There's way more content than most of the DLC from Borderlands 2, it's pretty much on level with Captain Scarlet and her Pirate's Booty as far as the complete feeling of it though if I remember correctly it took me longer to beat and had more unique stuff added to it. Basically it adds a whole new world to explore through claptrap's mind that's pretty huge, the writing's really funny and entertaining just like you'd expect from the game, it added a new special type of guns with glitch weapons (they have graphic glitches and every so many reloads they'll apply a random buff that decimates enemies (like turning a regular gun into a shotgun equivelant, gaining burst fire amping the damage or even getting an effect like an Amp shield's damage boost) and added pretty much the hardest boss I've ever fought in a borderlands game that wasn't an optional raid boss.
Btw don't double post, if you want to add more and no one's replied to the thread yet just edit your post to add it in there instead of posting again
Interesting, the glitch weapon thing sounds really unique, reminds me of Claptrap's own VaultHunter.exe power. I've heard that it was really fun and funny, so I'll have to give it a shot. I thought Captain Scarlet's DLC was pretty sizable, so this one sounds like it'd be worth it.
Out of that series, my favorite was probably Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep, mainly 'cause of the entire atmosphere of it. I thought it was really clever to have the characters actually playing as you and how Tina altered the world as you went along. Also, I'm normally not a fan of paying money for extra characters, but I really had a lot of fun playing as the Mechromancer; the Anarchy tree was so crazy to use, and I loved it!
And yeah, sorry 'bout the double post, I hurried to put out my two thoughts and didn't even think about that until you mentioned it; I appreciate the heads up though!