Game switches controllers after beating an enemy in the Salt Mines.


Crowdfund Backer
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 24, 2018
Location of Bug: Salt Mines

Description: After beating a predator in the Salt Mines, I can no longer interact with the game using my arcade stick. It switches to the player 2 controls, which I have set to my keyboard.

Possibly related: After assigning player 1 and 2 controllers, I am unable to move to the next screen using my arcade stick. I have to press Z on my keyboard. I can, however, skip the developer title screens with my arcade stick before-hand. I just can't use it to leave the controller assignment screen.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to salt mines.

2. Defeat a predator.

Reproduction rate: 100%. So yeah, I can't do the Salt Mines with my arcade stick. It's really frustrating.

System specs: see attached file.



Backers' Beta Tester
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
Same problem as above.
P1 arcade stick no other controllers set up, if I fight someone at the salt mines the game switches to Keyboard for P1.

To add, even if I set up a joypad as secondary controller the game still set up the keyboard as P1 controller.



Mane6 Dev
Mane6 Developer
Feb 24, 2016
Hi. Saltmines are getting worked on again really soon and this is one of my high priority bugs for it. Thanks
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