[FactionRP] The Pom Patrol [Pom]


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
"I mean, I guess. I never used to do... much of anything before I joined the Patrol. And when I got put in charge, I thought I really had a chance to change things for the better." Fleece sighed.

"I think I've done that. All the factions are closer than ever now. I just wish it didn't hurt as much. I guess if it was easy someone would have done it years ago. Do you think... the Pom Patrol want me in charge?"


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
"I don't know how to answer that. I certainly want you in charge, and I will stick by you no matter what happens. But the truth is, I wish I could help you much more than what's within my power. I will support you, but you must be willing to hold your ground."


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
"Yeah. Hold my ground. Right... thanks Dandy." The Prime Minister smiled - not forced this time, a genuine, thankful smile. He gets up off the couch and stretches. His voice returns to its normal cheerful Executive Mandated Toy Hoers.

"Oh, and by the way, Dandy, thanks for taking care of the place for me. It looks good. I have a question though... I had a map around here somewhere and I can't seem to find it. Do you have any idea where it went?"


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece shook his head and sighed. "Ugh, Zero... I'll have to remember to talk to him about that the next time I see him." With that, Fleece returned to his desk and continued working as he always had.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
"Hm? Who could that be?" Fleece makes his way towards the front door. Despite the intensity of the knock, Dandy remained asleep on the couch. Fleece decides not to wake him. Fleece opens the door.


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
Before the Minister stands a large bull, whose eyes are vacant, a facing in oppisate directions. Even if the symbol on his head didn't give away his brainless nature, the slightly slacked jaw and hanging tongue plants doubts into the mind of his intelligence before he was taken. Upon his back is a crate nearly half his size, that he sets down upon the ground. He gives it shove towards you, and points dumbly at a piece of paper attached to the side of it.


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece recoiled from the large creature and pulled the door until it was almost closed. His experiences with Predator bulls in the past had been... distressing, to say the least. But when it became apparent that the bull was going to remain in place, he opened the door back up again, ever so slightly. Just enough to read the note on the side...


Always watching you
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
behind your curtains
My dear Prime Minister,
It saddens me that I could not be here personally to give you this gift. I have heard of the rather, poor, treatment you received at the hooves of my now very much dead fellow Hunters. It breaks my heart that they would be so bold as to show you to The Door. Rather rude, and I must simply apologize for such barbaric behavior. After all, I imagine all that time, alone, in that cell must have been awful. So, as a way of showing my sincere sorrow and regret, I have sent you this gift to show you a token of good faith. I personally saw to its preparation, and I want you to know that I personally crafted part of it myself. I hope you'll find it will give you the warmth you so sorely need, and the ... companionship ... you have so tragically lost.
Your dear friend,
The Slave of The Masters, Ziege.

As Fleece's eyes finish reading the scroll, it bursts into flames, and the lid of the crate is blown off from the inside by four puppies Fleece knows very well, who now lunge at him with bright, angry marks burning on their heads.
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Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece curses and slams the door in an instant, causing Dandy to jolt awake. Upon realizing that none of the puppies managed to get inside, Fleece breathes a sigh of relief... that is until he sees one of the puppies stick its head through the small doggy door. Before Fleece has time to react, the snarling puppy slips inside, followed closely by another. Lunging faster than he thought he could, especially in his injured state, Fleece reaches out a hoof and slams it down on the doggy door, trapping the remaining two pups outside. The two that had already managed to slip in quickly sink their teeth into the Prime Minister's woolen body, not quite reaching the skin underneath, but gripping like a vice nonetheless. Fleece flips the lock on the doggy door, and turns his attention to the two puppies, Puck and Tushie, ripping into his freshly cleaned coat.

"What's going on!?" Dandy exclaims, stepping forward to help the Prime Minister. Fleece responds hurriedly, being tugged every which way by his once-loyal canine companions.

"I-It's my puppies! They've been put under Hunter mind control! I-I think I can handle these two, but there are two more, probably heading for the other dog door at the back! Stop them!" Dandy still looks as though he wants to help the Prime Minister deal with the two puppies currently ripping into him, but he accepts the order and makes a dash for the back entrance. Fleece calls out after him.

"And don't hurt them! Maybe there's still a way for us to fix thi- OOF!" Puck headbutts Fleece hard, sending him sliding across the polished wooden floor. Tushie is dragged along with him, still biting into his wool. Fleece is able to grip the smaller dog around her head, and with one sharp pull, tears her off (along with a chunk of his coat). In a panic, Fleece tosses the puppy across the room. She rebounds harmlessly off the couch where Dandy was sleeping mere moments ago.

Puck, not wasting any time, makes a leap for Fleece's neck, but Fleece manages to catch him out of the air, inches from his face. With both forelegs occupied, Fleece tucks into a roll across the floor, spinning Puck around and around. Tushie hops off the couch and tries to bite at Fleece's ankles, but not wanting to get kicked by his wildly swinging hooves, she hangs back.

