[FactionRP] The United Foenum Council [Neutral]


A guy who likes to write
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Middle of Nowhere, Georgia
((Alright! Alright! Since you keep asking, I'll tell you! Gosh! So much for mystery! Council Head DungeonMiner is a boar. In a cloak, so you only see his snout and tusks. Sure, go ahead and get someone to draw it, and a round table is fine.))
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Think we can get Mane6 to draw it?:p
((Alright! Alright! Since you keep asking, I'll tell you! Gosh! So much for mystery! Council Head DungeonMiner is a boar. I a cloak, so you only see his snout and tusks. Sure, go ahead and get someone to draw it, and a round table is fine.))
Heck, I'd even COMMISSION Mane6 to do it if they would ACTUALLY draw it.

P.S. (<------Basically my version of "EDIT".
Cool, I wouldn't have ever guessed you were a Boar DM. I like the tusks, makes you look intimidating if that's all we can see of you.


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States

That black one is pretty nice. I think I'll take that one.
So just think of me like that sheep. Without the pentagram-like horns, of course. Pentagrams aren't my thing.
Yeah, OK. OC design defined. Great.

...Wait, I mean he can still have horns, just not ones like those.
Honestly, I think I might just see what that artist we all want interprets from what I've just said.
Unless that doesn't work. Let's just hope it does.

Oh, and thanks for the help, Mr. Yaski.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
That black one is pretty nice. I think I'll take that one.
So just think of me like that sheep. Without the pentagram-like horns, of course. Pentagrams aren't my thing.
Yeah, OK. OC design defined. Great.

...Wait, I mean he can still have horns, just not ones like those.
Honestly, I think I might just see what that artist we all want interprets from what I've just said.
Unless that doesn't work. Let's just hope it does.

Oh, and thanks for the help, Mr. Yaski.
Always happy to lend a hand ;)
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The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"And I'm full of sh-"
WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Keep it PG man!
"What? I was just gonna say that I'm full of shrimp. Man that buffet was good!"

And this has been,
A moment in the life of my head.
Tune in next week for more
Tales. Of. Interest!
Look at this.
This is what you have decided to represent you.
I think it's a pretty accurate representation.

We get work done here at the UFC.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Look at this.
This is what you have decided to represent you.
I think it's a pretty accurate representation.

We get work done here at the UFC.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
It's been too long...
So have the start of the actual battle:
(Fair warning: It, and the next two parts are kinda short. Sorry about that. :oops: Though, that's not to say the battle itself is, just these parts.)

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Six:
To See Though A General's Eyes
5 seconds to impact.

There was a benefit to being high above the action. One could clearly see what was happening below. Sadly, being wrapped in a blazing inferno more or less negated that benefit. Nevertheless, he saw what he needed to, and that was all that mattered. He saw the wall crumble. He saw the blasts of darkness tear through the giraffe. He saw what he needed to see.

He saw numbers.

He estimated that roughly 335 Giraffe had already been neutralized. About 247 of that had been from the civil war that had broken out. The rest had simply vanished when the dark magic had hit them. 62 from various bolts, and 26 from the giant blast. He estimated his numbers to be off by about 3 giraffe. In the large blast he estimated about one or two of the hunters had vanished as well.

3 seconds to impact.

His mind buzzed with equations and tactics. They would crash directly into the section of the camp that was furthest from where the Cattlekind had broken the wall. Then he would set the wall ablaze to trap the enemy within. He would order the sheep to stay outside to keep the giraffe trapped. He estimated that of the current numbers of both the UFC Forces and the Giraffe, roughly 76% of both sides would be lost.

This was acceptable, so long as they achieved victory over their foe.


With a terrible crash, An Hongse slammed into the ground, and rebounded into a giraffe. He knocked it clean into a tent, that he quickly set ablaze. He kicked off into the sky once more and watched to see what had become of their charge.

A full fourth of the Giraffe's camp was now ablaze, and his troops had now begun to battle the various giraffe who were scrambling to engage them.

“Target their commanders!” he shouted, pointing a hoof at a contingent that was beginning to form. “Don't let them get organized!” He turned his head as 23 Longma engaged his target. “Bravo and Tango squadrons, on me! We will set the wall on fire!” he shouted, and peeled away from the fiery chaos below. He flew to the wall, took a deep breath, then coated a section of it in blue fire. Not a moment later, half of Tango, 12 Longma, joined their fire with his. They held the blaze for a moment, then stopped.

It worked. The wall was on fire.

“Commander! Bravo commander and I will divide our troops into 2 groups each, and begin setting the whole of the wall on fire!” Tango commander saluted to him.

He nodded. “Good. Do it as quickly as you can. And when you reach the entrance,” he paused a moment to consider an idea, “When you reach it, seal it off with a firewall.”

“But sir, that'll trap our allies in with the enemy!” Tango Leader objected.

“Exactly. The giraffe will have no escape.” The Colonel in Red said.

“But sir, what about the Cattlekind?” Tango Leader asked, somewhat worried.

“I don't understand. What about them?” he asked, slightly irritated that his orders had not yet been carried out.

“They're our allies! If we trap them in here with the Giraffe-”

“You have your orders! Now go!” he snapped. There was no time for a chat! He peeled away and flew towards the entrance. He had orders to give, and he had to give them fast. His troops would waste no time in following his commands, so he had little time to reach the entrance before his troops did.

He spun as a spear flew past him, followed by another. Glancing down, he saw that the giraffe had begun to form some ranks, and were now throwing spears at him, and his troops. He paused a moment, took a deep breath, and unleashed a blinding flare of light around him. The giraffe below let out cries of alarm and pain. He glanced once more down at them, and saw they had become temporarily blinded by his attack. Satisfied, he continued to the entrance, until a blinding blue light suddenly filled the air.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
It's been too long...
So have the start of the actual battle:
(Fair warning: It, and the next two parts are kinda short. Sorry about that. :oops: Though, that's not to say the battle itself is, just these parts.)

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Six:
To See Though A General's Eyes
5 seconds to impact.

There was a benefit to being high above the action. One could clearly see what was happening below. Sadly, being wrapped in a blazing inferno more or less negated that benefit. Nevertheless, he saw what he needed to, and that was all that mattered. He saw the wall crumble. He saw the blasts of darkness tear through the giraffe. He saw what he needed to see.

He saw numbers.

He estimated that roughly 335 Giraffe had already been neutralized. About 247 of that had been from the civil war that had broken out. The rest had simply vanished when the dark magic had hit them. 62 from various bolts, and 26 from the giant blast. He estimated his numbers to be off by about 3 giraffe. In the large blast he estimated about one or two of the hunters had vanished as well.

3 seconds to impact.

His mind buzzed with equations and tactics. They would crash directly into the section of the camp that was furthest from where the Cattlekind had broken the wall. Then he would set the wall ablaze to trap the enemy within. He would order the sheep to stay outside to keep the giraffe trapped. He estimated that of the current numbers of both the UFC Forces and the Giraffe, roughly 76% of both sides would be lost.

This was acceptable, so long as they achieved victory over their foe.


With a terrible crash, An Hongse slammed into the ground, and rebounded into a giraffe. He knocked it clean into a tent, that he quickly set ablaze. He kicked off into the sky once more and watched to see what had become of their charge.

A full fourth of the Giraffe's camp was now ablaze, and his troops had now begun to battle the various giraffe who were scrambling to engage them.

“Target their commanders!” he shouted, pointing a hoof at a contingent that was beginning to form. “Don't let them get organized!” He turned his head as 23 Longma engaged his target. “Bravo and Tango squadrons, on me! We will set the wall on fire!” he shouted, and peeled away from the fiery chaos below. He flew to the wall, took a deep breath, then coated a section of it in blue fire. Not a moment later, half of Tango, 12 Longma, joined their fire with his. They held the blaze for a moment, then stopped.

It worked. The wall was on fire.

“Commander! Bravo commander and I will divide our troops into 2 groups each, and begin setting the whole of the wall on fire!” Tango commander saluted to him.

He nodded. “Good. Do it as quickly as you can. And when you reach the entrance,” he paused a moment to consider an idea, “When you reach it, seal it off with a firewall.”

