[FactionRP] The United Foenum Council [Neutral]


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
(So if it don't spoil anything, is Miner like... dead dead? And if so, is Miner gonna make another character?)
(Pretty sure he didn't feel like rejoining this, so the character is dead dead and won't be replaced by a new character.)
(Can confirm that Dungeonminer is dead dead. He and I made arrangements in private prior to the event.)


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
((Sorry guys, play-by-post was never my strong suit. If you couldn't tell by my minimal participation before the RP crashed. Like the gala was the most play-by-post RP I had done on this site. So yeah, I'm out, no hard feelings.))
OOC: No need to be sorry, I fully understand. I have not participated in the DND for similar reasons.

IC: It is silent and unusually cold as Feanor steps into the Council halls. She finds a guard who gives her directions to where Miner's body is being kept in a hushed, troubled tone. It is not just him, Feanor notes, as she walks the echoing halls. There is a hushed stillness over the whole place, a sense of worried waiting, sorrow and uncertainty. And the cold, as though some fundamental warmth has passed from these halls with the Head of Council. It suits her.

The chamber is small and simple, no different than any of the other medical chambers here. The body lying partially covered on a cot at the back of the room could have been any sleeping patient. No blood, no ghastly wounds or stench of infection. Hooves folded across his chest, Dungeon Miner looks more calm than she has ever seen him in life, Feanor thinks.

She moves to the bedside and stands there, looking down at him for a long while. Lying there with his face to the ceiling, his eyes closed by some kind hooves, she wonders if the serenity she sees is real, or only the mockery of death. Finally she shakes her head.

"You were a fool Miner," she mutters. "To think that peace was something for this world."

She lifts one of his chipped and travel-worn hooves from his chest to examine idly.

"Our hooves were not made for it. We are small and petty things in a large and indifferent world. You can break yourself against it, trying to make the world change, trying to shift the mountains at their roots. Or you can fight and scratch and claw your way up, and maybe in the end, you are the one left at the top."

She lays his hoof back down gently.

"Your dream was... pure, but it could never be." She sighs. "Still, I hope you have found the peace you always wanted for us."

Her breath leaves a faint wisp of steam in the chill air, and, though she knows the instinct illogical, she pulls the sheet up to cover the boar's cold body.

"Rest in peace, Dungeon Miner."


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
As the sheet falls upon the body of the boar, a voice, sinister and full of hunger, fills the room:

"Do you seek vengeance? Do you seek to destroy the one who killed this creature? If so, seek out the most foolish of demons. Seek out the one named Ruby. She knows more than she should, and she knows where to find the one who slew your boar."

(OCC: Nice tribute Fea.)


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Feanor freezes at the sound of the voice, ears pricked. When it stops she scans the shadows of the room.

"Who speaks? And why, pray tell, should I listen?"

OOC: Tnx. And if that voice was meant to have appeared only long enough to give that message, feel free to give Fea the silent treatment.
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Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
"Not all who dwell beyond want to see that smear you call Ziege succeed. Not all of us want him to claim service to us. He was a fool in life, and a fool in death. Unfit to claim to be our servant. He is weak, and must be stamped out."

And with that, the voice vanishes, leaving the room silent once more.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Waking up from tinkering in his lab for 6 hours and then 2 hours of recharge, Zero awoke to find that he had continued making progress towards DZ.


He continued to stare at his "creation" for a short minute and then, breaking eye contact, proceeded to store IT away.

As soon as that was done he felt a little ...what did they call it again, remorse? The fact that he was keeping something hidden from his allies and keeping DZ sheltered from anyone else was a burden weighing heavy on his simulated heart.

Regaining his composure, Zero exited the room and proceeded to go see Miner one last time at his memorial.

super hurricane

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
(A parakeet whispers in my ear, causing me to wake up startled from my self-imposed hibernation) The boar is dead? And there's no sign of his body? (gets up weakly, half-starved as I climb out of the nest in the council restrooms) Killing for food is one thing, but just killing is barbaric in itself. Get me a Dire Wolf, they should be able to detect where the killer is headed next. (the parakeet salutes and flaps away) Honestly, what the heck did I miss, other than some random gala?
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I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Fluffy stands outside the door were miner lays, waiting for Feanor to exit so she can pay her own respects.

Fluffy messing with her Fluff, “Ugg I hate it when you use magic to do my Fluff, you never get it right”

Zack: “Well its not my fault it takes you hours to groom yourself, hours we dont have I might add”


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Not all who dwell beyond want to see that smear you call Ziege succeed. Not all of us want him to claim service to us. He was a fool in life, and a fool in death. Unfit to claim to be our servant. He is weak, and must be stamped out."

