Though I am curious if Luna inherited the power of Future Sight during her swap.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Oct 17, 2016
Just waiting for AJ's parents episode. Looks like we'll have to wait a bit more since Tree House decided to re-air season 7:
But if someone wants to know at least how they look like, here you go:


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Just waiting for AJ's parents episode. Looks like we'll have to wait a bit more since Tree House decided to re-air season 7:
But if someone wants to know at least how they look like, here you go:
Yeah, I was wondering if this was going to continue throughout the rest of the season. While I did make it a point to watch all the episodes that aired early in Canada, I'm honestly kind of happy that the season won't continue to air early there. I'm used to the one episode per week schedule and I like to live tweet during them (even though I doubt most people even bother to notice that I do so) and watching them for the first time makes the live tweeting so much more fun. At this point, I'm just wondering if the season will finish before the movie releases in October since we usually have a mid-season hiatus but doing so here would probably make the season finish long after the movie releases. That being said, I also recall hearing that Season 7 plays a bit of a role in the movie, but maybe I mishead some info. Corrections are welcome.
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Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Oct 17, 2016
Yeah, I was wondering if this was going to continue throughout the rest of the season. While I did make it a point to watch all the episodes that aired early in Canada, I'm honestly kind of happy that the season won't continue to air early there. I'm used to the one episode per week schedule and I like to live tweet during them (even though I doubt most people even bother to notice that I do so) and watching them for the first time makes the live tweeting so much more fun. At this point, I'm just wondering if the season will finish before the movie releases in October since we usually have a mid-season hiatus but doing so here would probably make the season finish long after the movie releases. That being said, I also recall hearing that Season 7 plays a bit of a role in the movie, but maybe I mishead some info. Corrections are welcome.
Yep, the least we can do is wait now. Although I was so excited for this weekend's episodes. I do not think the season will end before October because we may have a hiatus. It would be odd to not have one.
I also do not recall season 7 playing a role in the movie but I could be wrong.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Oct 17, 2016
Definitely the best episode of the season thus far with Rock Solid Friendship being a very close second for me.
I agree. Some people didn't like Rock Solid Friendship because of Maud and/or Starlight and other did not like A Royal Problem because of Starlight yet again. I liked them a lot. They are some of the best episodes in the series for me.
I do not think someone should be disappointed or mad at a whole episode 'cause of just one character or two. There are more to these episodes than this/these character(s). But then again, that is just me.
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Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I agree. Some people didn't like Rock Solid Friendship because of Maud and/or Starlight and other did not like A Royal Problem because of Starlight yet again. I liked them a lot. They are some of the best episodes in the series for me.
I do not think someone should be disappointed or mad at a whole episode 'cause of just one character or two. There are more to these episodes than this/these character(s). But then again, that is just me.
I agree. I don't understand the hatred towards Starlight at this point. Yeah, her reformation was rushed and her reason for turning evil wasn't very good, but I like the character she's become and a lot of the episodes she's been in I've rather enjoyed. Plus, I think Starlight was used very well in both episodes. I've heard some people don't like her because she seems perfect when in reality she's anything but that. She has problems, fears, and makes plenty of mistakes as well as learning from said mistakes. People need to stop hating her for no good reason and learn to enjoy the characteristics she brings to the table because she's not a bad character and she's certainly not going anywhere. (I wouldn't be surprised if she is even in the movie for a bit)
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Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
At this point, I'm just wondering if the season will finish before the movie releases in October since we usually have a mid-season hiatus but doing so here would probably make the season finish long after the movie releases. That being said, I also recall hearing that Season 7 plays a bit of a role in the movie, but maybe I mishead some info. Corrections are welcome.
Well, it seems we definitely have a mid-season hiatus and it's coming up rather early IMO. The Glue Factory Daily - Lawyer Friendly Equines Stuff!: Discovery Family Confirms Mid-Season Finale

Considering the last episode before the hiatus mentioned here won't premiere until June 17th in the U.S. and it leaves 15 episodes before the season ends, it would seem that the season may not end before the movie after all. Assuming the finale is another 2-parter, the season would barely finish before the movie on September 23rd if the mid-season hiatus DIDN'T happen with the movie releasing on October 6th, less than two weeks after that.

I must admit that I'm also kind of sad the last episode before the hiatus is "Not Asking for Trouble". I didn't particularly care for that episode especially with the greatness that was "Royal Problems" preceding it. Maybe a second watch will change my mind but we'll just have to wait and see.
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Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
Not Asking for trouble was awful imo.
Usually a season will have some hits and misses, but I feel that Season 7 has done this in extremes. We'll have a home run of an episode like A Royal Problem one week, and then the next we'll have an episode that I have to force myself to not skip through like Not Asking For Trouble. Season 6 ended on a low-note with Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, but after the hiatus it was fantastic! Hopefully this will be the case with Season 7 as well.