“But sir, that'll trap our allies in with the enemy!” Tango Leader objected.

“Exactly. The giraffe will have no escape.” The Colonel in Red said.

“But sir, what about the Cattlekind?” Tango Leader asked, somewhat worried.

“I don't understand. What about them?” he asked, slightly irritated that his orders had not yet been carried out.

“They're our allies! If we trap them in here with the Giraffe-”

“You have your orders! Now go!” he snapped. There was no time for a chat! He peeled away and flew towards the entrance. He had orders to give, and he had to give them fast. His troops would waste no time in following his commands, so he had little time to reach the entrance before his troops did.

He spun as a spear flew past him, followed by another. Glancing down, he saw that the giraffe had begun to form some ranks, and were now throwing spears at him, and his troops. He paused a moment, took a deep breath, and unleashed a blinding flare of light around him. The giraffe below let out cries of alarm and pain. He glanced once more down at them, and saw they had become temporarily blinded by his attack. Satisfied, he continued to the entrance, until a blinding blue light suddenly filled the air.
Looks good, but how will we continue if 76% of our forces perish in this one battle?

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Looks good, but how will we continue if 76% of our forces perish in this one battle?
OOC: Eh, they are nameless and faceless, who cares if we loser them? Kidding, and An Hongse is probably estimating on the high side anyways. As for the rest of what happens, it's in OC's hands now.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Not gonna lie, this part is REALLY short. Thankfully, the next part isn't as short.

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Seven:


_error_attempting reboot_

*reboot begun.


*loading bootCore
*loading operatingSystem
*loading weapons

Oooh, did it just say, weapons?

*loading nonLethalAmmunition

Non-lethal? Well, that won't do…

*loading huntSuppression program

Hunt suppression? Hum. How about…

*error! huntSuppression program has encountered a fatal error!
*activating failSafe program

This thing has a fail-safe? What kind of predator is this thing?

*activating friend/foeDetection program

Friend/foe detection? How about we just turn that off, eh?

*friend/foeDetection program has encountered a fatal error!
*activating failSafe pro-

How about not? In fact, while we're here...

*error! nonLethalAmmunition aborted!

That's better. Now then, how about we do this…

_error__attempting reboot___
*reboot successful!



*loading bootCore
*loading operatingSystem
*loading weapons
*loading ammunition
*loading hunterActivation program
*loading logic
*loading motorFunctions
*all systems go
*turning on

Zero's world came back to him suddenly. What was once silence and a void, was now suddenly noise and destruction all around him. And he reveled in it. That is, his body did. It let out a mighty roar that caused many sheep around him to suddenly jump back in fear. His body turned and grabbed one before it could get away, and hurled it into another one. He roared again as he kicked another. Its dog leapt at him, but he smashed it away. A third time he roared, and charged directly into the camp, shoving, throwing, and bashing all that stood in his path.

And he couldn't have been more horrified, for Zero could only watch as his body acted on its own accord.

He watched in horror as he grabbed a bull by the horns and slammed his head into the ground. He shouted at his body to stop as it sideswiped a sheep in the face. He tried to make his legs freeze as his body jumped over a cow, and rammed into a giraffe, knocking it over, and out. He watched as his body stood on the body of the giraffe, and aimed an arm at its head. He heard his arm click, and switch to reveal the gun that lay hidden behind it.



It fired, but missed the target for something had slammed into him. His body turned, and saw standing before him, Weylen, the commander of the Soldiers of Shadow.

It's to emphasize that the speaker of those parts is an external voice, rather then an internal dialogue of Zero's.
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The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Not gonna lie, this part is REALLY short. Thankfully, the next part isn't as short.

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Seven:


_error_attempting reboot_

*reboot begun.


*loading bootCore
*loading operatingSystem
*loading weapons

Oooh, did it just say, weapons?

*loading nonLethalAmmunition

Non-lethal? Well, that won't do…

*loading huntSuppression program

Hunt suppression? Hum. How about…

*error! huntSuppression program has encountered a fatal error!
*activating failSafe program

This thing has a fail-safe? What kind of predator is this thing?

*activating friend/foeDetection program

Friend/foe detection? How about we just turn that off, eh?

*friend/foeDetection program has encountered a fatal error!
*activating failSafe pro-

How about not? In fact, while we're here...

*error! nonLethalAmmunition aborted!

That's better. Now then, how about we do this…

_error__attempting reboot___
*reboot successful!



*loading bootCore
*loading operatingSystem
*loading weapons
*loading ammunition
*loading hunterActivation program
*loading logic
*loading motorFunctions
*all systems go
*turning on

Zero's world came back to him suddenly. What was once silence and a void, was now suddenly noise and destruction all around him. And he reveled in it. That is, his body did. It let out a mighty roar that caused many sheep around him to suddenly jump back in fear. His body turned and grabbed one before it could get away, and hurled it into another one. He roared again as he kicked another. Its dog leapt at him, but he smashed it away. A third time he roared, and charged directly into the camp, shoving, throwing, and bashing all that stood in his path.

And he couldn't have been more horrified, for Zero could only watch as his body acted on its own accord.

He watched in horror as he grabbed a bull by the horns and slammed his head into the ground. He shouted at his body to stop as it sideswiped a sheep in the face. He tried to make his legs freeze as his body jumped over a cow, and rammed into a giraffe, knocking it over, and out. He watched as his body stood on the body of the giraffe, and aimed an arm at its head. He heard his arm click, and switch to reveal the gun that lay hidden behind it.



It fired, but missed the target for something had slammed into him. His body turned, and saw standing before him, Weylen, the commander of the Soldiers of Shadow.

It's to emphasize that the speaker of those parts is an external voice, rather then an internal dialogue of Zero's.
Hmmm, who might be that blue text? One of the Hunters? Or maybe the Devourer? Fun stuff lies ahead it seems.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
OOC: Demonic possession? Blue text? It being up to Weylen to stop it? Well I just couldn't guess...
Hmmm, who might be that blue text? One of the Hunters? Or maybe the Devourer? Fun stuff lies ahead it seems.
From what I hear, it seems like a case of possession, possibly of the demonic variety.
Ok, I'll tell you guys, BUT it's super secret spoilers, don't tell OC I told you this... it's RED from Pokémon.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Now, Zero, now is the time for answers, not jokes. After what you did, it would be appropriate for you to explain everything you know about this parasite before you resume taking lives in its name.
I can answer that question for you,

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Eight:
Throwing the Gauntlet Down
When his senses came back to him, Weylen was suddenly aware that he was very much not with his fellow soldiers. Rather, he was in a clearing of dirt with an army of Cattlekind behind him, and an army of giraffe in front of him. Not a good spot to be in.

He also noticed that Blue was missing.

“Blue! BLUE!” he shouted, frantically looking around him, “WHERE ARE YOU?!” Not far behind him, he saw in a way that only a pact-maker like him could see, his demon floating in the air over Zero, the Rambassador of the Sheeple. “BLUE!” he shouted and bolted to her, but stopped when Zero suddenly roared, lifted a sheep over his head, and tossed it. He knew that roar. It was the roar of a predator.

It was the roar of bloodlust.

Before he could even move to do anything else, the two lines charged at each other. Not wanting to be in the center when the two fronts clashed, he dove to the side as the Cattlekind and Giraffe armies collided. Scrambling to his paws, he saw Zero charge straight through his own allies, and run to the front.

And the whole time, he heard Blue laughing.

He dove at Zero, but missed as Zero jumped over a cow, and into a giraffe. Weylen turned, and pounced again, this time hitting his mark.


The sudden noise that filled his ears was deafening, and it triggered his instinct to flee. However, he fought it back. Zero stood up and faced him. Weylen may not fully know what that thing Zero's paw had become, but he knew that look in his eyes. Whatever that thing was, he was going to use it, to kill.

And that was something he couldn't allow.

“Zero!” he shouted. “Stop this! No killing!”

“It won't work.” he heard Blue say. “He's nothing more then a killing machine now.” he heard her chuckle.

“What did you-” he jumped back as Zero pointed his paw at the where he had stood. A bright flash filled his eyes, and the ground where he had been suddenly exploded. He flew back from the blast, and felt himself hit something too soft to be a wall. Rebounding and landing on his feet, he leapt to the side as Zero dove at where he had landed.

