Just post a random Oleander here because I can XD


A strange alicorn
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
This was drawn in super late night and I just drew it for no reason, so well, the quality isn't that great. Plus my drawing skill is not that good. But I just post it here, because, why not? Otherwise at least to myself, I would say, oh you've done no contribution to this fandom, how dare you! XD

Well, this won't be the last time I draw a TFH fan art.
creppy oleander.png

(DA page of this pic)


A strange alicorn
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 5, 2016
hi hi

Don't sell yourself short, even the best artists had to start somewhere. Besides, sometimes it is the shaky art that tells the best story.
On this pic the shaky line is on purpose. Well, at least this pic does look better when the line is shaky, a few month ago I am not able to draw smooth line at all. Now my line can be either shaky or smooth depends on what effect I want, so maybe I do get a little better now XD