well until Fluffy outlives Feanor anyways. But yes let us both hope for the best.
"Mmm... in any case, thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Zack. It's... a sensitive subject, and you've given me some comfort on it. It means a lot." He gives him a bow, smiling weakly.
Elsewhere, Hominid and Blue are off conversing, in-between their brand of demonic ruckus.
"...so as I was saying to the Duchess only yesterday, I uh..." Hominid drones on, mid-conversation. "...oh, hold up! Found a good mark!"
Hominid floats towards an unsuspecting alpake as she's pouring a cup of punch for herself. Slowly he creeps up behind her, a vicious grin spreading across his nearly blank face. Without warning he leaps into her, burrowing into her very soul.
Her head shoots up with a gasp, and in a blink, her consciousness fades, her eyes turning into blank spaces, her pupils and irises disappearing into a murky white. Her shocked expression is swiftly replaced by a vile smirk.
The now-possessed alpake takes a slow, deliberate, menacing step forward...
...and proceeds to ram her own head into the punch bowl.
Hominid leaps out of her, already cackling up a storm as she pulls her head out from the bowl, gasping both for air and out of shock. She looks around rapidly, understandably confused, before spotting the demon lying back on thin air, holding his ribs and laughing his head off. She shoots him a dirty look before running off, trying to hide her face out of shame.
Hominid scratches his head and shrugs. He looks at Blue and gestures towards the fleeing ungulate. "Tch, race full of stiffs, am I right?"