“Nothing much. I just,” he could feel her grin, “turned on his instincts. Perhaps now you can finally fight like a proper predator.” she laughed once more, “In a fight, to the death!” she cried hysterically, and then vanished in an explosion of blue light.

“BLUE!” he cried. He looked around, trying to find her, but was unable to spot her. Several streaks of dark energy flew overhead, basking both him and Zero in a strange darkness. A darkness in which Zero's eyes glowed red. “Blue! Get back here!”

There was no reply.

Zero's eyes burned with an unnatural hunger that Weylen had seen too many times. The very hunger that drove his fellow predators to madness. Zero lunged once again at him, which Weylen dodged easily. The bear was fearsome, but it was slow and lumbersome. He pounced once more at him, landing on his back. Though he could not see Blue, he could feel that their connection still gave him power. Smiling, he raised a paw, and felt the flow of dark magic fill it as he charged his blow. Zero, however, shook violently and knocked him off. Zero aimed his paw at Weylen the moment he hit the ground. Weylen, with lighting reflexes, dove to the side and filled himself with the power of darkness. Zero's paw flashed with light once more, and again the ground where Weylen had stood exploded.

“Alright, let's try this.” he said, allowing his magics to flow over him, and cloak him in darkness. He wanted nothing more then to fight the giraffe, but it was clear that Zero was not going to leave him be. “Zero, I know this isn't you, but I can't let you kill anyone. I'm going to have to take you down!” he shouted, paused for just a moment, then pounced…

Yes. Yes I am. While war isn't exactly a family-friendly concept, I aim to keep this whole thing as kiddy-friendly as possible.
Not necessarily. After all, this game will undoubtedly attract young ones, and I figure that the odds are that at least one will join this forum, and look back in the history of this, and read it. I know that saying this deflates the tension balloon a bit (okay, a lot), but I want to let that fact be known now rather then it come as a surprise or disappointment later.
Huh... Well then...this is awkward...
Last edited:


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Now, Zero, now is the time for answers, not jokes. After what you did, it would be appropriate for you to explain everything you know about this parasite before you resume taking lives in its name.
It's Gary Oak...
I can answer that question for you,

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Eight:
Throwing the Gauntlet Down
When his senses came back to him, Weylen was suddenly aware that he was very much not with his fellow soldiers. Rather, he was in a clearing of dirt with an army of Cattlekind behind him, and an army of giraffe in front of him. Not a good spot to be in.

He also noticed that Blue was missing.

“Blue! BLUE!” he shouted, frantically looking around him, “WHERE ARE YOU?!” Not far behind him, he saw in a way that only a pact-maker like him could see, his demon floating in the air over Zero, the Rambassador of the Sheeple. “BLUE!” he shouted and bolted to her, but stopped when Zero suddenly roared, lifted a sheep over his head, and tossed it. He knew that roar. It was the roar of a predator.

It was the roar of bloodlust.

Before he could even move to do anything else, the two lines charged at each other. Not wanting to be in the center when the two fronts clashed, he dove to the side as the Cattlekind and Giraffe armies collided. Scrambling to his paws, he saw Zero charge straight through his own allies, and run to the front.

And the whole time, he heard Blue laughing.

He dove at Zero, but missed as Zero jumped over a cow, and into a giraffe. Weylen turned, and pounced again, this time hitting his mark.


The sudden noise that filled his ears was deafening, and it triggered his instinct to flee. However, he fought it back. Zero stood up and faced him. Weylen may not fully know what that thing Zero's paw had become, but he knew that look in his eyes. Whatever that thing was, he was going to use it, to kill.

And that was something he couldn't allow.

“Zero!” he shouted. “Stop this! No killing!”

“It won't work.” he heard Blue say. “He's nothing more then a killing machine now.” he heard her chuckle.

“What did you-” he jumped back as Zero pointed his paw at the where he had stood. A bright flash filled his eyes, and the ground where he had been suddenly exploded. He flew back from the blast, and felt himself hit something too soft to be a wall. Rebounding and landing on his feet, he leapt to the side as Zero dove at where he had landed.

“Nothing much. I just,” he could feel her grin, “turned on his instincts. Perhaps now you can finally fight like a proper predator.” she laughed once more, “In a fight, to the death!” she cried hysterically, and then vanished in an explosion of blue light.

“BLUE!” he cried. He looked around, trying to find her, but was unable to spot her. Several streaks of dark energy flew overhead, basking both him and Zero in a strange darkness. A darkness in which Zero's eyes glowed red. “Blue! Get back here!”

There was no reply.

Zero's eyes burned with an unnatural hunger that Weylen had seen too many times. The very hunger that drove his fellow predators to madness. Zero lunged once again at him, which Weylen dodged easily. The bear was fearsome, but it was slow and lumbersome. He pounced once more at him, landing on his back. Though he could not see Blue, he could feel that their connection still gave him power. Smiling, he raised a paw, and felt the flow of dark magic fill it as he charged his blow. Zero, however, shook violently and knocked him off. Zero aimed his paw at Weylen the moment he hit the ground. Weylen, with lighting reflexes, dove to the side and filled himself with the power of darkness. Zero's paw flashed with light once more, and again the ground where Weylen had stood exploded.

“Alright, let's try this.” he said, allowing his magics to flow over him, and cloak him in darkness. He wanted nothing more then to fight the giraffe, but it was clear that Zero was not going to leave him be. “Zero, I know this isn't you, but I can't let you kill anyone. I'm going to have to take you down!” he shouted, paused for just a moment, then pounced…

Yes. Yes I am. While war isn't exactly a family-friendly concept, I aim to keep this whole thing as kiddy-friendly as possible.
Not necessarily. After all, this game will undoubtedly attract young ones, and I figure that the odds are that at least one will join this forum, and look back in the history of this, and read it. I know that saying this deflates the tension balloon a bit (okay, a lot), but I want to let that fact be known now rather then it come as a surprise or disappointment later.
Oh, are we telling the truth now? OK! Still, in the ORIGINAL pokemon, Gary was Blue.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
So, just as a side note: I plan on making a thread for this story after I finish it here. Mostly because I tried to share it with a friend, and realized just how buried it is here in this thread. That all said, here's some more of it:
Heads up - it's a little bit longer then the last few bits.

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Nine:
The Bravest of Sheep
(But No Braver Then Pom!)​

Right after the first line of the Cattlekind had begun surging into the camp, the sheep had begun charging in after them. As a result, the breech quickly became clogged from the abundance of said sheep and cattle. Try as they might, neither army could make their way through. Prime Minister Fleece, from his perfect vantage point of being sandwiched between the front side of a ram and the backside of a cow, struggled to get an appraisal of the situation. Wiggling his way to the top of the growing heap, he looked to both sides of the growing clog.

In the fort, the Giraffe had finally begun to restore some sense of order, and had begun forming ranks to meet them. On the far side of the fort, he saw the longma engaged with the giraffe in their own private skirmish. For a moment, he envied them. For all their height, it was clear that these giraffe had not prepared themselves for battling aerial opponents. Judging from what he saw, the giraffe were a well trained military force, perhaps even on par with the longma, but that training did them little good against a foe that could fly. After all, their long necks had made their heads all the more easy for the longma to target.

On the other side, the sheep had begun trying to either shove their way into the fray, or began trying to climb over the sheep and cattle in front of them. That wasn't good. Not only had they clogged the only entrance, but they had also shoved the majority of the Cattlekind army out of the way, and blocked the line of sight for the 'Dark Side'. Think, think! He said to himself. Ah ha! The goats!

“Everysheep, repeat what I say!” he shouted.

“Repeeeeeat what I saaay!” hundreds of sheep bleated back.

“Goats! Start carrying sheeple over the walls! Sheeple! Back off and wait to be carried over!” he bellowed. A near-perfect rebleat of what he had just said came back to him, and suddenly the lump he had begun standing on shifted and melted away as sheep ran to the outside of the fort. He lost his balance, and fell onto the back of a stampeding bull, who (rather unintentionally) carried him into the fort. It was here he saw firsthoof just how the battle was fairing.

It was faring poorly.

