Forum RP Recap Thread


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
So, we in the RP sector have been going at it for quite a while now. And, as a result, several things have happened. This thread is for the purpose of providing a concise recap of those events, as well as the characters involved in them. This is not an actual RP thread itself. Rather, a primer or perhaps refresher, for who who do the RP, want to do the RP, or are simply curious as to what's been going on in the RP.

First will be a list of the various characters involved in the various events. This list is by no means comprehensive of the characters and members of the forums who RP or are part of the forum universe. Rather, it is a list of those characters who played an active roll in the events of the RP.

Next will come a list of the various RP factions and what they are about. After that will come a brief time line of events, then a brief description of the events themselves.

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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
An Hongse - A longma who serves the Empire of Tianhuo. Normally calm and quiet, battle transforms him into a ruthless tactician and merciless commander known as The Colonel in Red.

Dandy – A young sheep who serves the Pom Patrol, and acts as assistant to the Prime Minister. Fearless and bold, he is a shining example of what sheep fear to become. And like many sheep, he too possesses pups. Two to be exact. He is also braids the fur on his legs.

Dungeon Miner – A large boar who founded and leads the United Foenum Council. Far from a simple politician, this boar fears not to get his hooves dirty, should the need arise.

Feanor – The second reindeer to lead the Proud Nation of Velvetia. Cold, calculating, she embodies well the ideals of Velvetia.

Fluffy/Zack - A reindeer known for her knives, and tendency to shed blood. She is quite insane, though she is kept in check by her demon Zack.

Gaosung/Tzng the Crimson Flame – A longma who serves the Solders of Shadow, fighting along side Tzng, his demon of flame. If not held in check by Gaosung, Tzng would likely burn the world to ash.

Hurri Cane - A thunderbird who was once in The Hold, but has escaped and commands an army of birds.

Prime Minister Fleece Dags – The elected leader of The Pom Patrol. A simple sheep in a world of titans, he does his best to lead his people. He also has four very lovable, and loyal, little puppies.

Verlier Ziege – A wraith who was a goat in life, he leads The Hunters, and seeks to open the doors to The Hold and unleash chaos upon the world.

Weylyn/Blue - A lynx who escaped The Hold with his demon Blue, though he serves The Dark Side, and is a force for good in the world. His demon Blue was once a powerful predator, but was ousted and is now a shadow of her former self.

Zeel/Hominid - A ram who leads the Solders of Shadow and The Dark Side. Powerful in the dark arts, though he seeks to use this power for the greater good. His demon Hominid is a humanoid, and given to pranks, and insight.

Zero - A robotic bear from another world who found himself in the world of Foenum quite by accident. Nevertheless, he fights for the better of the world, and faces evil head on.

It is worth mentioning that there have been several other characters that the forum members who use these characters have used, but for the sake of simplicity, I listed the character that each forum member primarily identifies with.


The Powers that Be
Mane6 Developer
Jan 25, 2016
The Hold
Things that are probably obvious, but need saying anyways.

None of this is canon to the game or any future related projects, sequels, cinematic universes, theme park rides or board games released, published or developed by Mane6, unless it first showed up in official places, or has been confirmed as canon by official sources.

Mane6 doesn't endorse, publish, develop, release, review or curate any content related to this RP out of regular forum moderation, and only provides the posting space for the fanbase to have fun with.

[Insert Legal disclaimers here]


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
This faction was founded after the ideals of Arizona. Its members are strong, hardy, and are not to be underestimated.
-They are led by LockerRobster.

This faction was founded after the ideals of Oleander. Members of this faction often have pacts with demons, though the faction is not evil. To the contrary, it strives to prove that the darkness is nothing to be feared, and can very well be used for a force of good. Within this faction is found the Solders of Shadow. A group dedicated to fighting if it should so be necessary.
-They are led by TheOneZeelOne, who plays as Zeel.

This faction was founded after the mighty Longma champion who's name they proudly wear. They are fierce, loyal, and a force to be reckoned with.
-Their current De facto leader is The Yaski, who plays An Hongse.

This faction was founded after the ideals of The Devourer. This faction wishes for nothing but the end of the world. They seek the strong that they might hunt and eat the weak, and to open the door to The Hold. They often capture ungulates and attempt to place their mark upon them. If the unlucky ungulate accepts it, it means they have made an unholy pact with the predators and are given power to do their bidding. If they refuse, then their will power is sapped, and they become mindless drones for the Hunters to use. The latter can be reversed, the former cannot.
-Their current leader is OCisbestungulate, who plays Verlier Ziege.

