I have a neat idea. If you have an OC that's a sheep, why not introduce your dogs? I'll go first, I have 2 dogs. They're both female German (Or whatever the Foenum equivalent of German is) Shepherds that were given to me by my cousins because they had no one else wanted them.
First is Helen, who's a sweetheart that knows when to switch from playing to get serious in a heartbeat. She has a splotch of pink on her nose which is how I tell them apart since they look so similar, what with being sisters and all. She loves to run, jump, bark, and generally be close to me at all times of the day.
Then there's Gretchen, who is more "Physical" with her affection. She jumps and leaps and runs into me to tell me... "Hi". She likes to play fetch, run A LOT, eat, run, sleep, did I mention run? She just has A LOT of energy.
They both have mainly black coats, except for a big amount of white fur on their stomachs, that fades into black the further you go down their tummies.
(Side Note: These are my IRL dogs, who I love VERY much and just added into my OC story, because why not.)
P.S Sorry for double posting.