The Cattlekind, for all of their energy and spunk, were under-trained and unprepared for this. Each giraffe was easily worth two or three cattle. Most of the first wave was down already, and it wouldn't be long until the giraffe pushed them back to the breach. They needed reinforcements, and they needed them badly. Thus, there was really only one solution that he could see.

“Y-you!” he shouted at the bull carrying him.

“Huh? What is it? Kinda busy here!” he shouted back as he stopped a moment to look around.

“I need to head back to tell your kin to knock more of the wall down!” he shouted.

“Knock the wall down? Okay!” he shouted back. He reared up on his hind legs, and bolted. Sadly for Fleece, he wasn't able to stay on, and got knocked off in the process.

Landing hard on the ground, he thanked his lucky stars that he had a nice coat of wool to cushion his fall. His four puppies, who had stuck to him like glue, all gathered around him and helped him to his hooves. He let out a groan of pain as he rubbed his head.

“Hey! Did that sheep just give that bull an order?” he suddenly heard a voice say. Looking over, he saw two giraffe looking over at him.

“I think she did!” said the other one.

“I'm a RAM you idiots!” he impulsively shouted at them.


“And he's sheep with some backbone? I'd bet he's a leader!” the fist declared.

“Bet we'd get promoted if we took him out!” the second shouted.

It was right about them that he decided that it was fine time to book it. If two cattle had trouble with one giraffe, what chance did he have on his own vs two? He bolted to the wall, then started running along side it. Sadly for him, two well-trained Giraffe were much faster then a pencil-pushing sheep.

One bolted past him and the other ran to flank him. He skidded to a stop as the first one stopped in his path. He glanced behind himself as he slowly backed up into the wall. Why am I here? He suddenly asked himself. I'm not a fighter! I'm a politician! I mean, sure, when the idea of fighting alongside the other factions popped up at the UFC, he had jumped at the chance to have his Sheeple join! Though, it was for purely selfish reasons. A unification? Heck yeah he'd take part! Joining together with other factions in a time of war is a surefire way of gaining allies for the future! Brothers and sisters, bonds forged by combat! No way he was letting his sheeple miss out on that! And when they made it through the wall, they would see their wonderful leader fighting right alongside them!


Yeah, about that. He was kinda out-numbered.

"I can't go down," he thought. "My sheeple have already lost one leader, they can't afford to lose another one. It would crush their spirits! I can't do that to them!"

One of the Giraffes lowered their head, stopping it inches from Fleece's face. "What are you waiting for, buddy?" he said with a grin. "Send out your little pups. They can't touch us!"

Fleece's four puppies growled and barked at the two giraffe, wanting, but unwilling to attack without a command. But who should he attack? There was no way one of these well trained giraffes would go down without all four of his puppies on the job. That's when the Prime Minister had an idea. The puppies couldn't take BOTH of the giraffes on, but maybe he could distract one of the Giraffes long enough to allow the puppies to take out the Giraffes one at a time! But how? It was right about then the image of his hero came to his mind. The hero that inspired his sheeple into action. The hero that caused them to band together, and to form a faction in her name.

"What would she do?" he asked himself. After all, it was after her, that the faction he now led had been named:

The Pom Patrol.

The thought of her suddenly filled him with courage, causing Fleece to jump up and wrapped his legs around the face of the giraffe that was taunting him. The giraffe let out a muffled cry and reared back, lifting Fleece high into the air. "NOW PUPPIES! ATTAAAAACK!"

Admittedly, his command lacked much confidence, but the puppies attacked all the same. They ran in and, like a pack of furry piranhas, swarmed all over the ankles of the other giraffe. Now all Fleece had to do was hold on tight and avoid getting flung off long enough for his puppies to come back and save him. Easier said than done. The giraffe swung its head wildly, causing Fleece's grip to loosen (and make him feel a little queasy).

"I'm pretty sure this is, in fact, NOT what Pom would have done!" he shouted. Nor, he suspected, would have she failed to keep her grip. He was flung off of the giraffe, and sent flying towards the wall. He smashed into it with a lovely, yet unpleasant, thud. Thankfully, he hit it head first, and was promptly knocked right out. Good thing too, for when he landed, he broke a rib or two (among other bones)

His puppies, however, were still wide awake. They abandoned the fight and ran over to their downed master, dodging through the stomping legs of the angry Giraffe duo. The puppies took up a defensive stance in front of Fleece, baring their teeth and growling, warning the Giraffes to back down. It made no difference to the Giraffes, though. With their target incapacitated, his puppies were no longer a threat to them. It was the perfect opportunity to take him prisoner.

“I can already taste that promotion.” said the first, batting a puppy out of the way.

“Looks like today's our lucky da-hey, what's that on your head?” the second asked, pointing at the first.

He looked up, “Huh? Wha-”

“Oh don't mind me. I'm just your everyday tabby cat!” Francis waved a dismissive paw from his rather tall perch. “Oh, and don't mind the mind control ritual.” he grinned.

“The wha-” the second began, but stopped as the small animal let out a terrible screech and slammed its tiny paws on the other giraffe's head. The moment it happened, a sinister mark appeared on his head, and his eyes drained of all color. The second raised his spear, but was too slow for the tabby, who simply jumped onto his head, and did the same thing it did to the first. His mind suddenly blank, he dropped his spear, and stared into space.

“That's better.” Francis smiled. “Now then, if you two could grab this little ram here. Perfect. Oh, and do feel free to give those little yappers a good kick or two, would you? Thanks. Now then, that way please...” he purred softly as he pointed a paw. The two giraffe complied, and lumbered off into the night with Fleece's unconscious body in tow…

As you may or may not have noticed, much of this part may or may not sound awfully familiar. That's because I used much of Stunthead's work when I wrote this up. Since the good leader of the Pom Patrol had put so much effort into writing that bit, I felt it was only right to incorporate what was written. Therefore, thank you Stunthead for your part. Not gonna lie, it made writing this whole thing a fair bit easier. :)
So now that I've given credit, it's totally not plagiarism anymore, right? Right?


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Have another as a (short) bonus round:

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Ten:
(Title Pending...)
Weylyn bounded off another giraffes face as he plunged at Zero once more. He hit his mark, but the creature was remarkably tough. Three times he had smashed into him, and yet, he was unphased. He jumped off the bear, and landed on the ground as a massive paw swept at where he was. Zero roared again, and lifted his other paw into the air. To Weylyn's surprise, he saw it flip around, and become another metallic weapon, similar to the one the other paw had become. Though, this weapon was larger, and it begun to spin rapidly. He pointed it at Weylyn, and suddenly the air was filled with the sounds of hundreds of tearing noises that ripped through the air. Weylyn, filled with the unholy power of Blue, evaded the attack, but as he dodged the ground was torn to shreds. He ran around, hoping to get behind him, but the creature turned faster then he had expected, and the trail of destruction followed his pawsteps. Whatever terrible weapon Zero was using, it triggered every instinct in his body to flee. And, try and suppress it as he might, it threatened to fully overwhelm him.

“Poor, poor Weylyn. Feeling a little scared, are we?” a taunting voice filled his mind.

“NOT NOW BLUE!” he shouted, panic seeping into his voice.

“Oh, but now is the PERFECT time. You know you can't beat him unless you go all out. Simply dodging and gently pawing him ain't gonna... cut it.” her voice purred into his ears.

“HE'S AN ALLY-” Weylyn's objection was cut off as the weapon suddenly stopped. It was no longer the dark metal colour it once was; it was glowing bright yellow. “GOTCHA!” he cried as he jumped at him again.

And he got smashed in the face with hot metal for his attempt.

He let out a painful cry as he was knocked back. “Come on, act like a REAL predator! You know you can't beat him like this. And if you don't, well, I just shudder to think what would happen...” he could almost hear her smile at those last words.

“No! I can't! I won't give into you!” he poised his body as Zero raised his other paw at him.

And blinked in surprise as a longma suddenly barreled into Zero.

“Huh? Wha-”

“Fight the enemy!” the longma cried, “There is no time for this!” It glanced quickly about, “Where is the Prime Minister?”

“I-I don't know. I swear I saw him a moment ago.” Weylyn said, still a little surprised from the sudden appearance of the interloper.

