[FactionRP] The Pom Patrol [Pom]


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
"Don't worry. I understand that Hurri was, and still is, our enemy. If you killed him that day, then that would have been that. Honestly, the most appropriate option I see would be to do better next time...and maybe invest some time into learning defensive magic, but that might just be me."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Don't worry. I understand that Hurri was, and still is, our enemy. If you killed him that day, then that would have been that. Honestly, the most appropriate option I see would be to do better next time...and maybe invest some time into learning defensive magic, but that might just be me."
"I suppose you are right except the defensive magic, that's just silly. I will attempt to be a better person in the future, to not risk Weylyn's life on something so stupid...." And with that, Blue returned to helping set the tables, floating plates and utensils on invisible appendages

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Blue sits impatiently just outside the Gala, waiting for the arrival of those she truly cares about... ignoring the stream of weak fools entering through the doors. Finally, she sees Weylyn, Zero, and Zeel approach from the horizon. She hesitates at first, but then builds the courage to confront Weylyn and apologize. "Over here! We need to talk about what I did!" Blue tries to explain. Weylyn smiles to her "Come now, we're here to have fun, no need to talk of the ills of the past. Just know that I am not angry, and that we'll talk about it later, have fun Blue."
Last edited:


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
"Ah, the two of you seem to be getting closer. I recall you being quite at odds before..." Zeel recollects, before much to his surprise, a figure leaps from his wool where his spellbook, among other things, are hidden.

Hominid snaps over beside Blue and leans on an imaginary table in his usual casual way. "Heyyy, speaking of getting closer, just a little shot in the dark here, you got a date for this shindig yet...?" he starts in his sliest voice. "Not gonna lie, always found you pretty foxy, heheh... eh, you probably get that a lot, what am I doing..."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Ah, the two of you seem to be getting closer. I recall you being quite at odds before..." Zeel recollects, before much to his surprise, a figure leaps from his wool where his spellbook, among other things, are hidden.

Hominid snaps over beside Blue and leans on an imaginary table in his usual casual way. "Heyyy, speaking of getting closer, just a little shot in the dark here, you got a date for this shindig yet...?" he starts in his sliest voice. "Not gonna lie, always found you pretty foxy, heheh... eh, you probably get that a lot, what am I doing..."
Blue was taken back "Ooh, I've actually never heard that one before. I've never felt I had the time or want for such feelings, but I suppose it wouldn't be too bad to entertain you for now, even if only to keep boredom at bay... and who knows, maybe you'll find what you desire." Blue winks


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
The area where Hominid's eyes should be widens; he didn't really expect that to work. He swiftly tries to play it off, "Cool, cool... we'll show all these mortals how you party on the other side then."

Zeel clears his throat. "By the way Weylyn, I wanted to mention... a short while ago, Huǒ Xīn came to our domain and seems fit on sticking around. I believe he said that he'd saved everyone basically on his own... how much truth is there to that?" he asks with a knowing smirk.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
The area where Hominid's eyes should be widens; he didn't really expect that to work. He swiftly tries to play it off, "Cool, cool... we'll show all these mortals how you party on the other side then."

Zeel clears his throat. "By the way Weylyn, I wanted to mention... a short while ago, Huǒ Xīn came to our domain and seems fit on sticking around. I believe he said that he'd saved everyone basically on his own... how much truth is there to that?" he asks with a knowing smirk.
Weylyn lets out a chuckle before stopping himself... "I don't know everything that happened, but I'm highly doubtful. He has a habit to exaggerate tales of himself, but I don't think he means any harm in it, and from what I hear, he was much more helpful than my other ally who was a betrayer." Weylyn starts to grin "So, Huo is really sticking at the darkside? I wonder why he would want to get closer to us..." Weylyn pondered.


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
"Haven't gotten to know him quite too well yet so I can't say. Perhaps he lacks a better place to go or maybe he's just eager to be somewhere he knows he'll be accepted..." Zeel speculates, "Either way, a friend of yours is a friend of mine, I'm pleased to have him around. Incidentally Weylyn, I have a cou- er, I have something I wanted to give you."

Zeel levitates from his wool a small crystal, longer than it is wide, and gives it to him.

"I hadn't expected us to be separated for so long." Zeel explains as he pulls out a second identical crystal. "But in case it happens again..."

