I'm from SA (Argentina) and got the issue of... everybody got between 250-350 ping against me.
That's ok because ggpo mikez thank you very much; BUT...
How should i set up?
I was using 1 point in the ggpo PER 50 MS.
So, 250 MS = GGPO in 5.
And i always adjust everyfight.
Also, if my enemy got something like 220.
Should i go 4 or 5?
I don't want to pick wrong because sometimes i don't know if my opponent got lag, or i just pick the wrong number.
Specially when i using Arizona and is hard to lasso someone moving really random non-sense and with a BIT of lag.
That's ok because ggpo mikez thank you very much; BUT...
How should i set up?
I was using 1 point in the ggpo PER 50 MS.
So, 250 MS = GGPO in 5.
And i always adjust everyfight.
Also, if my enemy got something like 220.
Should i go 4 or 5?
I don't want to pick wrong because sometimes i don't know if my opponent got lag, or i just pick the wrong number.
Specially when i using Arizona and is hard to lasso someone moving really random non-sense and with a BIT of lag.