“I see, I need to tal-” the longma, who he finally recognized as An Hongse, the leader of the longma, was suddenly thrown to the side by a very angry Zero. He quickly got to his hooves and gave the bear an appraising glare. “I see. I had not expected his strength nor the look in his eyes.” Zero stood, and looked at him, then at Weylyn. “Very well,” An Hongse continued, “Let us dispatch of him quickly, and find the Prime Minister! We have a battle to fight!” he shouted as he charged at Zero.

Zero, for his part, was not so easily taken down. Much to their surprise, he seemed unphased by An Hongse's fire, and easily withstood Weylyn's attacks. His weaponry and body was strange to them, and combined they proved to be more they could handle. Blow after blow he took. Fire, dark energy, it made little difference. And to make things all the more worse, they couldn't call for allies as the front line was far too close, and getting closer.

“Come on Weylyn. You could take this chump easy! Not only that, if you did, the good general would be free to lead the troops. I mean, look at them: They're losing!”she nearly cackled. “And wouldn't it be a shame if you guys lost?”

“I can't!” he cried as another explosion erupted just beside him. “I must not betray our friends!

Zero turned to him, and opened his mouth. Weylyn saw a small object appear in it, that then fell out and hit the ground.

Then the world was nothing but white, and silent.

His head was ripped with pain as his ears filled with such a terrible noise that it deafened him for a moment, and his eyes screamed as a bright flash had temporarily blinded him. He was disoriented, and had no idea where he was. The first thing that he could feel was something grabbing his tail, lifting him up, then slamming him into the ground. He was lifted again, and he felt himself swing through the air, and into something soft, and hot. His vision began to come back and a loud ringing filled his ears as his tail was grabbed once more, and he was thrown, hard, into a solid object. He fell in a heap onto his side. He raised his head, and saw through his blurred eyes, Zero. The monster had just smashed a red blur with an arm, and turned to him. He saw it raise both of its arms, and point them at him.

Weylyn, I'm ready...”

Every fiber of his being wanted to resist her. Everything he stood for and everything he dreamed of wanted nothing to do with what she wanted. And yet, “Very well. Just get us out of here alive...” he said softly.

With pleasure...”
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Have another as a (short) bonus round:

The Battle of Unruliness
Part Ten:
(Title Pending...)
Weylyn bounded off another giraffes face as he plunged at Zero once more. He hit his mark, but the creature was remarkably tough. Three times he had smashed into him, and yet, he was unphased. He jumped off the bear, and landed on the ground as a massive paw swept at where he was. Zero roared again, and lifted his other paw into the air. To Weylyn's surprise, he saw it flip around, and become another metallic weapon, similar to the one the other paw had become. Though, this weapon was larger, and it begun to spin rapidly. He pointed it at Weylyn, and suddenly the air was filled with the sounds of hundreds of tearing noises that ripped through the air. Weylyn, filled with the unholy power of Blue, evaded the attack, but as he dodged the ground was torn to shreds. He ran around, hoping to get behind him, but the creature turned faster then he had expected, and the trail of destruction followed his pawsteps. Whatever terrible weapon Zero was using, it triggered every instinct in his body to flee. And, try and suppress it as he might, it threatened to fully overwhelm him.

“Poor, poor Weylyn. Feeling a little scared, are we?” a taunting voice filled his mind.

“NOT NOW BLUE!” he shouted, panic seeping into his voice.

“Oh, but now is the PERFECT time. You know you can't beat him unless you go all out. Simply dodging and gently pawing him ain't gonna... cut it.” her voice purred into his ears.

“HE'S AN ALLY-” Weylyn's objection was cut off as the weapon suddenly stopped. It was no longer the dark metal colour it once was; it was glowing bright yellow. “GOTCHA!” he cried as he jumped at him again.

And he got smashed in the face with hot metal for his attempt.

He let out a painful cry as he was knocked back. “Come on, act like a REAL predator! You know you can't beat him like this. And if you don't, well, I just shudder to think what would happen...” he could almost hear her smile at those last words.

“No! I can't! I won't give into you!” he poised his body as Zero raised his other paw at him.

And blinked in surprise as a longma suddenly barreled into Zero.

“Huh? Wha-”

“Fight the enemy!” the longma cried, “There is no time for this!” It glanced quickly about, “Where is the Prime Minister?”

“I-I don't know. I swear I saw him a moment ago.” Weylyn said, still a little surprised from the sudden appearance of the interloper.

“I see, I need to tal-” the longma, who he finally recognized as An Hongse, the leader of the longma, was suddenly thrown to the side by a very angry Zero. He quickly got to his hooves and gave the bear an appraising glare. “I see. I had not expected his strength nor the look in his eyes.” Zero stood, and looked at him, then at Weylyn. “Very well,” An Hongse continued, “Let us dispatch of him quickly, and find the Prime Minister! We have a battle to fight!” he shouted as he charged at Zero.

Zero, for his part, was not so easily taken down. Much to their surprise, he seemed unphased by An Hongse's fire, and easily withstood Weylyn's attacks. His weaponry and body was strange to them, and combined they proved to be more they could handle. Blow after blow he took. Fire, dark energy, it made little difference. And to make things all the more worse, they couldn't call for allies as the front line was far too close, and getting closer.

“Come on Weylyn. You could take this chump easy! Not only that, if you did, the good general would be free to lead the troops. I mean, look at them: They're losing!”she nearly cackled. “And wouldn't it be a shame if you guys lost?”

“I can't!” he cried as another explosion erupted just beside him. “I must not betray our friends!

Zero turned to him, and opened his mouth. Weylyn saw a small object appear in it, that then fell out and hit the ground.

Then the world was nothing but white, and silent.

His head was ripped with pain as his ears filled with such a terrible noise that it deafened him for a moment, and his eyes screamed as a bright flash had temporarily blinded him. He was disoriented, and had no idea where he was. The first thing that he could feel was something grabbing his tail, lifting him up, then slamming him into the ground. He was lifted again, and he felt himself swing through the air, and into something soft, and hot. His vision began to come back and a loud ringing filled his ears as his tail was grabbed once more, and he was thrown, hard, into a solid object. He fell in a heap onto his side. He raised his head, and saw through his blurred eyes, Zero. The monster had just smashed a red blur with an arm, and turned to him. He saw it raise both of its arms, and point them at him.

Weylyn, I'm ready...”

Every fiber of his being wanted to resist her. Everything he stood for and everything he dreamed of wanted nothing to do with what she wanted. And yet… “Very well. Just get us out of here alive...” he said softly.

With pleasure...”
Probably a good idea to put it in its own thread. Just give it a good name and we'll be fine.;)


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
This next section is much longer (too long imo, if I had to be honest):
Also, for those who have just joined us, here is Part One.

The Battle Of Unruliness
Part Twelve:
Enough Is Enough​
The Grand General stepped out from his tent, clad in his brilliant armor, and cast his gaze to the left. There, in a circle, were the traitorous scum that had dared to turn their back on him. His troops had tied them together, and erected a hastily made fence around them. This pleased him greatly. His army was a perfect machine. Fast, loyal, and efficient. Perfect in every way. The perfect army, for conquest.

Except for these filthy traitors.

He marched his way over to the circle, and made his way around it. He gazed at the faces of the giraffe trapped inside, and nearly spat upon them. He then paused when he saw something he hadn't expected.

He saw a young elk.

He paused for only a moment, then continued marching around the circle. She wasn't the only non-giraffe in their circle it would seem. The question he had, was how did they get in? And what did they do to his commanders? He saw that upon the foreheads of his various captains rested a strange mark he had never seen before. The mark itself looked like two narrow black spikes that ran the length of the snout, with a black crescent that crossed over them just under the eyes. Around the edges of some of the marks seeped a dark red mist, and others it was a dark red glow. He noticed that the eyes of the ones that glowed were blank, and empty. As for the ones that seeped the mist, their eyes were now filled with what he guessed was insanity.

He paused as he finished walking around them. Then he turned face one of the traitorous captains. “Tell me, why did you betray us?” he said, his voice cold.

The giraffe looked at him, and began thrashing violently. “Because I want to EAT you!” she shrieked.