Zeel turns, levitating it to in front of his face. Weylyn's image appears on it, just as Zeel appears on Weylyn's, the crystals acting as screens of sorts. Zeel speaks into it, "With these, we can contact each other from far distances, from opposite ends of the world if need be."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Weylyn looks at his gift, then appears ecstatic. "Wow, I can't tell you how much this means to me. Now I won't have to feel homesick... I want you to know that I see you all as family, all of the darkside." He turns to Zero "Not to say that I don't see you the same."


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Zeel gives his earnest grin, "My brother, the feeling is mutual."

OOC: ...In truth he kinda talks to Weylyn more like a dad and doesn't quite realize it. ^^' And on that note...

"By the way... how well have they been able to feed you at the council...? I suspect if anyone would be prepared to accommodate a predator it'd be them, but I still sometimes wonder..."


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Zeel gives his earnest grin, "My brother, the feeling is mutual."

"By the way... how well have they been able to feed you at the council...? I suspect if anyone would be prepared to accommodate a predator it'd be them, but I still sometimes wonder..."
This starts playing in the background:

"It was a good night, a night that we wouldn't soon forget. The afternoon sky had slowly faded from orange-pink, to a bittersweet royal blue a short while ago"

"The evening sky looks beautiful" Zero says while on their way over "I hope you guys will find dates as gorgeous as this."

"I was, of course, doubtful that they could do so, for I knew not of the existence of such ungulates. And while beauty could be measured with many different factors, tonight was a night that called for the utmost graceful, elegant, passionate ungulates to come out.
My friends continued to speak until we arrived and were greeted by Blue."

"Hey Blue, I-"

"I was rudely cut off by this... creature that sprung forth from Zeel's book. It looked like a creature most tall an-.... wait... was that... is that... a human? Cut the music, CUT THE MUSIC!"

"..." Zero says nothing as he takes in Zeel's demon. His inner music having scratched the record as soon as he saw him. Tall, slender, walks on two legs, arms, hands, fingers, five of them, yes definitely a human. But how is this possible?

Zero pondered this in silent contemplation until...
"Not to say that I don't see you the same."
"Huh?" Zero had to read the situation quickly "Oh, uh, no problem!"

"I am starting to worry about Fluffy though, I wonder when she's going to get here, and for that matter, what she'll end up wearing. I think it might also have places to hide knives if I know her."

Zero changed the subject REAL quick in hopes of not getting caught eyeing the human.


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
Dandy finally realized that people have arrived. Embarrassed, he puts a bookmark in his book, and walks over to the group.
"Hello and welcome, everyone! Although you've already seemed to make yourselves comfortable. So, Zeel, I'm somewhat surprised you could make it."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Zeel gives his earnest grin, "My brother, the feeling is mutual."

OOC: ...In truth he kinda talks to Weylyn more like a dad and doesn't quite realize it. ^^' And on that note...

"By the way... how well have they been able to feed you at the council...? I suspect if anyone would be prepared to accommodate a predator it'd be them, but I still sometimes wonder..."
"Yes, my ability to eat properly has been improved since I made it to the council. They have a program for all the puppies to make sure they're fed so it isn't the best of meals, but I make due."
"Hey Blue, I-"

"I was rudely cut off by this... creature that sprung forth from Zeel's book. It looked like a creature most tall an-.... wait... was that... is that... a human? Cut the music, CUT THE MUSIC!"

"..." Zero says nothing as he takes in Zeel's demon. His inner music having scratched the record as soon as he saw him. Tall, slender, walks on two legs, arms, hands, fingers, five of them, yes definitely a human. But how is this possible?

Zero pondered this in silent contemplation until...

"Huh?" Zero had to read the situation quickly "Oh, uh, no problem!"

"I am starting to worry about Fluffy though, I wonder when she's going to get here, and for that matter, what she'll end up wearing. I think it might also have places to hide knives if I know her."

Zero changed the subject REAL quick in hopes of not getting caught eyeing the human.
"Fluffy? Zero, I can tell she really likes you. You're being a positive influence on her just by being here for her, and at least I believe it's doing a world of good. If she tries to knife someone, just tell her you aren't okay with doing that here, she'll probably listen to you." Weylyn seems to not worry.
"You're being unusually optimistic about all this." Blue questions
"I got some advice from a friend."


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
"Yes, my ability to eat properly has been improved since I made it to the council. They have a program for all the puppies to make sure they're fed so it isn't the best of meals, but I make due."
"Ah I see, well, good to know they're able to keep you healthy. But uh... well..." Zeel had something he wanted to share on this matter but as he looked out into the growing crowd, decided to bite his tongue. "Ah, nevermind, something to talk about later."