It isn't long before Puck has been dizzied enough for Fleece to push him off and get back on his hooves again. Tushie nips one of Fleece's back legs, but it isn't enough to throw him off balance, and he quickly shakes her off. He makes a run for his study, weaving around the couch and the table, knocking down a few chairs to slow the puppie's down. He manages to reach his office, and turns around to shut the door behind him. He isn't quick enough, as Puck manages to slip inside just as the door closes, leaving Fleece cornered in the tiny room. Tushie, trapped outside, starts to desperately claw at the door.

Fleece begins to back away from Puck slowly - the growling pup taking a few cautious steps towards his former master, trying to calculate what his next move will be. Suddenly, Fleece places his bleeding back leg down on something small and soft. It lets out a loud SQUEEEEAK! Fleece glances down... he has stepped on a rubber dog ball. The familiar squeak causes Puck to stop growling, just for a moment, before the Hunter mind control kicks back in and he turns hostile once again. An idea begins to form in Fleece's head. Puck always was the playful one...

"Hey boy..." he says, reaching slowly down. "You wanna play? Huh? You wanna play fetch?" Despite the puppy's continued growling, Fleece notices the tiniest hint of a wag in his tail. Fleece picks up the rubber ball and gives it a few squeaks. Puck's ears perk up, and his growling becomes much quieter. Fleece takes a quick moment to glance around the room and... perfect! With an expert toss, supported by many years of fetch practice, Fleece arcs the ball through the air and sinks it directly into the center of an open cardboard box on the other side of the office. Puck, unable to contain his playful nature any longer, leaps in after it.

Fleece quickly gathers the heaviest books he can, closes the box, and places the pile on top of it. Puck, realizing that he has been trapped, begins barking and snarling harder than ever. But it's no use; the small pup can't manage to get a grip on the inside of the smooth cardboard. Fleece breathes another sigh of relief, then turns his attention to the second puppy, who is still scratching at the office door. Fleece considers his options.

"Hmm. I was able to trick Puck by using his playfulness against him... so what do I know about Tushie? She's small... she's quiet... she likes to sleep..." Another idea springs into the Prime Minister's head. He carefully approaches the door and presses an ear against it. Then he clears his throat and, ever so softly, begins to sing the first song that comes to his head...

♪ "...Hey pup. How are you? You look like an angel...
I haven't seen you... since I fell asleep...
We should calm down, pup...
Dandy is waiting..." ♫​

Fleece could hear his words having an affect on the small dog. She stopped scratching the door for a moment and just listened, still growling under her breath.

♪ "Look at us, standing here...
Dreaming, pretending...
I made a promise... and I took a vow...
We wrote a story...
And Ziege changed the ending...
Tushie, just look at us now..." ♫​

Fleece never considered himself the best singer in the world, but he was clearly good enough, as the puppy had gone completely silent and slumped against the door. Cautiously, Fleece creaked it open. As he suspected, Tushie had been lulled to sleep by the familiar voice. Still singing, Fleece retreated back into his office, trailing blood from his injured ankle, and grabbed another box. Then he gently set it down over the pup and placed a few more books on top.

♪ "Hold on, facts are facts...
Just relax, lay low...
All right, the panic recedes...
...Nobody needs to know..." ♫​
OOC: For those of you wondering, Fleece was singing to the tune of this song.
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Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece happily returns the hug.
"Hey Dandy! It's nice to see you too! Please, take a seat."
Fleece makes his way over to a chair and sits down, gesturing for Dandy to do the same.
"So, I trust you're here to talk about the gala?"


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Unfortunately for Fleece, at this exact moment he had decided to take the first sip from a glass of water he had just poured. The question causes the Prime Minister to splutter. Once he regains composure, he speaks.
"Well, I mean... not really but..." The Prime Minister chooses his words carefully.
"I have however... made arrangements with Feanor of Velvetia... to personally escort her around The Meadow. Y'know, as a diplomatic tour. So dating will have to go on hold while I... do that." Fleece takes a casual sip from his now half-empty glass. "Why do you ask?"


I for one welcom our new ruler Smugdeer
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
OOC: A Creature enters from the shadow, "I ship it", and leaves were they came from


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
Dandy seems...paralyzed by this info, before he bursts out laughing. Y'know, really loud laughter. When he calms down enough to speak again, he says, "Ohhhh, you have no idea why I find that so funny. It's a long story, and we probably have time to tell it. So buckle up..."


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
"Ahem, so, the big reason that I joined my most recent mission, other than gaining some experience as a warrior, was to get closer to Hurri. Y'know, the lightning bird. It's hard to explain why, man. There was just something I found charming in him, y'know? So I jumped at the chance to work with him.
"But then I found some complications that deterred me from pursuing a relationship with him. He wasn't really the guy I imagined him to be (although I know that that's what everybody says), and he had eyes for another in the end.
"But while we were coming back to wrap up our mission, with my romantic plans discarded, I began making backup plans. Why I found your situation so humorous is because you guys were my plan B and C. You both are fairly close to me, and in my disappointment, I told myself that you guys would do just fine.
"Now though, I'm a little ashamed of thinking like that. I decided to check out Hurri because the idea to do so came into my mind and then I sorta had to give it a shot. I don't regret doing so, especially since I made new friends in the process, but my reaction to my 'failure,' I feel, is something I wish to avoid doing again. As they say, romance cannot be forced, and I should not have pushed harder when my efforts failed.
"After all, I'm still quite young, and I believe enough in miracles. I'm sure the time when my efforts succeed will come around eventually."