The General raised an eyebrow as he saw the mark begin to glow bright and seep more red mist as she trashed more and more about. With a swift motion, he slammed her on the side of her head, and knocked her unconscious. He made his way to the young elk. “You.” he looked at her. “Tell me how you got in and what you did to my troops.” he commanded her. His voice was steady, and his eyes were level. It was a look that served him well. To him, he was calm and collected, and to others, he was staring directly into their minds. Most reported that his gaze made them feel uneasy. His enemies said that it terrified them.

She, however, had no reaction whatsoever; Unless you want to count boredom as a reaction.

“No.” she said, looking off to the side. Unusual. Normally there was fear in the eyes of his foes by this point, but he saw nothing of the sort.

“The only reason I have not ordered my troops to get rid of you is because you have information that I need. Now, tell me, how did you get in, and what did you do to my troops?” he asked calmly.

“Don't you have a war to run?” she asked, mildly annoyed. “'Cause I'm pretty sure that there's a big ol' fire going on over on that side of your little camp, and I'm guessing that there's a whole bunch of cows and junk on the opposite side.”

“My troops can handle a sorry army of untrained cattle and sheep. Now, answer my questions.” he said, his voice still calm.

“I'm not gonna disagree with you about the sorry part, but you'd better be paying attention. Because, Mr-I'm-The-Most-Amazing-Leader-Ever, you've got more then just some prey to worry about.” she grinned.

The General was a seasoned warrior. He had led his army on many a conquest and had seen many a battle. Thus, he had seen and heard many things that had hardened him into the rock that he was today. However, there was something in her eyes, and the way that she said that word, that made a chill run down his spine. “What do you mean, prey?” he raised an eyebrow.

“What? You don't know?” she laughed a little. “You are ALL prey! Every. Single. One of you! Our Masters sent us here to make preparations for their return! Because when they do, they're gonna be hungry. And you know what that means? That means they're gonna wanna eat; eat prey!” she laughed, her voice twisting into an unnerving screech.

“Are you not the ally of the so-called United Foenum Council?” he asked, casting a glance left and right. Her fanaticism had begun to excite the others in the circle, and the group had begun shifting like one giant mass.

Her face twisted in a way that he did not know was possible. Her face darkened and her eyes went pitch black, save for burning red orbs that glowed in the center. It was as though he was looking at the face of insanity itself, if insanity wanted to eat him alive. “Allies? With prey? Oh no! They just gave us a convenient excuse to come and find more of our kin, more who feel the hunger!”

He had to admit, of his many years of service, this was the first time he'd come across something like this. Sure he'd dealt with religious zealots, patriotic fanatics, and even the odd psycho. But never had he seen something that was all three combined. He paused. What in Foenum could have done this to her? What could have twisted the mind of this young elk so? He wasn't sure if he wanted to know. But then again, if the same thing had happened to his troops, he had to know what they had done. “I see. And what of my troops then?” he cast a glance at a giraffe that was next to her. Its eyes were vacant, and stared into blank space.

“We just gave them a choice. Serve the Masters,” she grinned and looked directly at him, “or become prey. Some chose wisely and now serve our Masters. Others refused, and now serve us as mindless pawns. I wonder, what will you choose?” she asked, tilting her head slightly, and aiming her eyes just above his head.

“What are you talking abo-” he begun to say when quite suddenly he felt something land on his head. It wasn't very heavy, but it was enough to make him react. He jerked his head violently to the side, and shook it hard. He stood up on hind hind legs, then came crashing down on his front ones, and whipped his neck hard at the ground.

And still he felt the weight.

“Whoa! Easy!” Francis shouted, “I'm trying to perform a dark ritual here!” The tabby held on with all of his might, though claws did little to help him hold onto a metal helmet.

“GET IT OFF!” the general cried, and whipped his head towards a near guard. The guard, not missing a beat, smacked the cat in the face with the blunt end of his spear.

And still, it clung to him.

“THAT HURT YOU PUNK!” Francis cried, and jumped from the general's head to the guard who hit him.

“Francis, what are you DOING?!” The elk cried. “GO AFTER THE GENERAL!”

The cat, not willing to listen to anyone but himself, simply ignored the elk. He let out a terrible screech as his paws exploded with evil magic, and then he slammed them into the eyes of the guard. Not wasting a moment, he jumped to another guard, but was swept out of the air by a swift hoof.

The general had had enough of this. He slammed the creature onto the ground and pinned it under his hoof. It screeched and protested, and began attacking his hoof, but it was useless. “Tell me what I want to know or I will crush this thing into dust!” he shouted, twisting his hoof into Francis.

“FRANCIS!” the elk cried.

“It's cool! I got this!” he replied weakly.

It was right about then a huge explosion rocked the earth, causing the General to lose his footing. Fortunately for Francis, the General rocked away from him, freeing him from the pressure on his ribs. Also fortunate for Francis was the fact that he was an eternal opportunist, thus allowing him the reflexes needed to escape the General's hoof, and to slip back into the night.

As for the General, he looked up just in time to see a massive ball of darkness flying directly at him. He dove, narrowly dodging it. It flew past him and directly into the fence, smashing it into a thousand pieces. He turned his head to look, but only saw a blur of movement as another figure flew over his head, and crashed directly into the same spot. Dust filled the area, filling the lungs and stinging the eyes of everyone there. The General closed his eyes, and concentrated on his other senses. He could sense that two figures had just left the area. One of them felt as though it was made of what must have been dark magic, and the other was filled with…. He failed to find the word. Had he known it, he would have used it, for it was bloodlust.

Besides them, he could feel movement all around him, and sudden a spike in the energy of the air. He could feel excitement, eagerness, and he could hear the sounds of many hooves suddenly moving. Then it clicked: The prisoners were free. He could feel something approach him, and his eyes shot open as he poised himself for combat. Something was near, and it was coming closer.

Then he saw one red eye burning through the dust, and beside it, the same mark as those they had captured.

All is in readiness, the servants are in position, and so: The door opens...” he heard a voice say. It was distant, cold, and sickly. The one eye shook, as though unable to contain its excitement. “And our Masters hunger!” the voice cried as the eye and mark suddenly vanished.

“What in Foen-”

“GENERAL!” he heard a shout from near him. He turned just in time to see the guard who the small creature attacked swing at him with a spear. With a quick headbutt, the guard was down and out, and he looked about him.

“On me!” he shouted. “Fall back!” he pulled away from the dust, and towards the front. Not far behind him followed several guards. “You!” he turned and looked at a nearby guard, “Take care of this situation! Get those traitors back under control! As for the rest of you, come with me. We're going to put an end to this silly battle once and for all!” He turned his head back towards the front of the battle. It was clear that he had underestimated his foe. But that was over. While they may have surprised him, the shock was over, and now it was time to put an end to this.

As of this part, the whole thing is roughly 15,000 words. To put that in perspective: this thing is 47 pages using the default settings in MS Word 2007. That's kinda absurd imo. I mean, this whole thing is just one battle! How many words does one need to tell it?! So, under the little spoiler within this spoiler, I'm spoiling how much longer I plan on making this thing.
The next two sections will the last parts. After that will come the duel between Weylyn and Zero, and then a prologue to set the stage for those who are new to this whole thing for the sake of context.
Also, I really like the spoiler button. I find it quite fun to push.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
So, I dun borked harder then a little dog. Dun derped harder then a tiny horse. Dun made my stakes. Dun ... anyway, here's the REAL Part Eleven, cause the above part is actually part Twelve.

The Battle Of Unruliness
Part Eleven:
The Turning Storm
An Hongse was not built for the front-lines. He was a commander. He was better suited for leading and giving orders. That's not to say that he couldn't hold his own in a fight. After all, one doesn't rise through the ranks of the Longma army without skill. But he was not a close-quarters combat specialist. So it was no shocking surprise to him that he had not been able to take the Rambassador down. What had surprised him was that both he and the Lynx had failed together. Then again, he had underestimated the raw power and ferocity of the Rambassador, as well as his strange weaponry.

What was also strange was his apparent fixation on the Lynx. The Rambassador ignored An Hongse whenever it was possible, and focused almost exclusively on the Solider of Shadow; part of why until the Rambassador had unleashed his own flare-like weapon, that he had thought that he wouldn't need to summon reinforcements. Sadly, he had fallen victim to the weapon, and was unable to escape to make the call.