This faction was founded after Paprika, in all of her fun-loving ideals and love! Members of this faction love to have a good time and love to give out gifts and hugs to all!
-They are led by rod7post.

This faction was founded after the ideals of the mighty and brave Pom! Well, sorta brave. Kinda brave. Not really. Point is, that this faction's members are not meek, nor are they mild! Sure they may be easy to laugh off, but to do so to one, is to do so to all. They are brave when need be, and they more then enough grit to get the job done. They are also lucky enough to have dogs.
-They are led by Stunthead, who plays Prime Minister Fleece Dags, who replaced their founder after said founder stepped down.

This faction was founded upon the ideals of neutrality. It, and it members, are those who seek to mediate peace and balance among the factions. Also in their numbers are those who wish to be part of this world, but do not wish to align themselves with any of the other factions. Each faction has a seat upon the council, and those with members to spare, have sent one representative to represent them. This faction is often referred to as "The UFC" or simply "UFC".
-They are led by DungeonMiner, who plays Dungeon Miner.

: This faction was founded after the ideals of the most noble and grand Velvet. They are cold, unforgiving, and powerful. If one were to gain their ire, a terrible mistake it would be indeed.
-They are led by Feanor, who plays Feanor, who assumed command after their founder stepped down.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
The Main Events, thus far...
Part of deciding what happens and how much impact the events have is determined by rolling dice. The idea was first pitched by Stunthead and The Yaski, and was used for most of these events. The basic idea is thus: Faction A wishes to do thing X against Faction B. Or, Faction A wishes to accomplish object Y, which may or may not involve other factions, but might affect them. The leader, or participants, contacts a neutral third party and asks them to roll a 100 sided dice (also known as percentage dice). Success or failure of the event is determined by that roll. Then, the results are either RP'd or written out in a story.

The factions formed shortly after the the Goat Cult thread began. The original idea was that the factions represented, in part, players who wanted to play against each other in playful 'faction wars' with each faction representing each of the main characters in the game. It did not take long for it to change into RP (Role Play) involving characters of our own making. It is worth mentioning that the Goat Cult thread was never meant to become a RP thread, and thus, to this day, is absent of actual RP.

Once the characters had been made, and the players set, all we needed was an event to get things going...

User hawthornbunny, in jest, posted a picture in the UFC thread depicting a news headline detailing that the Giraffe nation had declared war upon cattlekind. Eager for something to do, we jumped on the chance and ran with it. Out of it came The Battle of Unruliness, in which the Cows, the Dark Side, the Hunters, and the Pom Patrol all sent troops to help. During the ensuing battle, the Hunters betrayed both the allies and the giraffe by opening a large portal in the sky, as well as unleashing several mind controlled giraffe upon the unsuspecting forces. Both sides called an immediate cease fire, and turned upon the Hunters and successfully stopped their attempt. However, during the battle, Prime Minister Fleece was captured by the Hunters and taken to a hideout...
The characters in this event were An Hongse, Fleece, Weylyn, Zeige, and Zero.

The operation was a huge success, with the giraffe nation declaring themselves allies of the UFC and the Cattlekind, but celebrations were short lived as it quickly came to light that a key member of one of the factions was missing. Thus, the UFC met and planned out an operation to save Fleece from the grasp of the Hunters.
Fun fact: we actually all agreed on a time to log on, and discussed this plan in real time on the forums.
The plan, laid after some time, was set into action. They called it: Operation Stolen Wool.
One team was to try diplomacy, one stealth, one a tunnel, and another infiltration and extraction. Last, but not least, a small contingent of solders were also sent as an assault team to retrieve the Prime Minister if all else should fail.
-Diplomacy failed, for the Hunters wanted only to eat Dungeon Miner and An Hongse.
-Stealth failed, for one among them was a traitor, and ended in the very near death of Weylyn at the talons of the thunderbird Hurri Cane who stood as sentinel of the base.
-The Tunnel failed, for Gaosung ended up in the wrong place of the base and was ambushed, though he escaped alive.
-The infiltration was, however, a success, though it came at a terrible price. The Hunters tortured and abused poor Fleece while he was in their care, and they treated Fluffy and Feanor with the same care. And while they did escape with Fleece, it was at great peril, for...
-The Assault team, led by Zero, succeed with brilliance. They engaged the Hunters in a mighty battle that caused the base to begin to collapse upon itself. During this battle, it was discovered that this base held a small door that channeled a part of the power of The Hold. Using this power, partly by accident, Hurri nearly decimated the entire UFC force. But it was not to be so, for that same power was used to not only best him, but to lay waste to every hunter in the battle, as well as the base itself, though Hurri manged to escape, but no other hunter was so lucky. It was only during the last possible moments that the three who had been captured managed to escape alive.

