o - Got correct
x - Got wrong or had no idea
~ - Kind of or partially got correct
? - Pending as of this post
[ ] - Descriptions of images that have not yet been publicly identified. These are followed with links to the images for anyone who wants to see them. Hope BBcode doesn't blow up with this somehow...
x Metal Gear
x Turok
x Jak and Daxter
o Kirby 64
o Pajama Sam
o Sonic Adventure 2 (Cannon's Core, Rouge's section

o The Stanley Parable (you sly dog!)
~ Fix-it Felix Jr. (I remembered it more as "that game from Wreck-it Ralph")
x I Wanna be the Guy
o Sonic '06
x Oudenan 2
o Pokemon Snap
o LoZ: Skyward Sword
x Danganronpa 2
o Eversion (YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!) (Also, right about here is when I decided to keep track of my score. Had I known how many I wouldn't get, I don't think I would have bothered.)
x Dark Cloud (totally cheating, Crym4x)
x One Piece: Unlimited World Red Vita
x Operation Shadow N-Gage
x 999:9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors
x Pokemon Channel
? [a giant samurai?] (Persona crosses my mind, but that's just a wild guess. Never played it.) http://i.imgur.com/4ikScw7.jpg (WAAAAAIIIIIT a minute, I just compared images. This is that Muramasa game later on, isn't it? Nevermind~)
x Kirby Super Star Ultra
x Ori and the Blind Forest (Ooh, I've heard of that one. That game looks really pretty!)
x Virtue's Last Reward (ugh, this losing streak is downright painful... T_T)
o Ratchet and Clank (lucky guess!)
x Hunter x Hunter
x Helldivers
~ Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (!@#$ it!! I recognized it as PMD, but not as EoS specifically, despite that being the only version I've played!! How does that work!?!?)
o Animal Crossing
x MindJack
x [something with a truck in it] http://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?attachments/hell-png.167/
x Link: The Faces of Evil
x [white dotted line] http://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?attachments/lines-png.170/
~ Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (Noticing the cartoonish-ness of the telephone pole, I randomly guessed Sam & Max. Couldn't get which one though, of course.)
x Earthbound/Mother
x [some blue display of a human head] http://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?attachments/rsz_2016-02-11-193136-jpg.176/
x Witcher 3
x Gobliins 2
x AdVenture Capitalist
x Muramasa: the Demon Blade
~ Rhythm Heaven The Best Plus (I knew it was Rhythm Heaven related, at least)
x L.A. Noire
x Kindom Hearts 2
x E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
x [some trees] (there's a strange familiarity about this one...)
o Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (AAAGH FINALLY!!!)
x [bloodstained dungeon] http://forums.themsfightinherds.com/data/attachments/0/249-1a763705bc492217101db831ce84cb3c.jpg
? [crazy pink thing] (SBCG4AP is my guess, due to the green hill/bush/whatever in the background. Dunno which episode; only played one.)
o Okami
~ Super Metroid ("I got Metroid vibes" is all I can say, really)
x To the Moon
x [insignia surrounded by runes] http://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?attachments/rsz_art-008-jpg.262/
x [city + fireworks] http://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?attachments/boom1_large-jpg.264/
Rank: You call yourself a gamer???
...wai did i do all this