His vision came back quickly, just in time to see the bear hit him in the face with the lynx. He was sent tumbling, though he recovered quickly. As much as he hated it, he needed to pause for just a moment to gather his thoughts.

He raised his head to look at the two UFC representatives locked in combat, and saw one get thrown into the wall. The other brought its arms to bear upon the other, and unleashed a terrible salvo.

The lynx exploded with dark energy, and surged forward with speed that An Honsge would not have thought possible for an ungulate to have. Though, this representative was no ungulate. He rammed directly into the bear, and unleashed a blast of powerful energy into his face, sending him flying into a nearby giraffe. Before he could stand, the lynx was already on him and unleashed another blast, sending him into a far section of the wall. Wasting no time, the lynx shot his quarry with terrible speed, directly through the front-line.

An Hongse lost sight of the two of them. While he was mildly curious to see what would become of their duel, there were bigger concerns on hoof. He flew up into the sky, giving himself a better vantage point over the battle.

Things were going poorly indeed.

The internal civil war was all but finished. The main body of the giraffe had finally begun marching to the breach. Many were armor-clad and he saw several crews ready to make repairs. Not far behind them, he saw several catapult crews and even crews for building a few trebuchets being moved into position. Many of the fires that had erupted in their camp were now out, and the traitors had been rounded up and imprisoned in the center of the camp. He estimated roughly 430 giraffe were there. 430 more giraffe then he should have allowed the hunters to get their filthl-he shook his head. Focus. Beyond them were his own forces.

It appeared that the giraffe knew well the art of war. Not only had they proven to be most efficient in dealing with their traitors, they adapted quickly to their flying foe. From the ground he saw tents with many holes poked into them being thrown into the air like nets. While his Longma's flames were more then enough to stop these tents, they did little against the boulders that followed them. If a Longma torched a net, it was hit with a boulder. If it didn't torch it, it was caught and dragged to the ground. On top of this, they even managed to put a halt to Bravo and Tango advance. Impressive.

He cast his gaze directly beneath him, and saw that the front was almost pushed back to the breach. If they were pushed all the way out, there would be no getting back in. He saw that several cows and bulls were attempting to bash more parts of the wall down, but their efforts were unorganized, and most were more interested in trying to get into the camp, as roughly 90% of their forces were still on the outside. He saw the goat mercenaries that The Prime Minister had hired scaling the walls, carrying sheep over with them, but this too was disorganized and of little effect. And in the distance, The Dark Ones simply stood there, unable to get a clean shot into the camp. If An had control of them, he would have had them fire anyway. Better to risk friendly fire and reduce the numbers of their foe, then to do nothing at all. Then a thought came to him.

Their commander was not with them. He glanced around. Indeed, neither was The Prime Minister anywhere to be seen, nor his Rambassador. In fact, he was the only High-Level commander that he could see.

Very well. In the absence of the others, then the command fell to him. And since the three of them were basically in charge of this operation, and two of them were now unaccounted for, he had sole command of the UFC Forces.


His first order of business should be to locate the Prime Minister. However, that would have to wait as the more pressing matter of impending defeat was at hoof. His mind buzzed with tactics and numbers.

First and foremost, that wall needed to come down. Next, the cattle would have to spear their way deep into the camp and into the siege teams. Yes, the Cattlekind would have to be the main hammer of this battle. His own troops would be able to hold their own until then, then he would have to pull them back to the front. But first, the wall.

He flew down to the bulge of cattle pressing their way ineffectually through it. “Form into lines! Advance as your cowrades go down!”

“Who're you?” a cow shouted up at him.

“I am An Hongse, acting commander of the UFC forces, now line up!”

“What did he say?” he heard a bull shout.

“I'm not sure!” a cow responded.

“Something about going down?” he heard a sheep say.

“What's that? Look down?” another sheep cried. Then, almost as one, the whole herd of sheep yelled 'LOOK DOWN!' and then proceeded to do just that. Needless to say, this is not what he wanted to have happen.

“How did the Prime Minister command them?” he asked the cow who first responded.

“Huh? Oh! He-ow! Watch where you're going!” she said as a bull's horn bonked her on the side of her head. “Anyway, he just had them say whatever he said!”

“I see.” An Hongse responded. Had he been in another situation, he likely would have felt some exasperation. But now was not the time for such things. He flew over to the sheep, and in the loudest shout he could manage, said: “I AM COMMANDER AN HONGSE, ACTING COMMANDER OF THE UFC FORCES.” several sheep looked up at him with wide eyes. “Repeat what I just said!” he shouted, and, a little to his surprise, they complied. “Good. Now, repeat after me: Cattlekind, form rows and move forward as your cowrads go down!” he paused, allowing the sheep a moment to echo his words, but with greater volume then he could muster. The cows looked up at him in surprise, but followed his orders as they made 20 rows, for the breach was only big enough for that many at a time. “Now, if you are among the biggest of the Cattlekind, leave formation and file to the left of the breach!” he turned and looked back at the Dark Ones who regarded him curiously. “Can you hear me from back there?” he shouted. Again, if he had been in any other situation, hearing his words so perfectly echoed and at such volume by sheep would have simply struck him as very strange. But this was a battle.

Several heads nodded from their ranks, and a faint 'Yes!' came from somewhere among them.

“Concentrate your fire upon the section of the wall to the right of the breach!” he got several confused looks. “It'll weaken it, allowing the sheep and the goats to break it while the Cattlekind break the other side!” he shouted. He didn't much care for having to waste time with explanations, but better that then them not following his orders at all. Several nods and even a few looks of 'ah ha!' came in reply. He turned to look at the left side of the wall, and saw to his satisfaction, nearly 300 cattle standing ready at his command. He was surprised that they had responded to his commands so quickly, but immensely pleased. Perhaps this battle was winnable after all…

“What's next?” he heard a bull shout.

“First, you are now the Wall Breaker Company. Next: Break that wall!” he cried.

The cattle and the dark energies from the Dark Ones hit their sections at the same time. Resulting in massive cracks appearing on both sides. Again both hit the walls, causing the massive cracks to grow even larger. One more hit.

“Dark Ones!” he shouted, but paused. That was the name that some of his fellow commanders called them, not what they called themselves. No, they called themselves, “Soldiers of Shadow!” he turned to look at them. “Hold your fire! Cattlekind, hold your charge! Sheeple, order your dogs behind you!” a moment later, all was done as he commanded. “Sheeple, when the walls come down, step to the side and order your dogs to charge into the camp! Wall Breakers! Continue moving to your left and bring more of the wall down! Sheeple! Fall back and guard the Soldiers! Goats! Stay with the Cattlekind! Now,” he paused for just a moment to double check that he hadn't forgotten something. “CHARGE!”

It was with immense satisfaction that all unfolded as he had foreseen. Both sections of the wall came crumbling down, and the troops followed his commands to a fault. “Cattlekind!” he shouted at the cattle surging into the camp, “form more rows! Continue in! Wall Breakers! Break down two more sections!” He had to admit, having nearly a thousand voices echoing him made this part of his job surprisingly easy.

As the walls crumbled, the dogs surged forward, and swarmed the unsuspecting giraffe. The Cattlekind army surged forward to fill the enlarged hole with their ranks, expanding from 20, to nearly 150. And soon, once the walls came down, the Cattlekind would be able to surge in 450 at a time. Once they were in the walls, it would come down to controlling such a large force in such a small space. Nevertheless, An Hongse allowed himself a small smile. The battle was finally turning in the direction it needed to go.

The Yaski

Acting representative of the Empire of Tianhuo
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
So, I dun borked harder then a tiny dog. Dun derped hard then a tiny horse. Dun made my stakes. Dun ... anyway, here's the REAL Part Eleven, cause the above part is actually part Twelve.

The Battle Of Unruliness
Part Eleven:
The Turning Storm
An Hongse was not built for the front-lines. He was a commander. He was better suited for leading and giving orders. That's not to say that he couldn't hold his own in a fight. After all, one doesn't rise through the ranks of the Longma army without skill. But he was not a close-quarters combat specialist. So it was no shocking surprise to him that he had not been able to take the Rambassador down. What had surprised him was that both he and the Lynx had failed together. Then again, he had underestimated the raw power and ferocity of the Rambassador, as well as his strange weaponry.