And with that, the voice vanishes, leaving the room silent once more.
Feanor listens to the voice without expression. After it disappears, she stands there for a moment, thinking. Then she turns, unable - despite herself - to suppress a shiver that has little to do with the chill.

She is mildly surprised to see Fluffy at the door. She hesitates, casting a glance back into the shadows of the room. Nothing, only chill air and shadows, and that undefinable emptiness that seems to accompany all sapient creatures when robbed of life.

She only nods at Fluffy. "When you are finished, come to the council chamber. There is news we must share."

Edit: apologies, been extremely busy with work. If I'm ever holding things up feel free to continue around me and I'll find a way to make it work when I get back.


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
(Welp, at work and about to start working again, but I think I can squeeze in here.)

Zero is a bit surprised to see Fluffy and Feanor at the door of the room where Miners body lay.

"Fluffy, Feanor, did you two finish paying your respects?"


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Ok Fea, Zack wants to pay his respects, don't know why, but its his doing" Zack floats past Fea

Zack "She still needs some work, We'll be over in a few minutes"

Fluffy waves to Zero "Hi Zero what are you doing here? Oh Zack is doing his right now" Fluffy doesn't plan on doing so.


Zack approaches the dead body of miner slowly, taking a quick look behind seeing Fluffy talking to others before resting one of his transparent claws onto Miner's body. "Thank you for giving her a chance" Before turning and leaving.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
"Ah, I guess I'll wait until he's done. In the meantime, how've you been?"

There seems to be an undertone of sadness to the bears artificial voice.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Oh I've been fine, Fea is saying I'm going to represent Rein in the counsel or something, terrible choice in my opinion but ehn. How are you doing?"

Zack wonders back to Fluffy. Fluffy seems perky almost as if she dose not notice or not care about the sadness in Zero's voice.
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
"Wait, what? You're going to be the new ambassadeer?"

Zero' s mouth hangs open for a few seconds before he catches himself and closes it.

"That's... great! I-I hope everything goes well for you, Fluffy. If you'll excuse me."

Zero then turns and politely heads inside of the same room.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Ok I'll see you later" Fluffy waves at Zero as he enters the room

Zack stars at Zero "Is something wrong with him"

Fluffy just shrugs "I don't know he seemed normal to me" before heading over to the counsel chamber


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
"Hello again, friend. Or should I say... goodbye?"

Zero looks at the covered body laying in the casket, noticing large features that once belonged to his friend.

"Huh, funny. It seems so strange that someone like you would look at something like me and not try to run. Instead, you allowed me entry into this establishment, gave me a home here, really let me find what I was looking for. It's funny, before you, there were only a few who would even stand my presence, but now I have friends, I have a home, I have a reason for... living."

Zero looks down for a moment in remembrance before raising a mechanical, cloth-covered paw and laying it softly on Miners body.

"Goodbye, friend. I hope to meet you again someday. If only..."


Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Feanor is already departing as Zero enters, and gives him a nod as she steps out of the room. She makes her way to the Council Chamber where she finds her old seat and examines it with a smile. So much had happened to bring them to this point, and the whole of it, it seems, has revolved around this simple wooden chamber. The realization that she no longer belongs here has an unexpected nip to it, but she has passed that burden to other hooves, ones she must trust to represent all Velvetia.

For the last time, Feanor settles into the seat which was once her own. She ruminates the past as she waits for the representatives to arrive, as she knows they must, to determine the next step for the factions, and perhaps all of Foenum.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Fluffy arrives at the council chamber, taking a look around and seeing only Fea, she makes her way to Miner's old seat before sitting in it herself and twirls a knife in her hoof.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Weylyn enters Miner's room to pay his respects
"You were the only one who saw the value of peace as much... or let's face it, more than I did..."
He lays a paw upon the figure of the great boar
"I still see the peace as achievable. The predators and the pr- ungulates, working together to bring a future where both of us can go on without having to expect a flurry of claws or hooves or horns from either side. I will try to do everything in my power to bring that goal to... light..."
Weylyn is about to leave, but then turns back, as if he left the note unfinished.
"...But I am afraid that I can not hold onto a notion as suicidal as peace with the hunters. I am a survivor. I can't make the mistake you did, and I have to bring the justice you deserve, even if it would have disappointed you." Weylyn's eyes start to flow with dark power
"I swear that not a SINGLE hunter or their masters will survive!"
Weylyn then leaves, looking grim but satisfied with his words.
The seat of the darkside is filled in by Weylyn. He notices that Fluffy is sitting in the seat of their late leader and sighs.
"Fluffy, the council is doing business. Please don't make this any harder, and go to your representative over there. That seat is the one we will have to figure out what to do with...."
Last edited:
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Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Zero leaves the chamber and as he leaves one small thought ebbs on the back of his mind.

