Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.


But can you poni-poni-poni?
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
An Alternate Timeline
God, the fandom was horrible during that time. It seemed like every fan website you went to had somebody trying to start shit one way or another. The number of trash images on Derpi trying to white knight both sides was annoying and sad. kinda seems like Derpi is going he same phase once again with the new baby this time. I've got my helmet ready just in case now. Kinda sad seeing all the chaos really :(
Ahh, sad to hear. You'd think we'd all stop being so angsty after alicorn Bookworm Hoers and the Derpy censoring. I kind of avoid the drama myself. Honestly I think the baby's cute, but I wouldn't want to ever wage an argument over it. I remember when season three ended I took a temporary leave of absence and got hooked on Invader Zim. I am ever so thankful I briefly left when I did. Had something to help take it all off my mind and I came back knowing if it wasn't for Lawyer Friendly Equines I would have never had as many friends as I do now. It's why I still am very loyal and faithful to the show and I think its never too late to treat each other like the common core roots the show originally used to stand for in the beginning. c:


Never Was a Wiser
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Western Australia
God, the fandom was horrible during that time. It seemed like every fan website you went to had somebody trying to start shit one way or another. The number of trash images on Derpi trying to white knight both sides was annoying and sad. kinda seems like Derpi is going he same phase once again with the new baby this time. I've got my helmet ready just in case now. Kinda sad seeing all the chaos really :(
Ahh, sad to hear. You'd think we'd all stop being so angsty after alicorn Bookworm Hoers and the Derpy censoring. I kind of avoid the drama myself. Honestly I think the baby's cute, but I wouldn't want to ever wage an argument over it. I remember when season three ended I took a temporary leave of absence and got hooked on Invader Zim. I am ever so thankful I briefly left when I did. Had something to help take it all off my mind and I came back knowing if it wasn't for Lawyer Friendly Equines I would have never had as many friends as I do now. It's why I still am very loyal and faithful to the show and I think its never too late to treat each other like the common core roots the show originally used to stand for in the beginning. c:
Baby? What did I miss? Or is it 2spoiler4me?


But can you poni-poni-poni?
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
An Alternate Timeline
Baby? What did I miss? Or is it 2spoiler4me?
Well, the fandom is kind of having a little tizzy-fit over The Toy Company trying to insert yet another one of its products into the show. I don't think its that much of a big deal compared to some of the other things they've done. I guess you could say we're going to have a fifth princess, but you'll have to watch for yourself and see why that is. ;P


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
I feel like the show's writers tend to do very well with stuff they're given of that nature, so I don't really worry much about that kind of thing.

I mean I think I heard Lauren herself say Rarara only exists because they really wanted to sell a Carousel Boutique playset for some reason, and she's an awesome character.


But can you poni-poni-poni?
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
An Alternate Timeline
I feel like the show's writers tend to do very well with stuff they're given of that nature, so I don't really worry much about that kind of thing.

I mean I think I heard Lauren herself say Rarara only exists because they really wanted to sell a Carousel Boutique playset for some reason, and she's an awesome character.
She always did stick out in some way, but they've made her work really well into the show. ^o^

Though I wonder if her personality would be any different if she wasn't bound to being a designer. o:


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Probably. I like what it adds to her though, in that they sometimes use her as a means of telling their own struggles of making things, having demands and critics stressing them out and stuff like that. It adds a little something to those stories.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Haven't been on a horse-related site in months. So I probably won't be seeing anything anyway. Except for in this thread now, I guess?
Fair point. I'll be all over anything horsey. TBH, I always shut myself out from the horsey scene during the seasons to avoid spoilers (well, I would check back the day or two after for art and music).

And, TBH, by horsey scene I mean EQD.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
I feel like the show's writers tend to do very well with stuff they're given of that nature, so I don't really worry much about that kind of thing.

I mean I think I heard Lauren herself say Rarara only exists because they really wanted to sell a Carousel Boutique playset for some reason, and she's an awesome character.
Agreed. We have Canterlot Wedding to look at for an example. The writers have proven that they can provide decent to good stuff even if under pressure to sell toys.


Your Local Squid
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Fair point. I'll be all over anything horsey. TBH, I always shut myself out from the horsey scene during the seasons to avoid spoilers (well, I would check back the day or two after for art and music).

And, TBH, by horsey scene I mean EQD.
EQD is alright. They've gotten a lot better lately with their discussion posts.

Rumor has it though that one of the important mods is gonna be leaving the site since they're frustrated by the fandom.


But can you poni-poni-poni?
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
An Alternate Timeline
EQD is alright. They've gotten a lot better lately with their discussion posts.

Rumor has it though that one of the important mods is gonna be leaving the site since they're frustrated by the fandom.
Ehhh, too many important people leaving the fandom because of frustration with the fandom happens too much. I feel like everyone gets too pessimistic and it makes people think the fandom is going to fall apart into nothing.