Dandy finally realized that people have arrived. Embarrassed, he puts a bookmark in his book, and walks over to the group.
"Hello and welcome, everyone! Although you've already seemed to make yourselves comfortable. So, Zeel, I'm somewhat surprised you could make it."
"Yes, I must admit I hadn't been planning on it, in truth I had forgotten what day it was. Spent most of the last few months in a bit of an isolation, you understand..." he pauses a bit at this thought, before casually continuing. "If I had realized I'd end up here today I would've brought Fringe with me. Both of our homes growing up aren't that far from here, and it's been quite a while since we've been back. It would've been a nice little nostalgia trip, but I'm sure there'll be other times."


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
"Fluffy? Zero, I can tell she really likes you. You're being a positive influence on her just by being here for her, and at least I believe it's doing a world of good. If she tries to knife someone, just tell her you aren't okay with doing that here, she'll probably listen to you."
"Eheheh, yyyeah, sure will do can!" Zero all but sputters.

With cheeks burning hotter than the sun at breaching the subject of affinity, Zero decides to move the conversation along, in hopes of straying away from the topic.

"So, Dandy, would you mind showing us the way to the refreshments? I'm quite parched." Zero says none too subtly.

"A-and while we're at it why don't we see if we can't find more of our acquaintances inside?"


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
"Down that hall is the central room, where the majority of the guests are concentrated," Dandy says, apparently feeling like talking smart in that particular moment. "Though, I'm not sure how you've gotten so thirsty, considering you're a machine."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Certainly. You and your friends are always welcome here. By me, at least. Fleece feels like the Patrol don't trust him now that he has the mark."
Weylyn waits for Zero to get his directions then uses the opportunity to ask a question he felt would otherwise be a downer. "So, if that's how the patrol thinks of Fleece, they likely don't think to kindly of me. Am i correct? If you don't mind, I think I should speak with him, If only to let him know that he has more allies."


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
While mid conversation a portal appears on the top of the windmill, right above Zero

Fluffy falls from the portal ono Zero's back, landing without a scratch.

Hey Zero, you missed me?

Fluffy looks around to the others

Weylyn, Dandy, Zeel, good to see you

Fluffy is looking at Zeel when saying the three names, she breaks eye contact before anybody could respond, looking down at a knife Fluffy seemed to drop during her fall

Opps must of dropped this,

Fluffy picks up the knife and puts it into her floofz were it seems to just disappear.

Fluffy continues to smile, chaos flowing through her eyes.


Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
While mid conversation a portal appears on the top of the windmill, right above Zero

Fluffy falls from the portal ono Zero's back, landing without a scratch.

Hey Zero, you missed me?

Fluffy looks around to the others

Weylyn, Dandy, Zeel, good to see you

Fluffy is looking at Zeel when saying the three names, she breaks eye contact before anybody could respond, looking down at a knife Fluffy seemed to drop during her fall

Opps must of dropped this,

Fluffy picks up the knife and puts it into her floofz were it seems to just disappear.

Fluffy continues to smile, chaos flowing through her eyes.
Weylyn smirks at Fluffy. "Hey Fluffy, nice to see you too. I have a feeling that you'll want to keep my intrusions to a minimum today, so say the word and I'll leave you two alone."


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Weylyn waits for Zero to get his directions then uses the opportunity to ask a question he felt would otherwise be a downer. "So, if that's how the patrol thinks of Fleece, they likely don't think to kindly of me. Am i correct? If you don't mind, I think I should speak with him, If only to let him know that he has more allies."
"Indeed, he should certainly know he has friends on the other side, as it were." Zeel agrees, "My encounter with him was brief, but I don't think that mark poses any threat any more."

While mid conversation a portal appears on the top of the windmill, right above Zero

Fluffy falls from the portal ono Zero's back, landing without a scratch.

Hey Zero, you missed me?

Fluffy looks around to the others

Weylyn, Dandy, Zeel, good to see you

Fluffy is looking at Zeel when saying the three names, she breaks eye contact before anybody could respond, looking down at a knife Fluffy seemed to drop during her fall

Opps must of dropped this,

Fluffy picks up the knife and puts it into her floofz were it seems to just disappear.

Fluffy continues to smile, chaos flowing through her eyes.
Initially, Zeel is surprisingly pleased to see Fluffy again, perhaps from instinct; but upon seeing the look in her eye he's reminded of where they stand.

