(So, sometime just before the gala vote was called I stopped getting alerts from this thread. So I have several replies to make. Hoo boy)
-I guess uh... Hongse walks back into the council halls from his busy day of making paper mache sculptures out of unused Empire of Huoshan applications to... uh... (wait, how would he know about any of the earlier comments...) ask his assistant he sent in his stead what went down. Any comments made in character I guess are just murmured to himself I guess-
IC: A gala huh? -chuckles (he is very much not in "colonel mode" right now)- I suppose that's one way to unwind after a war. Usually my troops just hit the bar but I suppose it would be different in an international task force. -to aide- Mark me down for an aye, I usually don't get to unwind with my troops.
The curse of authority I suppose. Maybe I could get them to play a game of Penitentiaries & Predators (OOC: Hooray for RP within the RP!) Although I think there are other matters at hoof...
IC: Ah, just what I was thinking of. Glad someone here can prioritize. I really should formally meet this new Rambassador of theirs. -to aide- Send word to DungeonMiner I'm in for this one too. And schedule a time for me to sit down with this new Rambassador for a discussion.
OOC: B-But the ZeroxFluffy nose kisses! The reindeer waifu songs! This can only be resolved through hilarious romantic antics where Fluffy finds herself at the center of a romantic triangle. With Zero and Blue competing for her affections. I demand it!
IC: -grunt of contempt- Oh for the love of... of all the days I had to miss, and this goes down. I wish I could have slapped that Fluffy (character's opinions do not necessarily reflect author's opinions). We need to present a united front to the Hunters. It's fine to have our own internal squabbles, but we absolutely cannot let the Hunters see our flaws.
OOC: Nah, that's not the torture tactics. That's just what happens inside the heads of those hit by the Hunter's mind control ritual.
IC: -Hongse's eyes narrow and his flame begin to spread, slowly growing and rippling down his scales- So things have already progressed this far. If I had known that Fluffy would prove so capable I would have intervened instead of stopping Zero... What's done is done. Send an envoy to the Velvetians. Tell them they have our support in this matter and ask if they require our assistance going forward. The rescue mission for the Prime Minister shall take first priority, but their efforts should be placed second. Give the envoy a guard and have both of them watch their backs. I don't want to be holding a Longma hoof this time tomorrow. (OH SNAP. CAPTAIN FOENUM: CIVIL WAR UP IN HERE)
-Hongse gives the aide a signal to show he's done and the aide disappears with a roar of flaming wings. Silence falls over the halls of the UFC and their single remaining member. He stands for some time, glaring furiously at his hooves, looking for something. Whether he found it or not, he begins to move again going around to each of the lights and extinguishing them. The room is filled now only by the sounds of his hoof-falls and the light case from his mane, tail, and wings. Navigating by his own light the colonel makes his way to the central doors of the council chamber. He lays a hoof upon their surface, then freezes. Alone, the rigid measured stance of the colonel finally sags, the towering height reducing to the frame of an ordinary longma. An Hongse slowly turns his head to look back over his withers, his gaze weary, sunken, resigned. He knows what he'll see.
In the light of the flickering mane that earned him his titles, the central table of the UFC stands. Shadows loom and dance around the table and it's shining wood is stained by dark crimson.-
(Yay for Wall-o-text! Well, Hongse WAS the last one in here, but Zero just had to log back on didn't he

Good night all)