Well, I think its important we stop harping on the negatives and discuss the things that make us happy. I wanted to watch the show to help balance out the negatives that would come up time to time. Never beat yourself up over what other people are doing! ^u^
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Your Local Squid
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Ehhh, too many important people leaving the fandom because of frustration with the fandom happens too much. I feel like everyone gets too pessimistic and it makes people think the fandom is going to fall apart into nothing.

Well, I think its important we stop harping on the negatives and discuss the things that make us happy. I wanted to watch the show to help balance out the negatives that would come up time to time. Never beat yourself up over what other people are doing! ^u^
Yeah, I guess you're right. The negative stuff in this fandom really does get to me too easily.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
EQD is alright. They've gotten a lot better lately with their discussion posts.

Rumor has it though that one of the important mods is gonna be leaving the site since they're frustrated by the fandom.
Can't say that's too surprising. I mean, those chaps have been dealing with that sort of thing for 5 years now.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Ehhh, too many important people leaving the fandom because of frustration with the fandom happens too much. I feel like everyone gets too pessimistic and it makes people think the fandom is going to fall apart into nothing.

Well, I think its important we stop harping on the negatives and discuss the things that make us happy. I wanted to watch the show to help balance out the negatives that would come up time to time. Never beat yourself up over what other people are doing! ^u^
Agreed. Why dwell on things that depress us?


Your Local Squid
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Can't say that's too surprising. I mean, those chaps have been dealing with that sort of thing for 5 years now.
I remember when Calpain was close to leaving the fandom. He made a huge deal about it in one of the nightly round up posts, saying how he was tired of everything and dissapointed in the fandom and all. This was months after the Twilicorn and Lawyer Friendly Hominids drama mind you.


But can you poni-poni-poni?
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
An Alternate Timeline
Yeah, I guess you're right. The negative stuff in this fandom really does get to me too easily.
Agreed. Why dwell on things that depress us?
No fandom is exactly perfect, but so long as you can see the good and avoid the bad everything can feel pretty nice. We sort of have a fandom that over-analyzes the show and we debate about it and compare it to different episodes, etc. I just want to watch a cartoon with cute ponies that makes me happy! :D
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
No fandom is exactly perfect, but so long as you can see the good and avoid the bad everything can feel pretty nice. We sort of have a fandom that over-analyzes the show and we debate about it and compare it to different episodes, etc. I just want to watch a cartoon with cute ponies that makes me happy! :D


Sapphire Maiden
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
The cutest, smartest, all-around best pony.. Purple Smart of course! Party Hoers comes close though but how can you turn down a princess?

As for best non-mane six? Sunset Shimmer hands down.

I'm not really all that excited for season six to be honest. Losing AKR is gunna be a huge blow to the quality of the show. I feel like outside of a few episodes season five wasn't super memorable and suffered the fate of not being bad but rather boring (outside of castle sweet castle which imo was actually bad). Maybe I'm just not as into the show as I used to be (I like drawing ponies though even though I'm terrible at it.). It was weird as usually I'm trying to see an episode as soon as possible after it airs but last season I would go days if not a week without catching up. I have hopes season six will rejuvenate that... but not high hopes.


Robot in Disguise
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Purple Smart and Sunset Shimmer are the best, of course.

I've been watching the show since February 2011. Back when it was new and weird.

Overall, I liked season 5. A couple of weak episodes (including a new contender for the worst episode overall), but still very solid. I personally think season 4 is the strongest of all of them so far, with season 3 being the weakest. Although I also think s3 gets way more flak than it deserves at times.

I was really excited for season 6... and then I saw the teaser. My excitement cooled a bit after that. I'm not mad, just disappointed. I'm still willing to give the show staff the benefit of the doubt on it.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Cologne, Germany
Favourite M6: frequently shifting, but most likely Bookworm Hoers
CMC: Sweetie Belle
Princess: Luna
Minor: Spitfire

Overall, I mostly enjoyed season 5 and I also would include some of the episodes to my all-time-top10. As for season 6: I've seen the new character, but I'm not too exited over her. We'll have to wait and see, what the creators make of it. Overall hype level: 6,5/10

including a new contender for the worst episode overall
May I ask which episode?

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Early on it seemed like the fandom as a whole was the best fandom evar. Super positive and all. It all really started falling apart when Twilicorn was revealed. I can certainly understand worries over balancing the six, and not wanting it to go the stereotypical direction of 'main character becomes princess!', but certain elements in the fandom were pretty unpleasant about the whole matter. Kinda ruined the impression of the fandom a bit in my mind. Still, the negative nellies in any fandom tend to be rather loud and drown out the majority and I do think the majority of the fans are a pleasant lot.

Also, I liked Ep 100 myself. I don't mind LAUREN SMASH!!!, but I also don't consider it canon (I disregard the official stance on that). For every bit that suggests it's canon, there is something that suggests it isn't.