There is an event that I have not mentioned that took place between OSW and the Gala. super hurricane down below has kindly provided a summery for this event.

Thus brings us to the current event: The Gala. A party long in coming, the UFC as well as the other factions finally have a moment to rest, regroup, and celebrate their vicotries. And if that wasn't enough, the leader of the very faction that had been the root of all of this had been captured and now sits in a prison made of fire while the UFC and its allies celebrate and enjoy the occasion. Also Fluffy killed an assassination attempt and Zero became a karaoke machine.

There have been, ofc, several other smaller events that have occurred during the time the RP events above have been mentioned. However, in the interest of simplicity and brevity, only those events major enough to involve most of the RP cast have been mentioned in this post. That said, this thread is also intended to act as a tool and resource to recap future events. You are also free to add any information that might have been missed/glossed over. Remember however, This is not an RP thread. Any and all RP is to be had in the designated threads.
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Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Long ago in the RP's infancy, an event transpired in which Fluffy, then a recent addition to the Soldiers of Shadow, burnt down a farm and in the process killed several innocent Reindeer. Aside from some immediate backlash in the form of the standard taunts of the time, this was largely ignored for quite a while, as this was before we got too serious about our storytelling.

Not long before the Gala began, however, this finally began to result in some consequences. It was shown that Zeel, leader of said Soldiers of Shadow, had spent months in isolation after he learned that the allegations against Fluffy were true. He had spent most of his time in grief and confusion over how to handle it. When he emerged - and after settling a couple of other issues - he summoned Fluffy, explained why what she'd done hurt him and the group as a whole, and proceeded to introduce Feanor.

The two had previously negotiated in private about what would happen next; Feanor offered Fluffy a spot in the faction of Velvetia. This was motivated by the curious relationship that had spawned between the two during the events of Operation Steel Wool, in which Fluffy ended up saving Feanor's life. For Zeel's part, he felt that living alongside those she'd hurt might teach her compassion and understanding. He also later acknowledged that Fluffy connected to Feanor in a way she hadn't with anyone else, and thus it was the healthiest thing to stay alongside her.

(This was something that Feanor and Fluffy PM'd me about during a time where I wasn't actually visiting the forums at all. In tune with that, I've gone with the story that it's all Feanor's idea, and similarly Zeel's time in isolation was used to explain my own time away.)

Fluffy agreed to the move, but her time in Velvetia has gotten off to a rocky start, as understandably it's caused quite the stir among their people. Not only are Fluffy's previous actions coming back to haunt her, but Feanor herself helped sow a deep-seeded hatred against all users of dark magic in the Velvetians. As a result, several assassination attempts have transpired, though of course Fluffy is proving quite difficult to kill off.

While it's not hard to guess the motivations of the assailants themselves, whoever is pulling the strings behind the attacks is still under investigation.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Basically, during the random chatter of Galas and the like, a lone courier delivered a message to Hurri that his top scout was killed after doing some routine check-ups on a nearby toxic crater that was due to erupt in 2 years. Of course, being a Thunderbird in charge of more than just birds, but most of the day-walking predators (as Ziege had for some reason vanished), he took it upon himself to resolve the matter and deactivate the doomsday device, in which several prey joined up as well as Zero, going on a short trip to the area. Of course, they were beset by a horde of porcupines under the influence of Hurri's rival, the infamous Lazarus, who had considerable power in the Nocturnal Council, the Night Hunters who were trained at birth to over-kill everything down to the last prey. Of course, after taking down the small army and a over-bloated mythical earthworm, they went into a series of it's tunnels only to be caught in a trap Lazarus set up, with molerats as the engineers. Hurri and the others were forced to listen to Lazarus's spiel about sending the world off it's orbit and becoming a rogue planet, but thanks to certain spells, shattered the cage and scared off Lazarus's followers, though the opossum tried to take them out with self-modification magic to beat them up. Thanks to a certain dodo bird working for Hurri though, the pressure on the mini-volcano subsided, and Lazarus's bulky body was blown up save his original one. But because the group could smash him into oblivion, he was saved by one of the 100 Night Ranks, who teleported the council members away awhile taking him, the dodo and Lazarus to their hidden lair deep in a ocean trench. Where it was found the Dodo was possessed by a Slime occupying it's brain as to thwart Lazarus's plan so his own can be put into play later on, which could very well mean causalities in the thousands. And finally, Hurri was reunited with his former love who was cured of the heart-washing spell thanks to the Dark Side's gifted Zeel, though it's hard to say what will happen next.
Right, this was the event I was eluding to. Thank you kindly.