Lawyer Friendly Equines Discussion Thread.

super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
For the record, it's always nice to have some decent world-building after the movie. Kinda wish they'd have more Mud Briar though, he reminds me of myself sometimes since I like to be precise.

super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Minor note, but according to a news story on EquestriaDaily, one of the things that was shown at Comic Con was a clip of longma interacting with the Mane 6. If anyone can get the video footage of the Lawyer Friendly Equines Comic Con panel, it would be greatly appreciated (though hopefully they won't look like Tianhuo).

super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Minor note, but the reindeer in the holiday special also seem to be multi-colored, which is different from what they were in the comics. A new species, perhaps?