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Not Asking for trouble was awful imo.
Usually a season will have some hits and misses, but I feel that Season 7 has done this in extremes. We'll have a home run of an episode like A Royal Problem one week, and then the next we'll have an episode that I have to force myself to not skip through like Not Asking For Trouble. Season 6 ended on a low-note with Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, but after the hiatus it was fantastic! Hopefully this will be the case with Season 7 as well.
So far I only feel that 3 episodes of the season weren't very good. That being (in order of least bad to worst) Timid Ferovore Hoers Leans In, Not Asking For Trouble, and Honest Apple. All the other episodes I think were pretty good.


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
308 Friendly Equines-movie-trailer-coming.html?m=1

Yay, an actual trailer to look forward to! Let's hope that it hypes me up better than the announcement trailer did two months ago. Still hate that that trailer bothered to waste our time...I know that it's still marketed towards the original target demographic, but the announcement trailer told us nothing about the movie most of the people who would see the trailer didn't already know. Plus, it messed up the pony models from the film according to the friggin' art director! So we didn't even see the pony models in the way they'll look in the movie! -__-

super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
There's also two new episodes in Australia somehow...though I'm sure they'll be stuck with hiatus afterwards.
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Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I've seen both at this point. Discordant Harmony was a fun enough episode. And I think it did a good job of showing the whole "be yourself" moral without outright saying it. In terms of "The Perfect Pear", I thought it was a great episode overall, but it's still only the second best of the season personally with "Royal Problems" still being at the number one spot so far. Thus far, it's turning out to be a pretty good season.


Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
Perfect Pear was a beautiful episode :3
I have to say though the whole
Romeo and Juliet storyline
had me begging to know, what became of
Background Orange's parents? How much of his daughters life did Grandpa Pear miss because of his hurt feelings? Did their love story actually end the same as Romeo and Juliet!?


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Perfect Pear was a beautiful episode :3
I have to say though the whole
Romeo and Juliet storyline
had me begging to know, what became of
Background Orange's parents? How much of his daughters life did Grandpa Pear miss because of his hurt feelings? Did their love story actually end the same as Romeo and Juliet!?
Well, if we base it off of Lauren's original vision as well as what a lot of the staff (both current and former) have to say, Background Orange's parents are dead. If we take this into account, then Grand Pear missed pretty much everything after they got married. This does beg the question how he knew who his grandchildren were, but being that Ponyville is a pretty small, tight-knit town I doubt it'd be very hard to find them. He could've just saw them with Granny Smith when he arrived just before the start of the episode.
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Ms. Fortune is best pone
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 6, 2016
NSW, Australia
I wonder if there will ever be anything as generous as an allusion to how exactly they died. No doubt that are indeed dead, no question about that. S'kinda sad for Grandpa Pear though.


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
I wonder if there will ever be anything as generous as an allusion to how exactly they died. No doubt that are indeed dead, no question about that. S'kinda sad for Grandpa Pear though.
I doubt they'd ever allude to the manner of their deaths mostly because they've barely alluded to the fact that they're dead in the first place. The Toy Company will probably only let them go so far.


Games, Movies, Music, & Ponies!
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016

Any thoughts you'd like to share?

Personally, I loved the trailer and have watched it like 5 times already. The animation took a bit to get used to after seeing the show animation for more than 5 years, but I'm loving its fluidity and style! The trailer does a good enough job of showing us all the new characters and the main plot without giving too much away. Tempest was a total badass and I can't wait to see more of her when the movie releases. Hopefully, this is the only real big trailer with anything else coming later being short TV spots that don't last on the screen long enough to ruin any of the movie's surprises. One of my few complaints is that I wish I saw just a bit more of the Storm King being a threat since he's going to be the main antagonist of the film. We got more of Tempest and Grubber than any other character, however I will say that I liked not seeing much of the other characters as I don't like trailers spoiling too much. My only other complaint is that I wish the Mane 6 actresses weren't being overshadowed by the Hollywood stars of the film. I understand that they're being used for the sake of promoting the film, but the Mane 6 actresses don't even get a mention in the trailer when they're the main characters of the friggin' movie. Yeah, they don't have star power, but in the end, they're the ones who will hold up the entire film more so than any of the Hollywood stars they got in the film. But all things considered, I loved this trailer and it definitely hyped me up for the movie. CAN'T WAIT!