"Ah... yes, welcome." is all he says, glancing away.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Weylyn smirks at Fluffy. "Hey Fluffy, nice to see you too. I have a feeling that you'll want to keep my intrusions to a minimum today, so say the word and I'll leave you two alone."
Thank you, but maybe later, we are here to party after all, I've never been to a party before, I'm so excited

Initially, Zeel is surprisingly pleased to see Fluffy again, perhaps from instinct; but upon seeing the look in her eye he's reminded of where they stand.

"Ah... yes, welcome." is all he says, glancing away.
Zack materializes to the side of Zeel, with his normal always serious sounding voice

Zeel I want you to know I understand why you did what you did, and I can assure you nothing will come to those who don't instigate any trouble, I can respect you for your hard decision and assure you Fluffy will cool off and everything will be fine.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Thank you, but maybe later, we are here to party after all, I've never been to a party before, I'm so excited

Zack materializes to the side of Zeel, with his normal always serious sounding voice

Zeel I want you to know I understand why you did what you did, and I can assure you nothing will come to those who don't instigate any trouble, I can respect you for your hard decision and assure you Fluffy will cool off and everything will be fine.
Weylyn tilts his head in confusion "What decision are you talking about? And why would Fluffy need to 'cool off'? Can one of you two tell me what's going on? I appear to have missed something important"


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Thank you, but maybe later, we are here to party after all, I've never been to a party before, I'm so excited

Zack materializes to the side of Zeel, with his normal always serious sounding voice

Zeel I want you to know I understand why you did what you did, and I can assure you nothing will come to those who don't instigate any trouble, I can respect you for your hard decision and assure you Fluffy will cool off and everything will be fine.
More than a little surprised, Zeel nods in gratitude.

"Well thank you Zack, I appreciate you taking the time to say that when you didn't have to. But to be honest with you, it's losing a family member that bothers me, more than any fear..." Zeel laments for a bit before continuing, "How are things in Velvetia anyway? I realize this might be a rough transition for many..."


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Weylyn tilts his head in confusion "What decision are you talking about? And why would Fluffy need to 'cool off'? Can one of you two tell me what's going on?"
"Oh... I'm sorry, with where you work and all, I suppose I just assumed it'd make it through the grapevine..." Zeel responds, scratching his head a bit awkwardly. "Fluffy isn't... staying with us anymore."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Oh... I'm sorry, with where you work and all, I suppose I just assumed it'd make it through the grapevine..." Zeel responds, scratching his head a bit awkwardly. "Fluffy isn't... staying with us anymore."
Weylyn took a second to realize what was meant by that with the previous mention of a decision being made... "You can't be serious... Fluffy just SAVED the prime minister of the Pom Patrol!" Realizing that he's probably bothering the rest of the tenants of the Gala, Weylyn calms down, but still looks a bit miffed. "I normally trust your decisions Zeel, but we'll need to have a chat about this later."


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Weylyn took a second to realize what was meant by that with the previous mention of a decision being made... "You can't be serious... Fluffy just SAVED the prime minister of the Pom Patrol!" Realizing that he's probably bothering the rest of the tenants of the Gala, Weylyn calms down, but still looks a bit miffed. "I normally trust your decisions Zeel, but we'll need to have a chat about this later."
"Yes, I understand." Zeel replies with a sigh. "For now, just know I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think it was the right thing for her. Not everyone should walk the same path and I think she's found hers."


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
More than a little surprised, Zeel nods in gratitude.

"Well thank you Zack, I appreciate you taking the time to say that when you didn't have to. But to be honest with you, it's losing a family member that bothers me, more than any fear..." Zeel laments for a bit before continuing, "How are things in Velvetia anyway? I realize this might be a rough transition for many..."
Oh its fine and all, just hateful glares, death threats and an assassination attempt, same old same old as any town or big city. But I'll let you know Fluffy's happy there and is growing a great relationship with Feanor. Who do you think gave Fluffy that dress, knowing her if she dressed herself, she would come in a fur suit.

Zack smiles just a little when speaking about Fluffy's and Feanor's relationship.

Weylyn took a second to realize what was meant by that with the previous mention of a decision being made... "You can't be serious... Fluffy just SAVED the prime minister of the Pom Patrol!" Realizing that he's probably bothering the rest of the tenants of the Gala, Weylyn calms down, but still looks a bit miffed. "I normally trust your decisions Zeel, but we'll need to have a chat about this later."
Fluffy just watches and begins to pull out a knife with rage in her eyes, but calms down and instead twirls in in her hoof.


Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Yes, I understand." Zeel replies with a sigh. "For now, just know I wouldn't have done it if I didn't think it was the right thing for her. Not everyone should walk the same path and I think she's found hers."
Weylyn lets out a sigh of his own "I suppose that I shouldn't blame you too much for doing what you thought was right... even if I don't particularly agree with it's implementation."
Fluffy just watches and begins to pull out a knife with rage in her eyes, but calms down and instead twirls in in her hoof.
Weylyn notices and decides to drop the subject to try and stop her bad mood. "So Fluffy, ready for your first party? This is actually the first formal party I've been to as well, so I should try to enjoy myself too rather than get bogged in all this talk of work, as that just ends up boring and sad, right?" Weylyn puts on his best excited smile, making himself look like a rediculously happy fluffy eared cat


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
Oh its fine and all, just hateful glares, death threats and an assassination attempt, same old same old as any town or big city. But I'll let you know Fluffy's happy there and is growing a great relationship with Feanor. Who do you think gave Fluffy that dress, knowing her if she dressed herself, she would come in a fur suit.

Zack smiles just a little when speaking about Fluffy's and Feanor's relationship.
"Mmm, about as expected then..." Zeel remarks without a hint of irony. "But the first few months are always the hardest. I'm sure she'll grow on them... as she does..."

Zeel pauses in thought for a moment, debating his next question.

"...Zack... you've seen the two of them interact a lot more than I have, I'm sure. Can you tell me... what is it about Feanor...? We took Fluffy in when everyone else was afraid to, we did everything we could to make her feel accepted, but she's never opened up to anyone like she has with her. Why can she reach her, when no else can...? Do you have any idea?"


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
Weylyn lets out a sigh of his own "I suppose that I shouldn't blame you too much for doing what you thought was right... even if I don't particularly agree with it's implementation."

Weylyn notices and decides to drop the subject to try and stop her bad mood. "So Fluffy, ready for your first party? This is actually the first formal party I've been to as well, so I should try to enjoy myself too rather than get bogged in all this talk of work, as that just ends up boring and sad, right?" Weylyn puts on his best excited smile, making himself look like a rediculously happy fluffy eared cat
Weylyn's fluffy cat look cheers Fluffy up as she screams drawing the attention of everybody around.

Yay lets party like we just saved the Prime Minister, Hi-ho Zero.
"Mmm, about as expected then..." Zeel remarks without a hint of irony. "But the first few months are always the hardest. I'm sure she'll grow on them... as she does..."

Zeel pauses in thought for a moment, debating his next question.

"...Zack... you've seen the two of them interact a lot more than I have, I'm sure. Can you tell me... what is it about Feanor...? We took Fluffy in when everyone else was afraid to, we did everything we could to make her feel accepted, but she's never opened up to anyone like she has with her. Why can she reach her, when no else can...? Do you have any idea?"
I'm assuming its what happened while we were escaping with the Prime Minister, Feanor got trapped under some rocks and for some reason Fluffy risked her own life and the Minister's to save Feanor. Otherwise I don't know I've been wondering myself considering their past quarrels.


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
I'm assuming its what happened while we were escaping with the Prime Minister, Feanor got trapped under some rocks and for some reason Fluffy risked her own life and the Minister's to save Feanor. Otherwise I don't know I've been wondering myself considering their past quarrels.
"Hm... I suppose a situation like that, you can't exactly replicate... and perhaps it is just that simple." Zeel shakes his head and lets out a little laugh. "To be honest with you, I think I'm a little bit jealous, silly as that is... but the important thing is, she's managed to find someone she can connect with. And now, with any luck, they'll never have to be separated."


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Hm... I suppose a situation like that, you can't exactly replicate... and perhaps it is just that simple." Zeel shakes his head and lets out a little laugh. "To be honest with you, I think I'm a little bit jealous, silly as that is... but the important thing is, she's managed to find someone she can connect with. And now, with any luck, they'll never have to be separated."
well until Fluffy outlives Feanor anyways. But yes let us both hope for the best.


Don't be afraid of the dark
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Gadsden, AL
well until Fluffy outlives Feanor anyways. But yes let us both hope for the best.
"Mmm... in any case, thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Zack. It's... a sensitive subject, and you've given me some comfort on it. It means a lot." He gives him a bow, smiling weakly.


Elsewhere, Hominid and Blue are off conversing, in-between their brand of demonic ruckus.

"...so as I was saying to the Duchess only yesterday, I uh..." Hominid drones on, mid-conversation. "...oh, hold up! Found a good mark!"