"What are you going to do about... him?"

And as he realises what kind of consequences that might bring, he has to bury those thoughts for another time, for now the council had to make a decision.

Zero sat in his seat, straightening out his ribbon and placing his padded paws together as he leaned forward in silent anticipation.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece enters the Council Chamber, tailed by a young ewe. The wool on the back of her head is tied up neatly, and she gazes upon the walls of the chamber with equal parts wonder and uncertainty. Fleece approaches the Pom Patrol representative seat and pulls it out, gesturing for his associate to sit. Once she is in position, he speaks.

"Um, hello, everyone. I'm afraid our friend Dandy is somewhat... indisposed at the moment. Until he recovers, I've selected a temporary representative to take over for him... I'd like you all to meet Chignon."

He gestures to her, not unlike a game show assistant presenting a prize. Chignon stares with wide eyes for a moment, then shyly waves.

"She's an old friend that I reconnected with recently. I have no doubt that she'll represent the wishes of the Pom Patrol well. I, uh, know it kind of defeats the point of having representatives, but you wouldn't mind if I sat in on this meeting, would you? Just to make sure Chignon adjusts well..." He turns to her.

"Which I'm sure you will." He whispers, giving her a reassuring smile. Chignon gulps, then quietly nods in response.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Fluffy laughs, "Oh silly Whylyn, I'm apart of this council now, or something like that, and I just chose the seat I knew was open"

Zack just signs and shrugs giving a I'm, sorry look.

When Zero enters the room Fluffy just waves eccentrically at him.

Fluffy ignores Fleece but Zack heads towards the sheep tapping him on the shoulder. As the paw makes contact, it doesn't feel solid, it feels more like a very cold mist. "Prime Minister, if you have the time."


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
"Of course." Fleece leads the Zack off to the side of the room, away from Chignon, who is clearly still not used to the sight of demons.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Zack fallows Fleece to the doorway befor stoping abruptly, "Fluffy can you come along", which is responded by a grown as Fluffy and Zack enter the room (a̶n̶d̶ ̶k̶i̶l̶l̶s̶ ̶F̶l̶e̶e̶c̶e̶)

Fluffy just looks confused befor shrugging and playing with her knife some more

Zack sighs, and looks at Fleece directly with into Fleece's eyes, Zack's own eyes void of any emotion. "So I just wanted to apologies for the Gala, and I thought of a way of making it up to you. If you want I can get you and Feanor together for a date of sorts."

at the mention of this Fluffy looks over at the two, seeming a lot more interested.
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Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece is thrown slightly off kilter by the offer.

"A d-date?" He looks over at Feanor and blushes. "I-I don't... I don't think... I mean, would you even know how? I don't wanna come across as desperate or anything..."
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I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Zack lets out a deep snicker, "You are desperate, and I do know a little about dates, enough to give you good start. So would you be up for my help?"

Fluffy looks super excited, like she is about to do something stupid. Suddenly she stands up and starts running to the door but is stopped by Zack.

Zack turns to Fluffy "No you can't tell anyone or provide date idea's"

Fluffy lowers her ears and sits back down looking a little saddened


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand

"...Alright, so let's not call it a 'yes,' okay? Let's call it more of a... a may.... a strongly positive maybe, yeah? If you want to help then I won't stop you. Just... promise me this stays between us, okay? Nobody else needs to know. Not the council, not other demons, not Chignon, nobody."
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I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Ok we'll discuss this more after the meeting then, and don't worry our lips are sealed right Fluffy?"

Fluffy groans "uggg fine"

Zack then leads Fluffy to behind Feanor and tries to explain why its not alright to sit on Miner's chair... She doesn't understand why, but admits defeat, and stands behind Feanor.
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Proud Velveeta
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Feanor spares Fleece only a quick glance as he walks in, but her gaze snaps back sharply when she sees the ewe walk in with him.

She quickly plays it off as only watching the door for the arrival of the final representative, but when Chignon ((how is that pronounced, btw?)) looks her way, Fea stares back with narrowed eyes until the poor ewe looks down.

When Fluffy gets returns from her little chat with Fleece, Feanor immediately hisses at her.

"What was that about? And who in the Hold is that?" She gestures at Chignon.