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece looks a little unsure what to say, but his expression soon softens.

"Oh. Well, I can't say I expected this. I'm flattered, of course... and I'm sorry to disappoint you. I guess there's no point keeping it a secret that I kinda have a thing for Feanor... But hey, like you said, you're still young. Young and charming. You'll find someone before too long... maybe even at the gala! Besides, if you're really lucky, you'll find someone who isn't a kidnapper!" Fleece looks serious for a moment.

"I'm, uh, sure you'll forgive me if I don't extend an invitation to the Hunter faction. I'd heard that you went on some sort of quest with Hurri recently, but he still has a lot to apologize for. Not just to me, but to the Pom Patrol. Inviting him to The Meadow might send the wrong message..."


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
"I won't stop you." Fleece's posture changes slightly.
"So, uh... what do you think? Me and Feanor? Could you see it... working?"


Sheep Dude
Banished to the Hold
Feb 4, 2016
Southeastern United States
Dandy scrunches his face in thought for a moment. "I don't know. Feanor's a nice lady, and she helped me out when I needed it some time ago, but I honestly don't know her all that well. I actually stopped by her home on the way back to the Council, to get some news and to get to know her better, but she wasn't home and I didn't feel that I should wait for her. Really, I'm not sure how matching you two together will work out. But I'll have your back, as always. After all, this is a nice opportunity for me to chat with Feanor as well. Or maybe not, since that's kind of a jerk move."


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
"Hey, you're my assistant. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to chat with her. Just try not to be TOO hunky around Feanor."

"Anyway, I think that about covers the ins-and-outs of the gala. Be sure to get the name of anyone who wants to take part in the baking contest. I'm putting my name in the hat this year as well."

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
The two hear a slight chuckle that cuts itself off rather quickly. "Well... no point in hiding anymore" Blue materializes not far from the two sheep "Sorry for intruding, I arrived a little while ago and didn't want to distract you two from your conversation.... and then it got personal...." Blue looks a bit ashamed.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Aww, Blue! I'm fine with you stalking me, but Fleece? That's not cool, girl.
"St-stalking? I have a feeling you prey see that word differently than I do... anyway, is there a way I could help with the Gala? There's not much else I can do right now unless the hunters start acting up again." Blue seems a bit eager to get started


Springbok when
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 3, 2016
New Zealand
Fleece recoils in fright.
"Ah! Oh for- do demons ever KNOCK?" The Prime Minister sighs.
"You're Blue, right? Demon companion of the Darkside representative? Well Dandy usually handles all matters relating to the UFC, so if you want to be involved, I'm sure he can find you something to do." Fleece stands and brushes off his wool.
"I don't want to seem rude, but I'm presenting to the Pom Patrol today and it's about time I started getting ready. I'll see you both soon." Fleece gives Dandy a reassuring smile, then makes his way upstairs.

OOC: I'm off for a while, so feel free to carry on without me.

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
Blue turns to Dandy "Well, for the record, I only knock for superiors... which is to say I never knock... Anyway, he said that you'd have an idea on where to start right? Go on, tell me." Blue is visibly shaking in anticipation

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council

Scene jump cuts to the gala building

We set up tables."

".,.While we do that, are you alright, Blue?"
Blue lays out the cloth over a table, then responds "What do you mean? Of course I'm all right... what could possibly make you think otherwise? It's not like I've been purposefully following you to avoid being elsewhere or anythi- Ok, fine, yeah... I don't want to go back to Weylyn..." Blue slumps a bit as she utters this

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Huh. And I was thinking you could've been my Plan D. Alright, what's up with that?"
"Well.... I've done some... terrible things.... things that have effected Weylyn personally, and I regret that I didn't notice until it got him hurt badly... I just can't face him, not just because he'll probably be mad, but also because I can't stand see him how he was.... how he probably still is... I need to find a way to make amends somehow, to make things between us less destructive for him..." Blue's fires in her sockets start shaking wildly for a moment, then calm back down slightly "Ooh, it's not anything to fret about though, is it?"

Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"I... I really don't know. Personally what I did was something I would NEVER forgive myself, but-but maybe Weylyn is different? I just don't know what to do.... please Dandy, I've never been this trusting of someone before, what should I do!?" Her eyes burn more wildly than Dandy has ever seen before.... well outside of her fiery form anyway.
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Mighty Alicorn Hunter

Predator Representative of the Darkside
Backers' Beta Tester
Feb 4, 2016
The Council
"Why not... try not to get him hurt in the future?"
"The damage I caused was probably already too much... but I will try to not get my champion hurt in the future.... I just thought he could take that bird..." Blue then realizes what she just said... "Ooh, sorry about the attempt on your crush's life, we were kind of on a battlefield and he kidnapped the Prime minister..." Blue believes now to be the best time to shut up, before she ends up losing more 'friends'.