Hominid floats towards an unsuspecting alpake as she's pouring a cup of punch for herself. Slowly he creeps up behind her, a vicious grin spreading across his nearly blank face. Without warning he leaps into her, burrowing into her very soul.

Her head shoots up with a gasp, and in a blink, her consciousness fades, her eyes turning into blank spaces, her pupils and irises disappearing into a murky white. Her shocked expression is swiftly replaced by a vile smirk.

The now-possessed alpake takes a slow, deliberate, menacing step forward...

...and proceeds to ram her own head into the punch bowl.

Hominid leaps out of her, already cackling up a storm as she pulls her head out from the bowl, gasping both for air and out of shock. She looks around rapidly, understandably confused, before spotting the demon lying back on thin air, holding his ribs and laughing his head off. She shoots him a dirty look before running off, trying to hide her face out of shame.

Hominid scratches his head and shrugs. He looks at Blue and gestures towards the fleeing ungulate. "Tch, race full of stiffs, am I right?"
Last edited:


Alpaka Representative/Robot Family Bear
Crowdfund Backer
Feb 3, 2016
Bryan, Texas
Zero, as he's walking away, gets jumped on by Fluffy.

"Yaaah! Wh-who!? Uhh...."


"Hi Fluffy. What are yo-"

Hi-ho Zero.
"Eep! Goooing!"

Zero just did as he was told and started going, where, he had no idea. Well, he did have one idea, but that was a more... intimate idea.


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
"Mmm... in any case, thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Zack. It's... a sensitive subject, and you've given me some comfort on it. It means a lot." He gives him a bow, smiling weakly.
I'm glade I can hel..

Before Zack can finish his sentence, her is pulled away by the invisible chain that attaches him to Fluffy.

Zero, as he's walking away, gets jumped on by Fluffy.

"Yaaah! Wh-who!? Uhh...."


"Hi Fluffy. What are yo-"

"Eep! Goooing!"

Zero just did as he was told and started going, where, he had no idea. Well, he did have one idea, but that was a more... intimate idea.
Fluffy screams with joy as she rides Zero off.


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
I'm happy for your support, Weylen. I just wish that I could do something about Fleece's public image. But I suppose that's something that Fleece holds the most responsibility for.
Nevertheless, I shall not dwell on that tonight. Go mingle and stuff. I'm sure to find something fun to do.
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Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
I'm happy for your support, Weylen. I just wish that I could do something about Fleece's public image. But I suppose that's something that Fleece holds the most responsibility for.
Nevertheless, I shall not dwell on that tonight. Go mingle and stuff. I'm sure to find something fun to do.
"You're right, I shouldn't dwell either. I suppose I should try and catch up with those two now... wherever they went." Weylyn walks slowly, trying not to hurt himself, after Zero and Fluffy."
Elsewhere, Hominid and Blue are off conversing, in-between their brand of demonic ruckus.

"...so as I was saying to the Duchess only yesterday, I uh..." Hominid drones on, mid-conversation. "...oh, hold up! Found a good mark!"

Hominid floats towards an unsuspecting alpake as she's pouring a cup of punch for herself. Slowly he creeps up behind her, a vicious grin spreading across his nearly blank face. Without warning he leaps into her, burrowing into her very soul.

Her head shoots up with a gasp, and in a blink, her consciousness fades, her eyes turning into blank spaces, her pupils and irises disappearing into a murky white. Her shocked expression is swiftly replaced by a vile smirk.

The now-possessed alpake takes a slow, deliberate, menacing step forward...

...and proceeds to ram her own head into the punch bowl.

Hominid leaps out of her, already cackling up a storm as she pulls her head out from the bowl, gasping both for air and out of shock. She looks around rapidly, understandably confused, before spotting the demon lying back on thin air, holding his ribs and laughing his head off. She shoots him a dirty look before running off, trying to hide her face out of shame.

Hominid scratches his head and shrugs. He looks at Blue and gestures towards the fleeing ungulate. "Tch, race full of stiffs, am I right?"
Blue laughs for a bit.
"I'm pretty sure I'd be a bit miffed too! I find it comical that you use these powers in this way, but I probably shouldn't be too surprised. I like to pull a prank or two myself." Blue smirks wickedly. "Like this one time I took the head pig in his sleep and put him on a table with an apple in his mouth and then wrote my name on the ceiling in blood! You should have SEEN the look on his face!" Blue cackled just from remembering it.