Fight me in Skullgirls
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
M6: Thread requires more appreciation for orange strong.
Background: Lemon Zest, even though doesn't technically count as a background "pony". Also Berry Punch, *hic*.
Princess: There are other princesses than Luna?
CMC: Sweetie Bot
OC: Love Letters

Season 5 was kinda hit and miss for me. Some episodes I found meh, but some joined my list of favourites, so I'm content overall. Keep 'em comin'.
I was strongly opposed to the idea of LAUREN SMASH!!! for a long while. But then the first movie came out, I forced myself to watch it, and I'm charmed by the spin-off series ever since. Keep 'em comin' as well.
Last edited:


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Gottagofast used to be my uncontested favorite, but damn. . .Sunset Shimmer in Rainbow Rocks won me over HARD. She is Waifu Prime now. I still love Twi, Dash, Rares and I guess Flutters a lot.

Luna is bess Princess tho. Which isn't to say Sunbottom Tyrant and Executive Mandated Toy Hoers are bad in anyway. Luna is just better. :>

My fav CMC has to be Sweetie Belle. she is just impossibly adorable 100% of the time.

My favorite background pones would have to TaviScratch (They come as a pair).
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Laurel Crown

Leader of the Proud Nation of Velvetia
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Mane6: After the Season 5, I declared Rarara as my favorite of the six ponies.

Princess: Executive Mandated Toy Hoers. I'll admit: I like her more than Celes and Luna

CMC: Sweetie Belle. So adorkable

Background ponies: Lyra and Bon Bon. Thanks to the fandom they look cute together.

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
Do you guys feel that Friendship is Magic should end soon? Like end at season 6 or 7 before it stagnates?
Like tie up some loose ends of all the Mane 6?
Then they can reboot it again or have it in the same universe but follow different characters.

Shadow of Death

Grushdeva Du Kalt Misht
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Do you guys feel that Friendship is Magic should end soon? Like end at season 6 or 7 before it stagnates?
Like tie up some loose ends of all the Mane 6?
Then they can reboot it again or have it in the same universe but follow different characters.
If there was ever a time for it to end, it probably would have been with the S5 finale, considering how the show came perfectly full circle they could have essentially 'rebooted' the premise with a whole new cast of characters, with Bookworm Hoers acting as the Friendship Letter mentor. They might finish with S6 though, and wrap up with the movie in 2017.

Rich Jammer

By the Numbers Accountant
Backers' Beta Tester
If there was ever a time for it to end, it probably would have been with the S5 finale, considering how the show came perfectly full circle they could have essentially 'rebooted' the premise with a whole new cast of characters, with Bookworm Hoers acting as the Friendship Letter mentor. They might finish with S6 though, and wrap up with the movie in 2017.
Hmmm, so the movie as the finale. I would love the movie to be the finale. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie was supposed to be the finale for Spongebob but Nick forced SB to go on. I hope The Toy Company doesn't do the same with Lawyer Friendly Equines.


Dank may-mays
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Hmmm, so the movie as the finale. I would love the movie to be the finale. The Spongebob Squarepants Movie was supposed to be the finale for Spongebob but Nick forced SB to go on. I hope The Toy Company doesn't do the same with Lawyer Friendly Equines.
I would be totally fine with them going this route, would be a nice ending for the show!

Its been a really good run so far, it would be a good time to end it i guess. maybe start a spin off with other characters?


Fight me in Skullgirls
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
On one hand I don't mind if the show keeps going. As long as it can provide quality episodes, fine by me, and season 5 + Friendship Games showed me they still have it in them.

Though it is true that plot material for episodes is running out. Rarara has a boutique in the big city, Dash is a wonderbolt, most notable antagonists got reformed, convincing places to draw new antagonists from are becoming harder to come up with. A new plot device (tree of harmony, 6-lock chest, the map, alicorn baby) can be pulled out of nowhere, but how long can it keep going and how many stories can be told (and retold) before the show jumps the shark?

I'm not pushing it either way (neither "end now" nor "go on forever"), mostly just going with the flow while accepting the thought that eventually there's going to be a point where there will be no more new episodes to look forward to.


Is the answer to this question no?
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Howdy fellow pony enthusiasts!

I suppose my fave mane 6 is Party Hoers or flutters.

My fave background pony (and all time favorite) is Octavia.
Land yes, I'm excited for season six!


Robot in Disguise
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
May I ask which episode?
What About Discord? is the one.

I saw what they were trying to do, but it pretty much failed at it. The only real bright spot for me was the Back to the Future reference.

I actually thought the finale was great. Well, 4/5ths of it, anyway. It fell apart once they revealed Starlight's backstory.

And on the subject of FiM's eventual ending, I'd be fine with the movie being the end cap to it all. I'd also be fine with it going a little bit longer, provided they can keep it fresh.

I suspect there will be a season 7 that year, too.


Fights like a cow
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Favorite pony: Background Orange.
Favorite non-mane pony: Maud Pie, but with Limestone Pie a very close second
Favorite background pony: Golden Harvest (I really like her mane)
Excited for Season 6: Hell yes. This is how excited I am:

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What do you mean i can't use a bucket as a hat
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 4, 2016
Canberra, Australia
Fav Mane 6 : Gottagofast

Fav non-Mane 6 :Sweetie belle

Fav Background character : Vinyl

Fav Villain : Sombra (I have read the Lawyer Friendly Equines comics)

And i'm on the HYPE train for season 6 ^^