There already is a sort-of-definitive answer for this; Lauren Faust pronounces it like "phone 'em". But I'm curious to hear how others hear the word in their heads, because my brain still insists on rendering the word as "fee-num", with the oe like in "phoenix".
Making the issue even more murky, "Fœnum" derives from the Latin word for grass or hay, and in Latin, the œ ligature is pronounced like "oy", apparently, except that it's also sometimes spelled like "faenum" and I think my diphthong just ruptured. It also has implications for how we should pronounce fan-terms derived from Fœnum, like "Fœnatics" ("foh-natiks"? "fee-natiks"?)
Can someone rescue me from my phonetic nightmare?
Making the issue even more murky, "Fœnum" derives from the Latin word for grass or hay, and in Latin, the œ ligature is pronounced like "oy", apparently, except that it's also sometimes spelled like "faenum" and I think my diphthong just ruptured. It also has implications for how we should pronounce fan-terms derived from Fœnum, like "Fœnatics" ("foh-natiks"? "fee-natiks"?)
Can someone rescue me from my phonetic nightmare?