What was also strange was his apparent fixation on the Lynx. The Rambassador ignored An Hongse whenever it was possible, and focused almost exclusively on the Solider of Shadow; part of why until the Rambassador had unleashed his own flare-like weapon, that he had thought that he wouldn't need to summon reinforcements. Sadly, he had fallen victim to the weapon, and was unable to escape to make the call.

His vision came back quickly, just in time to see the bear hit him in the face with the lynx. He was sent tumbling, though he recovered quickly. As much as he hated it, he needed to pause for just a moment to gather his thoughts.

He raised his head to look at the two UFC representatives locked in combat, and saw one get thrown into the wall. The other brought its arms to bear upon the other, and unleashed a terrible salvo.

The lynx exploded with dark energy, and surged forward with speed that An Honsge would not have thought possible for an ungulate to have. Though, this representative was no ungulate. He rammed directly into the bear, and unleashed a blast of powerful energy into his face, sending him flying into a nearby giraffe. Before he could stand, the lynx was already on him and unleashed another blast, sending him into a far section of the wall. Wasting no time, the lynx shot his quarry with terrible speed, directly through the front-line.

An Hongse lost sight of the two of them. While he was mildly curious to see what would become of their duel, there were bigger concerns on hoof. He flew up into the sky, giving himself a better vantage point over the battle.

Things were going poorly indeed.

The internal civil war was all but finished. The main body of the giraffe had finally begun marching to the breach. Many were armor-clad and he saw several crews ready to make repairs. Not far behind them, he saw several catapult crews and even crews for building a few trebuchets being moved into position. Many of the fires that had erupted in their camp were now out, and the traitors had been rounded up and imprisoned in the center of the camp. He estimated roughly 430 giraffe were there. 430 more giraffe then he should have allowed the hunters to get their filthl-he shook his head. Focus. Beyond them were his own forces.

It appeared that the giraffe knew well the art of war. Not only had they proven to be most efficient in dealing with their traitors, they adapted quickly to their flying foe. From the ground he saw tents with many holes poked into them being thrown into the air like nets. While his Longma's flames were more then enough to stop these tents, they did little against the boulders that followed them. If a Longma torched a net, it was hit with a boulder. If it didn't torch it, it was caught and dragged to the ground. On top of this, they even managed to put a halt to Bravo and Tango advance. Impressive.

He cast his gaze directly beneath him, and saw that the front was almost pushed back to the breach. If they were pushed all the way out, there would be no getting back in. He saw that several cows and bulls were attempting to bash more parts of the wall down, but their efforts were unorganized, and most were more interested in trying to get into the camp, as roughly 90% of their forces were still on the outside. He saw the goat mercenaries that The Prime Minister had hired scaling the walls, carrying sheep over with them, but this too was disorganized and of little effect. And in the distance, The Dark Ones simply stood there, unable to get a clean shot into the camp. If An had control of them, he would have had them fire anyway. Better to risk friendly fire and reduce the numbers of their foe, then to do nothing at all. Then a thought came to him.

Their commander was not with them. He glanced around. Indeed, neither was The Prime Minister anywhere to be seen, nor his Rambassador. In fact, he was the only High-Level commander that he could see.

Very well. In the absence of the others, then the command fell to him. And since the three of them were basically in charge of this operation, and two of them were now unaccounted for, he had sole command of the UFC Forces.


His first order of business should be to locate the Prime Minister. However, that would have to wait as the more pressing matter of impending defeat was at hoof. His mind buzzed with tactics and numbers.

First and foremost, that wall needed to come down. Next, the cattle would have to spear their way deep into the camp and into the siege teams. Yes, the Cattlekind would have to be the main hammer of this battle. His own troops would be able to hold their own until then, then he would have to pull them back to the front. But first, the wall.

He flew down to the bulge of cattle pressing their way ineffectually through it. “Form into lines! Advance as your cowrades go down!”

“Who're you?” a cow shouted up at him.

“I am An Hongse, acting commander of the UFC forces, now line up!”

“What did he say?” he heard a bull shout.

“I'm not sure!” a cow responded.

“Something about going down?” he heard a sheep say.

“What's that? Look down?” another sheep cried. Then, almost as one, the whole herd of sheep yelled 'LOOK DOWN!' and then proceeded to do just that. Needless to say, this is not what he wanted to have happen.

“How did the Prime Minister command them?” he asked the cow who first responded.

“Huh? Oh! He-ow! Watch where you're going!” she said as a bull's horn bonked her on the side of her head. “Anyway, he just had them say whatever he said!”

“I see.” An Hongse responded. Had he been in another situation, he likely would have felt some exasperation. But now was not the time for such things. He flew over to the sheep, and in the loudest shout he could manage, said: “I AM COMMANDER AN HONGSE, ACTING COMMANDER OF THE UFC FORCES.” several sheep looked up at him with wide eyes. “Repeat what I just said!” he shouted, and, a little to his surprise, they complied. “Good. Now, repeat after me: Cattlekind, form rows and move forward as your cowrads go down!” he paused, allowing the sheep a moment to echo his words, but with greater volume then he could muster. The cows looked up at him in surprise, but followed his orders as they made 20 rows, for the breach was only big enough for that many at a time. “Now, if you are among the biggest of the Cattlekind, leave formation and file to the left of the breach!” he turned and looked back at the Dark Ones who regarded him curiously. “Can you hear me from back there?” he shouted. Again, if he had been in any other situation, hearing his words so perfectly echoed and at such volume by sheep would have simply struck him as very strange. But this was a battle.

Several heads nodded from their ranks, and a faint 'Yes!' came from somewhere among them.

“Concentrate your fire upon the section of the wall to the right of the breach!” he got several confused looks. “It'll weaken it, allowing the sheep and the goats to break it while the Cattlekind break the other side!” he shouted. He didn't much care for having to waste time with explanations, but better that then them not following his orders at all. Several nods and even a few looks of 'ah ha!' came in reply. He turned to look at the left side of the wall, and saw to his satisfaction, nearly 300 cattle standing ready at his command. He was surprised that they had responded to his commands so quickly, but immensely pleased. Perhaps this battle was winnable after all…

“What's next?” he heard a bull shout.

“First, you are now the Wall Breaker Company. Next: Break that wall!” he cried.

The cattle and the dark energies from the Dark Ones hit their sections at the same time. Resulting in massive cracks appearing on both sides. Again both hit the walls, causing the massive cracks to grow even larger. One more hit.

“Dark Ones!” he shouted, but paused. That was the name that some of his fellow commanders called them, not what they called themselves. No, they called themselves, “Soldiers of Shadow!” he turned to look at them. “Hold your fire! Cattlekind, hold your charge! Sheeple, order your dogs behind you!” a moment later, all was done as he commanded. “Sheeple, when the walls come down, step to the side and order your dogs to charge into the camp! Wall Breakers! Continue moving to your left and bring more of the wall down! Sheeple! Fall back and guard the Soldiers! Goats! Stay with the Cattlekind! Now,” he paused for just a moment to double check that he hadn't forgotten something. “CHARGE!”

It was with immense satisfaction that all unfolded as he had foreseen. Both sections of the wall came crumbling down, and the troops followed his commands to a fault. “Cattlekind!” he shouted at the cattle surging into the camp, “form more rows! Continue in! Wall Breakers! Break down two more sections!” He had to admit, having nearly a thousand voices echoing him made this part of his job surprisingly easy.

As the walls crumbled, the dogs surged forward, and swarmed the unsuspecting giraffe. The Cattlekind army surged forward to fill the enlarged hole with their ranks, expanding from 20, to nearly 150. And soon, once the walls came down, the Cattlekind would be able to surge in 450 at a time. Once they were in the walls, it would come down to controlling such a large force in such a small space. Nevertheless, An Hongse allowed himself a small smile. The battle was finally turning in the direction it needed to go.
(This update has been brought to you by Stunthead.
Stunthead: Your number one supplier of livestream lore and RP minutiae.)